First Heir of the Demon (Male...


117K 2.7K 849

Y/N was trained and raised to be the Heir of the Demon, trained by Ra's Al Ghul himself, Talia Al Ghul, Sandr... More

(Saga 1) Chapter 1: Damian?
Chapter 2: 2nd Robin
Chapter 3: The Stronghold
(Saga 1 Finale) Chapter 4: Deathstroke vs Knightcrawler
(Saga 2) Chapter 5: Feather
Chapter 6: Who's the Orphan
Chapter 7: Training
Chapter 8: The Courts of Owl
Brother of Robin
Chapter 9: Batman vs Robin
Chapter 10: Finding Batman
(Saga 2 Finale) Chapter 11: Fight in Wayne's Mansion
Saga 3 Y/N and Cassandra's Bio
Saga 3 Trailer
(Saga 3) Chapter 12: Who's the girl?
Chapter 13: Shopping
Chapter 14: Hong Kong
Chapter 15: Attack on Hong Kong
Chapter 16: Targeted
Tournament Announcement
(Saga 3 Finale) Chapter 17: Family
(Saga 4) Chapter 18: Where's Batman?
Chapter 19: Batwoman
Chapter 20: Attack on Wayne Enterprises
Chapter 21: Return
Chapter 22: Not over yet
(Saga 4 Finale) Chapter 23: Knightcrawler vs Orphan
(Filler) Chapter 24: Spoiler
5th Saga bio
(Saga 5) Chapter 26: Normal Day
Chapter 27: League of Shadows
New Story (Related)
Chapter 28: Bad to Worse
Chapter 29: Girl of the Shadows
(Saga 5 Finale) Chapter 30: More
(Filler) Chapter 31: Tim Drake
(Saga 6) Chapter 32: Titans

(Filler) Chapter 25: New member

1.5K 40 9

The door of a Japanese restaurant opens showing Y/N and Cassandra entering, as they see a long table in form of a circle with a few things in the middle and a gap for 4 people.

Y/N looks around and sees Michael and Janet seated, as the two walk towards them.

Michael: Took you a while, where were you two?

Y/N: Traffic. So why did you call us to come here?

Michael: Because I have an announcement. No we're not engaged if you're thinking that.

Y/N: I'm not thinking that.

Michael: You think a lot of things, I know you do.

Y/N: Not things out of place!

Michael: You've thought of a lot of things, accept it!

Janet and Cassandra starting a small argument as Janet looks Cassandra.

Janet: Can you control your boyfriend?

Cassandra: Umm... we're not... together.

Janet: Worth the try. So how does it feel to be with him.

Cassandra: Huh?

Janet: How do you feel like living with Y/N in the Manor, now that he isn't away in Hong Kong?

Cassandra looks at Janet and later looks at Y/N who was talking arguing still at Michael, as she smiled.

Cassandra: I feel... more happy than... usual.


Scene shows Y/N catching a small piece of shrimp from the Teppanyaki chef who threw it.

Y/N: That was awesome!

A few applauses including Y/N, Cassandra Michael and Janet were given to the chef who accepted it in a Japanese way. Most people got their plates including the 4 who started to eat.

Y/N: Back to the topic,  what was the announcement?

Michael: Hm? Oh that me and Janet are moving from Gotham.

Y/N: No shit. Where?

Michael: To UK, going to take college there, are you in college now?

Y/N: I'm planning later on, I'm a MMA fighter, 34-5.

Michael: Damn your keeping records.

Y/N: Yeah, I was in Thailand in one of my matches, damn I even got a tattoo in Thai.

Michael: Really? Show it!

Y/N lowered his black hoodie showing his right shoulder.

Michael: That's sick!

Janet: You have a tattoo? You're only 18!

Y/N: And in Thai, 18 is a legal age for tattoo and for drinks, though I actually didn't.

Janet: Are you trying to replicate what happened in the Yatch?

Y/N: Of course not! Don't want this sexy face bleeding again.

Janet: *mocking him* Mjm yeah so sexy, every man says that.

Y/N: Wow, you're a lot more awful than before.

Michael: *whispering to him* I know.


