A Taste of Chaos

By DaddyIrishman

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A young demon in the Cirlces of Sin finds himself selected to become the new Demon Lord in the Circle of Lust... More

A Taste of Chaos Ch. 3

A Taste of Chaos Ch. 1

86 3 0
By DaddyIrishman

A Taste of Chaos Ch. 1

By: DaddyIrishman

Author's Note: Before I say anything I want to make one thing clear, this is HEAVILY inspired by The Task's Lost Lord series on Literotica. He hasn't posted in years and I did reach out asking for permission to post this story that is built off of the framework of the world he created in his series but I never heard back. That said I am giving COMPLETE credit to TheTask for the world, ideas and framework of my new story. I took the world, framework, ideas and concepts from his world because I have to say, I really really enjoyed it and it inspired me to come up with my own tale in the world that he created. Many of the events and plot items come up in mine as well, as I said it is HEAVILY inspired by his. But this is my own unique work and my own take on the world he made and wanted to share it. It does NOT follow the same storyline or even have any of the same characters in it save for a few. Let me give a few details to try to explain before we get into it. IT does follow the Lord of Lust Asmodeous like it did in TheTask's story, but in this one he transfers his power to an unknown demon instead of turning an 18 year old human into a new Demon Lord. Again, similar plot point but my own take on it. Several events in TheTask's story were ones I really liked and wanted in my own, so I used them with my own twist on them. Such as the new Demon Lord getting married, the war with Heaven and the angels etc. I am sure you as the reader will find many examples of this if you have read his story, and for those that haven't I recommend doing so as its a fun read. All that being said, this is my own take on The Task's world and I give FULL credit for his work and inspiration for my own work and hope that you enjoy the tale.

Lastly, once again I do NOT have an editor and I am NOT a good editor myself. Please try to ignore any errors you find (and I am sure there are plenty) and I hope it doesn't take away from the enjoyment of the story itself. If you find you want to work with me and help me edit this story or my other series, The Silver Guardian, then let me know and we can talk and see if we can work something out.

Now, lets get this show on the road....

Chapter 1

Asmodeous was brooding as he walked along the streets of his capital city. As the Lord of Lust in the Land of Lust, one of the seven circles of sin, he was the highest authority and power and one of only seven Archdemons that ruled over the Seven Deadly Sins. He had been at this for untold millennia and he was tired of it. He was the only original Ruler of Sin left, the others passing and having their power transfer to their successor time after time, but he never had.

Not for lack of desire though, he had been searching for several hundred years for a worthy successor and even though he had several children, none were appropriate to rule the Land of Lust and his realm. No doubt they were capable leaders on the roles they had risen to, but they were not to be his successors. He had scried into every race and realm save for Heaven and the Angels for ages looking for a successor but he had yet to find one and was becoming increasingly desperate for it. He was ready to pass on and let someone else rule if only he could find what he was searching for. He wanted someone with vision, someone new who would lead the Land of Lust into a new era and be a stabilizing force. Fierce and strong but not just the typical self serving demon that most were. Much like humans not all demons or the other humanoid races in the circles were inherently evil or bad. Sure they all had it within themselves just like humans did, and yes they were demons and tended to indulge in sin far more frequently, but demons had a wide range or emotions and morals too and had the capacity for great good as well as great evil. Sure it was much rarer to find ones that were kind and kept to themselves but it wasn't unheard of.

Asmodeous walked through the crowd on the streets seeing any number and colors of demons and races talking, working, buying and selling, and as this was the Land of Lust, yes even fucking and fighting. Demons came in all kinds of colors and shapes and sizes with the only true rarities being white and black. Black and white demons were the rarest and generally considered royalty for the most part black demons always had the highest power and strength, their natural gifts being far above any others but white demons were just below that and depending on the individual could be even more powerful than black demons depending on circumstances. Asmodeous naturally was a black demon but he had pulled in all of his appendages and polymorphed himself so that he wouldn't be recognized. He had slipped his personal guard in the palace, the Sins of Lust, his personal guards and closest subordinates, the strongest save for Asmodeous himself with some notable exceptions in unique demons that belonged to certain groups and organizations.

He saw demons of lust of course, incubi and succubi as well as other regular lust demons, demons of wrath and envy and even some pride demons. He had made his way into the slums and was cutting through to head to another district of the capital when something caught the corner of his eye. Asmodeous turned and saw an ecclectic group of 6 or 7 demons of different sins converging on something. He was about to continue on and ignore the coming fight when something tickled his senses and he saw a flash of black. He turned his head to look closer and stepped towards the alley. He saw a rather small and obviously very you g black demon backing up in a defensive stance and looking around quickly.

What is a young black demon doing in the slums? He thought to himself.

The group had eventually encircled the you g demon and had pulled out there weapons, swords and axes and others. The you g demon in his fighting stance took a deep breath as shadows coalesced around his arms and legs enveloping him.

So he at least knows some magic, shadow manipulation is rather rare.

One of the attackers moved and brought his sword down in an overhead slash as the young demon braced his arm and the shadows intercepted the sword and stopped the blow as he pivoted and swung his leg around in a fast arc to get space. The others now engaged and came on in force as the young demon was constantly shifting and moving trying to block and avoid the lethal weapons and avoid being overwhelmed.

Asmodeous was mildly impressed, demons in general, at least incubi, were generally tall and powerful and though this black demon was young he was very small evenfor his youth. Slender and only standing around 5'7", Asmodeous could see he was very strong and had a lot of stamina for his diminutive size. I observing what the young demon was doing he he looked closer and saw that his clothes were dirty and mismatched and gathered that somehow this was likely where the young demon called home, but what was a black demon doing living in the slums?

Asmodeous snapped out of his introspection to see that the young demon had taken down 3 of the 7 but he had numerous cuts and wounds on him and was tiring. The four remaining demons had encircled him and were starting to taunt and attack him more and more as he began to succumb to his wounds. Asmodeous rarely got involved in others anymore but there was something to this you g demon that was drawing him to Asmodeous, he wanted to find out what and he wouldn't be able to do that if the young demon was killed. Besides he kinda liked him, he was scrappy and a fighter and seven fully grown demons against one adolescent, even a black demon, was hardly fair. His mind made up he reached in and ramped up his power a notch and took a step forward. To anyone watching it would have looked like a average red demon of list had put one foot forward and then disappeared, but Asmodeous blinked forward in an instant and took the head of the demon directly behind the youngster. The other three froze and blinked and looked around before one by one in mere moments the rest lost their heads and slumped over before Asmodeous reappeared behind the young one.

The young demon blinked and looked side to side as his opponents fell over dead for reasons he didn't know. He was tired and hurting and felt like he was about to pass out on his feet when he twas need up and froze. He sensed someone behind him and quickly turned around and brought his hands up as his eyes narrowed. He saw a rather average and plain looking red demon of lust in plain clothes before him. His appendages weren't out so he didn't know what type or color of demon he was as any demons skin could be any color, it was their appendages color that marked them apart. Most cases their skin matched their appendages but not always.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Asked the young demon of the newcomer.

Asmodeous grinned at the fore in the boy. "Just a friend lending a hand. I mean you no harm. Seemed a little unfair for 7 against one, let alone being fully grown demons when you are so young."

The young demon slowly lowered his hands and relaxed as he dismissed his shadow magic. "So you were the one who go killed the rest?"

Asmodeous nodded and then shrugged his shoulders. "Yes, I happened to be passing by and it caught my attention. Call me Asz, who might you be son?"

The young demon had relaxed and was taking stock of his wounds as he listened to the newcomer. "Well then thank you for your help and kindness Asz, I wasn't sure if I was going to get through that one. I appreciate your help. My name is Damiex Black." He extended his hand in offer for a handshake.

Asmodeous smiled and reached out to shake the young boys hand but when his hand made contact it was like he grabbed a lightning bolt with his bare hands and it exploded in his mind. Asmodeous' eyes went wide as a long series of visions passed through his mind's eye for what seemed like hours but was only a split second.

Thank the unholy I finally found him!!!!!! The successor I've been searching for for so long, and I randomly stumble across him today. He will do great things not just for the Land of Lust but for all the Circles! It was inspiring watching his progress and dreams in those visions. I have to move on this immediately!

Asmodeous let Damiex's hand go and grinned at him. Now to start him on this path.

"So how did a young black demon end up here in the slums. We both know that most black and white demons are treated like royalty, so how'd you end up here?"

Asmodeous out his hand on the young demon's shoulder and sent some healing magic into him as he watched the wounds begin to close.

Damiex sighed in relief and stood a bit straighter. "Thank you for that, it's already helping a lot. As for me, my story is fairly simple. I was abandoned as a child here on the outskirts and my earliest memories are of wandering the slums alone trying to survive. I was picked up early on by an older incubus who lived here and he tried to provide some support and shelter and food and raised me and mentored me. He was a rather strange incubus though, he taught and instilled in me the values of honor and sacrifice, love and loyalty. Virtues not typically found in the circles but I took them for my own, it's led to a much harder life but I am who I am and won't apologize to anyone for it. He was killed a few years ago in a fight and I've been on my own again ever since then."

Asmodeous liked this boy, not only for what he had seen in his visions, but the more he spoke and the more time he spent around him he liked this polite but fierce small demon.

"So what was the story with the dead fuckers over there that attacked you?"

Damiex sighed and shook his head. "It was retaliation from one of the newer gangs, the Pinnacle they call themselves. A few days ago I saw a succubus being assaulted by a few of their guys and ended up killing them. They've been hunting me down since then and finally had caught up with me today."

Asmodeous nodded at that piece of information. He didn't pay attention to the small fry gangs and groups in the his Circle, only the major ones and the pathetic Pinnacle certainly wouldn't be counted by him.

"So where do you live and how old are you Damiex?"

Damiex with a blank expression replied, "I don't live anywhere, I don't have a home. I just try to find a safe place to sleep and move around every day. I had been waiting to turn my majority at 75 and be considered an adult so I could see other join the army or a mercenary group and had been getting ready for that when these assholes caught up with me and derailed that. I turned 75 today and am now an adult, though I know I don't look it based on my size."

Asmodeous' grin broadened hearing that he became an adult today. It was as if everything had fallen into place all at once for this moment. "Let me ask you something Damiex. If instead of becoming a soldier or merc, if you could instead be offered an opportunity to make a real difference here in the Land of Lust, to be something that mattered and drove change. To be more than you are now and rose above your station, would you do it? Would you take hold of your life and your destiny? Would you rose to the challenge and grow beyond what you are?"

Damiex's face screwed up with confusion and doubt. "What are you taking about? I'm a street urchin, no such opportunity exists. I think your talking to the wrong kid."

Asmodeous frowned. "Shut up for a second and really listen. Listen to my words and hear the truth in them. No bullshit, no lies, just truth. If you could become more and make a real difference, ascend your station for the greater good. Would you? Yes or no."

The confusion hadn't left Damiex's face but he hesitated and listened to what Asz was saying, and most importantly how he was saying it. His face relaxed and he hesitated and really thought about it, something he had never considered before being resigned to his lot in life. His surrogate father and mentor had meant the world to Damiex and though not common in the circles had taught him to be more than a slave to his sins and desires. Not that he couldn't still I sludge, but that he could live and act and hold himself to more. After a minute of silence as Damiex considered it and how serious Asz was acting he decided to take a stand and leap of faith.

"Yes. If I could do something that mattered, could help our Circle, could become something more, then I'd do it no matter the challenge or sacrifice."

Asz relaxed and smiled broadly as he slapped Damiex on the shoulder. "That's a good man, that'll do. Come with me it's time."

Damiex once again looked confused. "Ok. Go where. Who are you really?"

Asmodeous got a serious look on his face. "I promise I will answer these questions soon, but no matter what you hear, what is said, who you meet, or anything else, just follow my lead and remember what you agreed to. No backing down and jump in head first. You got me?"

Damiex hesitated for just a moment but for reasons he couldn't explain he trusted Asz already and just nodded his head with a grim scowl on his face. "Very well, I accept. Now where are we going?"

Asz moved and stood behind him and out his hands on his shoulders. "You'll see."

There was a flash and then when Damiex opened his eyes he found himself in an over the top and opulent room that looked like some kind of office. As he slowly looked around he heard Asz speak.

"Welcome to your new home. This is my office inside of the palace."

Damiex froze upon hearing those words and slowly turned to look at Asz but he no longer looked the same. Recognition passed over his face as he stared into the face of the Ruler of Sin himself, the Lord of Lust Asmodeous. He quickly went to one knee and bowed. "My lord."

Asmodeous sighed and shook his head. "Absolutely not! Stand up immediately Damiex, you bow to no one and as of now I am NOBODIES Lord, so cut that shit out. Remember what I said. You committed to this and you'll follow my lead. Now get up and get that determination and fierceness back, you're gonna need it."

Damiex snapped out of it as he remembered Asz's words before he dropped this bomb on him. "Sorry, not exactly what I was expecting but you're right. Now what do you need me to do?"

Asz smiled, pleased to see his backbone back. "Simple. You're going to be the new Lord of Lust. I've been searching for my successor for several centuries now and I finally found him today in you. I'm too old to be doing this anymore and I'm tired. So today we will get everything ready and transfer my power to you and you will ascend and become the new Ruler of Sin. When I shook your hand somehow I scryed far into your future and saw what you would do and how you would lead us and that is what I've been looking for this whole time. You were right that your surrogate father was rather unique and because of that you are too. And it is what this world needs and you are what I need. You will rule and lead well and a new chapter will start in the circles and the eye of the hurricane that will surround it is you. I've made my choice and now it's time for you to step up."

Asmodeous watched the emotions roll across Damiex's face as he told him all of this. He was silent for a while before a small but grim smile appeared on his face. "Very well, let's do this. I won't let myself or the Land of Lust down. I will learn and grow and become what is needed."

Asmodeous had a wide and cocky smile on his face. "I know you will, I've seen it. Now there are a number of things I need to do and soon enough that will include you too. But for now you need to get cleaned up and fed."

Asz picked up and rang a small bell and a very young and pretty succubus entered the office. "Alizay, get Damiex here cleaned up, fed and properly clothed and then deliver him to the throne room in one hour. Treat him as if you were attending to me yourself."

She smiled and bowed to Asmodeous. "Yes my lord, he will be given all due respect and luxury and will be in front of you in one hour."

