My Elemental Beast Hero Acade...

By Weekyle16

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Will Vandom, Izuku Midoriya and Michiru Kagemori are attending at U.A. High School but how will this affect t... More

Izuku Midoriya: Origin
Michiru Kagemori: Origin
What It Takes to Be a Hero
A New Line of Work
Will Vandom: Origin
A New Life
First Day
Roaring Muscles
Start Line
Rage, You Damned Nerd
Deku vs. Kacchan
Michiru Meets Her Match
Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Will!
Encounter With The Unknown
Game Over
All Might & Silver Wolf
In Each Of Our Hearts
That's the Idea, Ochaco
Will's Greatest Secret
Roaring Sports Festival
In Their Own Quirky Ways
Strategy, Strategy, Strategy & Cavalry Battle Finale
The Boy Born with Everything
Victory or Defeat
Battle on, Challengers!
Bakugo vs. Uraraka
Shoto Todoroki: Origin
Battle of the Elements

What I Can Do For Now

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By Weekyle16

The teachers were looking over the exams made for their students's scores.

"Check out the results from the exam." Said a male teacher.

"Wow, the first place student achieved a high score on both the villain and rescue points." Said a female teacher to the first place student, Will Vandom.

"Whereas the second place student only got a high score on the villain points and nothing on the rescue points." Said the female teacher.

"He took down those villains like an ace." Said another male teacher with a different voice.

"When most examines were running from the big obstacle, he stayed focused on destroying the small ones, that kid is tough." Said the male teacher with an impressive tone in his voice.

"On the opposite end, the seventh place student had zero villain points." Said the female teacher.

"He's not the first U.A. Hopeful to take out a giant robot, it's been a while since i saw someone blow it away with one attack." Said the second male teacher.

"But at what cost, did you not see how he injured himself?" Asked the first male teacher.

"If you ask me it's like he's not to his own Quirk in his body." Said the first male teacher.

A man with black hair and clothing with a scarf on his neck was watching the exam with interest before letting a hum.

The night after the announcement, Will and Midroiya went to the same beach were they were training at nightfall, All Might, in his skeletal form, was waiting for all Midoriya and Will.

Both of which were running towards him.

"HEY A-!" Yelled Midoriya before Will clamped his mouth.

She motioned her fingers to show that they were not alone this time.

Getting the message, he calmed down.

"Hey, mysterious person." Said Midoriya.

The three of shared a little laugh before continuing.

"Gotta say, i was a little surprised to hear you were a teacher for U.A." Said Will as Midoriya nodded as well.

"Well the school wanted me to keep it a secret until the official announcement just now." Replied All Might as he looked at the waters.

"It seem like a good timing, a chance for someone to inherit One For All." Said All Might.

Midoriya then realized what meant, when he first mentioned it,

So that's it, he was originally going to give it to a student at U.A., one who was strong and with a quirk. Thought Midoriya as he looked at his hands.

"Speaking of One for All, when Midoirya used that old power of yours, he hurt his entire arm, and all he did was throw punch." Said Will.

"Yeah, what should i do, i can't control it yet." Said Midoriya in fear.

All Might turned around to look at them.

"You'll learn to control it in time, hoping to master it right away is like asking a baby to run a marathon." Said All Might.

"Hold on, you knew i was gonna get hurt that badly?!" Asked Midoirya in shock.

"Well we were in a time crunch, but it turned out alright." Said All Might.

"How is injuring an arm turn out all right?" Asked Will.

"Plus now you know what your dealing with." Said All Might as he let out a thumbs up.

Will gave him a glare.

Why does he keep ignoring my questions? Asked Will in her head.

"Right now your quirk is all or nothing." Said All Might as he picked up a couple of spray cans.

"One day, you'll control your output, then you'll be able to adjust exactly how much power you're using." Said All Might.

"So i just need control." Said Midoriya with a smile.

"Right now your body is flowing with energy with training your body will hold it better." Said All Might as he entered his muscle form and crushed the spray cans.

"Then it's yours to command." Said All Might.

"Hey look it's All Might." Said a man from a pier.

All Might let out a sweat as he just realized his mistake.

Will let out a sweat drop of her own.

How is he supposed to be a teacher of U.A. if he can barley remember his own lessons. Thought Will.

"Great, now we run." Said All Might as he began running.

"Okay!" Yelled Midoriya as he and Will ran after him.

All Might looked at them.

The power i gave you is just a small portion for the moment, but in time it will be kindled raging inferno. Thought All Might.

The more powerful you become, the more you will outshine me, eventually i'll retire and my job complete. Thought All Might as he looked away.

The next morning Midoriya was getting ready to leave for his first day.

"Izuku, your all set?" Asked Inko.

"Yeah." Replied Midoriya without even looking up.

"Are you sure, you didn't just pack action figures did you?" Asked Inko.

Midoriya looked at his mother.