Y/N: Wait! I've known for 2 years and not once you've said your name is Michelangelo?

Michael: She invented that, Michael my full first name.

Cassandra snorted seeing Janet scream at Michael.

Janet: What's so funny Cassandra? Tell me!

Y/N: Yo girl chill, is just your more annoying than before.

Janet: Than before? I'm gonna smack you to Kingdom Come if you don't shut up you worthless traitor son of a-

Michael: Ok sweetie save your anger when you meet Sofia.

Y/N: Who's Sofia?

Janet: A dirty whore trying to steal MY MAN!!!

Y/N gulps after hearing her tone.

Y/N: For once I'm happy I'm not gay!

Michael: For once I'M happy I'm not a bisexual.

Cassandra looks at the two and later pats Janet shoulder.

Cassandra: Please... relax a little.

Janet: No way mujercita! The moment I see Sofia, le voy a dar un HUARACHAZO MEXICANO!!!

Cassandra tilted her head as Y/N appeared by her right side.

Y/N: She's part Mexican, and somehow they came up with the name Janet. *walking away to his seat* I'm gonna ask for more food.

Later the sounds of a few sirens from the police were heard as everyone looks at it.

Michael: Probably some asshole starting a shooting spree.

Janet: Maybe.

Y/N: No it probably is. *raising his hand* The order please.

Scene changes to Knightcrawler and Orphan silently landing in a roof as they saw criminals with guns, and a big man with a minigun. (Area is like Vertigo in Arkham Knight.)

Knightcrawler: Let's leave big boy for last.

Orphan nods and the two go in their respective place. A criminal was walking looking around very calmed.

Criminal #1: How long till Two Face gets the money?

Criminal #2: *comms* Don't rush him, he's flip the coin and blow your head off.

Criminal #1 shakes his head and keeps walking, until Knightcrawler appeared from behind and silently choke him from behind, as he looks in front and sees another Criminal.

Criminal #3: Oh-

He doesn't even finish as a pair of legs appeared from the roof wrapping them around it's neck lifting just for him to pass out. Knightcrawler puts his knocked Criminal down and sees Orphan  running silently over a Criminal who was walking until she grapples and jumps just to swing towards him and enter sliding and pulling the Criminal down and choke her in her back. Knightcrawler looked around and saw two Criminals talking as he runs and leaps to another platform, as he goes down platform by platform as he makes a front flip and smashes both head together as the remaining 4 heard it.

Criminal #3: I heard something.

Criminal #2: We all did! Shit we lost 4!

Criminal: #4: The Bat is her?!

Criminal #2: He is! Eyes open!

The minigun man walks slowly as he looks right and sees Knightcrawler.

Minigun Man: Found you Knight guy!

He starts to shoot at Knightcrawler ran dodging every bullet, as Orphan appeared behind and kicked two in on and later knees the last Criminal leaving the minigun man alone, as she starts to punch him bunch of times.

Minigun man: That barely hurts little girl!

Knightcrawler: She's just playing with you. *the minigun man looks back and Knightcrawler punches him knocking him* I am not!

The two nod each other and run to inside. They hear gunshots and sees a Criminal get kicked back, as they see Spoiler inside.

Orphan: Stephanie?

Knightcrawler: Bruce is gonna kill her.

The two jump and help her. Spoiler gets punched back and she sees Two Face holding a gun.

Two Face: Start running shitty impostor!

He was about to shoot his LMG but a batarang appeared hitting the LMG and explodes, hurting Two Face. Knightcrawler and Orphan land and get back to back with Spoiler.

Spoiler: I didn't need help!

Knightcrawler: Ok, we could just leave you fight them alone!

Spoiler: No! No! No! A few extra pair of hands would be great.

Orphan: Stop talking... and fight.

They started to push back the Criminals with ease. Knightcrawler grabbed a hand which was from a Criminal and threw him to another, as he makes a backflip with Orphan and Spoiler punching it in the face at the same time, as the two fist bump. The two look in front and see a big man with horns in his forehead rushing at the two as they move and dodge it. Knightcrawler kicked one back and later punched another just to see the Human Bulldozer going at him. He smirks after seeing a large red flag. He grabbed and stood in a gentleman pose. He moved slightly and showed the red flag but not before knocking a thug with an elbow. The Human Bulldozer kept running, as Knightcrawler puts the flag in it's face.

