The Breath -Sixth Whale Book 1

By RicciEllis

253 76 72

The Witchfather has been too fixated on the dead to deal with the living and now decades of negligence are ca... More



16 5 2
By RicciEllis

Ofrin was seeing red. It had happened again, and then the bastard had manipulated Shae to stay with him. Still, it didn't matter, his followers had all been rejected by the Witchfather. While he was distracted it was time to do a scouting raid on the temple. In this room, ten witches were gathered. He could live off the energy that was bouncing off the walls. They were nervous, excited and they were listening to him, waiting for his commands. He was more of a witchfather than that fool had ever been. He nodded to Eliza, who began handing out weapons to the group. They had real swords, stolen from the old watchtower on the plains. Eliza had taken a day to haul them all back. To Ofrin they were like the finest treasure trove of quality weapons. To a more objective eye, they were little more than scrap metal. The edges were blunt, the metal dull and brittle from a combination of age and neglect. If someone tried hard enough they could probably impale a person on the blunt tips, but most likely the swords weren't going to be any more effective than metal pipes. Yet he saw gleaming metal and the start of a glorious revolution. All great rebel leaders came from the fringe of society and he was soon going to join their illustrious ranks. This isn't to say that metal pipes aren't more than adequate weapons when swung hard into someone's gut. Just that the images circling through his head of using these weapons to cut down those who defied him were less likely than he expected.

To anyone watching, or listening from a perspective outside that of the groups, and there were two of these individuals watching right then it was undeniably clear that Ofrin and his followers were at best deluded and at worst dangerously insane. Due to the sudden introduction of the weapons, both watchers came to the silent consensus with one another that the group were leaning heavily towards the latter. If Ofrin had displayed any religious beliefs they would have been able to unarguably brand him as the leader of a cult. As they listened to the rambling plan to scout the city both men were surprised that anyone there understood any of it. If the young man were coherent he would be a threat. Charisma oozed from him and despite knowing he was a madman they couldn't help but feel entranced by his passion. Both men were thankful that he hadn't been handed to the wizards. They had to deal with enough power-hungry madmen. They didn't need one that was so... Likeable. 

It was only a matter of time before they would be given the order to dispose of him. However they had been watching him for months and there was just something about him that drew them in, made them feel attached. As the group began to deck themselves in clothing that would let them blend in with the city folk the two watchers left so that they could return to the wizarding guild of Gilvern. The guild should know of the attack. If anything were to further spread the sickness the people would soon be turning on the wizards too. 

They blended into the crowds that flooded the suffocatingly narrow streets and slipped out from the muted daylight of the Halves and into the blinding sunlight of the main streets. "You know what Donnie? I bloody hate the Halves. If it weren't for that Witchfather of theirs I'd try to burn it down myself." Donnie looked at his companion. " Yeah, nothing but filth, John." He agreed. " Nothing but hybrid dog it that rathole, they take all the foreign riffraff." John spat. "Erm John mate, You know I'm not like from Gilvern like originally right? Or even from Kest right?" Donnie asked feeling uncomfortable. John looked him over. " Yeah but you're a Wizard. That's different." Donnie didn't exactly look put at ease by this statement. " How though? Like If I was I dunno born a girl I wouldn't have been taken In by the guild right? on account of being a witch and witches they all live in the Halves, don't they? So the taking in foreign riff-raff is exactly what the guild did with me innit?" Donnie elaborated carefully. Johns brow furrowed. He was known for excellent abilities in memory magic but his own ability to have independent thought needed some through oiling. Eventually, after a long pause, he shook his head. " Nah I don't see it Donnie." was the eventual reply. " It's just there are some pretty girls in the halves John. If they dressed nice and cleaned up a bit. Ones that ain't scared of magic, y'know." He tried a different tack, one more up his companion's alley. " Well of course I'd save the pretty ones, Don." John gave a knowing smile and Donnie decided to give up and try again another day. "Let's just get a move on, Master Stoats will get all ratty if we're late back with crucial information." Changing the subject seemed like the safest option. John grunted. " Old stoats is always in a foul mood."

Donnie looked back a the alley. He'd been found by the guild stranded, alone and half-dead in some rocks on the cloud sea. He'd been barely three at the time but he remembered that'd he'd had a family and sisters. If they had survived where would they have gone?