Damiex nodded to Asz as Alizay took his hand and led him from the room. Asmodeous sat down behind his desk and got started immediately. No one alive in the Land of Lust could ever recall the ascension of a new Ruler of Sin, Asmodeous had been around for so long that there were none left alive and go knew that he was the last of the original Rulers of Sin and his lands had forgotten this and just assumed he had been around for a long time. To have a new ruler ascend so suddenly and without warning or announcement of hold be difficult, not to mention being able to stand toe to toe with the other Rulers of Sin when Damiex would have to be introduced to them and prove his worthiness. They couldn't overtly interfere in other circles business unless all out war was declared, but they could test any new ruler as well. Asmodeous needed to shore up Damiex's position and had a number of ideas. He would need a guide for Damiex but that he as already going to be handled when he transferred his power and authority to him during the ritual. A small piece of his soul would remain with Damiex and could speak and guide him until Damiex was ready. It would be unfair and damn near impossible for him to succeed so early without him to guide him, but he was ready to move on and this would be the perfect answer. The Sins would swear fealty to Damiex in front of Asmodeous and then they'd complete the ritual and he would finally pass. But he did need someone on Damiex's side and had a very sneaky and so outed idea on how to do that since it fit perfectly with his lustful ways anyways.

He picked up a communication crystal and it lit up.

Hello Andromeda, how is the Lady of Pride today? I have an interesting proposal for you.....


Alizay led Damiex through the opulent halls to a different section of the palace and into the entrance for the bath house. She turned to him and smiled. "Would you care for assistance in your bath?"

Damiex blushed which caused Alizay to smile even more. Being such a small demon, a street urchin, and homeless h had never had a chance at romance or any kind of sexual relationship and was still quite shy with that even being an incubus. "No thank you, I can bathe myself but I appreciate your assistance."

Alizay bowed to him and smiled again. "Of course. Please throw your clothes away before you enter and I will await you here with fresh clothes and then will lead you to the dining hall."

Damiex nodded and headed into one of the changing rooms before peeling off his rags and throwing them away. He stepped through the sliding door into the bath itself and paused. It was empty right now but it was massive and positively sinful. It was modeled after a Roman bathhouse and there were pools and tubs and showers and even a man made river and waterfall. Damiex smiled at his change in circumstances ready to begin a new adventure and tried to remember how many years it had been since he had a proper hot shower let alone a bath. He shook his head out of the memories and proceeded into one of the steaming tubs and proceeded to get clean and soak. Thirty minutes later he dried off and entered back into the changing room to see a wry nice and new outfit laid out for him. He got dressed quickly and walked out to find Alizay waiting for him. She smiled at him and his new look. "You look very nice. Are you ready for some food?"

Damiex nodded, "Yes thank you, food would be good."

She once again took him by the hand and guided him to the dinning hall where he inhaled a mass amount of food, more than he'd ever had or been offered at one time. Once he was done Alizay once again began to lead him through the palace and a little while later stopped in front a a pair of massive arched double doors of gold and turned to Damiex. "Through here is the throne room, you're right on time on my Lord is waiting for you inside. It was a pleasure to meet you and please say hello if you ever see me again."

With that she smiled and winked at him causing him to blush before she walked away. Damiex turned and collected himself and then opened the doors and walked into the throne room. He could see Asz sitting on his throne with six demons gathered around him, two males and four females. He squared his shoulders and held himself straight and confidently walked towards them. Asmodeous saw him and grinned drawing the attention of the other six.

"I see you found us Damiex, come on up and let me introduce you to the Sins of Lust." Asz gestures to his side.

Damiex had six sets of eyes boring into him and scrutinizing his every move as he made his way past them and stood at Asmodeous side next to the throne. The Sins were gathered in front of them both looking between the two back and forth.

Asmodeous started the introductions. "Damiex, each Ruler of Sin is supported and guarded by the Sins of each circle. Think of them as a Rulers closest group of confidants, advisors, leaders, bodyguards, and perhaps even lovers. These six are the Sins of Lust. Starting on our left we have Ariel, the Devotion of Lust."

Damiex looked at Ariel as she was introduced. She was a succubus with blood red coloration, tall standing a bit over 6 feet with long and thick purple hair that framed a sinfully beautiful and seductive face, golden eyes, full thick lips, smooth curved horns that few from the sides that twisted behind her and then around her head and curved up. She was a succubus as noted and most are gorgeous, but the Devotion of Lust was on another level. Huge soft but perky and firm breasts sat high on her chest and moved into a toned and slim waist before flowing into a perfect ass that was perfection itself before flowing down into her long bare legs. Her large bat like wings were folded behind her and were the same crimson color as the rest of her. Her tail peeked about behind her dress and swayed lazily. Her white dress was tight and revealing as it wrapped around her and left much skin exposed. She had a ornate large sword sticking up behind her back. She looked intensely at Damiex before giving a slight smile, "Ooooh you're a cute one my Lord! I can't wait to serve you in all the ways you could possibly imagine. My devotion is for you alone."

Asmodeous continued on. "Next to her we have Cassius, the Fires of Lust." Cassius was not an incubus but a normal lust demon the color of forest green. He had horns and a tail but did not have wings himself. He wore a silver business suit closely tailored to his lines and had more of a runners build and was just shy of 6 foot. Short black hair messily styled and silver eyes. He had a solemn look on his face and bowed to Damiex. "My Lord, it will be my pleasure to serve you. May my fires burn hot against your enemies."

Damiex inclined his head and smiled at him. Asmodeous moved to the next. "Now we have the other man of our Sins, Zaxen the Maturity of Lust."

Zaxen was a white incubus though not from Asmodeous line. Tan skin with white horns, wings and tail and broad shoulders and tall, the tallest of the Sins in fact at 6'4" himself and quite well built. Damiex could tell he would be a handful in a fight, definitely a front line tank. He had a heavy leather vest with thick metal clasps and buckles along with thick leather hand wraps and armoires leather pants with a wicked looking war axe strapped to his back. He had short cropped white hair that seemed to blend into his head but he can for his intimidating size had a warm smile to his face that held maturity and strength just like his title. "I look forward to guiding and serving you my Lord for many years. Lead and I shall follow and shield you."

Damiex smiled broadly at him and nodded his head again. Asmodeous introduced the next Sin. "Now we have Lunara, the Seduction of Lust."

Lunara truly came by her title naturally. She was a rich purple succubus that just oozed sex and promised every dream and fantasy fulfilled just by looking at her. She had a very similar body type to Ariel with the classic curves and frame but Lunara's breasts were even larger and without a hint of sag, something porn stars all over the world on Earth would despise her for. A tight and round ass that was the very definition of bubble butt and the shapeliest and most luscious legs Damiex had ever seen. She had a rich red halter top that barely contained her considerable bust and let her purple wings free and a scandalous wrap around her hips that let her legs show and held a pair of swords on her hips. He looked at Lunara's face after making the journey up her body and saw a full head of rich silver hair styled around her neck and falling along the sides of her face before falling down her back. Full kissable lips several shades darker than her violet skin and deep crimson eyes that smoldered with desire and sexual promise. She smiled at Damiex like a predator and her voice seemed to flow out and caress him. "I look for are to working under you to the full extent of my capabilities my Lord. I will do anything to fulfill your desires and come to know my new Lord intimately."

Damiex shivered in pleasure but was still quite shy and couldn't help the blush that came upon his cheeks. "I'm looking forward to your attentions Lunara."

Asmodeous smirked, there were few beings alive that could resist the Seduction of Lust, Damiex had no chance he knew and chuckled quietly to himself.

"Now we come to Alissa, the Aspiration of Lust."

Alissa was one of the humanoid races in the Land of Lust, a Yuki-Onna or Snow Maiden. She was the shortest of the Sins at Damiex's height of 5'7" with long straight black hair, pale skin, ice blue eyes and an alluring and lithe body with medium breasts that look large on her small frame but fit her perfectly. She was wrapped in a white flowing kimono with light blue trim that showed ample cleavage. A pair of scythes were at her hips. She was demure and reserved but it fit her well. "I live to serve you my Lord, may my devotion and lust shield and guide you through your journey."

Damiex nodded to her and smiled lightly.

Asmodeous looked to the last Sin, another succubus. "And last but certainly not least is Amaranda, the Desire of Lust."

Amaranda was a gorgeous succubus but of a different flavor than the others. While Ariel and Lunara were sinfully curvy extremely well endowed, Amaranda was closer to Alissa, being taller and more slender. She had a beautiful royal blue coloring including her wings and tail and horns and was slightly taller at 6'3" and more slender and soft with larger C cup chest and a tight and curvy ass that any teen prom Queen would be jealous of. She was barely wrapped in flowing rich red robes of a mage that hung on the tips of her breasts nearly revealing them and split down to her flat and slender stomach. She was adorned with gold and jewels and certainly looked like desire to Damiex's eyes. Her eyes roamed up and down Damiex and she licked her lips. "I live to serve you my lord, may my skill and desire bring you to victory and pleasure."

Asmodeous stood up and put his hand on Damiex's shoulder. "This will be very challenging for you son. In an instant you will go from a homeless starving loner to a Ruler of Sin, responsible for billions of lives across the circle and will have to stand immediately shoulder to shoulder with the other Rulers of Sin. Without support and guidance this would be impossible. But my power is ancient and vast, you are just learning magic yourself though you already have plenty of combat experience at least. But asking you to control and use that without any experience would be cruel and unfair. I told you I would transfer my power to you and it is almost time for that. But I want you to know I'm not just dumping this on you and leaving you to your fate. When the transfer is done a piece of me will reside in your mind and like the Sins I can guide you and counsel you. The Sins will help you with your Circle, your rule and your protection. I will guide you on your new powers and magic. You will not be alone."

Damiex looked up at Asz with a confident smile. "Thank you Asz, I'm ready and will build the legacy that you've left me."

Asmodeous looked at each of the Sins, "It's time Sins. Before we proceed I want you all to swear fealty to Damiex and then we will begin.

The six Sins looked at each other and nodded and then in one voice spoke. "We swear our fealty, our loyalty and our lives to Damiex Black the Lord of Lust and rightful Ruler of Sin till our last breath."

Asz nudged Damiex to speak. "I accept your oaths and promise to listen to your wisdom and counsel lead and protect the Land of Lusts and my citizens. I will always appreciate and reward your service and devotion to the fullest that I can."

Asmodeous spoke after that. "I know you all probably think I'm a bit crazy for thinking this when you look at Damiex now, but trust me you haven't seen anything yet. Wait for the end of the ritual and when the transfer is complete you will never doubt him again."

"Yes my Lord" they all replied.

Asmodeous led Damiex to a large gold circle laid into the floor of the throne room that had a large pentagram inside of it along with lines of an ancient language Damiex didn't recognize and they both stepped inside of it. The Sins arranged themselves around the outside of the circle as they watched Asmodeous summon an ornate dagger that they had never need before. It had a sharp wavy blade that went to a wicked curved sharp crosshairs and then a solid ruby handle that seemed to pulse and swirl with energy. The Sins watched Asmodeous hand it to Damiex and then lean in and whisper in his ear for a minute before stepping back and standing just outside of the very center of the circle.

"Damiex, when I am done I want you to recite the incantation and then plunge the dagger into my heart. The rest will happen on its o n and no one can stop it until it's done. This is goodbye for now son, but you can always talk to me in your thoughts when you need. Make me proud and good luck. Oh! And especially as the Lord of Lust, make sure to enjoy and indulge in your own lust as often as you can."

Asmodeous looked directly at Ariel. "Devotion, my final order is for you to be primary guard and mentor now for Damiex. You know you were always my favorite and now your Devotion will be his and you will be his new favorite. Treat him right."

Without waiting for an answer he turned to Damiex. "Begin."

Damiex stood in the center of the pentagram and circle holding the dagger in his right hand tightly. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes and spoke.

Path of the Ruler laid out in stone

Power of the Father grown from bone

Pass to the worthy in fire and flame

Consume the heart and ascend to gain

When one surpasses and grows to his own

Become to power of the one alone

When he finished speaking the final word he opened his eyes and plunged the dagger into Asmodeous' chest. As the blade entered Asmodeous' heart the magic took hold and Damiex's hand felt like it was gripped in iron around the handle before a pillar of black flame erupted around him and blocked him from everyone's view. He could feel the titanic and terrible power caster than the greatest oceans in the circles enter into him and begin to consume him. He felt like he was being torn apart and burned alive as well as frozen solid. Every nerve and every fiber was screaming in agony as the colossal power rampaged through his body and being for what seemed like an eternity.

Outside of the circle the Sins watched as Asmodeous began to fade away and dissolve like ash in the wind before he faded away with a smirk on his face. In the center they could see the Pilar of black fore writhing around Damiex. It was hard to see but they could all make out a distorted image of him in the flames as he twisted and writhed and seemed to contort and shift and change. It seemed like an emerald be less moment but soon the flames began to die down.

Damiex was breathing heavy and could feel the flames begin to dissipate. His eyes had been closed from the pain but he could hear the roaring of the flames die out before finally going silent. The silence didn't last long.

"Ohhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk - Nnnngh!!!"

"Oh my Lord by all that is unholy! Mmmmmmmmmmmmffffffff!!!!"

"Oh YES! Fuck yes!!!!!!"

"Right there oh fuck righhhhhhht THERE YES!"

Before Damiex could open his eyes he heard Ariel, Lunara, Alissa and Amaranda as yell out though he didn't know why. He opened his eyes and looked around though his perspective seemed off, he was somehow looking down at all of the Sins. Cassius and Zaxen were looking at him with pride and awe while the ladies were panting and wobbly and had a glassy look in their eyes yes. He also noticed a rich musk permeating the air and he could see trails of fluid dripping down their legs. He was confused at what was going on and trying to get his equilibrium back.

"What's wrong? What's going on??"

Ariel shook her head as of to clear it before she walked up to Damiex on shaky legs in front of him before she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest and breathed deeply and moaned. Damiex noticed the oddity that Ariel didn't quite even come up to his chin, that was a new change. She just breathed in his scent for a minute before she looked up at him with glassy eyes and spoke softly.

"There is nothing wrong my Lord, we just did not fully anticipate the effects of your transformation. Every demon has an aura that represents your sin as you know. But Rulers of Sin have a much more powerful and dramatic aura. They represent the epitome of their sin and like their power, theirs is the strongest in their respective circles. But your sin, your aura is overwhelming. It's like nothing that any of us have ever felt or experienced before and is even greater than the previous Lord's aura. When it erupted from you during the ritual it broke over us all and consumed us. It is like it has its own physical presence and not only could we feel it permeating us, but we could feel it caressing us, teasing and pleasuring us. It felt like your aura was fucking me in the most decadent and pleasurable way and it caused all of us to cum, HARD. That's what you heard and thats why we reacted that way. But that isn't the only reason. Your aura isn't the only thing to change as I suspect you've started to notice. You've gone through quite the transformation Damiex my Lord and I think I speak for all of us ladies when I say you are by far the sexiest and most handsome demon any of us have ver seen."

