The Wolf Huntress

By y3isnt

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❝If I'm a monster then, I want to be your monster.❞ Lilith is a wolf huntress, her main goal in life is makin... More

Author's note;
Chapter one; Lilith
Chapter two; Alexander
Chapter three; Lilith
Chapter four; Lilith
Chapter five; Alexander
Chapter six; Lilith
Chapter seven; Anastasia
Chapter eight; Alexander
Chapter nine; Lincoln
Chapter ten; Lilith
Chapter eleven; Anastasia
Chapter twelve; Aiko
Chapter thirteen; Lincoln
Chapter fourteen; Lilith
Chapter sixteen; Aiko
Chapter seventeen; Lilith
Chapter eighteen: Aiko
Chapter nineteen: Alexander
Chapter twenty; Lilith
Chapter twenty one; Unknown
Chapter twenty two; Lilith
Chapter twenty three; no perspective
Chapter twenty four: Alexander
Chapter twenty five: Lilith
Chapter twenty six: Lilith

Chapter fifteen; Alexander

58 7 56
By y3isnt

I groan as my cream-covered hand touches the burnt flesh of my chest. These burns hurt so much, how am I supposed to put that on my face?

Thinking of my conversation with Lilith, I wonder if I had been so harsh on her, she helped me, she bandaged me maybe she likes me?

And I probably shattered all of that by telling her off, but she smiled at me...

She probably did it because I looked like a beaten-up dog. She wouldn't even have acknowledged me if that whip was meant for me, she wouldn't even look at my face.

My face is ruined now, I don't blame Lilith for not liking or wanting to be associated with me after this.

The small mirror she gave me wasn't that effective in trying to see with one eye and put cream on my other closed eye, so I decided to go to the bathroom.

I needed a shower anyway, I just don't know if I could shower with the burns all over my chest.

Standing up from the bed my chest hurts more but I've handled enough pain in this life, some burning doesn't bother me that much. I walk into the connected bathroom this ugly room has and a large mirror greets me when I face the sink.

A huge horizontal burn scar starts at the top of my left brow to the end of my right cheek, it's almost like it's crossing my face out.

How will anyone bear to look at me again?

I look like a monster. A scarred monster.

Maybe Lilith was right, maybe werewolves are monsters, I'm a monster.

Breathing heavily I close my eyes, wanting to not look at my face ever again. Already everyone hates me, what will they say when they see my face now?

I clench my fist, looking up at myself. This is who I am now, a monster. The person who children will look at and run away rather than hug him as he is their alpha. A few tears run down my face, I'm weak.

I'm so weak.

Punching the mirror, shards of glass fly into my hand and scatter through the floor. Clutching the sink tightly, I try and calm myself down, this is not the time for one of my episodes.

I raise my hand in front of my face and start taking out the shards of glass, hoping the pain will calm me down.

Exiting the bathroom I open the dresser in front of my bed and take out some clothes and towels, entering the bathroom again.

I don't care if I'm allowed to take a shower or not.

I open the shower, paying attention to where I step because I don't need glass in my foot.

I strip down and hop into the shower.

"Why did you do it?" asked Lilith when I woke up.

Why did I do it?

Because I'm selfish.

I'm a selfish motherfucker, because I didn't think I would be okay seeing her dead or scarred like I am now.

Even though I know she would've never taken that whip for me if the roles were switched.

Sighing I get out of the shower throwing a towel over my hips and exiting the bathroom.

I change into a blue T-shirt and black sweatpants, they were the only comfortable clothes I saw in the dresser.

Throwing myself horizontally on the bed, I close my eyes. Suddenly a knock on my door is heard, I'm on my feet in a second, looking to see who's the intruder.

The blond witch that kidnapped us enters the room smiling at me, "Hello, Alexander." he says.

How the fuck did he know my name? "What do you want?" I say my eyes glowing neon blue and my claws descending.

He ignores me, stepping into the room and closing the door, I growl warning him not to do anything he might regret, "How did you know my name?" I ask.

"Oh, maybe because Lilith was screaming it when you were dying at the storage room." he rolls his eyes, walking next to me and laying on the bed horizontally.