"I have everything, now i gotta go or i'll be late." Said Midoirya as he stood up, picked up his bag and went to leave through the front door.

"Izuku." Said Inko.

Midoriya gave off a sigh and turned around to look at his mother.

"What?" Asked Midoriya, trying really hard not to snap.

He saw his mother in tears as she nodded her head.

"I'm really proud of you, son." Said Inko.

Midoriya gave of a blush before giving off a smile.

"I'll be back soon." Said Midoriya.

Soon he and Will were walking towards U.A.'s school grounds, now as official students.

The ran towards the room they were head towards, Class 1-A.

"C'mon where is it?" Asked Midoriya as he couldn't see it anywhere.

There!" Yelled Will when they finally found and saw how big and large door was, far bigger then a human.

"Man this huge, do giants live here or something?" Asked Midoriya.

"I am the only who thinks this is overkill?" Asked Will as Midroiya shook his head as an answer.

"Excited for your first day?" Asked Will.

"Kinda but i'm kinda worried about two people being here." Said Midoriya.

Will knew who he was talking about, Bakugo and that boy from the Entrance Exams.

"Don't worry, there are different classes, what are the chances that they would even be in this one?" Asked Will, to comfort him.

Midoriya nodded.

"Yeah, your right." Said Midoriya.

They opened the door and went inside, only to find out that luck was not on their side.

"Take your feet off of that desk immediately!" Yelled the boy from the entrance exams.

"Huh?" Asked Bakugo in sarcasm with a smirk on his face.

"It's the first day and your already disrespecting this academy with by scuffing school property, you cretin." Said the boy.

"Your kidding me right, your old school put up a stick up your ass, or were you born with it?" Asked Bakugo which made the boy gasp.


Michiru was now standing in front of the high school she was now gonna be going to for the next 3 years.

She couldn't wait to be able to meet new people but being able to learn and experience what it takes to be a hero.

She was told there are no limits to quirk usage here, as long as she would use them responsibly and when she was allowed to.

The school provided their students with uniforms, for men coming with a dress grey jacket, a white dress shirt, a red tie and black pants.

The girls had the same thing except they wore black skirts instead of pants.

It was good that Michiru was able to be in her Beastman form while being here, she didn't mind not using her power but she felt like she was wearing heels the whole time.

She felt free now she was able to be in Beastman form.

She was glad to come here early before class started, she felt like she was trying to search for her 1st class for ages.

U.A. High was much larger than she thought. Luckily she found it right on time, the door to class 1A was much larger too.

Sheesh do giants go here? Asked Michiru in her head.

She opened the door to see the classroom slightly full, with only 20 desks in the room.

There were about 19 people (herself included) in the classroom meaning everyone was here.

She opened the door seeing some of her classmates, she recognized Jiro and Tokoyami from the start while others she never met.

One boy looked like some kind of dinosaur next to a buff brown haired boy with big lips.

She noticed a girl who was pink and had horns.

Michiru got distracted as she heard the commotion of two of her classmates arguing at each other.

The boy from the entrance exams was yelling at Bakugo to take his legs off his desk.

Apparently the boy with glasses was very crucial about respecting the school and from the looks of the spiky haired boy, he thought he could do whatever he wanted.

"Well just my luck." Said Midoriya as he muttered.

Michiru turned around her to see both Midroiya and Will looking at the duo, one out of fear and another out of anger, she looked back at the two boys arguing making a connection immediately.

"I'm assuming you've sadly met these two before?" Asked Michiru to the duo, Midoriya was caught off guard.

"Oh y-yeah, I kinda wished I didn't have the same classes as them." Said Midoriya as he looked to the side, he hardly talked to girls apart from that red haired girl from what Michiru could tell.

"I figured." Said Michiru as she nodded.

"What gave it away?" Asked Will as she raised her eye brow.

"Well." Said Michiru but she'd didn't have to point out how the two boys were with each other.

"Let's star over, i'm Tenya Ida from the Soumei Private Academy." Said Ida.

"Soumei huh?" Asked Bakugo, with a smirk on his face.

"So you think your better then me, i'm gonna have fun tearing you a new one." Said Bakugo as he leaned.

Arrogant as ever, i see. Thought Will as she crossed her arms.

Ida gave off a gasp.

"You would threaten me, your own classmate?" Asked Ida in shock.

"Are you sure your in the right class?" Asked Ida.

"I've wondered about that myself." Muttered Will as she rolled her eyes.

Michiru gave laugh, having to already tell that she was going to like this girl.

The two boy then noticed the trio.

"It's him." Said Ida in shock.

Midoriya blushed in embarrassment as the rest of the class looked in his direction.

"Hi." Said Midoriya nervously as he didn't expect this much attention.

I sure hope your for this, Midoriya. Thought Will since apart from her, Midoriya never really had friends.

"Good morning!" Yelled Ida as he came over to them.

