Once upon a lifetime

By HuaisangsIntellect

338K 15.3K 3.1K

The second he awakens, Wei Wuxian realises that he has been sent to the past, but at what cost? How will he p... More

Rebirth - Part one
Rebirth - Part two
Rebirth - Part three
Familiarity - Part one
Familiarity - Part two
Familiarity - Part three
Theory - Part one
Theory - Part two
Waterborne Abyss - Part one
Waterborne Abyss - Part two
Waterborne Abyss - Part three
Abnormality - Part one
Abnormality - Part two
Bound - Part one
Bound - Part two
Bound - Part three
Revelations - Part one
Caution - Part one
Caution - Part two
Caution - Part three
New Beginnings - Part one
New Beginnings - Part two
New Beginnings - Part three

Revelations - Part two

7.2K 464 139
By HuaisangsIntellect

Revised 03/11/23

Here's a long chapter to compensate for the long wait, so sorry!


When Wei Wuxian awoke, it was to a sensation as though he had just experienced a very long dream. There was a soft tickle on his cheek, wet and cold as it manoeuvred its way down his face, and he opened his eyes to a small pink nose nuzzling against his face, wiping away old tears.

He was lying down on a colossal block of misty, hard ice, and was surrounded by a field of snow white rabbits. Just as he moved, however, they immediately jerked away, leaping off him and all scattering towards the same area, where Lan Yi was sitting, gently stroking the back of one as it leapt into her lap.

"Lan... Lan Yi?" said Wei Wuxian blearily, widely yawning. "You, what are you doing here?"

Lan Yi laughed, to which Wei Wuxian finally glanced around at the frigid cave. Moments later, the previous memories of the day thrusted back into the forefront of his mind, and he immediately jerked his head up.

"Ah, Lan Zhan, he—" he spoke, quickly looking left and right for the man. "Where is he? Is he okay?!"

Lan Wangji in question was still unconscious on the cold ice, a few of the same pale rabbits leaping over him and snuggling to his chest. Wei Wuxian suddenly felt as though he had just tasted bitter vinegar, and had the abrupt realisation that Lan Wangji must be very warm for them to gather on him so closely.

He violently shuddered and brought his arms close to his chest, suddenly cognisant of the frigid air.

"They're cleansing the resentful energy," said Lan Yi softly.

"I see," said Wei Wuxian automatically, before quickly back-tracking. "Sorry, what— Resentful what? You mean— Lan Zhan is—" he suddenly felt the beginnings of a headache. "Lan Zhan is being cleansed of what?!"

"I'm sure you're very familiar with it," she said calmly, and she looked Wei Wuxian dead in the eye as she continued, "Yiling Patriarch."

"Yes— er, sorry, I thought you were talking about Lan Zhan being involved with, er, Resentful energy," Wei Wuxian laughed loudly, and he quickly stopped when she didn't laugh with him. "I'm... er, I did hear you wrong, didn't I?"

Lan Yi gently picked up the rabbit on her lap and placed it to the side. "Ah, I'm sure it hasn't yet been noticed. Lan Wangji's — or should I say Hanguang-Jun's — sect specialises in recognising Resentful Energy, as you're aware. Now, I'm not sure who is running the sect these days, considering no one has even noticed it, but—" she added vehemently, when she saw Wei Wuxian open his mouth. "From the moment of your arrival, and even when I first saw you, you were both smothered in it. That's how I knew."

"Er," said Wei Wuxian eloquently, idly scratching the hair behind his ear. "I don't understand," he laughed. "Lan Zhan? You've got to be mistaken, I mean—" He looked at the unconscious Lan Wangji, and then down at himself, and made a curious hum. "That's strange. There's no resentful energy on me."

"That's because," said Lan Yi, looking at the unconscious Lan Wangji deeply. "When you jumped down that cliff, you condemned your soul to a terrible fate — a fate of wandering the abyss for years, perhaps decades — and that's if you're lucky enough to be summoned back to the world. Young Master Lan here, when he jumped with you, you see — his soul must have latched onto the only other 'pure' thing swimming in that sea of resentful energy — you."

"Wait, wait, wait," said Wei Wuxian, holding up his hands. "You've lost me. So... Lan Zhan's soul and mine are connected? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, let me put it simply," chuckled Lan Yi, and she sounded very amused. "The resentful energy brought you here. Lan Wangji latched onto your soul, and he therefore followed you to this timeline. But as he is not as intimately familiar with the resentful energy as you are, let's say... it took him a little push to remember the past."

