By Sarah_Mamoh57

73.6K 2.9K 457

Islamic story. Vote. Zamzam Maleek,a shy,introverted,independent 17 year old girl who has a very loving and w... More

Characters and prologue.
My day🌺
My life.🌺
The deal.🌺
The news.🌺
They are back🌺
my Family🌺
The 1🌺
the reason pt 2🌺
Near her🌺
Azaad's feelings🌺
Goodbye gifts🌺
The Journey🌺 .
A New day🌺
His arrival🌺
His first attempt🌺
A change in his heart🌺
The beach
zamzam's feelings
i love him
journey with him
our feelings🌺
shopping together🌺
Wedding bells🌺
Wedding H♡A🌺
Me and Him🌺
Flashbacks 🌺
Depressily tempting🌺
Crazy four🌺
Nightmare prt2🌺.
the truth🌺
Evil 🌺
Time 🌺
Crazy fam🌺
Cheeky smile🌺
With him🌺
Is the night young?.🌺
Her day🌺
Sneak peak🌺
Oh no!🌺
Sayaad 🌺
Life goes on💜.
Epilogue 🌺

For her🌺

264 17 3
By Sarah_Mamoh57


Azaad's Pov.


Zamzam's Dad welcomes my so called Father as i give him last glare before he left.

His eyes travelled to each and every person at how they are treating their wives.

How women of this family are treated like how they are supposed to be treated, They are smiling happily with their husbands.

How Zamzam's Dad is clinging on Mom by putting his hand on her waist and whisper something to make her chuckle.

How Poppi let's Nonni lie on his shoulder cause she's Ill and doesn't make faces instead he softly caress her covered head.

How Sayaad's Mom holding onto Sayaad's Dad arms and his face turned into red cause of blushing hard.

Amir teasing Humaiza making her smile as his hands on hers.

Imraan holding onto his Wife Gulzar as she is busy listening attentively with him staring so deeply at her with smile on his face.

All these, he never did to Mom, all he did was to spill blood, Make her Shed tears, Give her beatings and be embarrassed of her.

"I hope you didn't face any trouble on the way", Poppi asks as I shake my head.

Everyone introduced themselves.

Well! He was taken back when Dad introduced himself as my Father-in-law.

"My girls and My wife", He finished.

"We are Azrah's in laws", Sayaad's Dad introduces everyone in his family.

He is silent but his face filled with disgust.

"My wife", I take Zamzam's hand as she was hiding behind me as she gulped.

'She's afraid of him. I sigh.

Dad looks at her as she looks at me.

"Azrah", Mom calls her  as she smile heading towards Dad with Sayaad beside hom.

"S_salaam aleikum", Azrah stutters as Dad smirk not until Sayaad spoke.

"My wife's father enjoy your stay", He looks at Sayaad gritting his teeth.

"They are not married yet staying together", Father exasperates.


"Oh no, they ar_", "Yes we are staying together so", Sayaad yells.

"Sayaad!, sorry", Sayaad's Dad scolds at sayaad and apologises to Father.

"Daddy Daddy, water", Sanna came to Imraan as Imraan picked her up after Gulzar settling on couch.

"Let's go, where is Amar?",  He asks as sana points at the busy Amar.

Dad's eyes then landed o  Sayaad and Azrah, How he's squeezing her hand to calm her down.

"You scared"? I whisper on Zamzam's ear as she looks at me and nod.

"I am here right", I snake my hand onto her waist as she smiles at me.

"Azaad Zammu, Show your dad his room", Poppi said as i nod.

I hold Zamzam's hand pulling her with me as we walk ahead of Dad.

She walks so close to me afraid of crossing path with him.

"You didn't tell me that your married", It's more like he is retorting as i move Zamzam beside me.

"I didn't find it necessary", I grunt.

"What type of family is Azrah marrying into, they are so cheap", Dad's voice filled with disgust as Zamzam looks at me.

"Did you see how lenient they are with their wives and later they get on their heads", He shouts as i sigh.

"Women being let loose will mak_".

"I told you speak when spoken so shut the fuck up or else_", I flash the remote as he gulps.

"Wait here", I tell Zamzam and walks in with Dad closing the Door in.

"If you do anything or say anything stupid i promise i won't think twice", I threaten.

"I bet they don't know about me son", He smirks.

I press the button in anger as he falls down shaking so vibrantly.

"Next time shut the fuck up!", And i slam the door out.


"You Ok?", Zamzam asks as i bury my face on the crook of her neck.

"Mhh!", I hum as She wraps her arms around me.

"You sure", She whispers as i smile.

"I'll be", I answer kissing her chin.

"Azaad we are at the corridor", She softly said as i sigh.

"Come On", I pull her into my room and slam the door.

"Now?", I raise my brow as she chuckles.

"Now", She narrows her eyes before smiling wide.


Zamzam's Pov.

Having a husband like Azaad has it's Pros and Cons, He goy so many of Pros but Cons only one, No self control. Ya Allah.

After using Restroom, I head out and find Azaad sitting on bed lost in his thoughts.

I climb on bed wrapping my hands around his neck and my chest against his back and started rooking myself.

He took my hand to his waist as i lean on his shoulders with him leaning on my head.

"I love you", He says as i smile.

"I love you", I plant a kiss on his neck.

"Azaad", I call him out as he hums.

"Is your back pain caused by your Dad?" I ask as he sighs.

"Yes", He shortly answers.

"How about we tell everyone that we are husband and wife?", He asks as i smile.


"I can't stay this way", He says as i kiss his neck.

"I think it's fun, sneaky sneaky", I say as he chuckles.