"My name is Tenya Ida from the Soumei Privat-" Said Ida before he was cut off by Will.

"Not trying to sound rude this time but we heard you earlier." Said Will.

Michiru wondered if she had a history with this one as well.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, it's very nice to meet you." Said Midoriya as he didn't want to give off a bad impression.

"I'm Will Vandom, nice to meet all of you." Said Will as she gave off a bow, hoping to have a good relationship with some of the students.

"How come your name doesn't sound Japanese?" Asked Ida in confusion.

"That's cause i'm from America originally, I only moved to Japan three years ago." Said Will with backstory cover, well she couldn't very well say she was from another world, now could she?

Ida then looked over at Michiru assuming she would introduce herself next.

"Oh, I'm Michiru Kagemori." Said Michiru as she then bowed trying to give a good impression to Ida, luckily it worked.

"I didn't see you at the Entrance Exam or in the results Kagemori, did you get in on Recommendations?" Asked Ida as he doesn't remember seeing her at the Entrance Exam.

"Of course she did!" Yelled out a voice.

Michiru realized who that voice belonged to as she turned around seeing the same boy she talked to from the recommendation exam as he walked beside Uraraka.

He was waving to the small group at the door as the two of them made it to the classroom.

"Hey you're the guy with the wind quirk!" Yelled Michiru.

Michiru doesn't forget people but she never learned his name.

"Oh yeah I never told you my name!" Yelled the boy as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry, the names Inasa Yoarashi!" Yelled Yoarashi.

"You two took the recommendation exam?" Asked Midoriya, he knew about a little over a handful of people who got in from recommendations, knowing 4 of them were in Class 1-A but he never knew who they were.

Will assumed from what Michiru, the Yoarashi had a wind based quirk like her Air powers and Midoriya assumed Michiru had a mutation quirk.

"Yeah, there were hardly any people at the recommendation exam, but I heard at least a couple hundred applied for the entrance exam." Replied Michiru.

"Oh yeah your right!" Yelled Midoriya in realization.

"I completely forgot about that, the passing rate is so small when it comes to the entrance exam, not even half the people who applied for the hero course made it." Said Midoriya.

Kinda sad if you think about it. Thought Will.

"I figured young Midoriya." Said Ida.

"A school like U.A. would want students who show potential, that's why their acceptance rate is so small." Said Ida as he pushed up his glasses to adjust his eyesight.

Uraraka walked up to Midoriya and began talking to him as he covered his face in embarrassment.

He couldn't even look at her without blushing, even though they hardly met, only meeting at the entrance exam, it was like they knew each other already.

Will giggled a bit, it's nice to see Midoriya having friends with girls, she can't protect him forever.

Bakugo glared at them as he remembered their last conversation.


At their middle school the teacher was looking over their results.

"I can't believe not one, but three students from our school are entering U.A." Said the teacher.

"And to think, your one of them Midoriya, it's a miracle." Said the teacher with praise.

Bakugo glared at Midoriya who laughed nervously.

Bakugo had to wait until Midoriya was completely alone, if he tried attacking him now, Vandom would surely attack back and he wouldn't get the answers he needed.

Once Midoriya said bye to Will he made his move.

He grabbed Midoriya by the collar and threw him in the back of a brick wall.

Midoriya let out a gasp before Bakugo lifted him up.

"What did you do to pass the exam?" Asked Bakugo in furious as he demanded to know.

"You've must have cheated somehow, right?" Asked Bakugo as there was no way a Quirkless person could have gotten in.

He raised his hand with sparks of his Explosion coming out of it.

"I was supposed to be first and only person from this crappy school to get into U.A.!" Yelled Bakugo.

"But you had to go and screw all that up!" Yelled Bakugo as he shook Midoriya.

"I warned you not to apply!" Yelled Bakugo.

He suddenly felt a hand on his own.

He looked down, expecting it to be the red hair who heard his yelling and went to save Midoriya again.

But this time it wasn't.

It was Midoriya who was pulling his hand away.

"Katchan, someone i look up to told me, that i can become a hero." Said Midoriya.

Bakugo was in shock, Midoriya never talked back to him.

"That's why i applied, that's why i'm going." Said Midoriya.

Midoriya looked up at Bakugo who gasped.

"Like it or not, you can't stop me!" Yelled Midoriya.


Bakugo continued looking at them.

I'm gonna ruin that little bastard, right after i figure out how he got in. Thought Bakugo as he looked away.

Uraraka continued talking to Midoriya about what school will be like, while Midoriya was blushed hardly.

"If you're just here to make friends then I suggest you leave." Said a voice.

The small group paused, their faces were frozen and jaws dropped to see a hobo looking man in a sleeping bag right behind them.

Even Yoarashi's smile was frozen as he was startled.

He took out juice from inside it and sucked on it.

What is that thing?! Yelled everyone in their thoughts.

How did we not even see him? Asked Will in shock, as she was wondering on what he was even doing down there in the first place.