"You mean..." Wei Wuxian exclaimed, his face lighting up. He kept glancing between Lan Yi and the unconscious male so rapidly it looked like his head was attached to his shoulders. "You mean to say..."

At that moment, Lan Wangji's eyes burst open and he jerked upright with a gasp, startling the rabbits that had gathered around him. They scattered in a flurry of fur and flailing limbs, but Lan Wangji did not even notice them. His wide, desperate gaze was fixed on the figure before him — the one from his memories, happy and full of life, with a smile so broad it was etched into his very mind.

"Wei Ying?" he whispered, voice raw with disbelief.

At that moment, it was as though Wei Wuxian was seeing Lan Wangji for the first time, from the vibrant golden eyes to the flowing white robes that somehow remained pristine even after days of wandering alone. But there was something eerie in his expression now, something haunted and broken that Wei Wuxian had never seen before.

"Lan Zhan, you..." he murmured. "You remember?"

Lan Wangji surged to his feet, swaying unsteadily. "I remember," he said softly, taking a halting step forward. "I remember, Wei Ying."

"You... And you fought the Xuanwu with me...?" said Wei Wuxian shakily.

"I did," said Lan Wangji.

"And you — you defended me at Nightless City...?" Wei Wuxian whispered as Lan Wangji came to a halt before him.

"I did."

"You..." Wei Wuxian sobbed, clutching firmly onto Lan Wangji's sleeve — tight enough so that if Lan Wangji wanted to escape or were to disappear, Wei Wuxian's grip would stop him from leaving. "You're really my Lan Zhan? You're real? You aren't... you aren't... Just a dream?

"It's me," Lan Wangji whispered, his voice breaking. With trembling fingers, he took Wei Wuxian's hand in his own and brought it to rest over his chest. "I'm here, Wei Ying."

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Wei Wuxian's breath stuttered as he felt the steady rhythm beneath his palm - Lan Wangji's heartbeat, vital and real. Proof that he was truly here.

"Oh, to be young," said Lan Yi, giggling loudly. When they both looked at her in alarm, she lightly waved her hand in a dismissive manner. "Oh, please — do carry on, you two. Don't mind me."

Wei Wuxian looked back at Lan Wangji, and suddenly felt the heat of his face mirror the warmth emitted by Lan Wangji's hand. He leapt away, coughing loudly, and didn't dare look Lan Wangji in the eye.

"So...?" Lan Yi scoffed, and she looked so intimidating when she folded her arms into her chest. "Do you want the Yin Iron or not?"

When she passed it to Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji lowered himself into a bow. Upon seeing Wei Wuxian still standing, he grabbed his hand and pulled him down to the same level.

"Thank you so much! We will be very careful with it, I promise!" exclaimed Wei Wuxian.

"Thank you, Master Yi," said Lan Wangji calmly.

"Performing the bows already, are we?" Lan Yi laughed. When neither of them reacted, save for a generous twitch of Lan Wangji's brow, she sighed. "Alright, alright, just be careful it doesn't get into the wrong hands. And by that, I mean a certain Wen Ruohan."

"Of course!" said Wei Wuxian, his eyes earnest and sparkling with determination.

"Thank you for your time," said Lan Yi, lifting her palm. Her white sleeve slid down slightly and it seemed to dissipate and blend in with the surroundings, as though she was a ghost. "Ah, I suppose my time is up."

"You don't seem very concerned," Lan Wangji observed. "Do you not have a family you wish to say goodbye to, or perhaps a friend?"

"My family and friends are before our time," said Lan Yi, smiling at Wei Wuxian, who knew she was referring to his mother. "But at least, now, I am able to meet them once more."

"Young Master Lan, Young Master Wei," she said, looking at both of them seriously. "From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I wish you both the best of luck."


When Wei Wuxian was younger, he used to think that Lan Wangji hadn't changed at all since he met him. But now that he had the juxtaposition of memoryless Lan Zhan and Lan Zhan with memories, the differences were as stark as day.

"Hey, Lan Zhan, how come I never noticed that when you say my name, you smile a little?" said Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji stared at him. "See! It happens when you look at me too!"

Lan Wangji huffed, turning away. "...Don't smile."

"Eh?" Wei Wuxian chuckled. "What was that? Lan Zhan, I didn't hear you. Isn't lying forbidden in Cloud Recess?"

Lan Wangji stopped walking, and he immediately froze as though caught red handed.

Wei Wuxian skipped into standing beside him, and he grinned widely. "What was that, Lan Zhan? You look guilty. Could it be... that it's true?!"