Damiex was startled by Devotion's behavior at first as well as some of the revelations but a new calmness was in his mind. He could feel his power and his lust like a living thing but it didn't cloud his mind or overwhelm him, we was clear headed and could think calmly and clearly even with one of the sexiest demon's he'd ever seen plastered to his front and the smell of sex rich in the air. He thought to himself that it seems his shyness is at an end. He was still Damiex at the core of himself but he was so much more now, his body and his mind had grown to house the power and experience and wisdom of his predecessor and had a strong confidence now that oozed from him. It was quite the drastic change. He looked into Devotion's golden eyes and then once again glanced around at the other Sins taking stock of everything. He looked back at Ariel and smirked.

"Well I'm glad to make a good first impression though I can see the strain it's putting on you ladies so how about I turn the intensity down a notch?"

He willed his power back and the ladies breathed out a sigh of relief and could begin to try to think and act a bit more normally again.

"Sooooo, what kind of changes?"

Alissa walked up to him. "Allow me my Lord." She waved her hand in front of her and a perfectly smooth and reflective mirror like surface of ice formed a unique mirror in front of her. Devotion let go of Damiex and stepped back to allow him to see himself.

Damiex looked in the mirror and noticed that yes there were changes, to put it mildly. His skin had always been a muddy red color that he felt wasn't very attractive, but now his skin was a rich blood red that seemed to shine but now had streaks of black almost like tiger stripes in places across his arms and legs and chest and stomach. He had grown a lot too, if he had to guess he'd say he was closing in on 7 feet now and was a giant compared to his earlier self. He wasn't bulky and massive but his muscles were very prominent and completely ripped and defined. The biggest changes though were above the neck and below the waist. Looking down his eyes widened slightly as he saw his member hanging thickly between his legs. Well he certainly was the Lord of Lust with that, no woman would ever be disappointed climbing into his bed and the places he'd be able to take them. He looked at his face and noticed the changes. His hair was longer, down to his back and had changed from a plain brown to a rich black, but it had strands of blue and gray and silver and red running through it and made it look smoky and shimmering. Around his hairline he now had a crown of horns which he had never seen on another demon before. Wickedly sharp and ribbed black horns sprouted several inches in length around his head with two of them at the sides being much larger and curving back and up at the sides. His eyes now were a constant swirling silver that were somewhat hypnotic to stare at. And last but not least his wings had grown tremendously to support his new size and were very impressive. He looked back at devotion.

"Yes, quite the transformation as you said. Sooooooooo, what now?"

Ariel and everyone seemed to snap out of their daze at that. "Well you are the Lord of Lust now and this is your realm. Normally I'd say you can do whatever you want. But right now there is much to do and a lot we have to prepare for and get ready. If you'd let me guide you and get everything started then I will take care of the details."

Damiex smiled at that and nodded. "Sounds good, I could use some guidance and will follow your lead for now as well."

Devotion turned to the other Sins. "You each know what we need to do now. Alert the districts of the new Lord, prepare the servants and staff for Damiex and his rule, sends messengers to the other races leaders in the land to alert them as well we also have to prepare for tomorrow's special introduction and begin to plan the conclave for our Lord's meeting with the other Rulers of Sin. I will take our Lord to his waiters and help him settle in and guard him for now and help him acclimate to being the Lord of Lust."

The other Sins nodded and headed out of the throne room leaving Ariel and Damiex alone. Ariel summoned a black wrap from somewhere that Damiex didn't know and wrapped it around his waist and hips to cover him while he walked through the halls towards his rooms. He would still cause quite the stir and sensation among the staff she was certain, especially the females but this would have to do for now.

"Follow me my Lord and I will lead you to your chambers and you can relax and settle in eventually."

Ariel took his hand and guided him through the palace. To most it would seem a maze but having grown up in the slums which was its own dangerous maze, Damiex was keeping track and mapping the palace as he went. Ariel led him to a separate wing and to a set of double doors that she opened and Damiex walked through with Ariel following and closing the door. Damiex took a moment to look around the room and smiled as amazed. It was its own suite a lounge in one area with couches and chairs as well as pillows and blankets and furs and some low tables. A place to relax and even have some fun. There was a large deal for him to work at, a door that led out to a balcony area and fire pit and many other doors that he didn't know what they led to. The main centerpiece though was the biggest bed that Damiex had ever seen, he swore it would easily sleep a dozen at a time. This was most certainly the Lord of Lust's bedroom, his bedroom now that he was the Lord himself.

He turned around to speak to Ariel but as soon as he turned he felt smooth hands wrap around the back of his neck and into his hair as she pulled him down and locked her lips on his. Ariel groaned into his mouth as her huge breasts pressed into his chest and her body molded itself to him. Her forked tongue was in his mouth wrestling with his own as Ariel tried to consume him as Damiex fell deeper and deeper into Devotion's kiss. He could hear her whimpers as he wrapped one hand in her hair and the other worked down her body until he grabbed her ass and squeezed and pulled her tight to his hard member that was trapped between them. Ariel eventually broke the kiss a few minutes later and was panting in need and her eyes wide with desire before she spoke to him.

"It's time for you to show me just what kind of Lord of Lust you are going to be. Your new favorite needs to taste and feel and bask in your lust. Let me show you how just how much your Devotion is devoted to you, I am yours. Take me!"

Damiex smiled a feral smile, his lust climbing and driving his need. He was no longer the shy street urchin, he was the Lord of Lust and it was time to revel in it. He let his aura out a bit more as Ariel closed her eyes and shivered and moaned for him and him alone. He didn't respond to her with words, he'd let his actions speak for him. He picked her up and his hands on her was driving her crazy. He set her down on the edge of the bed and then stripped her of her white dress, revealing her luscious crimson skin and sinful curves. She had her eyes closed and was writhing on the bed, Damiex could see the effect his aura was having on her as she was already writhing on the bed and running her hands across her body. Damiex chuckled as he watched her. Ohhhh this would be fun and he was going to savor his first time with her. He took off his black wrap and dropped it on the ground and then crawled over top of her on the bed. Ariel opened her golden eyes and they were glazed over in want and need and lust. He kissed her lips deeply thrusting his long tongue into her mouth as he wrapped up her tongue in his and drove her need higher. She gasped into his mouth and arched her back pushing her breasts into his chest and rubbing herself against him. He moved to her neck and ears as he drove her wild, while his hands made their way to her chest and began to squeeze and need the soft flesh there. Devotion was moaning constantly and bucking her hips into him trying to get more. More of everything and anything from her Lord. His fingers teased the stiff hard points on her breasts as he tweaked them and pinched them rolling them between his fingers driving her crazy. His mouth blazed a both down her neck and chest until his lips closed around one of her hard nipples and swirled around it and teased the sensitive and ripe flesh. Ariel moaned low and long and wrapped her hands around his head and pushed as much of her massive tit into his mouth trying to smother him, grinding her wet heat against his stomach.

He kissed his way down her body until he was between her strong and toned thighs looking directly at her sex. She has bare and spread open dripping a river of her juices down her ass and smeared on her thighs. The scent of her sex was overpowering and the best scent that Damiex had ever smelled before. His mouth watered and he wanted to bury his face in her. And that's exactly what he did, his tongues speared deep into her core and he could taste the rich and sweet juices coating his tongue as her pussy smothered his face. The effect on Ariel was instantaneous and her body convulsed as she came hard arching her back and screaming out a piercing cry.

"FUCKKKKKKKKK YESSSSSSSSSSS! Fuck me my Lord I need you so bad, right - THEREEEEEEEEEE!"

Damiex kept feasting on her sex reducing the Devotion of Lust to a gibberish puddle of bliss. He slipped his tongue from her wet channel and pushed two large fingers deep inside of her and wrapped his lips around her clit and began to lick and tease and nibble on it. He curled his fingers up and began to message her special spot deep inside of her as he made her clit his bitch. Ariel started shaking violently trying to contain the sensations. Damiex looked up at her face and saw her eyes nearly bulging out and her mouth open wide in a silent scream before she curled up and shrieked loud enough the alert the whole palace and exploded. Wave after wave of fluid shot out of her soaking Damiex from his head to his cock while Ariel looked like she was having the most violent seizure he'd ever seen.

Eventually she calmed down and her head rolled lazily wide to side as she took deep gasping breaths. Her eyes opened slowly and glowed as she looked at her Lord.

"My Lord..."

He shushed her, "It's Damiex, I know I can't stop your any everyone else from calling me my Lord every time. But you are mine my Devotion and you will call me by my name. I want you o hear my name pass those sinful lips in climax as you surrender to me."

Ariel closed her eyes and shivered again at his words and the thoughts they invoked as well as his aura that seemed to wrap her up inside of it and caress and tease her to higher and higher levels of lust and passion.

"Yes Damiex my love, as you wish. Now it's my turn to bring you pleasure to show the Devotion of Lust's complete and utter devotion and pleasure to you."

Damiex laid down as Ariel settled between his legs, her eyes were kissed heavily as she stared at the object of her desire and lust. She wrapped a silky hand around the base and slowly stroked her hand up and down it in a twisting motion which felt so good. She leaned in and her long forked tongue snaked out and slowly ran up his shaft from the base to the tip before going back the other way as she made love to every inch of his cock with her hands and tongue. Damiex closed his eyes and groaned in bliss. Her lips wrapped around his shaft and her tongue wrapped around the tip and proceeded to constrict and pull, it felt like she was blowing him and jacking him off with her tongue all at once, it was incredible! Her other hand gently massaged his balls as her nails lightly scrapped the sensitive skin and teased his sack. She started bobbing up and down milking him of his pleasure as she kept at that for several minutes. His cock popped out of her mouth leaving a trail of saliva connecting it to her lips as she panted heavily in lust.

"I will always take everything you give me Damiex. We're going to get this first one out of the way and then I'll take care of you like I should. Let me show you my devotion."

She went back to sucking on his thick shaft and head while she grabbed one of his hands and put it forcefully on the back of her head. Damiex immediately got the picture and roughly grabbed a fistful of her hair and started to push her up and down on his cock as she hummed and moaned is bliss while she serviced her Lord and love. She kept going deeper and deeper as she felt his cock tickling the back of her throat, though luckily as a succubus she didn't have a gag reflex. They were built for sin and sex and not only did they not have any gag reflex but their asses were automatically lubricated and stretched well. Sometimes it was good to be a sex demon she thought as she messily sucked on the object of her devotion. The taste of him was intoxicating and felt like she was drowning in it.

Damiex was getting close and started grunting on her downward strokes. When he couldn't take it anymore he pushed his hips up hard and pushed Ariel's head down as hard as he could and buried himself in her throat and exploded as he grunted out loud.

"Take it love! Swallow my lust!"

Ariel felt his cock push deep into her throat and swell as she sucked harder and licked his balls urging them to give up what she desired so much. She felt thick heavy ropes shoot down her throat straight to her stomach but she wanted to taste it. She pulled back until the tip was just in her mouth as he continued to pump his seed into her. She moaned out like a wanton slit as she felt his cream coat her tongue and mouth slipping down her throat. She had thought the taste of his cock and skin was heady but this was nothing compared to that! She tasted all of her favorite flavors explode across her tastebuds as her core clenched hard and a deep body wracking climax hit her like a giant slamming his fist into her gut as she licked up and shook and mewled her ecstasy to her new love. She licked up the last of his offering was the final spurts hit the back of her mouth and she swallowed before pulling off and licking her lips in delight.

Looking like the cat that got the cream she had a lascivious smile on her face and her golden eyes sparkled in delight.

"My love, that was by far the most delicious and sinful thing I have ever tasted in my life and I'm going to be drinking that down every chance I get every day for eternity! When the taste and power of your cum hit my mouth I came so fucking hard! Now you know where your cum belongs, in me or on me as often as fucking possible. By all that is unholy I need you in me... NOW!"

Damiex chuckled at her enthusiasm, calm and relaxed even though his lust was spiking and out of control. A nice perk to being Lord of Lust he found, no matter what he was doing or in the middle of he could think clearly and remain calm and confident and smooth. "My Devotion, you were wonderful and so very sexy and cute as you came for me. Now hop on and go for the ride of your life. It's time for me to take you to some new places you've never been to before."

His words egged her on and she shivered at the thought of getting him inside of her. His cock was still just as hard as ever and was throbbing in time to his heartbeat. She crawled her way up his body and threw a leg over his hip and lowered her sex to his shaft as she started to grind up and down against him. The hot thick shaft split her labor and she could feel her delicate and sensitive lips grip and slide along his length lubricating him in her hot fluids. There was a constant low moan that slipped from her lips and she sped up more and more losing herself to her lustful nature. She trembled out a small climax from all the sensations before she stopped and raised her hips, grabbed his shaft and pointed it upright as she slowly lowered her dripping opening to his tip. She wiggled and rotated her hips as she inches the head into her channel teasing herself just as much as she teased him. When she couldn't take it anymore she looked into Damiex's swirling silver eyes and then dropped herself fully down impaling herself fully in one instant.

Damiex watched Ariel above him as she took only the tip of him inside of her working her hips and pussy to stimulate and tease him as he watched her fall deeper and deeper into her sin. When she licked eyes with him and fully impaled herself he watched her lock up as her thighs clamped like a vice against him and her eyes rolled back in her head. Her long tined tongue hung out of her mouth as she shook violently on him throwing her head back in a scream so high pitched that it was almost impossible to hear. She stayed frozen, back and neck arched and shaking for nearly a minute with Damiex watching her cum on his cock as her pussy rippled and constricted and milked his length the entire time. It was incredible and felt so good to him and he loved watching this delicious woman in the throes of ecstasy that he was beginning to fall for. She began to relax and come back around but her eyes were unfocused and she seemed lost. He flexed his cock and thrust up and that seemed to have the desired effect as her eyes snapped open and focused and she gasped in pleasure. Her eyes locked onto his again with laser like precision and they looked wild. Devotion had completely fallen into the deepest depths of her lust and devotion to him and she was now just pure lust. She put her hands on his chest digging her fingers into the taught muscle there and began to ride him with complete abandon. She had been distilled down to a pure unadulterated fuck demon and she was going to get what she wanted and revel in it.