"It took you all about 8 seconds before you shut up, that's not gonna work." Said the man as he got out from his sleeping bag.

"That's not gonna work, Time is precious, rational students would understand that." Said the man.

Is he supposed to be a teacher? Asked Will as he wasn't acting like one.

Who is this guy, if he's here then he must be some kind of Pro, but he looks so worn out, what's his deal? Asked Midoriya in his mind as he noticed the man's face.

"Hello, I'm Shoto Aizawa, your teacher." Said Aizawa.

The entire class was surprised to hear him say that.

He's our teacher?! Asked literally everyone in the classroom.

"Right let's get to it, put these on and head outside." Said Aizawa as he pulled out a uniform from his sleeping bag to show the class, it was mainly blue with red and white markings.

This got everyone in the class confused.


All Might was looking at the book on who's the homeroom teacher for Class 1-A.

U.A.'s hero course doesn't follow the usual academic path, get the wrong homeroom teacher and life is hell. Thought All Might as he looked away.


As soon as everyone had put on their uniforms Class 1-A had followed Aizawa outside.

"What, a Quirk assessment test?!" Asked everybody in class.

"But orientation, we're gonna miss it." Said Uraraka.

"If you really wanna make the big leagues, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies." Said Aizawa with a blank voice with his back to her.

This made everybody gasped.

"Here at U.A. we're not tethered to traditions." Said Aizawa as he looked back.

"That means i get to run my class however i see fit." Said Aizawa.

This everyone worry, how was he gonna run his class?

"You've been taking standardized tests most of your life." Said Aizawa.

He help up his phone.

"But you never used your Quirks in physical exams before." Said Aizawa.

"The country still trying to pretend we're all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel." Said Aizawa.

"It's not rational, one day the ministry of education will learn. " Said Aizawa.

He looked over at Bakugo.

"Bakugo, you managed to get second place on the Entrance Exam." Said Aizawa.

This made Bakugo gasp and later growl, he can guess who got first place.

"What was furthest distance throw with a softball when you were in Junior High?" Asked Aizawa.

"67 meters, i think." Replied Bakugo.

"Right, trying doing that with your Quirk." Said Aizawa.

Bakugo eventually went up to the plate.

"Anything goes, just stay in the circle." Said Aizawa.

"Go on, your wasting our time." Said Aizawa when he saw he wasn't moving yet.

"All right man, you asked for it." Said Bakugo as he made stretches.

I'll add a little heat to my pitchers and drop their jaws. Thought Bakugo.

"DIE!" Yelled Bakugo as he begins his throw, he stretched for a moment and as he lined up the throw his hands began to combust.

The moment he threw the ball, a large explosion came from his hand causing the ball to propel forward like a cannon shot.

The entire class was shocked to see such a throw.

Die? Asked Midoriya, wondering why he would say that.

"All of you need to know your maximun capbilities." Said Aizawa.

"It's the most rational to figure out if your a Pro-Hero." Said Aizawa as shortly after the ball landed, Aizawa turned his phone around, showing the class the ball landed about 705.2 meters.

The enitre group gasped.

"Whoa, 705 meters, are you kidding me?" Asked a boy with short gold hair, parted to the right with a black lightning-shaped streak on the left of his side fringe, which is angled so that it partially obscures his left eye. He has slanted, somewhat triangular golden eyes, and notably small eyebrows.

"I wanna do that, it looks like fun!" Yelled The pink girl with horns as she was excited to go next.

"This is what i'm talkin' about." Said a boy who is a tall, lean with chin-length black hair, spiked downwards, with jagged bangs coming about halfway down his forehead. He has almond-shaped eyes, usually stretched quite wide, and rather large, with small pupils, straight teeth that dominate his grin. His elbows have the shape of cylindrical tape dispensers.

"Using our quirks as much as we want." Said the boy

"So this is looks fun huh?" Asked Aizawa which shocked the group.

"You have 3 years here to become a hero, you think it's gonna be all games and playtime?" Asked Aizawa.

"Idiots, today you'll compete in 8 fitness tests to Gage your potential." Said Aizawa as he smirked, which made the group uneasy.

"Whoever comes in last will have none and will be expelled immediately." Said Aizawa.

The entire class's jaws dropped when they heard their own teacher would expel one of them on the first day.

Even Michiru couldn't believe what she had heard.

The fact that this teacher was willing to expel someone from their class was outrageous.


All Might slapped his head to his hand.

"Ah crap, he got Aizawa, Midoriya's gonna be singled out from the start." Said All Might with worry.


immediate expulsion, eight tests, oh crap not good. Thought Midoriya as he was nowhere near mastering One for All Yet.

"Like i said, i get to decide how this class runs." Said Aizawa.

"Understand?" Asked Aizawa as he raised his long black hair that covered his face, the fact that he was smiling weirded everyone out.