Ofrin looked at his scouting party. His eyes scanned over the group and his chest swelled with immense pride. He led the group through the back door of his apartment. He had intentionally chosen a house close to the edge of the halves and was excited to see his plans being set into motion. After today he would return triumphant and prove to everyone that the Witchfather was nothing more than a useless fool. The group attempted to move silently and blend in with the crowd. Their efforts were hindered somewhat by the very obvious weapons strapped to their hips or slung across their backs. Lily, a short young woman who was often described as 'bubbly' or 'homely' and one of the more aware members of the group had noticed the stares they were getting as they strode through the streets. Ofrin had told them if they acted with confidence and like they belonged everyone would assume it was true. She was starting to doubt that a little. Actually, as some of the stares and whispers became more threatening than curious she began to doubt it a lot. 

She was used to people staring and making rude comments about her and since joining the group it had happened less often which was why she'd hung around. Right now though as an angry crowd seemed to begin cutting them off from the only way she knew home she wished it was just that. They were in more danger the closer they got to the temple. She reached out to Marlie who was walked beside her and tugged gently on her sleeve. Marlie was a willowy girl with a cloud of auburn hair and a face filled with freckles. Aware that Lily was trying to get her attention Marlie ignored her, she had to be confident. 

Lily gave up on her friend and tried to push towards the front of the group, perhaps if she could convince Ofrin or even Eliza they could turn back before things got out of control. Wizards were lining the rooftops, watching the spectacle unfolding before them. Donnie and John were stood beside Master Stoat who was prepared to observe and document the day's events carefully and objectively. He was hoping perhaps that he could use this as a lesson in objectivity. His two pupils although gifted at recording events were far from objective and it pained him. John was biased against those who he perceived as different to himself and Donnie had too much compassion and struggled to just observe. He could already sense John's excitement and Donnie was rocking on his heels, eyes darting around the scene. There weren't many ways back to the halves from here and all but one of the group seemed unconcerned by the mob. Neither were going to become journeymen at this rate. A lack of impartiality could change the way the events were recorded. They weren't the only ones watching either. The guild's council had wanted every possible angle covered. 

Donnie was on edge. He'd been watching the group for a long time and he knew these people. He knew Eliza with the blonde dreadlocks liked to eat the sweets made in the bakery of Peskies Lane. Gertrude near the centre had a crush on a young lad who came into the halves to sell rags. Kimber had a sick brother to look after, Tara's grandmother had just passed, Jemma fed scraps to stray cats, Astrid and Phili had been courting in secret, Marlie had been teaching herself to read and Lily. He watched Lily the most. He didn't mean to, it was just that the girl with her deep brown hair and ice blue eyes seemed to shine like the sun. He had settled on her now, his heart pounding as she tried to get Ofrin's attention. He hated this, how could anyone watch this and not feel for the girl who'd been dragged out of her depth. There was shouting in the crowd now and someone threw a stone. It caught Eliza's cheek and with a yelp of pain, the other's drew those near useless weapons. He could see Lily's panic and before he had thought it through muttered a quick spell and was in the centre of the group. He grabbed Lily by the hand and muttered the spell again. They were in an alley and he pulled her further in. She didn't need to see this. The sounds were bad enough. Hundred of stones were being pelted at the group, he already knew some of the mob had knives and work tools. They might not seem fancy like swords or spear but a knife if the hand of a butcher could beat a sword in the hand of an untrained fighter. Donnie looked up at the roof briefly he'd most certainly lost his apprenticeship now but he'd saved a life. He had some satisfaction in knowing John might be losing his too, he had seen him for a moment laughing. Laughing at the horror in the street like it was a children's game.

 Lily was terrified and confused one second she was surrounded by her friends and the growing crowd, the next she was alone and being dragged somewhere by a cloaked figure. Then the screams started she could hear Marlie begging them to stop. Astrid sobbing and Eliza was screaming Ofrin's name with all the air she had in her lungs. When it stopped the silence scared her even more. She became unable to process anything other than the fact the hand dragging her was warm. Eventually part of her resurfaced long enough to let out a heartwrenching sob. She didn't care where she went, so long as it was far, far away from here.

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