Devil Knight The Scholars of...

By SinisterEvilPro

32 8 0

One years has pass and Crono Zunder faces his most dangerous enemy an ancient enemy of the Old World return t... More

A Normal Life in Cathedral
The Magical Painting
Scholars of Aria
Seth, God Of Chaos
The Icy Mountain Painting
The Ice Dragon on the Mountain Peak
Return to Sanctuary
Next Course of Action
Return to Monastery Village
The Desert Painting of The Pyramid
The Life of Jophiel
Enemy or Friend
The Iron Golem
Irene, The Little White Bat
Old Cathedral Village
Seth Hijinks
The Painting of The Dark One, Nosefu
Count Nosefu
The Ariaian World Conference
Prime Minister, Hazel
Return to the Angel Realm
The Great Sky Dragon Fortress
Seth's Mad Assault
Crono Zunder vs. Seth, God Of Chaos
The Lords Sword
Crono Erupts
The Sword of Heroes
The Inquisitor Sets Sail

The Forest of Giants

1 0 0
By SinisterEvilPro

A few hours later they reach the Giant forest. Oliver then says, "alright it should be north lads." Crono then says, "lead the way your nose is better then ours Captain." They then start following Oliver into the forest. Azah then says, "you said he had better nose then us." Joel then says, "Oliver has great sense of smell he like a dog." they then Oliver for awhile till he stop. Oliver then says, "there something blocking my smell something by the big tree over there on our left about forty three feet." Abel then says, "what he determined how far it is." Crono then says, "Captain Oliver if we go there it should reset you." Oliver then says, "yes." they then follow Oliver to the tree it was a giant tree with a giant hole in the bottom there they go in the hole.

They go inside the tree trunk there they see what looks like full body Silver Armor the helmet had bat wings on the side and the cage mask. Crono then says, "hey Abel does look like." Abel then says, "the Hero of Aria is this a resting place for him." Oliver then says, "there no body in that armor it empty it was left here by looks of it." Crono then says, "thats mean could the Hero Of Aria be an Ancestor of Cathedral." Joel then says, "possible but we never knew his name remember." Crono then says, "let's keep going but we mark this as place that should not be touch in a way it his grave it time we let him rest in peace now." They then leave the Grave in the tree.

Oliver then goes near then entrance of the grave with a knife and says, "forgive me." Oliver then marks the tree with numbers. Oliver then says, "this so other ranger knows it a grave when we search the woods." Crono then says, "captain have reset." Oliver then says, "yes the village is still about a couple mile north we may reach it by evening by my estimation." Azah then says, "if thats the case." Azah then grabs Crono's right shoulder and turns into his squid form and sits on Crono's right shoulder. Crono then says, "what I'm not your taxi." Azah then says, "I'm tired of walking I'm not a soldier like you and plus ain't you suppose to serve civilians." Crono then says, "yeah you have a point." Joel then says, "just go with it we don't want nightmares tonight." Azah then says, "thats right." Crono then says, "fine just ask next time alright." Abel then says, "any creatures in these woods Oliver." Oliver then says, "yes but the more hostile one wait till the night so we should hurry on to the town at least there we will be safe till tomorrow." Crono then says, "alright lead the way Oliver."

They all then keep walking to Old Cathedral Village. Crono then says, "so why did our ancestors moved to the ocean I didn't pay attention in class when I was younger." Oliver then says, "well besides the monsters we wanted different place so we all migrated to were Cathedral City is they are now near the ocean more to eat out there I might even theorized the Cadet Knights may have been inspired by the Hero of Aria, The Cadets were founder by Sir Lance Cadet when the organization was only twenty people until today an organization of millions under it." Joel then says, "it has come far my adoptive dad was Air force member and my mom was a cook for the cafeteria there that how they meet." Crono then says, "I wonder how my parents meet." Joel then says, "now you mention it I wonder too now your mom was in the war right." Crono then says, "yes but had to come back due to her being pregnant with me but I still don't know who is my father is a demon."

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