"If that's a problem, you can head home right now." Said Aizawa.

A huge test on the first day of school? Asked Will in her mind.

What the crap i'm a gonna do? Asked Midoriya to himself as he didn't want his first day to be his last.

"You can't send one us home!" Yelled Uraraka.

"Yeah, we all just got here, even if it wasn't the first day, it isn't fair!" Yelled Will.

"Oh and you think natural disasters are?" Asked Aizawa which made everyone gasped at that response.

"Those can happen anyway at anytime, it's not something that can't be controlled." Said Will.

"Then what about power hungry villains, hmm?" Asked Aizawa.

"All the more reason to have more student at this academy, to fight those villains, not less!" Yelled Will.

Everyone, including Aizawa was in shock, not just anyone talks back to him, least of all student.

She really does have a feisty temper, like Nezu said. Thought Aizawa.

Gotta give her credit, she really knows how to speak her mind. Thought Michiru in amazement.

"Well unfortunately, life is full of unfairness, it's a hero's job to combat that unfairness." Said Aizawa.

"If you wanna be a pro, your gonna have to push yourself to the brink." Said Aizawa.

"For the next 3 years, U.A. will throw out terrible hardship after another at you, so go beyoud." Said Aizawa.

"Plus Ulra style." Said Aizawa.

He motioned his finger to them.

"Show me it's no mistake that your here." Said Aizawa as though he was taunting them, the fact that one of them was gonna get expelled frightened all of them, except Bakugo and Todoroki.

"You should go home you damn extras, you won't stand a chance." Said Bakugo as he knew for certain he was the best out of everyone here.

He knew with a quirk like his he had more potential than all of them combined and he would be better than All Might.

U.A. High was gonna be a breeze he thought, until someone called him out as they came from the crowd.

"Wanna bet?" Asked a female voice.

But to his surprise, it wasn't Vandom who challenged him but Michiru.

Michiru knew the moment she saw Bakugo, she couldn't even think about how he got into U.A.

He was too cocky and even thought he was better than everyone here even though he hasn't even met them.

The fact he too was taunting his fellow classmates pissed her off, she wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine.

She decided to call him back out as she came out of the group with the rest of the students.

"You got something to say you damn raccoon?!" Demanded Bakugo as he became startled to hear someone standing up to him.

First it was Vandom then Midoriya and now some animal looking girl calling him out pissed him off even more.

"Yeah I do, what surprises me is how you got in." Said Michiru with a smile.

"With a cocky and undisciplined attitude like yours you should be one to be expelled." Said Michiru as her smile was gone now, her usual positive and relaxed self wasn't here anymore.

All that was left was the same expression Yoarashi had at the recommendation exam with Todoroki.

Some people, even Jiro and Tokoyami were caught off guard by how Michiru was standing up to this guy.

"You think you're better than me!?" Demanded Bakugo.

"I have more potential than anyone else here being a pro, you won't stand a chance against me!" Yelled Bakugo in arragonce.

Aizawa then calmly walked in between them, he didn't seem mad or upset about their face off but he was interested on how Kagemori stood out from the rest.

"I was wondering when you would speak Kagemori." Said Aizawa.

Michiru looked over at Aizawa and was confused after he finished speaking.

He tossed a ball like the one Bakugo threw to Michiru.

"As some of you might not know, like Will Vandom who got 1st Place in the Entrance Exam, Michiru Kagemori received 1st place in the Recommendation Exam." Said Aizawa.

The moment Aizawa said that the entire class laid eyes on Michiru, she didn't care, she was too focused on Bakugo as they both were staring at each like it was some contest.

It was expected to see the top students compete but these two were trying to prove one was wrong and the other was right.

"Kagemori, your up." Said Aizawa.

He brought her back to reality after calling her name.

She stepped up into the circle as she stretched her arms, she heard some commotion from the rest of 1-A behind her but she knew she couldn't get distracted.

"This girl seems more tough than Bakugo, she wasn't even startled or scared." Said a muscular young man of average height and a rather impressive physique for his young age. He has red eyes that are pointed slightly inwards and a small scar just above his right eye. He also has small eyebrows and very pointed teeth. His hair is some what long, dyed a bright red, and spiked away from his head at all angles with gel, two more pronounced tufts spiked on either side of his forehead like little horns.

"You heard Mr. Aizawa, she got first in recommendations." Said a tall, very muscular young man with a wide build. His brown hair is short, and spiked upwards away from his head. He has rather small, square-shaped eyes with small black pupils and has a pair of bushy eyebrows just above. He has very large and thick lips which are slightly darker in color than the rest of his skin, and a notably large, round nose.

"The 3 kilometer race actually, she told me after the exams were finished." Said Jiro with amazement.

"Same for me." Said Tokoyami as he too was amazed, both him and Jiro never met before but they shared a friend who shared the same information.

Michiru took the stance of a baseball player as she was about to throw the ball.