Her ass slapping hard against his thighs rang out in the room along with her moans and cries at a constant stream. Every time she buried his cock in her cunt she could feel herself stretch around him and the head push against her crevice wanting at her womb. It sent socks of pure pleasure right to her brain and she was losing her mind. Every up stroke she gripped him tightly with her muscles and milked him urging him to fill her with his seed.

Ariel couldn't make any words, her mind was shutting down as she rode wildly on his cock. She was climaxing constantly with one rolling into another building to something epic but she was so lost she couldn't comprehend it right now. Everything about her new love was too intense, too overwhelming and powerful. She was an immortal sex demon who had seen and done it all. She knew what incredible pleasure was like, she knew what losing herself to her sin, her lust, felt like. She was a succubus and knew sex and pleasure more than any other demon in the circles. She was the last Lord's favorite and had laid with him countless times being brought to what she had thought was the ultimate pleasure more times than she could count but she wasn't prepared for Damiex. This was something new and far stronger and more intense than anything she could have imagined or comprehended before. In the back of her mind almost subconsciously she realized that she, a 500 year old and truly powerful sex demon was being out fucked by her new love, a young black demon barely now a man and he now owned her.

Damiex watched in awe with a blissful smile on his face as this exquisite and beautiful and sinful wild creature lost her mind above him as she fucked him. He had never seen anyone so beautiful and so completely uninhibited and wild. In this moment he thought to himself, she was truly the very personification of lust to his eyes and she was perfect. He craon skin glistened with sweat and her wings were spread wide behind her quivering and shaking as she rode up and down. Her massive breaststroke bounced and jiggled in front of him captivating his eyes. Her thick purple hair whipped wildly around her while her eyes stared straight into his with such intensity that it took his breath away. He had never desired anything more in his life than he did this woman at this moment and he would claim her as his.

They had lost track of time as they were lost to one another and Damiex had been holding back building his orgasm but it was getting close and he couldn't hold it much longer. He could tell that Ariel had been building to something truly massive as she became more and more erratic and forceful and he wanted to truly blow her mind. In one hand he roughly trapped her hip helping to pull and push her up and down onto him and the other he got good and slick with her juices before he grabbed her tail. Ariel jerked at that since demons, especially lust demons, have very sensitive tails and the base and tip can be extremely sensitive. He gripped the center mF of her tail and stroked it getting it slick and wet as she moaned deep and loud vibrating in her chest. While she was distracted and just as he was about to cum he moved it down and got ready, watching her closely.

"I'm about to cum love, get ready!"

Ariel leaned down getting closer to his face and she continued to ride and go crazy on his cock and growled out loudly. "GIVE IT TO ME!!!!!!!!"

Damiex thrust up into her cunt as hard as he could arching his back as he shoved her tail deep into her ass. His cock pierced into her womb and he exploded deep inside of her flooding her womb with his seed.

A supernova detonated inside of Ariel's womb. She froze with him buried inside of her in her cunt and her tail in her ass. Her eyes bulged and went wide before her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her jaw hung opened and she screamed out at the top of her lungs louder than anything Damiex had ever heard before as she erupted around his cock and sprayed a constant stream of her juices onto his groin soaking both of them. Her organs kept on and on and on as Damiex continued to pump more and more cum into her until she finally went limp and passed out and fell bonelessly onto his chest drooling on him.

Damiex lay back breathing heavily as he watched Ariel rise and fall on his chest, a massive shit-eating grin on his face, quite pleased with himself and his results as well as the insane orgasm he'd had as well. Not that he expected otherwise as the Lord of Lust now, but until yesterday he had been a homeless virgin incubus living in the slums fighting for his life for 75 years, but by the unbroken throne he fucking LOVED sex! Granted he now had all this knowledge and experience of the Lord of Lust in his head knocking around, but that was Asz's knowledge and experiences. He didn't live them or feel them he just had the information.

Seems like you enjoyed yourself. Good for you, your the fucking Lord of Lust now and need to get stuck in it!

Damiex blinked and grinned to himself. He wondered when he'd hear from Asz and what it would be like. Seemed to him that it was like Asz was now an encyclopedia and friend and conscious all in one now. Damiex thought back to him.

Hehe yeah, Ariel is something special. But you're right, I'm the damned Lord of Lust now and it's no surprise I enjoyed myself and she clearly did too.

Damiex heard Asz laughing loud and long in his head and couldn't help but chuckle along with him.

I was wondering when you'd show up and what you'd say. I know you passed on and all, but in here at least it sure seems like you're still alive, at least in a small way.

Asz laughed a little more and Damiex could feel him smile in his mind.

No I'm very much dead as you said but I did leave a small piece of myself behind like I said that is bonded to you. This is really perfect for me though because in a way I get to stick around and see what you do and I can give advice and guidance, but I don't have to deal with anything and it's no longer my problem. It's exactly what I wanted and it helps you too. Win win.

Damiex laughed at that, Asz really wasn't wrong even if that was irresponsible.

Yeah, win win I guess. I'm still adjusting to this. I mean it did just happen. But I'm driven now. I have a simple purpose now, to be the best Lord of Lust that I can be but it will grow as I do. I will find new things to drive me and I do and on that. But on a different note you are definitely a perv and now an eternal voyeur though that really isn't that surprising.

Asz was cracking up at that.

Of course not! I'm the original Sin of Lust, of course I'm a perv and voyeur and even more. Just think of that as an asset to you now hahahahaha. Well anyway, you're going to be very busy at first and there is lots to do and lots to learn. The economy and circle pretty much runs itself at this time, by the end I didn't want anything to do with it so I setup the people and economy in good hands. I'll give you a brief overview. The Land of Lust is broken up into 12 districts and each quite vast. Each district has a district leader that governs it and they all report to you as do each districts army and forces. The Capital is its own district apart and you govern it now. It goes from you at the top, and then when you get a wife she is the next level down from you and is the Lady of Lust, then the Sins, then your concubines or harem of you will, then the Palace Guard Captain, and then the 10 different district leaders for the 10 capital districts in here. What that really means is you have your responsibilities but you are the Lord of Lust and can do whatever the fuck you want and damn the consequences. That's not always best but hey you can do it. I sure as fuck did at times. Also regretted some of those things sometimes as well but hey shit happens.

Damiex was amused by Juarez how irresponsible Asz was and had been at times. He himself was a bit more balanced, being raised with some morals and good guidance as rare as that was in the hells, occasionally it did still happen. Just as angels could fall then demons could rise, not that Damiex was about to rise or anything but he certainly wasn't the typical demon, even with Asz's power. In time as he adjusted to it it would really become his power and he knew when that switch happened in his mind he would be ready.

So what was this about marriage? Demons don't typically marry, not unheard of I know but not common either.

Well, you wouldn't know much about it being so young and also your upbringing, your whole world was that shitty maze and you knew very little outside of it. It's much more common among Rulers of Sin. I never did but several of the others right now are married and there were plenty of their predecessors that did as well.

Okayyyy well I'll just leave that alone for now.

Hehe that's fine. Well it's time to wrap this up, someone is starting to come around.

Dante opened his eyes and looked down and saw Ariel's face as she lay snuggled on his chest. Her eyes shinning bright staring at him with such intensity. He could see the devotion in her gaze.

"You certainly live up to your title Devotion my love."

Ariel crawled up his body and kissed him deeply for minute before she pulled back and looked at him.

"Each Sin is given a title that defines us, we epitomize that aspect of Lust. I've been around for a long time and been a Sin for several hundred years and am one of the older ones of the current Sins. I've always been devoted in my life even as a little girl growing up. My devotion to whatever I was doing or trying to achieve drove me and my success. I was devoted to the last Lord and loved him, but I wasn't in love with him. But you, you came out of nowhere and now you own me. I love you Damiex, I'm in love with you and devoted to you and I am your Devotion."

Damiex pulled her down and kissed her deeply and with passion run his hands up and down her body as his tail teased her nether lips and ass for a while. He eventually pulled back as she panted and whimpered making delicious little sounds and mewls. "I love you too Ariel my Devotion and now I want more of you."

They spent the next several hours fucking like demons and the bed was soaked with all of their fluids and a river of seed poured out of both of Ariels holes as she lay a quivering ruined wreck. Damiex was breathing hard but could have kept going, it was good to be the king! (Mel Brookes hehe) Damiex picked her up and carried her off the bed as she continued to spasm and shake in his arms. He really did ruin her he thought to himself wickedly. He looked around for the bath and eventually Ariel came to enough of her senses that she figured out what he was looking for and pointed to a door, still unable to speak and could only moan and whimper. Her body still rolling through the aftershocks of the ecstasy and pleasure he consumed her with.

He walked into the bath and paused. It was a hedonistic dream in here. A half dozen large tubs built into the floor that would hold several, a huge heated pool in the middle that a medium sized waterfall fell into on the other end, a half dozen large multiheaded showers and more things that he wasn't focused on right now. He headed towards one of the large showers and turned on the water and set it to a hot temperature, soothing and relaxing. He stepped into the shower and held her under the stress of water before gingerly setting her on her feet.

Ariel clung to him, she couldn't hold herself up yet and she loved how he felt in her arms. She sighed in pleasure as the hot water soaked into her sore muscles. He absolutely ruined me she thought to herself decadently purring in satisfaction. She had never been so thoroughly satisfied before and she felt it in her very being and felt so alive. Lost in her thoughts she felt Damiex begin to wash her gently, his hands strong but tender and his mouth running across her neck and ears. It felt soooooo good and she trembled under his touch. He washed her slowly and tenderly for several minutes getting her clean and relaxed and Ben bringing her to a few gentle climaxes in the process before he washed her hair running his fingers through her locks and messaging her scalp as she groaned in pleasure. He leaned her head back and washed out her hair as he nibbled on her jaw and throat as it vibrated under his lips as she groaned deep in her chest. She leaned up and kissed him snaking her tongue into his mouth as she rubbed herself against him. She broke the kiss and bit her lip which Damiex thought was so sexy.

"Ok one more, but it's my turn so let me do the work."

Ariel dropped to her knees and proceeded to give him the slowest and more languorous blowjob he could imagine and she showed her love and devotion to his cock as she milked him of his seed. She lost track of time until she heard Damiex groan deep in his chest and her mouth filled with his intoxicating essence. Her core clenched hard as she squirted in the shower as she greedily sucked down her treat with delight and screamed around his cock sending vibrations into his balls as he surged harder and shot more into her mouth. Ariel's eyes rolled back as she kept swallowing and sucking and cumming until he finally finished and she took her mouth away leaving one last lick and kiss on his head panting from her climax just as Damiex was.

Damiex reached down and picked Ariel up and cradled her in his arms as he shit off the shower and walked over to one of the large sunken tubs that was filled with steaming water. He stepped in and sat down and gathered Ariel in his arms as she seemed to burrow and snuggle in deeper breathing slowly and deeply in her relaxed state. They soaked in the peace and heat for a while simply enjoying each other for a long time until Ariel eventually broke the silence.

"It's nearly the end of the day and I'm glad we were able to relax and indulge like this for so long, but tomorrow is going to be busy. Tomorrow you only have one important meeting, the last order and act of the previous Lord and he demanded we tell you nothing of it until you find out yourself in the meeting itself. I can only tell you that you will be meeting a fellow Ruler of Sin and it will not be confrontational. But in the next few weeks we will have to host the conclave and introduce you to all of the Rulers of Sin and that will be confrontational. One or more of them will likely test you and we need to get your combat abilities up before them. Not all tests are combat but they can be, so we need to prepare you. I am your Devotion and trust me when I say I will be wholly devoted to this task. All of the Sins will be in fact."

Damiex nodded to himself, he knew he had the power of a titan but the experience of a child. He had the knowledge but needed to train himself in how to best use it. Not just his martial abilities but his expanded access to magic now too. Now he had all this knowledge and ability and had to practice using it himself.

"I'm certainly curious about this meeting tomorrow but I agree with you on the need for some training. Speaking of the Sins where are the others?"

Ariel was tracing the tiger stripes on his skin with her fingers as she talked to him, fascinated by them as she hadn't seen something like it before and they looked so good on him.

"Well one of them is just outside of your doors always guarding you. Not sure which one right now but there is always one on guard at the door and at least one inside with you as well. I can tell you that Lunara, Alissa and Amaranda are giving us space to help ease you into this and intended for me to guide you into your new role and prepare you for tomorrow. None of them would have expected what happened though you absolutely overwhelmed me. I could tell all three of them wanted their own taste of you but you just might find that when they do they become addicted and never let you go. You just might find one or even all of them as permanent fixtures in your bed soon."

Damiex grinned at that. That wouldn't be so bad now would it? All of them were seriously fine women and he was the Lord of Lust. "I'll keep that in mind, don't tell them anything about today. Let it be a surprise to them, that'll be more fun. I'm sure they'll attack you for information tomorrow so just be purposefully vague. I'll be sure to reward you for surprising your fellow Sins."

Ariel giggled at that in delight.

"As for the training, I assume that's what I will be spending the morning doing before this meeting?"

Ariel nodded her head, "Yes that's right. That will be fairly constant until the conclave to best prepare you. After that we can focus more on learning about the circle and capital and districts. Until you are accepted by the conclave however it's best to focus there. We will keep the circle running just fine and soon enough we can get you involved."

When they were done soaking they got out and dried off before walking back into the bedroom to see it once again spotless and perfect and the bed made up as well as a small feast set at one of the tables in the lounge area. They made their way over to the table and quickly ate dinner as they were both tired and ready for sleep, though Damiex was immensely enjoying the he delicious food now that he no longer had to go hungry and wonder when his next meal would be. Every once in a while he caught himself marveling at his turn of fate but it was hard to get lost in that when everyone around him so far acted like this was just normal and expected so he was fitting in without too much trouble. Demons are nothing if not adaptable.

After they finished eating Ariel led him over to the bed before curling up against him as they both fell asleep.


Damiex groaned loudly as he woke up just as he exploded in orgasm. He opened his eyes through the sensation to see Ariel between his legs, her eyes closed in bliss as she shook and trembled in climax with her lips wrapped around the head of his cock sucking the cum directly from his balls greedily and with relish. He fell back into the orgasm until it finished and Ariel pulled her mouth from his cock with a pop and swayed a little bit with a pleased smile on her face. She looked and acted like she was drunk almost and it made Damiex chuckle as he watched her. Apparently his cum was potent stuff and quite intoxicating. Damiex wondered about that as he searched his new knowledge he didn't know anything about this.

