Thief and the Hero

Autorstwa Gt_Trashbag

30.2K 840 1.4K

After the events with Tiger General and Splendid's new boyfriend, Splendont has had to become more involve wi... Więcej

Author's note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty-Four

724 24 140
Autorstwa Gt_Trashbag

Well. It seems I have made a mistake.

Shifty stared at him, then slowly smiled, and began to laugh. Lifty stared at him, his eyes wide and full of hurt. Splendont looked between them, mostly confused and dumbfounded at his own response. It was Fliqpy that spoke up.

"Wait, seriously? You two must be playing a nice little game of make believe or something, Splendont. You two act like a lot more than as friends." He commented, confusion in his eyes considering what he and Splendont talked about before.

"Hold on, now, we never agreed to date or anything," his words felt like syrup in his mouth, bitterly sweet and heavy, "we were just having fun. Friends with benefits type thing, never anything more than that."

He watched Fliqpy and Splendid exact looks, but before they could refute that, Lifty spoke up, "I-I-I do-don't under-understand what– wh-why ar-are you sa-saying–"

"God, don't be fucking stupid, Lifty!" Splendont looked over at Shifty, who was smiling cruelly at his brother. "He used you! Because you let him and you didn't think it through with a playboy like him!"


"He fucks people for the hell of it. He never had any intentions to commit. And if you had just told me you were seeing him, I could have told you this! Instead you were dumb enough to let him string you along and–"

"I never strung him along!" Splendont shouted over Shifty, his blood boiling. "I do care about Lifty, we're good friends!"

Lifty's eyes watered, "W-why ju-just fri-friends?"

Splendont looked at him, his mind racing and confused, "Why would we ever be more than friends?"

He flinched slightly when tears began to stream down Lifty's eyes. He wasn't sure what he said wrong. Being friends should be enough. Splendid came around, an incredulous look on his face.

"Splendont, how could you say that? You two are clearly more than friends!" Splendont frowned at this and Splendid stared at his brother, a sudden realization filtering through his eyes.

"Well, what do you think about your so-called friend, Lifty? You know, the one person I told you to stay away from?" Shifty mocked, snickering as Lifty covered his face.

"Hey, quit making fun of him!" Splendont snapped, reaching out to Lifty, but he moved back from his grasp.

"Why not? He got played and it's hilarious because I told him he would! How ironic that I'm right, yet again!" Shifty laughed, shaking his head and looking around. "On that subject, how long have we been here? Because I'm sure you two had plenty of alone time to have fun or whatever."

"Well it's been at least two weeks–"

"Two weeks?" They all looked at Shifty when his laughter ceased and Splendont frowned. "Hold on– phone. I need a fucking phone–"

"Hey, calm down–" Splendid tried to calm him, but Shifty swung his arm and connected it to his cheek.

Fliqpy went for him in response, but Lifty jumped in front of him, making him stop. Splendont watched Shifty turn and run off towards the stairs, and he decided to follow him. Ignoring Lifty for a moment because that was a whole other can of worms he was going to have to deal with.

He almost got him, but stopped when Zappy jumped in front, causing Shifty to run into him. He blinked at this and stopped. Zappy looked up at him and smiled, which confused him. He watched Zappy whisper something to Shifty and before he could listen in, Shifty shoved him away.

"Get away from me, freak!" He hissed.

Instead of being offended, Zappy continued to smile and then hand him a phone. Splendont watched him snatch it away and walk out to the front door.

"What'd you say?" He asked as Zappy walked passed him.

"You're not the only one who looks people up, Splendont. I just told him his situation was taken care of while he was out." Zappy replied, shrugging his shoulders. "Besides, you need to go and look after your... friend."

Splendont frowned as Zappy walked away. He turned and followed, deciding last minute to listen in on what Shifty was doing. He heard him in the middle of talking to someone on the other line.

"– and you got the rest of the signed documents?" Shifty sounded nervous.

From the phone he heard, "Yes! You sent the confirmation email four days ago. Have you forgotten?"

Shifty seemed to hesitate before laughing nervously, "Yeah, yeah, I did. First time buyer's anxiety. Thanks for confirming again."

"It's no problem Shifty. Anything for your father's son."

"Thanks... I'll be back in town to move in later today."

"Perfect! I can get the final signatures in person."

The line clicked and it was clear Shifty hung up. Splendont frowned and rubbed his head, Lifty told him Shifty got them a house. Because of the craziness with Foxy, he had forgotten completely. Speaking of Lifty...

He got back to the hall where he left Lifty and the others. A stab of guilt hit him when he saw Lifty sitting on the ground crying and his brother trying to comfort him. Fliqpy stood behind, a look of disapproval on his face when he saw Splendont coming in from behind Zappy. There weren't any words spoken between them, instead, Zappy went over and helped Lifty up.

"Now, now, don't cry. Your eyes will get swollen." Zappy cooed, wiping Lifty's face with his sleeve. "Perhaps, you've been away from home for too long. Once you get home, things will get clearer for you. Hm?"