It had been a while since she's thrown a baseball but she still remembered how to do it.

She took a deep breath as she began to swing her arm forward, her arm began to grow rapidly into a much larger and more muscular arm, some even thought it was bigger than Death Arms.

The moment the ball was thrown it was like a whirlwind of air that came out of nowhere, it looked almost like a small tornado.

The entire class was shocked to see the way her quirk worked, even Bakugo was trying to analyze what quirk she had.

What the hell, how did she?! Yelled Bakugo in his thoughts.

Michiru's arm started to shrink back to normal size as Aizawa turned his phone around showing the distance the ball landed.

"Wait 824.3 meters?!" Yelled the boy with lighting bolt hair.

"Sheesh that is a hell of a quirk." Said the boy with red hair.

"I wish I had a quirk like that." Said the girl with pink skin and horns.

"Now that's over with you know now what to expect, you need to give it your all on these tests even if you're at a disadvantage." Said Aizawa.

Michiru smirked at Bakugo as his expression went back to normal, looking to the side a bit irritated.

As she went back with the rest of Class 1-A as she noticed Jiro and Tokoyami.

She joined them knowing how relieved and glad she was to have people she knew in her class.

As Aizawa finished, the tests had now begun and Michiru knew her hero training was only beginning.

Will sense something from Aizawa, not sure what though.

Ok Mr. Aizawa, I don't know what your up to, but i'll play your game. Thought Will.

"Who's next?" Asked Aizawa.

"I am." Said Will as she walked up to him.

He tossed her the ball.

"Anything goes just stay in the circle." Repeated Aizawa.

Will stood still with the ball in her hand.

She began to lean the ball like a baseball pitched.

She used her air elemental powers on the ball with hop as to make it go even further.

She then threw the ball that was even faster then Michiru's throw.

This put everyone to shock at what just happened, even Michiru was in shock.

Aizawa put his phone when the ball landed.

"Wait she has 1000.01 meters?!" Yelled the golden hair in boy in shock.

No way, she's ten times stronger then me?! Yelled Michiru as she though she had the upper hand here.

Will walked back to the group.

"Beat that, Blondie." Said Will with a smirk as she walked passed a jaw dropped Bakugo.

Each of these tests would give at least a few of his students an advantage or disadvantage based on how their quirks worked.

Aizwa made a robot due all the work of keeping track of their progress, as he couldn't be bother to do it himself.

The first test was a 50-Meter Dash, Tenya Ida and a frog looking girl with green hair were at the starting line, ready to run.

The moment the shot was fired Iida sprinted forward leaving a trail of dust behind, some people noticed he had exhaust pipes on his calves which would explain his extraordinary speed.

The frog looking girl took large leaps forward at least 3-5 before finishing behind Lida as a robot called out their times.

"Tenya Iida, 3.04 seconds!" Yelled the robot.

"Tsuyu Asui, 5.58 seconds!" Yelled the robot again as it recorded down the students' scores, studying each one.

Ida is definitely in his element, but speed can't help him on all the tests. Thought Aizawa as he thought back to the Entrance and Recommendation Exams went, there were students that had potential with each having benefits on their abilities but something felt off about a couple of them, but his questions would have to wait.

Uraraka and a boy with blonde hair with a tail on his back were in positions.

"I'll lighten my clothes and my shoes too." Said Uraraka as she touched her clothes and shoes and a pink glow came from her figners as she did.

The gun was shot and began to run.

However the boy with a tail got to the finish line first.

"Mashirao Ojiro, 5.19 seconds!" Yelled the robot.

"Ochaco Uraraka, 7.15 seconds!" Yeleld the robots as she got to the finish line.

Michiru walked up to the starting line next to Will.

Michiru took off her shoes and socks as her legs morphed into cheetah legs along with her tail.

The shot was fired as she sprinted all out exactly like a cheetah while was using her Air powers like she was flying.

Will was able to pass the finish line first as she took a breather with Michiru right behind her.

The robot called out her time as she took a breather as the other girl eventually followed.

"Will Vandom 1.24 seconds!" Yelled the robot.

"Michiru Kagemori, 2.84 seconds!" Yelled the robot.

Ida was quite impressed for Kagemori and Vandom to beat his score.

It's not surprising since Michiru got in on recommendations, especially with the other 3 people in their class that got in through recommendations as well or how Will got 1st place at the Entrance Exam.

Fascinating quirk, she looks like a Tanuki or some kind of a raccoon but can morph parts of her body, perhaps a mixed quirk from her parents? Asked Ida.

Next was Bakugo and Midoriya.

Both were in their starting positions.

The shot was fired and they began.

Bakugo held out his hands.

"Burst speed!" Yelled Bakugo as explosions came out of his hands.

"Katsuki Bakugo, 4.13 seconds!" Yelled the robot.

"Izuku Midoriya, 7.02 seconds." Said the robot as it was unimpressed.

