Sword of Supremacy (Rwby fanf...


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In the continent of Menagerie, a swordsman takes on the world will he succeed or will he fail... Any art or c... More

Chapter. 1
Chapter. 2
Character Description
Chapter. 3
Chapter. 4
Chapter. 5
Chapter. 6
Chapter. 7
Chapter. 8
Character Description 2
Chapter. 9
Chapter. 10
Chapter. 11
Chapter. 12
Chapter. 13
Chapter. 15
Chapter. 16 Finale

Chapter. 14

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Battle Royale part 2!

As y/n's lightning hit the ground nearby coco she immediately took cover.


Y/n immediately flies into the air as  winds start to furiously destroy the surrounding area, coco holds unto a wall post in order for her to not get dragged away by the winds.

Ruby and yang saw this and they went to the area.

Ruby:"I'll snipe y/n down first"

Yang:"ok aim for a body shot"

Ruby:"ok i'll try..."

As ruby uses Cresent rose in its sniper mode, y/n notices a glint from ruby's sniper and immediately pulls out his katana.


The bullet went straight for y/n's central mass but y/n slices it in half. As y/n did this the winds stopped and coco pulled out her minigun again.

Coco:"your out!!!!"

As bullets start ripping into the air y/n couldn't dodge so he covered himself with his wings, as the bullets hit y/n's wings he could feel the pain.

Ruby:"lets go yang!"

As the two sisters went to where y/n fell, coco walked to the crash site.

Coco:"told ya I'll take you out"

Y/n:"y-yeah y-you totally did, but you forgot something."


Y/n:"i have Tempest!"

Y/n immediately held coco's feet and electricity went though coco taking her out, as coco fell to the ground y/n immediately catched her body.

Coco:"t-thats cheating... I got you...."

Y/n:"sorryy.... Try next time coco...."

Coco then got knocked out, y/n immediately healed any pain coco felt and placed her inside a building to keep her safe and created a barrier around that building.

Few minutes later ruby and yang appeared.

Yang:"where's coco?"

Y/n:"inside there"

He points to the building.

Ruby:"i can't believe it even ms. Coco couldn't take you down.

Yang:" that's my y/n for ya!"

Ruby:" aren't you suppose to be on my side?!"

Yang:" i am, im just complimenting my love... "

Y/n giggled and thanked yang, then slowly took out his katana.

Yang then deployed her gauntlets and rubu deployed her Cresent rose to scythe mode.


Immediately ruby fires five shot towards y/n, y/n dodged the first three and sliced the other two. Yang closed the gap and threw punches left right and center all missing or getting deflected. Y/n jumped back to get some distance and fired multiple fire balls.

Yang took cover as ruby went to the roofs and started firing more shots,y/n sliced all this shots while yang once again closed the gap this time manages to kick y/n in the stomach and sending him few meters back.

As y/n slid across the floor he immediately changes to Permafrost and fired ice pikes towards yang as she punched them spikes breaking them. Ruby fired more shots y/n created an ice wall to block this but yang got close to the wall and broke it but when it was broken y/n was nowhere to be seen.

Ruby:"where did her go?"

Yang:"i dunno!"

Then immediately yang notices y/n flying over ruby.

Yang:"ruby watch out!"

Ruby immediately took cover as y/n blasted the roof where she is with wind,yang immediately launched herself at y/n hitting y/n but getting deflected back ruby then fired three shots and immediately used Cresent rose to try and bring y/n down. Ruby managed to catch y/n off guard and pull him unto the ground creating a crater.


Immediately a pillar of flame shot out of y/n's body sending ruby to the ground and yang aswell. As y/n stands up from the ground his shirt all burnt up and torn. Yang bites her lip.

Yang:"damn thats hot! Literally!"

As y/n held his katana he threw thw scabbard to the side and held the katana both hands,immediately y/n changes to Tempest and accelerates owards yang as she pulled her self from the ground but was too late. With one quick stroke yang falls to the  ground as her bracelet beeps signifying thats she's out.

All that's left is ruby and y/n. Ruby takes her final stand as y/n healed yang.

Immediately after healing yang y/n closes that distance, as the two clashed with their swords yang and coco got retrieved by blake bringing them to a safe place where they can rest.

As ruby and y/n hits and attacked with all their might the ground felt cracking as if a huge battle was happening, then suddenly ruby uses her Semblance and dashes away from y/n to get some distance but y/n knew this so he followed her not giving ruby time to think, then y/n changes to Permafrost then created a wall trapping ruby.

Ruby:"oh mannnn!"

Immediately y/n slashed at ruby as she dodged this, she then countered a kick which connected but did no damage to y/n then ruby started to knock y/n katana back and sent it out of y/n's hands.

Immediately ruby pulls and takes y/n down and ruby saw y/n's aura flickering.

Ruby:"almost there!"

Y/n then grabbed unto ruby but she immediately knocked y/n hands away as y/n got knocked back y/n hit a wall.
Y/n then places both of his hands into the wall breaking it and he walks away.

Y/n:"good ruby.... Almost there!"

Immediately ruby takes initiative and starts firing all o her shots as y/n dodged them then went to take cover, then he changed to blaze and broke the cover where he was and threw multiple fireballs ruby dodged this balls of flame but she was overwhelmed when multiple balls hit her from all sides. Y/n then appeared from yhe dust and punched ruby straight in the chest knocking her to the ground braking her aura and her bracelet beeps.


As all of them sat below a tree they were talking all of them as y/n healed everyone's aura's and body.

Coco:"damn i really thought i was gonna win"

Y/n:"told ya, still need more training coco but i am impressed you managed to keep me really busy with you.

Blake:" mann i didn't think I did so well during that fight. "

Weiss:" you think so? How bout me? "

Ruby:" well i think you guys did great."

Yang:" im so proud of ruby you almost broke y/n's aura right?"

Y/n:"yeah that was really close ruby"

Ruby blushed at the compliments she was being given.

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(I don't own anything. RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth and all art work belongs to their respective owners)