I furrow my eyebrows, rotating my head backward and looking at him. "How does she know my name?" I ask.

"Maybe she stalked you?" he suggests, "I don't know this weird mate stuff, you probably stalked her too." he rolls his eyes again.

He's right, of course, I stalked her, and I didn't find much about her it's like she doesn't exist.

"Anyways, we haven't properly met," he points out, lifting himself off the bed almost like he's sitting on it now. "I'm Noah."

"What the fuck do you want?" I ask again, trying to tame the urge to punch his face. "And how do you know I'm mates with Lilith?"

"Just checking up on you," he answers, a smile on his face. "I've always wanted to talk to an Alpha, I feel important now."

"You certainly aren't," I roll my eyes, glaring at him. "How did you know me and Lilith are mates?"

"Ugh, I always have to tell the sameee storyyy," he complains, "It's annoying. Just call your mate and ask her."

I growl, cupping his face, my claws digging into his cheek, "You know I've always had a taste for hot angry Alpha's, this scar makes you look hotter too." he smirks.

Taking my hand off of him I mutter, "Damn you're a creep."

He rolls his eyes again, "so?" I give him with my best - What are the fuck- look. "Just sit down and I'll tell you how I know you too are mates."

I sit down next to him then he starts talking, "When y'all were at the dressing room, lowkey thought y'all would make out or something." he winks, and I roll my eyes at him.

"Creep," I mutter again.

"I'm the creep? your mate just tortured a witch and I'm the creep?" he laughed.

"Wait she did what?" I ask, my eyes wide.

"Right you were almost dying oopsie, so basically when Lilith saw you unconscious after that witch hit you - I hated that witch anyway - she tortured that witch," he explains. "She snatched her eyeball out, clawed her face, and cut off one of her arms. Kind of glad she did that. Jem was annoying me lately."

He then rolls his eyes, "Noah, your prisoners killed my friend!!!!" he mimics a high-pitched voice, "Please let me kill them!!" he mimics again. "LIKE I'm not going to let you kill them they're mine." he rolls his eyes again.

Lilith tortured the witch who whipped me?

I should've known she would do something like that, guilt is a dangerous feeling.

"You talk so much," I complain. "Just get to the point."

Noah relaxes his back and lays down on the bed pouting, "I'm just trying to be nice. Are all Alpha's this mean?"

I start laughing, "Bruh, you kidnapped me and my mate. Please don't tell me you kidnapped me here just because you have a crush on me or something?"

"You should be grateful," he says. "I'm bringing you two together, after a while you're going to be like," he coughs. "Noah you're the best thank you so much." he mimics my voice.

"Uhm, no," I say smiling, he has a point. "Why did you even kidnap us?"

"There is this thing you need to see and I can't tell you about it until we reach the place otherwise they'll whip my ass, and don't get me wrong I like spanking but from my parents? hell no." his eyes widen as soon as he finishes the sentence. "Fuck I spoiled it."

"Technically you didn't because I don't know your parents and I can't stalk you here," I say, but now I have information, if he continues talking I'd be able to put 2 and 2 together.

"Good point," he says, "Let's get back to the main subject, when you and Lilith were at that dressing room you were unconscious and Lilith would've easily killed you at that moment but she didn't and here we are."

I haven't thought of that, why didn't she kill me? She probably wanted a fair battle, a battle where she kills me, without me being unconscious because that's cheating.

I'm not even making sense anymore.

Is this Noah guy trying to be friends with me?

I've never really felt like I had friends, Ethan is my beta but I think if he wasn't he wouldn't talk to someone like me and I feel like Anastasia has always felt like she had to do something for me because I took her to my pack, we rarely laughed like this now, things were way better between us when we were younger.

Noah doesn't seem like he's trying to talk to me for information it seems like he wants to be friends with me.

No one has ever wanted that.

What in Stockholm Syndrome is happening?

"Also, since I can easily kill you and you're my prisoner I want to tell you something," he says.

"Thanks for the reminder," I say as I rest my back on the bed frame. "Appreciate it."

"I'm pansexual." he says taking a deep breath, "That felt good to let out."

"What does pansexual mean?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Oh, it means that I don't care what gender the person I like is," he explains, "And you're the first one to know if you say anything I'm killing you," he smirks.