Bakugo held out his hand as smoke came out of them.

"My quirk has more uses then anyone else here in this school." Said Bakugo.

He looked at Midoriya.

Pathetic. Thought Bakugo as he walked away.

Midoriya was gasping for breath.

There are still 7 more tests to go through, everyone's going to be using their quirks on all of them and getting awesome results. Thought Midoriya.

So what do i do, I've got a ton of power but i can only use it once and it'll break me. Thought Midoriya with fear on his face.

Control, that's what i need, maybe i can focus like all might suggested. Thought Midoriya as he thought back to that night with his conversation with All Might.


"You can harness One for All, it's simple." Said All Might in his skeletal form, having just getting away from a crowed.

"You have to feel it!" Yelled All Might as he raised his arms.

Will gave off a sweat drop.

Does he have to make everything dramatic? Asked Will in his head.

"Can you be a little more specific?" Asked Midoriya as he was confused.

"So now you know what it's like to fight a full cilindar." Said All Might as he threw out a few punches.

"Yeah, like a lot of broken bones." Replied Midoriya.

"No, i'm talking about the rush inside, you must have felt it coursing through you, what was it like?" Asked All Might.

"It was like a microwave." Said Midoriya as he had no other way to describe it.

All Might let out a laugh as blood came out of his mouth.

Seriously, how in the hell is he not dead yet from loosing all that blood?! Yelled Will in concern.

"That's pretty boring but all right." Said All Might.

"If that's the metaphor you wanna go with, then lower the wattage or decrease the cooking time." Said All Might since machines don't work well for him.

"Whichever one works, keep focusing on that image and keeping the egg from exploding, all right?" Asked All Might.

I can do that. Thought Midoirya with a gasp.

"You've got three weeks until school, the more you concentrate, the faster you learn." Said All Might as he was pointing at his head.

"Control over One for All isn't going to take overnight, but you'll nail it one day." Said All Might.

"You just gotta keep trying." Said All Might.


Midoriya leaned his head up with determination.

The next test was grip strength, some of the more muscular students would pass it easily while the rest had some difficulty.

Midoriya had gotten a 56.0, a pretty low score which made him sad.

When Michiru was given a device to grasp in her hand, she knew what to do.

Her arm grew the same size as it did when she threw the ball earlier, she gripped the device as hard as she could.

After the device beeped she loosened her grip as her arm shrinked back to normal.

She looked down at the device reading 702 kilograms, she noticed Yoarashi and another boy with black hair and tape arms right by a boy with a mask and multiple arms.

They were surprised to see that his grip strength was 540 kilograms, the red spiky haired boy approached Michiru, curious to see how Michiru did but was shocked to see how strong she was.

"Jesus, 702 kilograms?!" Yelled the red haired boy.

"That's incredible!" Yelled the red haired boy.

"Whoa!" Yelled a group of students.

They looked to see a group of them around Will.

They went to see Will with her arm covered in Earth.

"901?!" Yelled the boy with golden hair.

Michiru got embarrassed to see that so far she's done well in the first two tests and out thrown Bakugo with the ball throw but someone keeps taking it.

She's already caught the attention of some of her classmates, even the Son of Endeavor seemed curious about her performance.

And while she has no ill will towards, well Will, she was getting annoyed on how she keeps doing these tests better then she is and pouted about it.

And there is one problem, she's limited to a certain amount of abilities, the only new ability she gained was her rabbit legs but she's only used them during the recommendation exam.

She tried to morph back into rabbit legs but has had no luck.

The last time she's had this kind of trouble was when she tried turning back into a human from her beast form.

Her only hope is to use what she knows best to pass the tests.

The next test was a Standing Long Jump.

Michiru got past by jumpping with her cheetah legs.

Bakugo through his explosions.

Will using her air powers to make a long jump.

Yoarashi used his wind Quirk to make as though he was flying.

Midoriya however fell right into the sand pit.

The next test was another ball throw.

Uraraka held the ball and her finger glowed pink.

She threw the ball and it went up to the sky.

Everybody waited for it to come down but it never did.

Aizawa held up his phone to show that her score was infinity.

"Infinity?!" Yelled out the entire class.

"That's insane, how's that possible?" Asked the golden hair boy.

Midoirya was even more worried then before.

This is bad, I've got to come up with some kind of a game plan, everyone's had at least one great crazy score already. Thought Midoirya as he closed his eyes.

Midoriya had been called up next, being the last person to go brought all eyes on him.

He looked at the ball in his hand.

All that's left is this, the Distance Run, Sit Ups and the Seated Toe Touch, it's now or never, this is my best chance to use One for All. Thought Midoriya.

"If Midoriya doesn't shape up soon, he's the one going home." Said Ida.

"Huh, of course he is, he's a Quirkless looser." Said Bakugo, pointing at Midoirya.

Ida looked shocked.