Hey Asz, know anything about this? I've never heard of anyone's cum being able to make someone else cum or intoxicate them or anything before. Is this something about being the Ruler of Sin? Also my aura, it was strong enough to make all of the female Sins cum just by being near it, they even said it actually felt like it was fucking them. What's up with that?

Damiex heard Asz chuckling in delight.

I knew you were going to be interesting. No, this has nothing to do with being a Ruler of Sin and frankly I've never heard of it before. I mean hell I was the original sin of Lust myself, I had the most potent aura and could seduce anyone and yes my cum was certainly the finest aphrodisiac in all the circles but it wasn't to this extreme. I wonder what is different with you? You don't know anything more about your origins do you, I suspect the answer lies there though I can't imagine what it is.

No I don't know how I got here or where I came from. My earliest memories are all from the slums just barely able to survive and far too young to be alone. I've always wanted to know more but never have had any answers. I wish there was a way to find out.

Damiex heard Asz hesitate and consider.

There might in fact be a way and we might be able to work it to your advantage but it's be a gamble.

What do you mean?

Well while they are extremely rare in the circles and guarded jealously we do have seers. A seer could look into your past and provide some answers. They can't tell you very thing but they can provide some answers and hints.

And how is this a gamble?

Welllllllll right now there is only one seer in all of the circles, she is quite famous but will only perform her services for the Governor of Greed. See she is one of his Sins, the Vision of Greed. She won't help you unless he tells her to. And this is how we make it work for you. She will most certainly be there at the conclave where you will be evaluated and tested. I will be honest with you they will likely be impressed with who and what you are now but everything before that they will look down on in disdain including your age. It's unprecedented and unheard of and they are going to be very hard on you. Expect some kind of challenge from each of them. Some may not, or some may drop their challenge after witnessing others. But for right now expect to run the gauntlet. That's why you're going to be training non stop starting today. But here is what I suggest. It's a gamble because even we won't know the answer going into it, but when he cries out about you being an unknown urchin with no history, and he will trust me I know him, challenge him directly to have his seer judge your worth before all of them and divine the answer for all. He is especially greedy on knowledge as knowledge gives him power and wealth and anything else he wants. His agreed is like your Lust, all consuming. By challenging him to provide the answers he's seeking he will do it thinking he can squash you with the truth that you really were just some abandoned street rat with no ability or worth to be there. If that were true I still would not care and personally find you worthy myself which is why I chose you, but it would put you in the hole with the rest of them and it would be a serious struggle. It may end up that way anyways but there's a chance it wouldn't. I don't have any proof other than the oddities you've pointed out yourself and I suspect you will find more as well, but if what the seer sees instead is something different, something unique or unexpected it could help solidify your position significantly and shore up your rule. I've already got one thing in the works on that to help you, but if you do this then not only will you get some answers for your own sake but the answers may just help you too. And if they don't well no skin off your back. If they want you to prove your worth with power then damn well do it. I gave you what you need to do that as the original Sin myself now you just have to do it. Either way if you don't get an unexpected answer you still know your own self worth, and what you do get may just end up surprising you. I'm kind of expecting it to personally.

Damiex considered that carefully, he had been proving his own worth and surviving his whole life. And he did want answers as well and not even Asz knew what was all going on with him now. It wasn't bad per say it was pretty wicked and interesting that he had that effect and he kinda got off on the power of it, he was a demon after all, but he didn't want to go crazy either. As for Asz's idea it was as good a plan as any so when the time came he'd roll the dice and see what happened.

He was brought out of his thoughts by a king tongue shoved into his mouth wrapping around his and lips trying to consume his own. He moaned in delight and brought his hands up wrapping them around Ariel and giving back the same. After several minutes the broke apart and Ariel grinned at Damiex.

"It's time to get started and that was your wake up call. We need to get you fed and then to the armory and vault and get you outfitted. We're all excited to see what you choose and get you started. None of us Sins have ever been in the vault before. Asmodeous never really fought with weapons, he mainly used his magic or a few other items but his magic was overwhelming and catastrophic and you've inherited that potential. But I also know you're a natural fighter so we are going to draw out both to their full extent. But because of him never fighting with anything he never once opened the vault in any our memories so we don't know what is in there and we're interested to see it too."

Damiex chuckled "I see that's not the only thing you were enthusiastic about this morning. I enjoyed your wake up call and I'm glad you did too. I guess it's time to get going though so I need to get dressed. Where do I find clothes?"

They had gotten out of bed and Damiex was looking around. Ariel smiled, "Just pull that cord over there and that will answer your question. You need to get used to this love."

Damiex walked over to a cord near the wall and pulled it. A moment later a servant stepped through the main door and entered the room. He was surprised to see it was Alizay again. Ariel spoke to her. "Alizay please help our Lord get dressed and pick out an outfit for him for training today."

Ariel turned to Damiex, "Alizay is your personal handmaiden and will always be available at your side when called upon as she oversees your quarters. She's also hoping that if she impresses you enough that you might reward her now and then if she's a good girl for you. As the Lord of Lust it's not good to be seen as stingy with your lust." She said that last part salaciously with a smirk on her face.

Damiex saw Alizay blush furiously and stare at the ground. Ariel leaned in and whispered in his ear. "I know your holding in your aura so we aren't all quivering messes since we have things to do, but let it out for just a moment and give her a taste. She has already been working very hard for you and you simply are the sexiest demon alive. It wouldn't be fair not to be generous. She stocked an entire new wardrobe for you through the night and will always keep everything perfect and attend to any need. She is very dedicated and loyal."

Damiex chuckled in amusement. He could already tell that she would lead him by the nose when he let her, but she did have far more experience and she knew everything that was going on in the palace and capital and was meant to guide him. He let a wave of his aura surge forth before clamping back down again. It took a bit of concentration to keep ahold of it but it was already doable. It would be good practice to maintain it while he trained, plus it's be necessary since the effect was rather extreme on a woman. Case in point, both Ariel and Alizay screamed and fell to their knees and shook in ecstasy for several long moments before finally taking a deep breath and relaxing. Ariel smiled at him wickedly while Alizay stared at him in wonder and had a demure smile on her face.

"Thank you very much my Lord. Once I regain my feet I'd be happy to show you to your wardrobe. You certainly are the Lord of Lust, there is no doubting that. Thank you for the reward I will always endeavor to please you my Lord in any way you desire."

Damiex smiled amused by her being a bit bolder and no longer blushing quite so much, though it was quite cute. She made it to her feet and led him over to another set of double doors that opened into a massive wardrobe and Alizay went digging through the racks and shelves of clothes. She pulled out several items and brought them over. He'd never had any kind of fashion sense having only ever had rags or such things so he just went with whatever she chose. She helped him out everything on and shortly he was dressed in black leather pants and boots with a deep red silk vest and long black overcoat slit for his wings and tail. He felt a little silly but everything felt very nice and he had no idea what looked good or didn't and just trusted her and smiled.

"Thanks Alizay, where should I head for food?"

Alizay took his arm and led him out. "Follow me my Lord." And she led him out of the main doors where Ariel and Cassius were waiting for him. Ariel smiled at him while Cassius bowed and smiled warmly at him.

"Good morning my Lord I hope you had a pleasant night. The rest of the Sins are waiting for us in the dining hall. We will escort you and continue to help you acclimate to the palace."

Cassius had a warm personality just like his title and Damiex immediately liked him. They made they way to the dining hall which ended up being a massive hall that could fit thousands. Damiex sighed. He had no idea how big this place was really, the slums were far far away from the palace and he had never seen more than a distant glimpse of them. It looked large but he could barely make it out whenever he had caught a glimpse. He had even been outside yet or see any of the grounds. He was led down the long tables to one huge table at the back elevated above the rest where the rest of the Sins sat and several other demons he hadn't met yet. He was surprised to see the throne there and sat on it hesitantly because it looked to be made of solid metal and quite uncomfortable. When he sat down however it didn't feel like that at all. It was the softest and most comfortable thing he had ever sat in and no matter how he moved or adjusted it was always perfect.

Ariel giggled as she watched him and explained. "It is your seat and will always adjust to you perfectly, each Ruler of Sin has their own and it's one of their privileges."

As they ate Damiex was introduced to the other demons at the table who were in charge of different aspects of the capital and palace including his Captain of the Guard Xixian, a very stern and serious blue incubus who took his responsibilities very seriously.

After breakfast the six Sins led him off into the palace and deep into the heart of it underground to a set of massive stone doors over 20 feet tall and a hundred feet wide on each side.

Amaranda spoke to him explaining how to enter. "My Lord you're the only one who can open it. All you have to do is place your hand on the door, it's keyed to your power and only opens to you."

The gorgeous blue succubus looked like she was undressing him with her eyes, Desire was right.

"Thank you Amaranda. Before we go in I want to say one thing to all of you. I appreciate your support and your loyalty and will be relying on your guidance. I want to make your lives better as well as this circles. So whatever is in there each of you can all select one item of any sort before you leave."

The ladies all squealed in delight and both Cassius and Zaxen smiled broadly, Cassius whooped with excitement being the Fire of Lust while Zaxen was more subdued but equally pleased being Maturity. They all expressed their thanks.

Very generous but don't do that often. There are a great many very powerful items in there and it wouldn't do for so much power to be spread to far. You're a generous lover, your generous with your lust and your love and you're showing you will be generous to your people. Like all Sins, Lust has many aspects to it. Just be cautious or it could cause unexpected chaos.

Damiex nodded to himself taking the warning seriously. He walked up to the door feeling awes as the vastness of the doors. He placed his hand on the stone and it sucked his hand to the surface and held on tight for a moment before the connection broke and Damiex stepped back. For a moment nothing happened and then an enormous groaning grind started like a deep bass thrum and the two massive doors slid apart and created and opening for two across to walk through. Damiex led the rest of them down the long corridor that had been created by the doors and he realized just how thick these massive slabs of stone were. As they reached the end it opened into a huge cavern filled with treasure everywhere they looked and everyone had gasped in awe.

I was very old and had a very long time to collect things. I never really coveted all of it, Greed was never my sin but when you live that long it all eventually builds up and collects anyways. There are quite a few treasures in here besides the mountains of gold and all other kinds of valuables. I hadn't been in here in a long time but it is organized. The front half is all gold and gems and other assorted valuables while the back half is weapons and armor and gear and accessories. Have a look around before you make any decisions.

Damiex nodded at that. "Ok so the gear and weapons are all organized by type and section in the back half. Let's go head that way and then deplore that for a little while and then meet up and talk about options."

Ariel agreed with that. "Yes love, we will spread out and then build a plan."

The other Sins at hearing Ariel call Damiex love, their heads snapped towards her being the first time she'd said that yet. They'd never heard her call anyone that before, not even the previous Lord. Ariel smirked at them and led Damiex off as the ladies huddled together and began to whisper furiously while the men chuckled and followed along. They spent the next 30 minutes doing a very brief look through various areas of the cavern looking at some of the options and items that were there just to start to figure out where they wanted to focus on looking first. They met up at a small gentle waterfall that fell in the back of the cavern and trickled into a small stream that disappeared into the mountains of gold.

Alissa spoke first. "Well I saw plenty of different armor options and some very noticeable stand outs but it depends on what type you are looking for."

Lunara echoed the same sentiment. "Like Alissa I saw all kinds of weapons imaginable it just depends on what you want to wield and learn Damiex."

The others agreed with her said the same. Damiex thought for a moment.

"Well I've always focused on speed and agility, so heavy armor is out. I'll still need a certain level of protection but unrestricted."

Ariel spoke up at that knowing the most about him so far even though none of them including her knew all that much yet.

"You like to fight up close and personal but you're also going to be slinging spells. A fighter mage is how that will work out. We will need something to bolster or work with your magic, protection and mobility, and a close quarters weapon. Love do you have any weapons training or anything experience?"

The other Sins still glanced at Ariel as she said that, especially the other ladies. Their eyes were burning with curiosity and not the smallest amount of lust as they looked back at Damiex again as he watched the sexy succubi and Yuki-Onna strip him in their minds. He smirked at that and considered letting out his aura but decided against it.

"The only weapon I had training in of any sort was the long sword from my surrogate father but when he was killed his blade was taken and that was the only one I ever had to practice with. Most of the time it was hand to hand and shadow manipulation."

Ariel and the others nodded at that before she responded. "Then that is your weapon, being the only long sword user and expert in the Sins, I will train you in the sword. Now we just need to find you the right one but we shall do that last as currently they are on the other side. Alissa and Amaranda and Cassius all being extremely talented magic users will be your trainers in magic while Zaxen and Lunara and I will trade off on being your sparring partners as combat specialists ourselves."

All seven of them headed off to the armor section and began digging through the racks and chests and piles of light and medium armor looking for the right item. Nothing had really stood out to any of them. There was simply so much that it took time to ease through it.

Lunara was off in a simply lit corner behind one of the large dressers holding various fine clothes and saw a medium sized old black chest with faded scrollwork and runes carved into it. Curious she opened it and gasped. "Oh Lord! I think I've found it!" She called out to the others as she picked up the open chest and brought it around as everyone gathered around her. Several of the Sins gasped but Damiex was slightly confused. Inside he saw some very old wrappings made of a material he'd never seen before. They were black with pulsing red streaks that looked almost like cracks or maybe even open wounds and the material looked strange like some kind of cross between leather and rock.

"What are they?" Damiex asked.

Lunara smiled at him wickedly. "Well these are very special wraps and I think they be absolutely perfect for you! In fact since I found them and if you do like them then I think I will have earned a reward and a little kiss may be in order my Lord."

Living up to her title and already working to seduce Damiex he grinned at her and nodded his consent. Her eyes flashed with delight.

"These are Titan Wraps, possibly one of the last set in existence especially since there were never very many ever made in the first place and very few demons have ever seen them in any recent memory. They were taken from the hides of the fallen Titans themselves and soaked for a millennia in their heart-blood to create them. They provide immeasurable strength and dexterity and the strength and toughness of the Titans is infused into your skin and muscles and bones giving you incredible natural armor and protection. With these you won't need anything else for armor. They simply wrap around your arms and fuse to them while in use and leave you completely free."

The more Damiex heard the more his smile grew, Lunara was right she had found the perfect answer for him and it most certainly earned a kiss. He picked up the box and set it down before taking her in his arms quickly and dipped her back and kissed her deeply and with hunger as Lunara moaned and clung to him fiercely, her tail whipping wildly around. After a minute or two he pulled her back up and let her breath. She was panting heavily and her eyes were slit in pleasure, her lips swollen with desire.