Splendont felt anger scorch his body when he watched Zappy cradle Lifty's head and how Zappy smiled when Lifty sniffed and nodded. He stepped forward, reaching for Lifty once more, but, again, Lifty dodged his hand and went over to Fliqpy, of all people. He clenched his fist at this, but couldn't find any words to say.

"Where is Shifty?" Splendid asked as Splendont turned and began to walk back to the front door.

"He's outside making a call or something. Let's just go home." Splendont snapped, annoyed at Lifty's avoidance.

Splendid bid a final farewell to Zappy before following after Splendont with Fliqpy and Lifty. When they came out though, Shifty was already down the road, clearly on the phone. Lifty pushed passed Splendid and ran out after Shifty. Splendont followed behind him, his heart pounding in frustration at how Lifty just wanted to be with Shifty.


Shifty closed the phone and looked over, "What do you want?"

Lifty stopped short and Splendont stopped just a foot or two behind him, "A-ah, ho-home. We-we're going home."

Shifty scoffed at that, "I'd rather walk. Go with your "friend" there. I don't even want to look at you."

"Sh-Shifty, I-I-I did-didn't–"

"Lifty, leave me alone! Goddamnit, if you want to go sucking superhero dick, you don't need me around for it!" Shifty raised his hand, to hit Lifty again, but this time Splendont intervened.

He grabbed Shifty's wrist and pushed Lifty back a bit, "Don't you even dare."

Shifty smirked at him and ripped his hand away, "Because of you two, I could have lost my house. I'm not going to deal with this. If you want Lifty, you can have him."

Shifty continued to walk and Splendont watched in disbelief. Lifty whimpered and went after Shifty, "W-wa-wait, Sh-Shifty–"

"I don't want to deal with you anymore, Lifty!" Lifty froze in place as Shifty spun around, the rage had returned to his eyes. "After saving for years and years and outbidding that bastard, and dealing with "your friend" and his crazy, psycho girlfriend, I could have lost the house! I paid off the goddamn debt you racked up from buying shit from Dreamy! I made sure bills and rent were paid because you couldn't fucking get your shit together to work! All you had to do was listen to me and do as I said! Instead, I find out you're opening your legs for some man-whore and buying shit with money you shouldn't even be spending! I'm fucking tired of it!"

Splendont looked at Lifty, who stammered in response, "Y-y-you never l-let m-me do an-anything! Y-y-you're con-controlling and m-mean fo-for no-no rea-reason! I-I-I'm so-sorry for ly-lying! I-I-I ju-just wanted–"

"Wanted what? You wanted to run away from me? Go off and leave me for someone else? Well, congrats. You have someone else, but he clearly doesn't want you. And neither do I." Shifty walked off, shaking his head.

"W-wa–" Lifty trembled in place, reaching out towards Shifty, but unable to move his body.

Splendid and Fliqpy caught up to them, staying behind to avoid the drama going on. Splendont wanted to comfort Lifty in some way, but he had no idea what to say or do. Hug him? Kiss him? Say something encouraging? He moved a little closer and reached out, desperately hoping Lifty wouldn't move away again, but Lifty simply dropped to the ground and sobbed. Splendont panicked and automatically followed him down and held him. Lifty pushed at him, but he refused to let go and Lifty went limp in his arms.

"I'll go talk to Shifty. It's almost two-hundred miles to get back home." Splendid said, coughing into his hand awkwardly.

"Go ahead, I'll stay with these two." Fliqpy said, patting Splendid's shoulder.

Splendont glance up and watched them share a quick kiss before Splendid flew off towards Shifty. Splendont held Lifty closer and, this time, he wasn't met with resistance. He didn't like hearing Lifty sob the way he did. It made him feel like shit, but he couldn't explain why. Fliqpy kicked his side and he yelped in surprise before glaring over at him.

"Come on. Let's go home. A new season of Poppy's Trial and Error starts later and I want to be there when it airs." Fliqpy said, a judgmental look on his face.

"Fine, jeez." Splendont picked Lifty up, bridal style and stood.

He grunted when Fliqpy jumped onto his back and wrapped his arms around his neck, squeezing tightly for no reason in particular. Splendont hissed in irritation, but let it go when Lifty hiccuped and shook in his arms. He frowned and flew up, glancing down to see Splendid following Shifty. He could hear them talking, but was uninterested as he flew off. If Shifty was going to be a dick for no reason then he didn't care. He didn't have to hurt Lifty like that.


I'm such a fool.

Splendont had took them to his home. He had wanted to free himself from Splendont's hold and run home to wait for Shifty, since Splendid hadn't come home around the time they did, but he felt numb. Splendont didn't seem them as boyfriends, as a couple, just friends who had sex. That wasn't what he wanted. He assumed Splendont felt the same, but it was clear that wasn't the case.