"What would i do if i hadn't met you?", He says as i tighten my grip.

"Um! Nothing", I answer quite unsure.

"Azaad, what was your type before you met me?", I ask as he takes a long sigh.

"I never had a type till i met you", I smile and snuggle on his shoulder.

"You are my everything Zamzam, you are my guide towards my light, you torch up my Dark life into brightness, You make me laugh, smile and__easily turn me on",  He alighs as i pole him.

"Mr. Vulgar", I whine.

We stay in silence for a bit before he moved to the edge of the bed with me behind him on his back.

"Azaad", I call him as he takes my both legs on his waist and stand up.

He walks to the balcony of his room and stands still making us get perfect view of The gardens.

"You make me feel short and weigh nothing", I whine as he laughs.

"I feel like i am so high that i can touch the sky", I joke as he laughs making me feel stupid.

"Umm! Azaad what do you hate the most?", I ask as he stays quiet for sometime.

"When everyone says that i look like him", His voice laced with anger.

"Specially Humaiza, she points everything out", He sighs as i chuckle.

"I just can't tell them why i hate it cause is she gets to know, she'll be the first one to murder him", He chuckles as I let go of my hand and play with his hair.

"You are not like him Azaad", I tell him as he sighs.

"You are different, crazy, nasty, Romantic, angry bird at times most of all the best", i say as He smiled wide.

It's true, Azaad's face emits Care vibe, He is family Person as his Father, Wallahi  his face shows that if you say a word your dead.

A scar on his face makes it worse, And his Dark blue eyes. Ya Allah,

Azaad's blue orbs, are i don't kow, they displays emotions his feeling and changes according to it.
Masha Allah

"Azaad put me down", I said as he groan.

"Please", I insist and he lets me down.

I went to stand infront of him and hug him.

'Should i tell him.

"Um! Azaad", I whisper as he tightens his grip.

"Mh", He hums.

"I_um, it's not compulsory you know", I hesitate as he pulls away staring down at me with his brows furrowed.

"What is it Zamzam?", He cups my cheeks as i feel my tears escaping from my eyes.

"I have been crying more nowadays", I say as i sniffle while chuckling.

"I am sorry", He apologizes as i squint my eyes in confusion.

"Why are you sorry?", I ask staring at his guilt face.

"Cause of me you ar_",

"No", I hug him.

"Not cause of you Azaad", He rests his chin on my head.

"Then?", He asks as i sigh.

"Who's leading the prayer today?", I ask as he smiles.


We are praying Dhur prayer together, atleast twice a week we must pray together and each boys lead us, so today it's Amir.

"Oh, um! Azaad, I wanted to ask you, only if  you want", I look at his captivating blue orbs as he smiles.


"Can we pray two rakas together", I whisper casting down.

After no reply from him, i look up only to find amusement playing on his eyes.

"Like the saying, Couples who pray together forever stay together", He quotes as i smile wide.

"Let's go", He holds my hamd pulling me towards the washroom but instantly i stop.

"What?", He asks as i smile sheepishly.

"You go, i'll do it after you", I pout as he smirks.

"We both are gonna do ablution together", He says as i refuse.

"No Azaad", Instead he push me from my back as if i weigh nothing.

I sit beside admiring how gorgeous he looks when doing the ablution.

When he is done, he sat waiting for me, one thing about Azaad, he stares at me so much no matter when we are alone or with everyone.

"Shall we", He grabs my hand and head out.

"I don't have socks", I look at him sitting on his bed.

"I got one, besides i never wear any", He hands me his socks as i put them on and stand beside him.

"Azaad, read out loud", I insist smiling cheekily as he kiss my cheeks.


Masha Allah, His voice.

Before it was filled with agony, So much that i would make anyone cry and Now,

Today i find myself crying deepdown admiring his soothing aound.

His voice can melt anyone's heart, it can make even soften the heart of the most heartless person. Masha Allah.

That's his Voice.

'I love him so much Ya Allah, Give me all his worries, Pain and any bad coming towards him.

Give him strength and happiness h deserves and my share of Happiness.

Protect him Ya Allah.

After we are done, i couldn't help myself but to cry. All this time i yearned to pray with my Life partner.

All this time i prayed alone and today he_ he's leading the pray, we are praying together.

I cry as he pulls me into a hug.

"Zamzam what's wrong?", He panic.

"Have i done something?, i am sorry if i hurt you, please don't cry", He made it worse and made me cry more.

Every Time, every time he thinks he hurt me, he apologizes all the time and i don't like this.

"I love you Azaad, it's not you fault, it's just_", I pull away staring at him.

"I am happy that i got you", I sniffle as he kiss my lips.

"No, i got you", He hugs me and lie down with me on top of him still crying.

"What's the time?", I ask.

"They are praying", He says as i abruptly standup.

"Let's go then", I almost run out if hadn't held my hand.

"Together", He said as i smile.



Masha Allah, Heading at the prayer room, my attention grabs Amir's soothing voice and Alhamdulillah They just started praying.

"I'll go join that little monkey".

Azaad whispers heading towards Amar who is jumping on Imraan as Azaad filling his place.

As i stood beside Nonni.

After praying.

"Where were you guys?", Humaiza whispery asks me and Azaad as i twitch my lips.

"Library", I lie.

"My room", Azaad chuckles knowing what's Humaiza's evil mind cooking.

"Azrah did you check at the library?", Azrah shook her head no.

"Darn, we would have caught you guys", Humaiza pouts.

"You were together right?", She wiggles her brows as i laugh.

"Stop doing that". I laugh louder.

Yes I am Happy, Alhamdulillah, but scared about tomorrow.


Vote please.😄

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