Knightcrawler: OleeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

He got taken by the Human Bulldozer but not until he wraps it around it's face and smashes it in the ground just to see a sledgehammer and smash the back of the face with it. He sees a grenade in front and gulps.

Knightcrawler: Son of a-


The grenade explodes sending Knightcrawler back. Spoiler and Orphan keep fighting the Criminals until Two Face walks towards holding the LMG.

Two Face: Bad night Crawler?

Knightcrawler: Yeah! I was enjoying a good meal until you're dumb ass burned face appeared, no wonder your girlfriend left you.

Two Face: You talk to much!

Knightcrawler: Says the guy with 2 personalities. So what do you want? Money? Power? Hot Chicks? No Hot Chicks is too much.

Two Face: SHUT UP!!! *kicks his face and shows the coin* The coin will decide your faith. *he flips it and lands in his hand showing the burned side* Tails... you're not that lucky after all.

Two Face loads his LMG but Knightcrawler stops him.

Knightcrawler: WAAAAAAIT!!!

Two Face: NOW WHAT?!!!

Knightcrawler: To keep it fair. *shows a coin* Heads, you kill me. Tails, we make a Texas Rodeo and we kill each other like two imbeciles.

Two Face points the gun closer to him, as he growls.

Two Face: Flip it.

Knightcrawler flips it, and lands in his hand showing Tails.

Knightcrawler: Huh, Tails. Who kills who?

Two Face: I kill YOU!!!

He was about to pull the trigger, but someone hits him in the back of the head with a metal pipe. Two Face slowly looks back showing Oprhan holding it Spoiler putting down the last Criminal. Two Face lands on his side passed out, as Knightcrawler pats his back.

Knightcrawler: Half a tail!

Orphan and Spoiler extend their hand and help Knightcrawler up.

Spoiler: You're crazy!

Knightcrawler: I've heard that a lot.

Orphan: You... ok

Knightcrawler: Yeah I'm fine, I'll heal in a few hours.

They heard steps in the rain outside, as they see Batman.

Knightcrawler: Uh oh.


Batman: I told you to put the costume back where it belongs, or I would do it for you.

Spoiler: You know I won't.

Batman: You're not well trained, you're not Robin or Nightwing or even Orphan, you're a danger to yourself and others.

Knightcrawler: Batman I think this is a bit too much. Spoiler did well, she is a team player and more people like us can benefit us more.

Batman: Or it could benefit them, she's not careful or silent. They'll know who she is and her father will come for her. Orphan?

Orphan: I... agree with... Crawler. *that caught Batman by surprise* She isn't skilled... but good... she is. I believe... she can be a great partner... and friend.

Batman looks at Orphan and later Spoiler as he starts to get brooding.

Batman: Tomorrow... 11 at night, we'll start your real training. *walking away with the usual frown* Don't be late.

Spoiler: But where will we meet?

Batman: Where we met.

He jumps and glides away.

Spoiler: Wait, does this mean?

Knightcrawler: Welcome to team.

Spoiler straight up hugs both Orphan and Knightcrawler to a bear hug that was basically chocking them.


Knightcrawler: *dying* Please let go... you're chocking us.

Spoiler: Oops.

She let's them go as Knightcrawler lands in his ass while Orphan on her feet.

Spoiler: I'm so excited for tomorrow, later.

Spoiler jumps away as Orphan looks at Knightcrawler.

Knightcrawler: Let's see if she survives tomorrow.

Orphan nods and helps Knightcrawler get up.

Orphan: Home?

Knightcrawler: *nodding* Home.

They both jump away back to the cave to end the patrol.

This is the last filler, next will be the bio's and the 5th saga. Making statements, here Stephanie is as old as Cassandra not a year younger than her like in New Earth, while I think in Earth Prime Stephanie is either as or older than Cassandra since both her and Tim are supposed to be in College. 5th saga takes place in beginnings of February during the snow. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and peace.

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