Gen Y The Series "DESTINY" Co...

By shine21_devine

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REMINDER : If you like the story please share. Other ThanuPhai shippers might not read this yet. ___________... More

CHAPTER 2 (Valentine's Day I)
CHAPER 2 (Valentine's Day II)
CHAPTER 2 (Valentine's Day III)
CHAPTER 9 (Field trip I)
CHAPTER 10 (Field trip II)

CHAPTER 11 (Field trip III)

1.2K 46 9
By shine21_devine

Klui speeds across the room, and slams the door, then grabs a water bottle from a corner table. Sab awakened from his sleep as the door slammed shut behind him.

"Hey, that's my water bottle! What happened to you?" He inquired when he saw Klui rushing.

Klui went to the sink and poured his hand with water before wiping his mouth with it. He started gargling, then spat the water out before rubbing his lips with his right hand to wipe Padbok's kiss. Sab slowly got up and moved over to Klui.

''You don't even look like you've seen a ghost"Sab gives a full look at Klui.

''Fuck! That hooligan! Don't let me see you again!" He murmured as he held the bottle tight until it cracked. Sab wonders why Klui is so heated.

"Hello, am I speaking to myself?'' To get Klui's attention, he steps closer and then waves his hand in front.

''It was nothing," Klui lied. He threw the bottle into the trash can and walked towards his bed while Sab followed him and sat on his bed.

''Nothing.. but you are like this? getting pissed, did the senior showed up again? " He knew no one could make Klui pissed like that.

''How did you know?'' Klui turned around to face his friend.

"He'll always be the reason you're like that, and I won't be surprised if one day you become lovers" Sab joked with his friend.

''The fuck! I will die first before it happens" Klui said before covering his body with a quilt. He closed his eyes and suddenly thought of what Padbok said earlier about Phai, Thanu, and his brother. He was confused about what he had seen recently in Phai and Thanu.
In The Room

''Are you not tired after the tour? "Thanu asked Phai after putting the things on the table.

''No P'Thanu, we just kept talking during the activity besides I know you're the one who's tired, because after you left us, you were preoccupied with other things, even driving the teachers back and forth"

''How did you know? Thanu stopped removing some items from the box.

''Um, P'Kit told us'' Phai answered.

''Aw, I see, I was assigned to certain tasks, that's how an officer student is, and you'll be in the same situation once you become a school officer" Thanu explained.

''From now on, I think I should enjoy more of my free days " Phai smiled and Thanu smiled back

''Here, kindly cut these. Do you know how to cut them? " Thanu chuckled, he stretched his hand, and handed over the pieces of cardboard

''Of course P'Thanu!, is that all?'' He smiled and proceeded to cut the cardboard one by one. They had been working for a while when Thanu said something.

'' It's a good thing my classmates aren't here, so I'll be able to spend time with you alone" Thanu honestly said. He's arguing in his mind whether he should take this chance to express his feelings to Phai.
For a long time, his heartbeat has been racing.

''Ouch! " Phai suddenly hissed. he accidentally cut his finger after what Thanu said.

''Phai Are you alright?" Thanu dashed towards Phai after, and noticed a wound on his finger. He took Phai's finger and brought it to his mouth, then sucked it. Phai's eyes widened. He felt hot and his cheeks suddenly got red. His heart began to beat so hard, he thought to take back his hand, holding the senior wrist to stop, but he couldn't move. Different emotions are rushing in his body to think that there are only two in the room. Not for long, Thanu stops and looks at Phai's face. Phai froze and felt he couldn't breathe, like the air from the room was suddenly gone. Their eyes meet. Neither one of them blinks. Slowly Thanu moves his face toward Phai. Phai closed his eyes tight until Thanu's lips met his lips. His heart pounded in his chest as his knees got weaker. He could only focus on how soft Thanu's lips were, addictively invading all his senses. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he hears his name being called.
''Phai, Phai? " Thanu shakes Phai as he wonders why Phai isn't moving and simply stands, while his eyes tightly closed. He got worried, so he shook him once more.

''Huh? " Phai was awakened from his dream. He thought that it was real.

''Are you alright? Do you feel dizzy?" Thanu inquired, concerned that Phai has a blood phobia.

''Um...'' Phai drew his hands and held on tight, forgetting he had a wound. He grimaced when he felt pain from his wound.

"Be careful, sit down first so I can treat your wound" He escorted him to a chair. Luckily, he always had his first aid kit with him.

"I should not have let you cut those cardboards"

''It's not your fault, P'Thanu; it's my carelessness that caused me to cut my finger" Phai said, not wanting the person to blame himself.

''Still, and why are you closing your eyes tight? I thought you were afraid of blood and got dizzy when you saw your blood" Thanu said with a worried tone. When Phai recalled the reason, he felt ashamed.

"You should take care of yourself, just before you almost collapse if I wasn't there. What do you think would happen?" Thanu can't help but scold the person. Phai simply nodded. He focussed his eyes on how the senior gently treated the wound by wiping away the blood, putting some ointment, covering it with gauze, and elevating his wounded finger. Their eyes meet.

''You and Sandee are always together "
Thanu uttered in a low voice. For seconds, Phai looked away, then replied.

''Mm, he is the closest person to me among my friends, and he is very dependable" He can't forget the first time he met Sandee. He chuckled when he remembered.

''You look happy when you talk about him" Thanu got sad. Phai saw it, but swept his thoughts away. He stood up and stepped towards the table, but Thanu captured his left hand, making him stop. He throws a gaze at the senior who is looking straight into his eyes. Thanu didn't talk to him, neither did he. They were waiting for who would speak first. After a brief pause, one of them spoke up.

