Behind Lock & Key

By axicorn

3.8K 202 44

[before I start I want to give proper credit to Marvel. I do not own any of the characters except Y/n] Y/n w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

440 28 8
By axicorn

Y/n's pov:

Yesterday morning, when I woke up after a nightmare, I wouldn't have believed it if I was told that I would spend the night with the woman I had to ask for help. I might have laughed, but laying here with her in the comfort of her bed under the soft covers I want nothing else.

"Good morning, doll" Agatha smiles and place a soft kiss on my lips, I smile back and blush slightly by the nickname, she noticed and her smile turns into a smirk, she kisses me again.
"Good morning" I say and stretch my body before resting my head on her shoulder.

"Sleepy head" Agatha murmur but doesn't do anything to get up herself, in fact she rest her own head against mine, a moment that does not feel real.

All of a sudden I get ready to wake up somewhere else. maybe I lost too much blood and I'm passed out on the street on my way to Agnes' house, maybe I'm being delusional!
Is it true, that I'm laying here next to my first and only love who died over 300 years ago? I sit up straight and look down at her. Agatha's blue eyes are worriedly looking into mine. She's about to open her mouth, but I softly place my thumb on her lips.
"How are you real?" I sob as a tear escape my eye.

"Oh doll..." she whispers and wipe my tear away with her thumb, "this is real" she sits up, her breath is warm against my lips, I can't possibly imagine this, right?
"Please kiss me" my voice are quiet, but I barely manage to finish the sentence before I feel her warm and soft lips on mine, her warm and soft lips...

The kiss is passionate, but not heated, she's just trying to confirm that she in fact are right in front of me well and alive.
"Y/n..." she whispers as we pull apart.
"I love you so much" I cry and pull her into a hug, "please don't ever leave me again."
Her arms tighten around my body as she whispers; "never."

Agatha's pov:

As I'm getting ready for the day I realize that it's the 80s, which gives me a great idea for an excuse to visit my neighbors to the right, but first I place the warm toast on the table beside the bacon and eggs.

"I was never a big fan of the 80s" Y/n says as she walks into the room with wild curly hair and sticky fingers, as her magic has been striking and her stubbornness refused my help.

"The clothing aren't all too bad" I say biting my lower lip uncertain where the boundary goes, I will never complain about the amount of vests women started wearing, Y/n roll her eyes and sit down.
"No! Stop" I say and grab her hand before she can touch anything, with a snap of my finger her hand isn't as sticky as before and I ask for the other, Y/n pouts and give it to me.

"You're adorable" I chuckle and immediately notice the red color that creeps up in her cheeks, she looks down and grab a toast.
Y/n clears her voice, "so what are you going to do today?" My stomach twist and I suddenly gets embarrassed, why? It's not like I didn't seek power when we knew each other, so why don't I want to tell her now even though she knows.
"Um.. I'm going to visit Wanda and then I thought you might want to... have dinner?" We slept in the same bed and I don't know how to ask her to dinner without blushing, what is wrong with me?

"Sounds like a plan" Y/n says and finally look up, "but while you're gone I'm going to borrow your TV" she blushes, "is it okay that I stay here?"
I smile, we're four hundred years old and we have trouble asking simple questions, "of course it's okay, silly, but what could possibly be so exciting that you want to watch TV?" the few witches I've met since the TVs arrival had all hated television since they usually made witches look like crones.
"Full House" Y/n answers shortly and looks down again, I haven't heard of it.

We eat our breakfast peacefully and try to catch up on some of the weirdest things that have happened over the years while we were apart. It turns out Y/n has been spending quite some times away from the American concenents. While she was gone she tried to learn about the importance of accepting the past, but she chuckles and say she has barely accepted her powers which only makes my heart sink.
Y/n has learned about chanting and a part of me is eager to know more about that kind of magic, but I've also heard about the patience there's needed to successfully cast a chanting spell. Y/n has no idea how powerful she is and I doubt I do either.

"Time flies" I gasp as I look at the grandfather clock, I need to get to Wanda's.
"Wait quick question" Y/n stumble to her feet and the color of her cheeks darkens a shade.
"Sure?" I say and can't help but to smirk.
"Can I pick your outfit for later?" she asks and nervously starts chewing on her lower lip.
"Of course, Love" I say and wink at her, "have fun watching TV" I snap my fingers and the food and plates disappear before our eyes.

"See you later" I say and place a soft kiss on Y/n's forehead, she flustered waves goodbye when I walk out of the door.

Y/n's pov:

As soon as Agatha is out of the door I run upstairs and open her wardrobe, to my disappointment it's empty. Of course it's empty, a witch lives in this house, not an ordinary woman who cooks dinner for her children and wait for her husband to come home. I sigh.
Using my magic to make an outfit would be like using a scissors to brush my hair. I might have some clothes at home but nothing that would fit Agatha very well, maybe I can tell her what I was thinking and she could make it, but that won't be as fun.

I could also, instead of making something appear, transform another piece of useful material, yes, that is what I will do.
I start searching the house for anything useable, I quickly find a rather transparent, white cloth, a black blanket, and a black curtain with flowers. I can work with this.

Without much further ado I take a deep breath and feel my magic spark inside of me, it surprises me, but I've turned my attention fully to the fabrics in front of me and I see the blanket turn into pants, the cloth into a shirt, and the curtain into a vest. I did it!

I exhale relieved and place the clothing on the bed, now I can watch TV.
Agatha's house is much different from mine, she truly tries to fit in, or perhaps she let the enchantments decide the decorations.
It might also be because I am not good at keeping up with the world and rarely know what in and what is last year.

On my way to the living room I cross a door I haven't seen Agatha use before, it could be a storing room. I feel a weird wave of excitement rush over me, but I don't find anything exciting about it, creepy is more the word. I place my hand on the door's knob, I know this is what my magic wants, it wants to open the door and see what made it turn and jump, but I'm just a visitor I can't open this door as a guest, it's wrong.
I let go of the knob and continue my way to the living room where I sit down on the couch and turn on the TV.
"How rude!" A familiar voice says and a small smile is formed by my lips.

Agatha's pov:

Those boys grow faster than lightning strikes, my work here will be done even quicker than I had hoped, then why am I not so happy with it as I thought?
It is very possible Y/n that has found her way fully back in my head after the hundreds of years I tried not to think about her and my past. The truth is I never forgot her, not a single day passed when I didn't think of her, she taught me almost everything I know, but the thought that she might still have been alive never reached my mind, I couldn't even recognize her! Is that wrong of me?
I shake the thought off me and pet the small animal a last time before I leave him wandering around like a stray dog. It looks at me when I walk away, would Y/n hate me if she knew?

I take a deep breath and turn around, these thoughts are a waste of time, my girl is a few meters away and I can't wait to make dinner for her later.
And I can't wait to see the outfit she has chosen for me!

Not me listening to the Four Seasons
as I was writing this :}
Well... guess I can say thank you
for 700 reads... this is crazy :')
Thank you so much for
reading this!!
This chapter was long overdue
I'm very sorry for that
but I haven't forgotten about
this story!! I know exactly where
it's going and how it will end<3

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