Love Tyrant: Hated-Love

By BlackvoirYanderevoir

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The Kiss note is back! and it has a new owner! A Sequel to the Anime, Love Tyrant, comes this new series. Kyl... More

Character Bio's
Chapter 1: Demon on the Loose X What? Another HomeWreaker!
Chapter 2: The Prince's Friends X Demonlition
Chapter 3: From the Shadows X The Kiss-Hate Note
Chapter 4: Angelic Company X Devilish little secrets
Chapter 5: AngelSitter X SecretKeepers
Chapter 6: Viva Hell Vegas X Her Brother
Lah, Devia and Marsha Bio's
Chapter 7: Lost Brother Times X Sibling Issues
Chapter 9: Day at the Beach x Demon Ghost Party
Chapter 10: Tsun-Date X The First Blade
Rie and Giratina's Bios
Chapter 11: Queen of the Distorted x Unbeating Heart
Chapter 12: Another Plan X The Angel Blade

Chapter 8: Purple Gunk Swamp x Altered Angel

69 2 0
By BlackvoirYanderevoir

Everyone is back in Hell Vegas, but at a condemned area, the Swamp.

Kyle: Here it is, the Bio Swamp!

Akane, Yuzu, Seiji and Guri looks at him in confusion.

Seiji: why?

Marsha: well you see, this dump was condemned a year ago after gunk from a nearby factory got into the waters of the lake.

Mesmo: the stuff is toxic and dangerous to demons.

Seiji: I won't understand you guys.

Akane: and how are we suppose to get in?

Kyle, Marsha, Devia and Guri all were at a opening in the fence.

Kyle: whoops! ladies first!

*Insert back to ninjago*

Everyone got into the swamp and looked around. they finally got to the purple gunk area, where their was a small house, a river boat in the gunk and a lot of stuff looking like a mario bros level.

(I like this remix and it is related to the theme of this chapter)

Yuzu: eewww!

Kyle: hey, don't look at me, look at Seiji!

Seiji: oh c'mon!

Mesmo: Kidding. this is the Bio Swamp, this stuff will dye hair and corrupt Demons.

Mesmo picks off a rose from a bush and puts the head into the gunk. after that, he brings it back out, seeing it has turn purple.

Yuzu: Yikes!

Kyle: Don't worry, don't go into it and your hair is safe. Ok, I'm going to meet a friend of mine.

Devia: I'm coming too.

Marsha: I'll stay so no one doesn't get lost.

Kyle and Devia both goes to the swamp house.

*Timeskip, brought by chibi Guri drinking purple soda*

Kyle and Devia both made it to the house, where they heard two voices. they both look on top a bush, seeing a purple haired male and blue haired male and a...Purple haired female?

Purple Male: Look dude, Kyle's coming and that means your sister too.

Blue male: Yeah, that sounds like him.

Purple male: and I always know he eardrops all the time.

then they both came out from the bush.

Kyle: Hehe, guilty! how's it been Poisin, Devin and new purple girl?

Poisin: Girl?

He looks, seeing a purple haired female.

Poisin: hhmmm, I see what you mean? Let me guess, Akane's and Yuzu's grudge?

Purple Girl: Hm!

Poisin: and Has her Tsundere side. I might call you...Akaline!

He pats her head, which she didn't like.

Devin: *Laughs* How's it been sis?

Devia; Nothing special!

Kyle: So you made the swamp into a course here?

Poisin: Yep, I always loved course based games!

Devin: How about a river race for old times sake?

Kyle: Oh shoot, didn't bring my jet ski.

Poisin: Again?

Akane: Again!

Then they saw Akane and Guri rushing their way. Akane threw a knife at Guri that misses and hits the board Kyle was on. the board broke, making Kyle fall into the Swamp gunk.

Poisin: oh no!

Then Kyle came out, all purple, demonfied and powerful!

Akane: Oops.

Kyle: This form...feels awesome!