''Phai I..I'd like to tell you that''Thanu's voice was stuttering. He hadn't expected it to be so difficult to confess to this person, but it came naturally to him when he said it to Wayu. His tongue seemed to fold back. He remembers that he turned on the aircon but he still felt hot . He then inhales deeply and exhales to remove his nervousness.

''Please be my boyfriend " Finally, he said those words.

''huh?'' Phai didn't expect that Thanu would say that to him. He froze for a moment, processing what was happening.

"P'... What did you say?" Phai asked. He wanted some clarification as maybe he was dreaming again and heard it wrong.

"Please be my boyfriend," Thanu said once more.

''Forgive me if I was confused between you and Wayu, I thought I made the right decision by pushing you out and avoiding you before, but I was just kidding myself that Wayu was the one and you were just a coincidence."


''The days I spend with you... those days show me the real you, the way you smile, your eyes, and your lips move. It gives me joy... I could not think about Wayu...Unlike when I'm with him, I feel lonely. I even imagine you are him until I finally realize that my feelings for Wayu are not what I feel when I'm with you" Thanu moved closer to Phai, and held both of his hands. "Wayu needs someone to share his sadness, to listen to him, but as a good friend...And I got confused about that feeling, thinking it was something" He said firmly, then looked at Phai.

"I hope I'm not late. Please give me a chance" Thanu lengthy expresses his emotions. He prays over and over that Phai will give him a chance, as he doesn't know what to do next if the person didn't allow him.

Phai didn't move, he was in a daze. He wondered whether Thanu was telling him the truth about his feelings. Yes, he was happy, yet confused, and hesitant to say that he accepted as he was curious about the senior's relationship with Wayu, as he saw them being lovely recently. He also needs to know about the kiss and if it was Wayu's first boyfriend that caused him to give up.

''P'Thanu, "but Thanu's name is the only word that comes out of his mouth.

'' If you cannot answer me today, I will wait, I'm willing to wait just give me a chance please" Thanu couldn't think to accept if Phai would say no to him, though he knew it was also his fault for confessing just right now. That is why he wants Phai to think first. He believes that if he gives Phai time to think, then there'll be a chance and he will prove his sincerity too. Now he knew how Pha felt. The only difference is that Wayu was still in love with Pha, but with him and Phai, as their relationship had still not yet started, he immediately cut it off as he thought those images were just an accident. Now he regrets it.

''We're back! " People burst into the room all of a sudden. They are Thanus classmates who went for a drink.

"You don't need to answer me today..I'll let you think" Thanu whispered.

"Aw, you have a companion " One of his classmates uttered. Thanu introduced Phai to them after Phai gave his respect.

"You're so kind, thank you so much, nong," a tipsy long-haired woman thanked him.

"All right, let's get to work."

The night was long. Everyone in the room was busy preparing. Thanu never mentioned the issue before; instead, he just kept guiding Phai on the decorations for their event, which made Phai feel at ease until they sent him back to his room. In his mind, his questions should be explained first before he will have his answer.
In the morning

Students were out all day because it was the last day of their field trip. Thanu with his classmates went to their community service. Phai's group was busy with freshmen activities. Both of them didn't meet until it was getting dark, the time for them to leave.

''OK, now please prepare for the next group to have their picture! and have your good poise as we are about to leave after this!" The person in charge of the photograph gave the order.

Phai's group prepares themselves as they are the next to have their photo. Kalae brushes his hair to look handsome. He wants to be good looking even just after the exhausting activity. Sab and Klui were next to each other on the right side. Pok and Tong chose to the left side, next to Mark and Kit. Wayu was standing next to Thanu, with Phai beside him, and then Sandee. Everyone was ready when the person in charge noticed three people who were late.

''P'Padbok! why are you late!? Your group had their picture taken!"

''It's OK, I don't like it anyway, just a waste of time"

''Oi, how about us? We want to have our souvenir photo "Jack uttered, pointing himself and Jew, as he was worried about not having a souvenir photo.

''Bastard just take a selfie'' Padbok said heartlessly.

''Aw, you don't have to say that P..Don't worry, this group had not yet taken a photo, just go with them. I'm sure they are willing to let you join " The student smiled fully. Padbok's group looked at the people behind the person, but Phai's group stayed quiet and stared at them with a poker face.

"See! Alright! Just go there, no wasting of time "and with a soft push, he moves them forward.

''All right! Padbok kicked the ground with his right foot. His friends dragged and pulled him alongside with Klui. He looked at the boy with fierce eyes, while the other smirked before turning to face the person in front of them.

"Childish," Klui snorted, making Padbok grin.

''OK, now get ready! Have good posture! You are all handsome! I'm loving it! " He giggled as he saw the fourteen attractive men in front of him.

''Wait! You two, you and you come in front" The four individuals and Padbok's friends moved and were positioned in a way the others would not be blocked.

''Excellent! That's much better! 1 two 3 Smile!" The photographer begins to press the shutter release button.

In the photo, the six people in front had the best pose as they were looking straight at the camera while the people behind differed from them.

It captured Thanu with his hand encircled on Phai's waist as he moved him closer. Phai, with a startled and blushed face, looked at Thanu. Mark, Kit, and Wayu gazed at the two with wrinkled foreheads while Sandee captured in a tilted head looking at Klui and Padbok at his side because the two were pushing with their elbows while looking at each other with fierce eyes.
''Perfect!'' The photographer exclaimed.


Yes, Chapter 11 is here. Sorry for the delay in posting another chapter, you already know why. A student feels like 🤓 🧐 😔 😭 🤯 😵.
Once again, thank you all..for the love and support in our story.Take care always 💋🤗.


For Chapter 12 probably on May 28✍.

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