"Thank you my Lord, I will be seeing you later to finish that." She purred out sexily. Her voice just one of the many seductive assets she possessed.

Damiex just grinned at her and said nothing. Ariel picked up the wraps and pointed them in the direction of the accessories and and amulets and rings. They hadn't been in that section yet and their eyes were immediately drawn to a rather elaborate column that held a single item in the middle of the section surround in rings by everything else. All seven of them were drawn to it. On the top of the Pilar was a large elaborate golden ring set with five large blood rubies. Next to it sat a hand written note. Amaranda picked it up and read it aloud being an expert in magical jewelry and accessories as a mage herself.

"The Signet Ring of the Morningstar, taken from the hand of the first fallen angel and the Original Sin Lucifer of Pride. A soul siphon ring that steals the life force of any being by the one who wears it when damage is inflicted. The greater the damage the greater the healing effect of the life force. A mortal wound could be traded for a mortal wound."

Everyone was awed by the ring. Who would have thought something like this would be in here. Just how did Asmodeous get it anyways they all wondered. Damiex picked it up and put it on and it bonded to the middle finger of his right hand where he would hold his sword. His left hand would remain free to cast.

"Sold. That will work perfectly for me though I have absolutely no idea where Asz got the thing. He's just smirking in a smug satisfaction in the back of my mind not saying anything right now about it. Let's head over to the sword section and wrap this up and then I will release you all to make your own choices. How long until this mysterious meeting today?"

Ariel answered him. "We still have a few hours until then so we don't need to rush but we can't take too much time. After the meeting the remainder of the day will be training. There will be an intimate lunch meeting and then we will head to the training grounds."

They headed off towards the weapons and specifically the large section of swords. Once again everyone broke up to begin the search. Damiex ended up away from the others and saw a unique sword sitting on a simple stand alone and apart from the others. The blade was pyramid shaped with it being wider at the bottom nearly the large crossguard that curbed and twisted around the base of the blade and handle and then narrowed to an extremely sharp narrow point at the end. It was a deep shimmering royal blue save for the cutting edges that glittered like clear diamond. It had accents of gold to offset it and looked like a wicked blade.

Hey Asz what's the story of this sword?

Damiex heard Asz chuckle in his head highly amused and with some mirth in his voice.

You would find that sword and have it catch your eye. I told you that you were interesting and you keep proving me right. That is Durandal the unbreakable living sword that can sever anything in existence. She is ancient and extremely willful, if she does not accept you then you can't wield her and she will try to kill you. She tried like hell to kill me when I recovered her so long ago though I wasn't even trying to wield her. I never was a sword guy, I was always a frivolous spell slinger. I had fun on the battlefield and treated it like a playground. She hasn't had a partner in millennia even though I provided multiple possible opportunities to her over the years. If she is calling to you then it's up to you to take the chance. Best do it before any of the Sins see you otherwise they'd forbid it. She is legendary in her anger and most consider it a death sentence to be judged by her. Ariel would freak out and likely attempt to subdue you herself if she saw it first to protect you. Her devotion to you truly knows no end and there is nothing she wouldn't do for you.

Damiex hesitated for a moment and thought hard about that. Something about the sword was drawing him to it. He decided to take the chance and roll the dice before he lost his nerve. He walked up to the sword and he could feel it's presence. It was powerful but serene for the moment. He wondered if it would last as he placed his hand on the blade and an instant connection was made and like with the stone doors his hand was sucked tight to the grip and pulsed in his grasp. He felt her running through his mind as the battle of wills began and a crushing weight was put upon Damiex. He fought and struggled and refused to give up as Durandal tore through his being examining everything about him as she judged him. He wasn't sure how long it had been but eventually the pressure reversed and he let out a deep breath. He heard an ancient and powerful feminine voice in his head. He couldn't help but think how sexy she sounded he thought with a lustful grin.

You have the taste of chaos to you young Lord of Lust. So young, just barely a man but your blood holds history and power ancient in its wisdom and unique to these realms of Sin. It has been countless generations since I found a worthy partner but you my young Lord of Lust I find worthy as well as unique. I look forward to the wars that we will wage together over the eons and will lead you to victory one victim at a time.

Damiex relaxed and held her in front of him as he stared at the beautiful sword. He sheathed her in the scabbard that was near her and strapped her to his left hand side and thought back to her.

I'm pleased you find me worthy and I will be a loyal and active partner to you as well. What do you know of my blood, I know nothing of myself.

That is for you to find out and discover in time young Lord of Lust but I gave you a few hints. All you need to remember is that I judged you worthy.

Damiex headed back towards the others wondering what Durandal really knew and thinking that with a second voice in his head it was going to start getting crowded soon which caused both Asz and Durandal to laugh in amusement.

As he made his way back he came across Ariel first and when she saw him she shrieked in fear and held her hand to her mouth which caused the others to come running. When they saw him they all froze as well. When Ariel got over her shock she sighed out and rolled her eyes holding her head and shaking it.

"Of all the swords in all the worlds and realms you had to find that one. Why am I not surprised? The lost blade Durandal is of course the sword that you come waltzing you to us wearing like it was no big deal wearing that goofy grin on your face looking so adorable. We should hold you down and beat you for even attempting to wield that sword and by some miracle you were one of the few in history chosen by it to be wielded."

"She." Damiex said simply at which everyone screwed up their face in confusion before he continued.

"Durandal is a she, an intelligent and willful female sword. When she judged me worthy she said something interesting. She said she tasted chaos upon me and that my blood was ancient and powerful and held a deep wisdom and was unique to the circles. I guess she took a liking to me and she is now my partner. She will be adding her own training to me as well as the rest of you."

Everyone just shook their heads though Damiex couldn't tell if it was in amusement or mirth but that seemed to be the end of it. Damiex put them back on track.

"Ok well since that's that, and I think I'm fully outfitted now, it's time for all of you to go off and pick out your own rewards and meet me at the entrance in one hour. Remember you can take any one thing you want there is no limits, my reward for your loyalty and dedicated service. I will be practice with Durandal up at the front practicing katas that she wants me to get started on."

At that announcement everyone nodded in agreement smiling and excitedly and ready to find their own treasure. Damiex slowly walked through the winding path back towards the front as Durandal in her ever so sexy voice (she always grinned at him in her mind when he thought her sexy) started his first lecture on sword forms and combat. She told him she was going to be teaching him and training him every free moment he had when he wasn't otherwise engaged.

The next hour went quickly as Damiex got used to wearing the Titan Wraps and working with Durandal and eventually he saw the six Sins walking up the path towards him, all of them talking animatedly about what they had chosen no doubt. They gathered at the front and Damiex asked them what they had all picked out.

They all went around and showed him what they chose. Zaxen had chosen a rare regeneration amulet which would be perfect for his front line tank type fighting style. Very rare and could only be created with the soul of a virtuous archmage. Considering how often power corrupted humans, a virtuous archmage was a extremely rare indeed. It was a wise and mature choice for the Maturity of Lust.

Lunara had chosen a matched pair of soul swords called Balanced Judgement. One blade could absorb any attack while the other could then unleash it. They would be an extremely potent weapon for her.

Alissa reverently held her treasure. She had found a set of priestess robes that had come from one of the original High Priestesses of the Yuki-Onna from their ancestral Pagan world from the time of the war with the Pagan Gods long ago before those Gods were exiled to forbidden worlds and the various races sought refuge in the Circles of Sin. Damiex could feel the magic radiating off of it, he was sure they'd serve her well.

Amaranda however was wearing a new piece of jewelry though she was already heavily adorned in it as fit the Desire of Lust. She was wearing an elaborate and large tiara heavily set with jewels that tripled her magic reserves. Being a caster it was perfect for her and she was preening.

Cassius had picked a very rare Phoenix robe that when worn gave him an mantle of immortal flames, perfect for the Fires of Lust.

Last was Ariel who before showing Damiex what she had chosen had come up and given him a deep and hungry kiss and leaned into his side and showed him what she had chosen. She had picked out a new long sword. It was black and wicked looking and seemed to draw in the light. It was an ancient relic of the Pagan Wars like Alissa's robes. Ariel told him it was the personal sword of Ares. She said it was weightless and could turn invisible and it's vicious serrated edges inflicted horrendous bleed damage and infected wounds it made. It was a truly horrific weapon and she would wield it against Lust's enemies with merciless devotion.

They made their way out of the long cookie or and exited the cavern vault and as the last demon passed the center she of the door an ominous groaning sound filled the chamber as the doors ground shut. Ariel grabbed Damiex's hand and began to lead them up.

"We have just enough time to head to the meeting room now. Alizay will already be there making sure everything is perfect for your guests since we are hosting a fellow Ruler of Sin today."

They made their way back up into the main levels of the palace and made their way up towards one of the towers. It seemed to Damiex that word had already spread quickly through the palace of who he was. All of the servants and staff and what he assumed must also be guests in some cases as well passed by would bow the him and move out of their way. Damiex wasn't sure when he'd adjust to that but he was kind and pleasant to everyone smiling at each of them and inclining his head at times. He was surprised at just how welcome he felt by it all.

A short time later he was led into a large and ornate lounge and meeting room at the top of one of the towers. Alizay was waiting for him just inside the door and greeted him warmly before leading him over to his throne. He was surprised to see it and asked her about it.

"What is this doing all the way up here, it must weigh a ton."

Alizay smiled at him patiently while she poured him a very old vintage wine grown in one of the rich fertile valleys in the Land of Lust. The Circle of Lust was known far and wide for its exquisite vintages which were a frequent personal favorite of the Lord of Gluttony and a large part of the trade and commerce to his circle as well.

"Your throne can be transported anywhere instantly. It is one of my duties to make sure it is always available for you and where you will need it. It's just one of the things that I will always keep track of for you my Lord. It's far below you to concern yourself with something like that so I manage it for you."

Damiex smiled at her and kissed her cheek as her face heated up briefly before he sat back and sipped the rich wine. "Thank you Alizay your a treasure. I hope I never lose sight of how much you do for me and will continue to do and I don't take you for granted."

Alizay curtsied to him. "Never my Lord, I live to serve you it is definitely my pleasure."

Alizay proceeded to walk around and serve the other Sins who had chosen different chairs and were relaxing and making small talk. Ariel was sitting on his right next to him and was softly stroking his hand with her fingers. Damiex relaxed and let his mind wander as he wondered what this meeting was about. He was brought out of his rumination by a soft chime in the room. He watched Alizay head towards the door before opening it and bowing to the guests and led two tall and very beautiful white demoness' into the room. Damiex could feel a very large and impressive aura of Pride surrounding the tallest of the two and she looked very regal. She could only be the Empress of Pride the fellow Ruler of Sin he was supposed to meet. She was at least 6'3" tall with a pale complexion and large and impressive breasts though nowhere near Ariel or Lunara's level but she was still quite extremely attractive. She had long straight black hair that was carefully styled to perfection and enhancing her features and graceful neck and aristocratic face. Deep red eyes and delicate pink lips that were tweak in a grin as she took in his measure.

The demoness next to the Empress however drew his eye. He didn't know who she was but she was exquisite in her own way. She had a deep bronzed skin complexion which contrasted beautifully with her Snow White wings and tail and horns. Slightly shorter than the Empress at around 6' he thought. She was curvy like the Empress as well though he could tell that she was very young and still growing into her body which impressed him. Thick and luxurious golden blonde hair that fell in loose waves around her face and down to her low back. Ruby red lips and royal blue eyes completed the picture along with the scandalous tight dress that matched her eyes and out all of her assets on display. Her eyes bored into him with intensity and there was a deep raging fore in there that gave him pause wondering why.

His attention snapped back to the Empress as she approached him. He quickly stood up as did Ariel as she stepped forward and greeted the Empress to make introductions.

"Empress Andromeda, it has been a long time but it is a pleasure to see you again. Thank you for coming today."

Andromeda smiled warmly at Ariel. "Devotion, it has been some time how good to see you again. You look positively radiant, I wonder why."

She said the last with quite the smirk on her face as her eyes shifted to Damiex. Ariel blushed at that and swallowed to clear her throat.

"Ah yes.... thank you I am doing well and am pleased to introduce you to our new Lord of Lust, Damiex Black. As you know from your final conversation with Asmodeous, Damiex and as chosen as his successor and he is already impressing us all."

Andromeda held her hand out delicately to Damiex. He gently grasped it and brought it to his lips as he gently kissed the back of her hand.

"Charmed and honored to meet you Empress Andromeda. Please make yourself and your companion comfortable and relax and we will cater to any of your desires."

And Romero smiled at him pleased in her reception. She had been surprised and intrigued when she first saw Damiex, there were subtle differences like the blood red tiger stripes and his crown of horns that she'd never seen on another demon before. She took a closer look at him as her eyes ran down his chest. When she got to his waist her eyes grew wide and she froze as she looked at his right hand that was resting on a sword handle. She saw the ring and the sword at the same time that the other demoness did and they both gasped and stood frozen. Their eyes finally flicked up to his and they bored into him.

"How did you get that sword as well as Lucifer's signet?!!?"

Damiex remembering Ariel's words that he could act however he wanted as was his right kept things simple. He gave the demoness' an easy smile and said simply, "She chose me as her partner." He didn't want to give anything more than that way just yet planning to save that for the conclave. Both the Empress and the beautiful young white demoness scrutinized him even closer now as it seemed they were trying to puzzle him out.

"Asmodeous said you would be interesting but I wasn't expecting this. I can feel a healthy amount of power coming from you and your lust and aura are rather potent and strong, at a similar level to the auras of the other Rulers like myself, I'm impressed. You certainly do seem like a new Ruler of Sin, though very young."

Ariel and Alissa, Lunara and Amaranda all giggled at that while Zaxen and Cassius chuckled loudly. Andromeda and the young demoness were looking around confused, they clearly didn't get the joke. Ariel leaned in and gently spoke as Damiex rolled his eyes knowing what was going to happen.

"Empress, my Lord is actually restraining his aura quite heavily right now. It's power is like nothing any of us have felt before. It's overwhelming and all consuming and much much stronger than this and has some unique side effects."

Andromeda and the young demon hadn't changed their expressions and didn't get it yet. Andromeda questioned Ariel.

"What do you mean he's heavily restraining it? I can feel it right now pressing on me. It's only because I'm a fellow Ruler of Sin that it's not affecting me, I can tell it's already affecting my daughter." She glanced at the you he demoness answering one of Damiex's silent questions about who she was.