When Lan Wangji remained silent, Wei Wuxian felt his cheeks heat. He'd only been teasing, and never expected Lan Zhan to actually feel happy just by seeing him... For some reason, it eased some of the insecurity he felt in his heart.

"Hey! Lan Zhan, look, it's our rabbits!" Wei Wuxian exclaimed, a skip in his step as he rushed over. Lan Wangji followed closely behind as he knelt down to greet them. "Hello, little cuties, hehe!"

When the rabbits only leapt away from him, Wei Wuxian fell into the grass and started to dramatically sniffle. "Lan Zhan, they don't like me! Not fair!"

Lan Wangji sighed. He picked up one of the rabbits and gently placed it on Wei Wuxian's torso, stroking its fur slowly before it sat comfortably atop his chest like a sleeping cat.

When Wei Wuxian sat up slightly to stroke it, Lan Wangji looked at him and admonished, "Don't move too abruptly. It will get scared."

Wei Wuxian laid back down and grinned when more and more rabbits started piling atop him, thanks to Lan Wangji's careful hands. "Look, Lan Zhan, they're all sleeping!" he cooed.

"Mn," said Lan Wangji.

"Hey," said Wei Wuxian, sitting up quickly and making a sound of panic when they started rushing off him. "Lan Zhan, let's take two of these on our trip with us!"

Lan Wangji's face was blank. "...Why two?"

"Because," said Wei Wuxian, picking up a black rabbit and settling it down, before taking another white rabbit and placing it beside the first. "It'll be too lonely if there's just one. Besides, I do love a good love story!"

Lan Wangji opened his mouth to speak, but he apparently didn't know what to say. "They're both male," he said instead.

Wei Wuxian looked at them, and then at Lan Wangji, and he frowned deeply, offended as though Lan Wangji had just commented on something very personal. "Hey! Lan Zhan, that's mean! Don't underestimate the deep bond between soulmates! Isn't that right, Zhanzhan, Yingying, hm?"

"No, I didn't mean..." Lan Wangji began, but he suddenly paused and his ears went very red. "...Zhanzhan? Yingying?"

Wei Wuxian looked down at the rabbits with pure adoration. "I feel like they're my children! So cute! Of course they have to be named after their parents! Isn't that right, my sweetums?"

Zhanzhan, the pale rabbit, squeaked in response and Wei Wuxian tapped its arm in a poor example of a high-five.

"Parents...?" Lan Wangji murmured, which was coincidentally the exact same word his brother, Lan Xichen, was thinking at the same moment.


"Parents?" Lan Xichen said, with deep intrigue and curiosity in his eyes. "Young Master Jiang, just how did you come to that conclusion?"

Jiang Wanyin had noticed a letter addressed to both him and Lan Xichen on the large wooden desk in the corner of the Hanshi. He and Lan Xichen had been in deep discussion and drinking very warm tea, therefore he hadn't noticed it until he stood up to leave.

The letter was as follows:

Dear Jiang Cheng and Zewu-Jun,

Hi! Wei Ying here! I just wanted to let you know that me and Lan Zhan have some really important business concerning the safety of everyone. But don't worry, it's nothing dangerous!

("I swear he contradicts himself with every word he says," Jiang Cheng huffed.)

We won't be long... Maybe a few days... Actually probably lots of a few days...? Is that a thing? Groups of a few days? I don't know, but don't wait around for us if we're not back by the end of the Gusu visit.

Zewu-Jun, I just feel like this is something only we can do, and I understand Lan Zhan is your brother, so I'd like to tell you that he's in safe hands, and I trust him with my life! We're just working towards a better future for us.

This is something we have decided to do after much contemplation, and by the time you will have read this, we will probably be gone.

Lan Zhan says he wishes for you to feed the rabbits at the back of the hill in his stead. He says they specifically like carrots (he's so silly, isn't he? What a fuddy-duddy!) so be sure to feed them lots and lots!

Thanks for reading! Have a nice time without me to entertain you, Jiang Cheng!

-Wei Ying

(And Lan Zhan)

"This is so mysterious, not at all like Wei Wuxian," said Jiang Cheng knowledgeably. "You know he's been obsessed with Lan Wangji since the day we got here. The only problem this time is that Lan Wangji seems to reciprocate."

"Reciprocate what?" said Lan Xichen, quick to fuel the fire with some implications.

Jiang Cheng suddenly turned very, very red and he coughed loudly into his elbow. "Anyways, Wei Wuxian has mentioned a few times he wanted one or two children..."

"How does that relate to their trip outside the Sect?" said Lan Xichen curiously.

Jiang Cheng looked as red as the Wen Clan's motif. "How else will he get children? Of course they've gone to adopt some!"

