Manipulator - Tommyinnit Exil...

By milf420

27.4K 997 299

All of Tommyinnit's hard work is blown up by Dream, the only person sticking next to him during exile. When D... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Final Goodbye.

Chapter Eight

1.7K 75 21
By milf420

Home :)

TW: Explosions, alot of blood, fire, manipulation, body mutilation/horror
Stay safe!

Techno and Philza were making their way back to the house just as the sun began to lazily rise above the horizon. Their feet crunching in the snow as the house came into view.

"I'm really glad Tommy shovelled a way back home for us." Techno started. "That's nice, oh yeah I can see the shovel" Phil laughed. The shovel was gleaming in the early-morn light. There was a heap of snow next to the shovel, the path was getting more and more visible as they moved closer.

They soon reached the entrance of the house, just as the sun was approaching the middle of the now blue sky. "Get Tommy mate, we definitely need to thank you" Phil began stomping on the path to flatten it down.

Tommy was no where to be seen." I'll check in the house" Techno began  looking in every place in the house. "TECHNO!" Phil called Techno out to the porch. "Yeah?" Techno stepped out to the porch, Phil was standing next to a smile painted in a deep red blood.

Technos hair slowly realised itself from its neat braid as it slowly rose up with static.



The voices chanted in unison. Phil put a hand on Technos shoulder. "It's alright mate, we'll find him" Phil lowered his voice. "It's dream."Techno began to tie his hair up in a low ponytail. They quickly descended the stairs and began to search the outside of the house.


"Dream, please, where are we going." Tommy replied, his voice weak. Drips of blood began hitting the crisp white snow. Technos old coat was now covered in blood.


The were walking into an open space, Dream stuck out like a sore thumb in the bright white surroundings. Tommy was getting more and more frantic to escape as the as the seconds ticked by.

"I finally found you" :)

"Dream-" Tommy began slowly backing away, his friendship emerald gleaming.

"No, I'm growing tired of your excuses. Hand me everything. I can bring you somewhere safer" :)

Dream's hand reached out towards Tommy. Beckoning for him to follow. Tommy was petrified and began blurting out "I'm sorry" repeatedly.

"Just hand over your things." :)

Dream grabbed Tommy by the shirt, shiv in hand, and pointed it directly in between Tommy's eyes.

"NO-PLEASE I'LL GO I SWEAR I SWEAR PLEASE PLEA-" Tommy was cut off by Dream slashing his cheek. Tears began falling from his eyes as blood began to gush from his cheek, spilling out all over the still snow.

Dream began lighting dynamite with a neon green lighter, before throwing it towards Tommy. Tommy was trying desperately to stop his cheek bleeding both his hands were clasped over his cheek. He didn't see the dynamite meters away from him.

Dream began backing away from the dynamite, laughing wildly.

The explosion sent Tommy crawling backwards. There was a large, cavernous hole next to him.

Tommy's ears were ringing, tears would not stop falling from his eyes, it was now turning the snow a dull grey colour, along with the mass amounts of blood.

"Please..." he whispered over Dreams laughing "I- just... wanna go home..."

Dream pulled Tommy's hair up revealing his bloody face.

"Sorry, but your going to have to work for me now." :)

Dreams never ending smilling and piercing black eyes were now a bad omen, forever.

Dream plunged the shiv into Tommy's chest, causing him to fall to the snow, now in a pool of blood, his head hit a large rock hidden beneath the snow. Now his face was almost completely covered in blood. The dark red blood was dripping from his head.

The metallic taste of blood was now filling his mouth.

Dream now had a bright neon liquid, kept in a glass bottle. He was shaking it playfully.

"It took me a long time to make this. With some help from some.... friends." :)

Dream threw it up and down in his palm, before throwing it full force at Tommy. It smashed right into his hand, leaving a bloody scratch across his hands.

The pungent smell filled Tommy's nose, it was definitely acid. The smell was so strong, Tommy's nose started slowly dripping blood.

Then, the world starting spinning.

Tommy put his hands on his ears in confusion, the ringing in his ears seemed to spread to his entire body.

Dream walked towards him, Tommy was screaming at the top of his lungs now, the pain in his head and body was now unbearable.

All Tommy could see was Dreams boots in the snow. Dreams boot raised in the air, before kicking Tommy's face, knocking him out instantly.


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