Ariel replied solemnly to her. "I'm not misleading you Empress. We are already finding several unique things about our new young Lord of Lust. His aura has a l bel of potency that you can't imagine until you experience it aside from his other unique traits. He's also throttling much of his power along side it. Part of his training that began this morning. If he wasn't doing this no one near him would be able to function and work at the palace would grind to a halt."

The eyes of the white demoness' widened at hearing that but both were skeptical. Adrom da and as the Empress of Pride, her own sin and Pride couldn't stand by and let that pass.

"Very well show us just what you mean. Show us how unique your Lust is and let us judge for ourselves. Besides it will only help your case for why we are here today."

Andromeda's daughter still hadn't said a word but had been staring at Damiex since she walked in the door and her gaze was incredibly intense and reminded him of Ariel's fervent gaze.

Damiex looked at Ariel and the other Sins. The ladies nodded and had giddy smiles on their faces excited for what came next while the men had silly grins already amused about the spectacle that was about to happen. Damiex brought his eyes back to the daughter as her gaze was drawing him and he could also watch Andromeda's reaction as well. Smirking to himself he slipped the leash on his power and aura and let the tidal wave roll out into the room. Moments later her could hear the moans and cries of passion from the ladies behind him but it was Andromeda and her daughter's reactions that he paid attention to. The you g demoness' hand snapped onto her mother's arm and tightened in a death grip before she dropped to her knees threw her head back and screamed at the top of her lungs and trembled violently as her other hand clawed at the carpet as a large wet spot bloomed on the crotch of her dress.

Andromeda held it together a bit better than her daughter but not much. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue rolled out her her mouth as the loudest and sluttiest moan poured from her pink lips and she shook and trembled harshly in the throes of an incredible climax. Damiex wondered how her legs were keeping her up but he could tell her Pride wouldn't let her collapse but he could at least feel her reveling in his lust and succumbing to it.

Before it went on too long Damiex pulled his aura back and got it back under control. Andromeda's cream and gold dress was slit up the middle exposing her inner thighs and long legs nearly giving away glimpses of her sex and Damiex could see the trails of honey dripping down her thighs in thick streams and grinned to himself. It was satisfying and quite pleasurable watching the effects on the ladies when he indulged in this.

Ariel guided a woozy Empress to a comfortable couch as Alizay helped the young demoness to her feet and led her to her mother's side on shaky legs. Both of them were panting heavily and trying to return to normal. Andromeda finally broke the silence as she had brought herself back under control.

"Ok so Devotion was right. You have to experience it to understand it. Still I have to ask what the fuck was that?! By the unbroken throne that was a level of lust of power that I've never felt before. It was powerful and chaotic, demanding and dangerous, addictive even. I swear it felt like I had magically been bent over and fucked and forced to climax regardless of my will, I've never felt anything like it."

Damiex looked at her and she was smiling clearly having enjoyed the pleasure she had experienced but there was a measure of respect in her eyes now. Her daughter however was back to her intense gaze that still helps that fore in them, though Damiex could see desire and some awe in there as well. Damiex replied to the Empress.

"You're not the first one to say something like that and no we have no answers to explain it right now. You can see why I have to keep it under control, it would bring the palace to a halt and nothing would get done. Sure there would be plenty of happy female demons and likely a number of happy male demons fucking away enjoying the females attention but it would never work."

Andromeda and her daughter looked at each other before they both started to giggle which soon grew into hysterical laughter. When they calmed down Andromeda spoke through her remaining giggles.

"I can just picture it hallways lined with quivering and climaxing demonesses with a river of pussy juice running the corridors from them. You could open your own water park and slide down the halls and stairs and make your own amusement park anywhere you went."

Hearing this all six of the Sins broke into uncontrollable laughter as several fell over in their seats laughing so hard at the mental imagine. Damiex could hear both Asz and Durandal laughing uproariously in his head along with everyone else as he chuckled along with them and rolled his eyes in amusement. Eventually everyone calmed down and the Empress spoke to Damiex.

"Well we should probably speak about the reason we are here today. In order to do that I need to introduce you to my daughter, the Princess and Daughter of Pride, Serenity Morningstar. You're fiancée."

When a Damiex heard that Serenity was his fiancée his jaw dropped open and he could feel waves of delight from Asz who was thoroughly amused that his secret was now out. Andromeda was smirking at him and Serenity stood up and stalked towards him before erotically flowing into his lap as she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in and out her ruby lips next to his earn and whispered to him enticing him.

"Hello my husband and let me say it really was my pleasure to meet you. My mother and the prior Lord arranged this yesterday as he knew that I had come of age recently and was looking for a good match. Mother was intrigued by what the prior Lord said and agreed upon the match assuming she and I approved upon seeing you in person today. I most certainly approve as does mother. You're something special and I've found my man and I will have you now and forever."

His brain was struggling to catch up and kick start again but he figured out why Serenity had been staring at him with such intensity since she came in now but he was still speechless for the moment.


Serenity licked his ear and whispered a little more.

"There's only one thing you need to remember and keep in mind, and that is 7 days."

Damiex finally found his voice as Serenity moved and snuggled into his chest and rested her nose in the crook of his neck. "What is 7 days?" He asked.

He found himself looking at Andromeda as Serenity made cute little purring sounds of contentment against him. The Empress had a very amused and satisfied smile on her face as she watched her daughter claim the new young Lord of Lust. Andromeda was the one who answered him.

"7 days is when you get married. She and I will return for the wedding at that time and then she will stay here as the Lady of Lust."

Damiex was slightly overwhelmed still but he had finally caught up. He was more shocked than anything but Asz had told him he had set something up to help his rule and solidify some of his legitimacy. Serenity was beautiful and the little he knew about her he liked and was certain he'd like anything else he found as he got to know her over time. It had already been decided for him but he decided to ride this train and see where it would go. He made his decision and accepted it so he relaxed back into his throne and wrapped his arms around Serenity and smiled broadly as she made cute little wounds of contentment as she ran her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck. He finally responded to the Empress.

"I look for are to both of your return and to have my bride back in my arms again. I like how she feels in them and will treasure her and protect the Daughter of Pride.

Andromeda was pleased with his answer and was smiling broadly at him. It was a good match indeed.

"I'm glad she meets your approval and I have no doubt she will strive to make you happy in every way she can. Never underestimated the drive of a Daughter of Pride, and watch your back. She had plenty of her own lust in her, her father was a white incubus himself and she is a demoness of two sins. She will be a handful."

Damiex's fingers were drawing lazy circles over the thin material of the dress covering Serenity's ass sending little shivers up her spine. "I'm sure a firm hand will bring her around I can handle her needs whenever they come up."

Andromeda watched her daughter in heat as she rubbed herself against him actually purring like some kind of demonic cat. Smirking at the site and amused by her reaction she quipped back. "I'm sure you will Damiex."

Alizay made her way to Damiex's side when they were done talking. She leaned in and spoke softly to him and he nodded his head. He announced to everyone what Alizay told him.

"Let's make our way to the table, lunch is served."

He leaned down and spoke softly to Serenity. "Come with me Kitten it's time for us to eat."

He turned to Ariel as he stood up and set Serenity down on her feet. "Love I want you on my right and we will have Serenity on my left."

Ariel smiled at him and nodded as they all headed over to the table and sat down. Food was piled high of the table and it was a slow and relaxed meal. Everyone was talking and just taking their time. Damiex spent most of his time getting to know Serenity better and talking to Andromeda about her experiences and advice about ruling her own Circle as well as the Zoe rations and information about the upcoming conclave.

They talked for several hours and moved back to the Lou he area and Damiex found both Serenity and Ariel on his lap. The two demonesses had already made nice and come to an agreement quickly to share him. He was the Lord of Lusts and neither of them expected him to be monogamous. He'd have a harem eventually and they were both sure that he'd fuck many women over time, it was just part of who he was as the Lord of Lust, but they each knew that they were going to be his two primary lovers. Ariel was his favorite and Serenity would be his wife. By their very nature these two would be the most devoted to him, though the other female Sins were all eagerly awaiting their own crack at the new young Lord. Ariel already suspected that when they got their own taste of his unique Lust and abilities that they would fall hopelessly in love with him too. She could imagine his core group of lovers would wind up being his Sins and his wife. Though maybe Damiex would add some surprises in time too.

The days were much longer in the Circles than on Earth and although many hours had passed it was still early afternoon. Andromeda said it was time for her and Serenity to return and they said their goodbyes. Surprising Damiex, Andromeda hugged him warmly as she spoke to him.

"Since you're marrying my Daughter you are going to be my son in law and I have to say I was very surprised by you, but in a good way. I like what I've found and I'm delighted that you're going to be joining the family. You have my approval to be her husband and also as the new Lord of Lust. You won't have any issues with me at the conclave and I will be supporting you. Now you just have to convince the rest of the Rulers of Sin. We will see you in one week."

Andromeda walked away and spoke to Amaranda and Lunara giving her daughter a chance to say goodbye. Serenity had just finished hugging Ariel and telling her goodbye and took take good care of Damiex until she was back. When she was done she walked up to Damiex and smiled lovingly at him, she truly was beautiful he thought.

"Well Kitten I guess this is goodbye for now but I will see you soon. I'm looking forward to that 7th day now a lot."

Serenity had snuggled up to him again, she couldn't get enough of him and was already addicted she thought. She always wanted to be touching him and loved his scent. She spoke softly to him as he'd found that even though she was a very powerful and driven woman as she showed him when she first walked in with her mother with fore in her eyes, that she always was very affectionate and loving and had a sort of innocent and very cute side as well to her as she showed her age at times too when she was content and happy.

"I like that you call me Kitten and I'm looking forward to that 7th day too. More than you could possibly imagine honestly. I will miss you but will be back soon and then never leave your side again my husband."

As she finished speaking Damiex leaned down and gave her her first kiss. His lips pressed against hers and his tongue slid into her mouth as he kissed her with passion and lust. Serenity moaned load my into his mouth and clung to him as she trembled in his strong arms as a surprisingly strong climax burned through her body like Hellfire. After a very long minute Damiex broke the kiss and left Serenity glassy eyed and smiling as she shakily made her way over to her mother who giggled before they both headed out the door.

Damiex finished off his wine and then looked at his Sins who were all standing up and making their way over to him.

"Time for training?" He asked.

The six of them nodded and gathered him up and led him down the tower and through the palace to the training grounds. It took about fifteen minutes giving Damiex just another indicator of how large the palace complex really was, still not even seeming the outside of it yet. Oh well.

At the training grounds the Sins broke up. Zaxen, Ariel and Lunara took over and spent the next several hours focusing on swordplay, combat, katas, body positioning and sparring. The other three watched and observed closely as all six of them took their duties very very seriously each in their own way. They were fully dedicated to their new young Lord and all of them wanted to see him succeed and take the conclave by storm.

Four hours later they took a break before switching. Damiex was breathing heavily and was covered in a fine sheen of sweat but felt good. Durandal was feeling comfortable in his hand and he had enjoyed pushing his née body to the limits pleased with what he could do. He leaned against a wooden dummy as he watched his Sins talk back and forth and critique what they had seen. After a while his casters made their way over to him and guided him to another area of the grounds. Cassius, Amaranda and Alissa would be taking over for his magic training now. This was the point that the Sins thought they may get surprised as no one really knew what his magical potential was. Amaranda was leading this section as while both Cassius and Alissa were very talented casters themselves, Amaranda was the most accomplished caster of them all.

She explained to Damiex that while there was a vast and varied catalog of spells out there, the very top level were Dominion spells. Mastering any one Dominion was impressive for any demon. Mastering three or more Dominions was considered rare, and most Rulers of Sin who were casters were the most impressive of all mastering as many as 7-10 or more. Asmodeous had been a true master of magic and Amaranda told Damiex that he had commanded 12 Dominions. Cassius had command of four, though he specialized in fire, and Alissa commanded the same but being a Yuki-Onna her favorite and specialty was ice. Amaranda was truly powerful and considered one of the top casters in all of the Circles and Ben among the other Sins that supported the other Rulers. She commanded 6 herself and her power of ivaler that of most other black and white demons save for the Rulers of Sin themselves. She favored no one type over the other and was the most versatile and flexible of them all in her magic. She commanded the Dominions of ice, fire, earth, air, lightning and shadow. Since shadow magic was rather rare and it just happened to be the only magic that Damiex had any previous experience with she was as the natural choice to lead this portion of his training with Aspiration and Flame's assistance.

The first hour was spent on exploration and trying to find out which Dominions he could command. The magic and potential was there and while he wouldn't master them in a day, thanks to Asz's power he could at least cast them and they could find out what they had to work with. By the end of the hour Amaranda was amazed and the other Sins were all speechless and wide eyed. Once again he had surprised just like they had all wondered. He commanded an unheard of 15 Dominions. Blood, bone, flesh, shadow, fire, ice, earth, air, water, diamond, sand, runner, iron and the most surprising one of all, Hellfire. Dominion over Hellfire was extremely rare, only a handful in all of the Circles could summon it. It was want any kind of normal fire at all.

The Circles of Sin may have been the Hells, but the Hells that the humans pictured and heard about in the Bible were different and separate. They were realms home to the damned where no living being lived. They were battlegrounds in the past during wars with Angels countless times, but no demon lived there you simply couldn't. The Hellfire that existed in the true Hells came from the seventh circle specifically born from the violence itself. It burned a wicked black that consumed the light and burned with the fires of the damned, but also was colder than cold and froze with the touch of death. Any touched by it felt they were being burned alive and consumed in ice to the most extreme levels of torment and it could t be extinguished until it consumed whatever it touched.

Amaranda had Damiex choose four to focus on for the remainder of their time today and each day they would cycle through the rest and keep repeating that until the conclave. Damiex picked out Hellfire, blood, shadow and flesh to start on. He figured he could he the most bang for his buck out of those as both offensive and defensive options existed between them. He could heal with blood and flesh as well as attack in other insidious ways. His shadow manipulation could be both offensive and defensive in equal measure, and for the big hammer Hellfire would deliver. They spent the next four hours training and sparring and discussing theory and technique as well as ideas on how to improvise and adapt on the fly. They needed to expose him to the broadest overview and widest range of exposure as they could. The challenges at the conclave could be anything, there were very few restrictions. The only one really being and all out fight to the death. Amaranda and Ariel and Lunara had all been to one before as they were the oldest of the Sins. Alissa and Cassius and Zaxen were still fairly young to the position only being Sins for the last 100-200 years or so for the three of them. Ariel and Lunara had been Sins for around the same amount of time with Lunara having about 50 years on Ariel as Ariel had been Devotion for around 500 years now and Lunara had been Seduction for about 550. Amaranda hadn't been Desire for quite as long, only 350 years but she still had a lot of experience and was one of the strongest of the Sins. Amaranda told him that she'd seen and heard of all sorts of challenges including fist fights of course, magic duels, cooking competitions, scavenger hunts, races, tests of strength, and even fuck off competitions. That last one she said was something Asmodeous had done a few times though he wasn't the only Ruler of Sin who had. Damiex wasn't surprised at that news and heard Asz laugh in his head causing him a o roll his eyes at his frivolity. Asz had told him he was and he was already learning of more examples of just that sort of behavior from stories.