"Why not just come out?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. "You're a powerful witch, you kidnapped two powerful people why do you care about what others think?"

"Not everyone is going to view me the same-" he starts talking but I cut him off.

"What- no," I mutter. "Don't say that, my two friends have come out and no one has ever made them feel bad about it or treated them differently you know why?"

"Why?" he asks.

"Because they're loved, I love them, the people in my pack love them and that's all they needed. If your team or your parents or whatever love you they won't care who you like or fuck, they'll care if you're happy or not." I say. "I don't know-how coming out feels like because I'm straight but you can do this man."

Why am I confronting my kidnapper again?

Noah keeps staring at me for a moment then he quickly stands up and kisses my non-whipped cheek, "You might be my favorite Alpha now."

He then quickly leaves the room and closes the door while I sit on the bed stunned.

I can feel heat descending on my cheek, no one has ever kissed my cheek.

Anastasia was too scared to talk to me half of the time because she didn't want to get kicked out of the pack and Ethan was just my beta.

Smiling I close the lights of my bedroom and get into bed.

I didn't think anyone would kiss my scarred face, this is probably the first and last time anyone would ever do this.

I'm sure Noah didn't notice that he kissed my cheek because of his happiness.

Maybe this Noah guy isn't so bad after all.


The sun thinks it's great idea to annoy me in the morning, who likes to have in their face? Why is that a thing? My face is already scarred just leave it alone for a moment.

I groan and pull the sheets up to cover my face, trying to go back to sleep. But the damage is already done and I can't go back to my sleep.

Getting out of bed I check the dresser for a T-shirt that would hide my chest. I find a baby blue turtle neck and decide to wear it with some black pants even though the weather is warm.

I haven't seen the light of day in so long let's hope they don't mind it if I go to the deck.

Getting out of my room I spot no one, they're all probably sleeping. What time is it?

I just keep walking towards a hallway that I hope will get me to the deck of this ship.

Thankfully, after ten minutes of trying to locate the deck, I find it.

It's a beautiful day to be out, the sun is shinning with some light breeze. Unfortunately, I can't tell where we are exactly all I can see is the blue of the sea.

I stand there for a couple of minutes, my eyes closed, feeling the cold breeze hit my face, it feels good.

I wish the wind could heal my scars maybe if I stayed in the wind a little longer-

"Hi," I quickly snap my face to the source of sound and find Lilith leaning onto the railing next to me, her black hair is tied up in a bun, she's wearing a white T-shirt and black jeans, her violet eyes shining in the sun and she's staring right at my scar.

Feeling uncomfortable by her gaze I look back at the sea, "Hi," I greet her back. We fall into a comfortable silence. I can still feel her gaze on my face.

"I'm sorry about what I said last night, I was a dick and I didn't say thank you for bandaging me," I say after a few minutes, still not looking at her.

"No it's my fault you were right." her words are like a jab to my chest, even though I said that all she did was because she is guilty there was this small seed of hope that wanted me to believe that maybe I was wrong.

"I should be the one saying sorry." she continues.

"You didn't do anything," I murmur.

"Stop lying, I used you to tame my guilt and that's not okay," she says, taking a deep breath. "Why are you wearing a turtle neck? The weather is so hot right now."

Why the fuck is she asking me this? She knows damn well why I'm wearing a turtle neck in the middle of summer.

"It's the only thing I found in the dresser." I lie.

"Don't lie to me."

"Then don't ask when you know the answer." I rotate my head to look at her and she's already looking at me.

Taking a moment to admire the small hairs on her face moved by the wind, the curve of her lips, and her mesmerizing violet eyes.

I look back at the sea, "Where is everyone?" I ask.

"They're sleeping, Noah is in his office though," she answers and I nod.

"You don't have to hide them you know," she murmurs. "You're still pretty."

My eyes widen but I don't dare look at Lilith, am I dreaming? I probably am.

Why would she compliment me? We both know this can't work out, she hates my kind, she hates me. She has no right no give me false hope when she's driven by guilt.

I turn around wanting to confront her but she'd vanished when I was lost in my mind.



I'll stop screaming I promise.

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