Shifty was angry with him. Angry enough to tell him he wasn't wanted by his own brother anymore. Shifty always insulted him, but he never said things like that before when they fought. He had racked up debt with Dreamy, but Shifty had told him it was only eight-hundred dollars. Considering all the stuff they always managed to steal and sell, he thought it wasn't that much because Shifty always told him not to worry about it. Sure, he liked to eat out, but it was because neither of them knew how to cook anything fancier than processed or microwave foods. Most of the stuff he had gotten in the past was bought with money he stole, most of the time unknowingly. Shifty always said it was okay before.

Lifty was currently holed up in a guest room. Fliqpy had put him there when he had still been in hysterics. Splendont had left him alone, thankfully. He wanted to go home. This house was unfamiliar to him, but if he stayed away long enough, Shify might come looking for him to come home.

Maybe he was just scared we wouldn't get the house. He didn't mean what he said. He was just upset.

"We're not boyfriends."

Lifty flinched and wrapped himself up in the comforter on the bed and buried his head into the sheets. If they weren't a couple, what was Splendont even doing with him? All that time texting, spending time together, kissing, touching, talking? It meant a lot to Lifty. He wiped his face and sighed.

Why did I have to mess everything up?

A knock on the door had him sitting up on the bed. He hid most of his body, but the comforter wasn't really a good hiding cloak. The door opened and he watched Splendont poke his head in. Immediately, he moved off of the bed and hid on the other side.

"G-go a-away!"

"Lifty, don't be like that." He heard Splendont walk in, shutting the door. "Come on, talk to me."

"N-no! I-I-I do-don't wa-want t-to ta-talk t-to y-you any-anymore!" Lifty sniffed and curled up, trying to ignore Splendont.

"Lifty, I'm sorry, okay? Please don't be upset." He said, coming around the bed. "Look, I just want to talk."

"N-no! Y-you use-used m-me!" Lifty shouted and tried to bury himself in the sheet to avoid seeing Splendont. "Y-you li-lied t-to m-me!"

"What do you mean? I never lied to you. We are friends." He felt hands grab him and he struggled not to be moved. "I never said we were anything more than that. I didn't lie."

Lifty frowned and closed his eyes, refusing to look at him. Splendont pulled him close and moved the comforter off of his head, but he kept his eyes shut tight. He didn't want to look at Splendont. They had no real relationship. Friendship was fine, but... they had sex. They've been kissing, touching, going on dates, and talking constantly. Relationships with romantic natures are supposed to be like that. Lifty was confused as to why Splendont didn't see them like that.

"Hey, don't ignore me. Come on." He felt Splendont cup his cheek and pull him up. "Why are you upset?"

Does he really not get it?

Lifty bit his lip and tried not to open his eyes to at least look angry at him. He felt his eyes water again and he huffed. He didn't want to cry again, but considering his only family disowned him for seeking out social interaction, it was hard not to be emotional. He wanted to yell at Splendont, but his jaw clamped up. It was hard for him to convey his feelings without stammering. He wanted to yell at Splendont properly, but he didn't want to sound like a fool doing so.

"Lifty." Lifty shook his head and pouted. "Don't do that or I'll kiss you."

Lifty's eyes shot open in disbelief, "Wh-what–?"

He whimpered when Splendont leaned down and kissed his cheek. He felt his face heat up and his arms shot out of the comforter to shove Splendont away. He got lucky and caused Splendont to fall back onto his butt, startling him. He gasped and tried not to look like a mess, but it was hard. He wanted to scream at Splendont.

"Y-you–! I-I-I do-don't–!" He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. "H-how yo-you act a-and wha-what you s-say do-don't match! Y-you're– you're co-confusing me!"

Splendont tilted his head and frowned, "What are you talking about?"

Lifty's lip quivered as he tried to find his words, "Fr-friends... friends d-don't do-do wha-what we d-do. Th-that's for co-couples. Ma-married pe-people. I-I-I do-don't und-understand why we a-aren't i-in a do-romantic re-relationship!"

Splendont stared at him and didn't say anything to that. Lifty huffed and rubbed his eyes, forcing himself to stay calm. If they weren't dating, Splendont needed to stop kissing and touching him. If he really wanted to be friends, then it would have to go back to just talking and maybe putting an arm around his shoulder every now and then, not all the time. They had to stop acting like they were dating.

"Friends do that stuff. It's called being friends with benefits." Splendont explained.

Lifty frowned, he heard Prim talk about "friends with benefits" before when her and the others were over. He knew exactly what that was and it hurt even more to know that's all Splendont thought of him as. He couldn't stop the tears that welled up in his eyes and fell down his face. He heard Splendont make a weird sound and felt him grab his shoulders.

"He-hey, why are you crying? It's not a bad thing–!"

"I-I-I'm n-not goi-going t-to b-be us-used f-f-for s-s-sex! Sh-Shifty wa-was r-right! Y-you're n-not a-a g-good pe-person!" He sobbed and Splendont removed his hands.

When there wasn't a response, Lifty blinked away the tears in his eyes and looked at Splendont. He was still there, but he was just... staring at him. There was an indescribable look on his face. He sniffed and opened his mouth, worried for Splendont despite how he basically broke his heart, but flinched when Splendont stood and walked out, leaving him alone.

He sat there alone, heartbroken, and confused.

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