"Oh," said Lan Xichen, understanding finally befalling him. "Uncle won't be happy... but as their Uncle, I will protect them the best I can!"

"I wonder who they'll take after," said Jiang Cheng. "I hope they don't act like lunatics like Wei Wuxian. It'd be nice if I didn't have to watch out for them eating everything they see for every second of my life."

He imagined a little group of Wei Wuxians, all small, sweet and innocent. And then the moment he let them leave his sight, they trampled all over the lotuses, ate all the food, and threw all of the good liquor into the pier!

He went slightly pale when he imagined those children running towards him; one grabbed his tassel, another his neatly-tied hair, and one even unsheathed Sandu before running off with it and tripping over their feet, therefore dropping it in the lake!

Jiang Wanyin wiped away the large amounts of nervous sweat on his forehead. "They better be like Lan Wangji, all right."

"Hmmm, well, Wangji was adorable as a child," said Lan Xichen thoughtfully.

He imagined two small Wangjis, short and petite, tugging shyly at his robes.

"Uncle Xichen," they said, their eyes sparkling. "Can we have some spicy food please...? Papa says it's bad for our tummies, but it's really yummy!"

"Ah," he sighed, taking a long sip of his tea. "Uncle will really love this, won't he?"


"Lan Zhan, are you sure it's fine we didn't tell your Uncle anything? Maybe, I don't know, that we're leaving, for starters?" said Wei Wuxian. They were flying over a long stretch of grass on their way to Caiyi Town, and Wei Wuxian had been regretting leaving the letter he wrote to Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng.

"My brother will tell him when he feels it is appropriate," said Lan Wangji.

"Er," Wei Wuxian nervously laughed. "About that... in the letter I felt it was best not to mention the Yin Iron. You know... because it might kickstart the war a few months early or something."

"That's okay," said Lan Wangji.

Wei Wuxian frowned deeply, to which Lan Wangji's eyes narrowed in concern.

"What's wrong?" he asked softly.

"It's just... Lan Zhan, you're always accepting what I say as good. I can be bad sometimes, you know?"

"Wei Ying isn't bad," said Lan Wangji immediately.

"You don't get it," murmured Wei Wuxian, sighing. "I've been here for months. Months, Lan Zhan. And what have I done? Tell me one thing I've done to help prevent the war. You know it, Lan Zhan, I've been fooling around when I should have been doing something— Hey, Lan Zhan, wait— What are you doing—?"

Before he could finish, Lan Wangji had grabbed him by the hand and directed them towards the ground. They weren't too high in the sky, so it only took a few seconds for Wei Wuxian to find his footing.

When they had both landed, Lan Wangji took Wei Wuxian's wrist and they locked eyes. Lan Wangji's were narrowed seriously, and it was so shocking to see that Wei Wuxian immediately snapped his mouth shut, unable to bear his gaze.

"Wei Ying," said Lan Wangji softly. "Look at me."

When Wei Wuxian determinedly stared at the floor, Lan Wangji gently tilted his chin up with a long, thin finger.

"Repeat after me," he said. "I am Wei Ying."

"What, Lan Zhan?" Wei Wuxian laughed. "What are you saying you fuddy—"

"Wei Ying," said Lan Wangji admonishingly.

Wei Wuxian just stared at him before he heavily sighed. "Okay, okay, don't look at me like that. I'll do it: I am Wei Ying. Happy?"

"I am but a person," said Lan Wangji.

"I am but a person," Wei Wuxian repeated.

"And the weight of the entire world is not my responsibility."

"Lan Zhan, look," said Wei Wuxian, nervously laughing. "Is this all really necessary?"

"It is absolutely necessary," said Lan Wangji curtly. "Repeat: And the weight of the entire world is not my responsibility."

Wei Wuxian was silent for a few moments before he acquiesced, "And the weight of the entire world is not my responsibility."

"Good," said Lan Wangji, and he looked very pleased. "Wei Ying, dealing with the war is just a decision, not a responsibility. You have worked and fought hard enough already, so do not burden yourself by thinking such things."

Wei Wuxian wanted to voice a retort, but he felt as though he would upset Lan Wangji even further should he do so. Therefore, feeling quite bold, he asked, "Does that mean... You'll stay? You won't leave me all alone, and will make sure I never leave your side? Will you always look at me, not for who they say I am, but for who you see?"

Lan Wangji's lips curled and he squeezed Wei Wuxian's hand tightly as reassurance. "Always."


Nooo but seriously hearing LWJ say "Always" now that I'm a HP nerd makes it hit different TT TT

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