"He has a Quirk, did you not here what he did in the Entrance Exam?" Asked Ida.

"Huh?" Asked Bakugo in confusion.

Will and Michiru were looking at Midoirya with worry.

Aizawa looked at Midoriya.

Here it comes. Thought Aizawa as he had a feeling that Midoriya is going to his Quirk.

Midoriya felt awkward at first but he tried to get it out of his mind as he focused on the task at hand.

He grabbed the ball and focused, trying his best to imagine the egg not exploding in his mind.

He began to swing his arm as it started to spark while unknown to him Aizawa's eye glowed, but the moment he threw the ball nothing happened, his quirk didn't go off.

W-what, my quirk?! Asked Midoriya in shock.

I- I could've sworn, what happened?! Asked Midoria in his head.

"I erased your quirk." Said Aizawa.

Midoriya behind him saw Aizawa's eyes glowing red, his hair raised up on its own as his scarf began to unravel, revealing his goggles underneath.

"Someone like you shouldn't be allowed at this school." Said Aizawa.

Will suddenly felt the urge to hate him.

"Wait you did what to my-" Said Midoriya before he screamed as something came back to him.

"Wait, those goggles, I know you!" Yelled Midoriya, as he suddenly remembered seeing this hero.

"You can look at some and cancel out their powers, the eraser hero, Eraserhead!" Yelled Midoriya.

Unknown to them All Might, in his muscle form, was watching while staying out of sight.

Aizawa's never been one for the media, since he thinks they interfere with our work. Thought All Might.

And he judges celebrity heroes like me because i look good in the spotlight. Thought All Might.

"Your not ready, you don't have control over your power." Said Aizawa.

"Were you planing to break your bones again?" Asked Aizawa.

"Counting on someone else to save your useless body?" Asked Aizawa again.

"N-no that's not what I was trying to do!" Yelled Midoriya in defence.

Midoriya was pulled forward, tied around by Aizawa's scarf.

Will and Michiru was about to walk forward to stop their teacher when their shoulder was held by Tokoyami and Ida.

Michiru couldn't help but grit her teeth at what she was hearing, first her teachers attempted to expel someone and now giving up on one of his students.

She wanted to do something but Tokoyami was trying to stop her.

"Wait." Whispered Tokoyami.

Will couldn't just stand by but this wasn't a villain or some kind of fight.

"No matter what your intentions are, you would be nothing but a liability in battle." Said Aizawa.

Midoriya let out a gasp

"Your have the same reckless passion as another overzealous hero i know." Said Aizawa.

"One who saved a thousand lives by himself and became a legend." Said Aizawa.

Aizawa looks away before turning his gaze back to Midoriya.

"But even with that drive, your worthless if you can only throw a single punch before breaking down." Said Aizawa.

"Sorry Midoriya, with your power, there's no way you can become a hero." Said Aizawa.

What surprised everyone was that Midoriya didn't look defeated, he looked even more determined to prove Aizawa was wrong.

They would have to watch as their teacher unraveled his scarf back around his neck and his hair dropped down.

"I returned your impractical Quirk, take your final throw, hurry and get it over with." Said Aizawa mas he walked away.

Midoriya just stood there for a moment looking down at himself.

He went up to the plate with another ball, Michiru saw something in him that was different and she was impressed.

Even after what his teacher told him, the fact that he couldn't rely on his quirk at any of the tests... he's not quitting, this kid may have more determination than I thought. Thought Michiru with impressiveness.

I can't give up now, not when I've gotten so far to get into U.A. Thought Midoriya.

I have to try something, Mr. Aizawa is right about one thing, if I can't control my quirk then there's no way I'll become a hero! Yelled Midoriya in his head.

He began to swing his arm but the moment the ball was about to leave his hand, his finger began to glow.

SMAAAAAAASH! Yelled Midoriya in his head.

It was like a cannon, the moment Midoriya threw the ball it flew hard and fast through the air, leaving a gust of wind behind.

The entire class was speechless, some even looked over to see Midoriya's finger broken, proving Aizawa's point.

Aizawa looked over at his phone seeing Midoriya's throw had beaten Bakugo's throw by a hair with 705.3 meters.

"Mr. Aizawa." Said Midoriya.

Aizawa looked over to see Midoriya turn around holding his arm but trying to hold in the pain as he held his hand where his broken finger was into a fist.

"See, i'm still standing." Said Midoriya.

Aizawa realized something different about the boy, maybe he did have potential after all as he muttered to himself.

"This kid." Said Aizawa.

I was worried about you young man, but your doing a great job, you knew you had to use One for All but not at full power or else you would be in K.O. Thought All Might.

When in the heck did you get so cool? Asked All Might as he looked Midoriya in admiration as Midoirya figured out how to draw power from his finger instead of his whole body.

A/N: Man and i thought the entrance exam one was long but it's done.

Now all three of the main characters have officaly met each other.

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