Kyle then started playing the course like any other Mario course. but it was too destructive. Everyone looked in fear at what Kyle is doing.

Yuzu: whats happening?

Luci: The gunk has made Kyle too destructive!

Seiji: what? that doesn't make sense?

Marsha: Kyle is a greater Fallen angel! and that stuff makes Kyle too strong! we got to stop him or...

Then Kyle jumped down, facing everyone.

Kyle: (Corrupted) No one is stopping me! Akane wants to fight me, then she can! (normal) wait? What did I say? (Corrupt) Ahh, whatever!

Back with Guri, Akane and Devia, She was stopping Akane from Killing Guri. Devin was just watching the whole thing.

Devin: your doing a good job, sis.

Devia: Shut! up!

Akaline and Poisin was watching also, but Akaline was getting an adenaline rush.

Poisin: Akaline, Don't!

She just ignored him and rushes in, making Akane and Guri stop their fight.

Akane: who is that?

Guri: oh no! now their cloning them fun sized!

Akane: why does she look like Yuzu with my hair style?

Devia: Doesn't matter!

Devia tries to get rid of her, but she dodges.

Akane: she has my speed too?

Back with the others, Mesmo and Marsha tries to stop Kyle, but with new demon strength, he wasn't going to be taken down easily.

Mesmo: Kyle, we can talk about this!

Kyle: talk about what?

Marsha: look, let us cure you and not go near the stuff!

Kyle: well you can do that...if you can!

Kyle then rushes off again, making Mesmo and Marsha chase him again.

Mesmo: this isn't what I wanted to start my summer!

Marsha: me too!

Back with Guri, Akane and Devia, they were not confused with Akaline. Akne tried to attack her, but she now weild a Purple Katana.

Akane: this little purple pimple won't give up!

Devia: Does she ever quit?

Akaline: Quit?

Then she leaped at Guri, who just dodges. Akaline then falls into the gunk.

Guri: is she ok?

Poisin: yep, she was made from Akane's and Yuzu's grudge and it embodied into...that?

Back with the others, Mesmo and Marsha were now getting tired from Kyle, but they realised something.

Marsha: I don't think he's destroying. It looks like he's...finding?

Mesmo: finding? finding what?

Mesmo flew infront and blocked Kyle.

Kyle: Mes, get out of my way!

Mesmo: only until you tell us what your loo...

Kyle grabbed him and threw him towards a tree, breaking it. Kyle flew down to the damaged tree and found a book.

Kyle: Here it is! the book!

He grabbed it and looked in it.

Kyle: now I can forbid her from entering!

Marsha flew to him.

Marsha: Kyle, don't kill Mes!

Kyle: Oh, I didn't want to kill him! I was finding this book.

Marsha: why?

Kyle: Lets go back home and I'll tell you.

Kyle grabbed knocked out Mesmo and flew back to the Swamp.

*Timeskip, brought by chibi Kyle getting gunked*

Everyone, but Poisin and Devin were back at Aino's household. Kyle was now finished showering the gunk and now wore PJ's. Seiji was just looking at the book.

Kyle: Ok, now you are wondering 'All this for a book?'

Marsha: well, yeah!

Kyle: well what if I can say this is the key to stopping all of love from being destroyed?

Guri: all of love from being destroyed? what?

Seiji: you know what, I won't bother. Tomorrow, we're doing what I-

Akane: we!

Seiji: we want to do.

Kyle: you know what, your day tomorrow is your day!

Seiji: your coming too.

Kyle: Damn you!

Kyle goes back to his room and puts the book under his bed.

Kyle: Sorry Giratina, your not coming! never in this world or any world!

*insert outro*

A/N: I sort of hate this chapter, but I wrote it. I'll never be reading this chapter anytime soon, but It's part of this series. I might come back to it, make it better and more...enjoyable!

Next chapter will be based on the beach and the haunted high school.

Up next: Poisin, Devin and Akaline's Bios

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