Challenge The Inevitable

By AFishGoesBlub

607 76 0

"Sometimes you just have to look back at life and admire the all great things you have done. That is until y... More

Life Ruined By Chicken
Life Ruined By A Letter
Life Ruined By Secrets
Life Ruined By Puns
Life Ruined By Memories
Life Ruined By Embarrassment
Life Ruined By Uncertainty
Life Ruined By Trust
Ruined Life By Emotions
Life Ruined by Sleep
Life Ruined by Empathy
Life Ruined by Strong Reminders of the Past
Life Ruined by Pressure
Life Ruined by Avoidance
Life Ruined by Panic
Life Ruined by Worries
Life Ruined by Silence
Life Ruined by Ignorance
Life Ruined By Recurring Nightmares
Life Ruined By Salad
Life Ruined By Pain
Life Ruined By Rude Acting
Life Ruined By Eavesdropping
Life Ruined By My Gullible and Emotional Self

Life Ruined By Curious Strangers

27 3 0
By AFishGoesBlub

I stay frozen from fear but also from the shock of the unexpected voice.

"Uh, are you okay? Sorry if I startled you?". The voice speaks again.

I decide to turn around, seeing as the owner of the voice sounds nice. I mean nice enough to apologise anyway. I turn and see a boy around my age, standing in the middle of the road, as I am. If I defined beauty, he would be it. I mentally slap myself, this is just not the time. I felt unlike myself for a moment because I usually never base people of their appearance.

"Sorry, I was just leaving". I said figuring out how the heck I will get out of this situation. I wonder who he thinks I am with a suitcase, a bag, and a small dog. I mean I may as well be labelled as homeless and or orphan. It's practically what I am.

"No you weren't. What are you doing here". He says in a relaxed way. I didn't know I was that bad at lying. He see's me hesitating as to whether or not I can trust him enough to tell him my real situation.

"I'm Ryder". He introduces himself. I wonder if he rides horses. I giggle under my breath. I'm still hilarious, no matter where am I.

"Luna". I say stepping closer.

"Now will you tell me why you're out here with bags?" I really want to tell him but I can't just go around trusting every nice person I meet. Maybe I should just tell him I'm a hobo.

"Not exactly". I reply, hoping he will drop it.

"Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like you need a place to stay". I nod. "Follow me". I am a bit reluctant but if it saves me from sleeping under the stars. Also, 'Ryder' isn't so bad to be around. I walk next to him with caution, with Bruno underneath my feet. Ryder takes my bag while I still have my suitcase.

"I hope you're not going to steal that." I say trying to lighten the mood and feel more relaxed. But inside of me, I knew I was serious.

"That's the only reason I took it". He replies. I smile that he has a sense of humour. Then he starts to run.

"Hey! Come back!" I'm not losing my stuff. Not on the first day of loneliness.

"Come and catch me then." He yells back at me.

I mutter under my breath but before I take a step Bruno starts to run and barks a noise that even scares me. I just lean on my suitcase and laugh at the sight. A little dog chasing quite a tall guy in the middle of the road. Might as well join them. The start of this new life is going quite well so far.

We stop in front of a dark blue house. "Here" He says handing the bag back to me. "I was only joking, but I know not to mess with you again". I can't help but to laugh again. Why does this new person have such an effect on me.

"Still, follow me please?" He asks, sincerely this time.

"Lead the way". I reply.

Instead he picks me up over his shoulders like I'm a bag of potatoes and takes me into one of the house.

"Wait Ryder, you forgot my stuff." I need my stuff.

"No worries." He reassures me, "Carter, bring this lovely lady's stuff inside!" At this my face went bright red. I'm not sure if it was because the blood was rushing to my head or if I was actually blushing. I might actually be enjoying this. That's a first.

I see another guy, I'm guessing it's Carter, around the same age as Ryder. He grabs my bags and follows Ryder into one of the abandoned houses. This whole time Bruno is nipping at Ryder's feet trying to be as protective as a little dog can. Ryder finally puts me down and I sit on the floor, after he gestures towards it. This is probably the nicest house in this street compared to the rest of them, even though it is far from nice. There are 5 other boys in the house as well. My guess is that somehow they all found each other after something happened in their lives and decided to camp out here, but they will probably tell me anyways.

"Luna, this is Elliott, Evan, Bryce, Jasper, and you already know Carter". He says pointing to each person matching up their names.

"Thanks". I mumble as Carter gives me my bags. He just responds with a smile.

A round of hello's, hi's, or hey's, echo in the room. At the moment these people seem pretty nice. They all look around my age and most of them have blonde to brown hair. I still don't know if I can completely trust them all yet or if it's too early to judge.

"So, what brings you here? No one ever comes down this street". One of the boy's ask me. I think his name was Jasper.

I decide to just trust them. Usually I keep things to myself, but there is something about these people that is so genuine, I don't know what it is.

"Uh. So my mum is a total freak. She doesn't care about me and never has. I used to secretly talk to my dad, who left my mum, but I don't blame him. A few days ago he sent me a letter saying he was moving and getting married, so now I have stopped talking to him as well, since in his letter he said it was probably his last letter to me. I left my mum's house because she discovered Bruno, my pug, who I was secretly keeping. She hates animals with a burning passion and was mortified when she found out. She gave me an hour to pack up my things and leave, so that's what I did. I had no idea where to go so I just wandered any street I came across, meanwhile getting completely lost. That's when I found this street and thought it was perfect to stay in and I met you guy's". After I blurted it all out, I stare at them and wait anxiously for their judgment. Surprisingly, instead all I can see is them trying to take it all in. I suppose it is a lot.

I think they were in awe for some reason because I could see their brains trying to figure things out and the look of amazement on their faces. Not physically of course. I mentally laugh. The room was quiet for a good 2 minutes, until one of the boys spoke up.

"Wow". That's exactly how I feel too mate.

- - - - - - - - - - 

Yep another update. Hope you enjoy it. Sorry for any silly mistakes.

Until next time, over and out! BYES >_<


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