By the time they were Damiex was tired and hungry. His Sins gathered him up and took him to one of the nearby bath houses and they all cleaned up quickly. The ladies even behaved for the most part though Ariel pampered him and cleaned him herself once again showing her devotion to his any and every need. Lunara kept looking at him and smiling wickedly throughout the process though. She like the others lived up to her title and she spent the whole time putting on a show for him and seducing him with every glance and every move of her body. He wondered why she was giving the full court press when he recalled the kiss in the vault and what she said after to him. He suspected that she would be following Ariel and himself back to his quarters tonight. He smiled in pleasure at the thought while Ariel finished cleaning him and massaging him down after the training. As her fingers worked out the pleasant ache in his muscles he sighed in pleasure.

"Ariel, Devotion my love. You really are a treasure and I truly cherish you and what you so freely give to me. Thank you for everything."

Ariel just smiled knowingly at her Lord, love shining in her eyes and kissed him softly without saying a word and led him out of the shower and started to tenderly dry him off. She would always show her devotion for him in everything she did even if he never mentioned it again, but she loved the sweet and loving things he had said to her now and before as well and hoped he never stopped saying them when he felt like it.

Everyone got dressed and headed for the dining hall for dinner. Damiex was talking with each of his Sins as they walked along discussing the day and everything that had happened so far. They made their way into the hall and sat at the head table just like at breakfast and once again Damiex was relaxing comfortably on his throne. They continued to talk as they ate with Damiex wolfing down and enormous amount of food. He had burned through huge quantities of beefy as he trained and as he yanked up he felt better and began to get his strength back. He required far more fuel than he had previously been used to, granted before he came here he had never even seen this much food before so that wasn't fair to compare it before and after either. When he was finally done eating he leaned back and Alizay seemed to materialize next to him as he cleared everything away for him before returning and speaking softly to him to not disturb the other conversations going on around him.

"I hope you found dinner to your satisfaction my Lord, I tailored the meal to help you recover from your training today and rebuild the body. Proteins and complex carbs and plenty of minerals and beneficial vitamins from the different vegetables and specialities of the Land of Lust. Please let me know immediately if there are any changes you need. I will be in to assist you in the morning and available all night should you need anything at all."

Damiex smiled at the cute succubus who was his handmaiden. He was surprised and impressed by the level of thought and detail that she put into everything including even his diet. "Thank you Alizay you've done a wonderful job and there's nothing that needs to be changed, it was all perfect and you should be very proud of yourself. I'll see you in the morning my adorable little succubus." He kissed her lightly on the cheek causing her face to heat up as she smiled widely i. Delight at how pleased her Lord was and the attention he gave her as she floated back into the background and headed back to his quarters ahead of him to verify that everything was perfect before retiring to her suite that was discretely attached to Damiex's rooms so that she would always be available and close at hand for him.

When Damiex stood he felt two sets of arms wrap around his arms and two sets of breasts push into his chest. Ariel was on the right side and Lunara was on the left and both of them were looking at him with lust in their eyes and Damiex knew this was going to be a long night before they all fell asleep. The two horny succubi led him back to his rooms as quickly as they could.

They entered the room and Lunara was in front of Damiex while Ariel was behind him. Lunara had her appendages in right now and he could see the smooth expanses of her skin on her back that was not covered by her dress. She shifted her hips side to side drawing Damiex's eyes to her perfect ass as he watched the globes roll back and forth inside of the tight material as her hands reached back and caressed her ass and hips making certain that Damiex was looking where she wanted him too. As he watched she slowly started to peel her dress off and turned around facing him and continued to dance for him as she gave him her erotic and seductive strip tease. He was so focused on watching her that it took him a moment to realize he was already half naked as Ariel had taken the time to begin to strip him as well as he watched Lunara.

Lunara and Damiex were shortly naked and Lunara slowly stalked up to Damiex as he watched her body sway side to side as she slowly approached him. He watched her drag a hand down her body caressing herself as she went before she slid two fingers deep inside of herself as she stopped right in front of him. Her smile was wicked and she had one eyebrow raised as if in question as she slipped her fingers from her grasping sex and stuck them into his mouth. Lunara watched his face as his tongue slid along her fingers licking her sweet treat and savoring it. No one had yet spoken and Lunara pulled her wet fingers from his mouth and smirked at him before she turned her back and walked to the edge of the bed. She kneeled on the side of it and spread her legs wide before lowering herself to the bed and arching her back while sticking her ass in the air. She turned her head and looked back at Damiex and in a growl filled with lust and sexual need told Damiex exactly what she wanted.

"Come fuck me my Lord, let your Seduction show you what you've been missing and rock your world!"

Ariel chuckled softly to herself. She had stripped down as well but for this first part she wasn't going to be participating. She knew what was going to happen and wanted to see it first hand. Lunara for as long as she could remember had always been one of the most confident and collected demoness, unfazed by anything sexual and always in control. As the embodiment of sexual seduction, she always knew just what to say and do to stay in control and have the upper hand. She'd led countless men and women to ecstasy before using them up and leaving them a slave to her shims and pleasure. But as she challenged to new young Lord, Ariel knew that for the first time that Lunara was about to have the tables turned on her by Damiex and she had no idea what was coming for her. Ariel sat on the bed in front of Lunara so she could clearly see her face. Ariel could see the smirk on her face as her expression was one of supreme confidence that she was about to blow their young Lord's mind and that he would be putty in her hands.

Damiex was smiling to himself in amusement and could see the same reflected on Ariel's face. He walked up to the edge of the bed and stepped between Lunara's legs as he slowly ran the head of his cock up and down her wet Pusey pushing and sliding through it as Lunara pushed her was up and down and back and forth rubbing herself all over him and making little sounds of pleasure. Lunara had her eyes closed as she waited for Damiex to push his cock into her and hear him moan out in pleasure, she couldn't wait to dominate him and blur his mind in pleasure. She felt him align himself at her opening and then the next thing she knew she was screaming. Damiex slammed his cock into her deepest depths in one harsh move and he could feel the head of his cock pushing and opening the entrance to her womb as her sheath tightly gripped and rippled around his length while copious juices bathed his cock and dropped down his balls. The surprise and the instant hard orgasm caused Lunara's appendages to burst from her body and quiver and shake as her climax burned through her. Damiex reached forward and gripped the base of her wings getting a strong handhold and good leverage and then curled his body around her and out his lips to her ear and whispered to her calmly but dangerously.

"You thought this would go a different direction didn't you? The Seduction of Lust, always in control, always having the upper hand. You thought I was just a young demon barely a man that you would seduce and leave a quivering wreck didn't you? Well the tables have turned and by the end of the night you will know only one truth. I OWN you and you are mine and you will submit to me! Now are you ready to experience something you never have before?"

Lunara moaned loud and long as her climax ran down and left a mad tingling in her pussy desperately wanting more. Her mind was racing and she couldn't form words yet. Damiex pulled back and he hen without pausing slammed back into her pulling on her wings driving her harder onto myself and started a fast and furious and rhythm to destroy the purple succubus that was impaled on his cock. Lunara was constantly screaming or moaning or crying in an incomprehensible babble as she came over and over without rest or break. Every 10th stroke or show she'd hit another peak and she was violently shaking as he plundered her sex. Ariel had been entranced watching her come apart and fall so deeply into her lust and sin and was furiously masturbating as she watched them driving herself higher and higher.

A while later and Damiex's orgasm was getting close and caught Ariel's eyes and nodded to her. She crawled forward and took Lunara's face in her hands and stared into her eyes. Lunara's eyes were wide open and feverish, she had truly been driven crazy with pleasure and lust but Ariel knew this would be the true climax. Damiex slammed home one last time and with a roar that reverberated through the room exploded deep in Lunara's cunt as he felt it constrict down on him hard as his cock spewed seed into her womb and pussy as it leaked out around him.

When Lunara felt Damiex swell inside of her and burst she detonated and came apart in the biggest and most vicious and violent orgasm she'd ever heard of in her whole long existence. Her back arched and felt like it was going to snap, her eyes rolled back in her head and she was twitching and spawning and flailing in every direction violently. She screamed so loud that Damiex and Ariel heard some glass shatter nearby as she prayed huge wave after wave of cum from her abused pussy and kept cumming and cumming ash she continued to feel the ropes of his seed push inside of her further and further until they both finally finished and came down as Lunara crashed face first onto the bed insentient and drooling. Damiex pulled out of her satisfied and watched Lunara's gaping cunt spasm and constrict pushing his thick white cream out of her as it dripped onto the bed and ran down her legs in heavy streams looking abused and very well fucked. He caught Ariel's attention and waved her over as she approached him and proceeded to vigorously suck and lick him clean as she savored the remnants of his seed and Lunara's honey. She shivered and moaned and came as his cum ran down her throat falling under the defects of his intoxicating cum as she messily made love to his cock with her mouth.

Several minutes later Damiex saw movement on the bed and eased his cock from Ariel's mouth as they turned to look at Lunara laying there staring at Damiex in a daze. It took her a moment to find her voice but eventually she did.

"That was un-fucking-believable! I have never experienced anything like that before and didn't even know orgasms could be like that let alone sex! You completely ruined me!"

She paused for a moment and then said in a much softer and quieter voice, "you were right, you do own me now. I already liked you a lot and was attracted to you, but after that I've fallen hard for you and love you Damiex."

Damiex smiled warmly at her, "I love you too my Seduction and you are mine now, not just one of my Sins. You have been trying to seduce me and tease me since I met you and I wanted to break you, posses you and make you mine."

Lunara had relaxed as she soaked in the pleasure and tremors that were still running through her body and she was back to her normal seductive and sexual self. She had a very satisfied smile on her face as she responded.

"You did handsome, you did all that and more. I'm yours now and always will be."

Ariel had climbing over next to her and spoke softly though her voice was heavy with lust and desire.

"You know he's nowhere near finished with us right? He has hours left in him and there's still a few more surprises left in store for you. I hope you're ready for a long night because it's just getting started. You'll learn like I did that he is far too much for any one or even two women to handle him. Soon we will need to bring more women to our bed just to try to keep up with him, but tonight it's your job and mine to try to satisfy him."

Lunara's eyes went wide and had a touch of fear to them as she listened and o her fellow Sin and new lover. Over the next several hours Damiex fucked, wicked, licked, caressed, kissed and devoured the two succubi until he was finally satisfied fully and the two demonesses were passed out on the bed and ruined insentient messes. When Lunara finally tasted his seed at one point in the night her lovers found she had the same reaction as Ariel and she was just as addicted to his cum now as she was and loved the drunk intoxicated feelings it gave her and the orgasms that it forced from her needy sex.

Damiex climbed off the bed feeling tired but very well satisfied and content. He whistled a simple tune to himself as he walked into the bath and quickly rinsed off under the steaming water before getting out and easing into one of the oversized tubs and beginning to soak. About 10 minutes later he saw Ariel and Lunara stumble into the bath barely able to stand let alone walk with their hair wild and crazy and each of them covered in rivulets of cum and pussy juice and mostly unresponsive. They made their way to the shower and disappeared from view for a little while before they eventually emerged and made their way to his tub. They both carefully got into the tub one at a time before they both curled up around him, one on each side and closed their eyes before sighing out in pleasure and contentment and letting the silence surround them.

Damiex was happy and very content, in fact he'd never been so happy or at peace before. As he felt the two women pressed against him he thought back on the past few days. He had been about to be overwhelmed and possibly killed when Asz first found him. He was alone, hungry, homeless, completely unaware of who he was or his past and just trying not to die. Now he had been through a major transformation, he was the Lord of Lust, he had his own massive palace, he had gear and incredible items, protected and guided and supporting by countless demons including what were his 6 closest confidants and guides, he was getting married to an exquisitely beautiful Princess and had the love of two of the sexiest most desirable succubi in all the land, and even had a few hints about his mysterious past. He felt blessed and a bit humbled by everything and just decided to enjoy it and go along with the ride. He heard Asz in his head amused and quite pleased himself.

I said it right at the start and I'll keep saying it, you really are interesting you know and it's been a delight so far to see how you've surprised us all.

Damiex smiled at that before he heard Durandal comment as well.

I have to agree, interesting is a good choice of words for my young Lord and partner. For the first time since longer than I remember I'm getting excited about what will come. In time you will grow and find that you have the potential to do great good, or great harm. When those times come, choose wisely. The choice of course however is yours.

Damiex just relaxed and let his mind wander giving himself a chance to slow down and take a breath. He didn't feel the need to respond to either of them in let the peace and silence surround him. He could feel both Ariel and Lunara tracing fingers along his skin and leaving tiny kisses and nibbles on his neck and chest showing him affection and gentle attentions. Eventually he pulled them all out of the bath before they dried off and lay down to sleep. Ariel on his right and Lunara on his left as they dropped into sleep.


Damiex was pulled out of sleep at the sensation of his cock erupting. He groaned in pleasure and opened his eyes as waves of bliss raced though him as he watched the sexiest duel of crimson and violet faces twisted in ecstasy tongues twisted together around his tip soaked in cum as they shared together and slurped it down kissing each other hungrily moaning and mewling in pleasure as they finished off their first breakfast. Damiex just watched them for a while until their faces were clean but wet and they came out of their stupor and looked at him in unison and spoke. "Good morning love."

Ariel went back to gently sucking on him for a moment longer and Lunara spoke to him. "This was your regularly scheduled morning wake up call handsome. Are you ready for another day of training?"

Damiex smiled broadly. "Mmmmmmm that was a wonderful way to wake up ladies. Thank you for the wake up call and you two are going to spoil me if this keeps up."

Lunara winked at him and grinned. "That's the idea handsome, your ladies will always take care of you and pamper and spoil you. It's our job and we take our job very seriously as you may have noticed."

Ariel pulled her mouth from his head that had been gently nursing on it. She crawled up his body and gave a deep and loving kiss before she pulled back and spoke to him for the first time this morning.

"Good morning my love, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, Seduction and I certainly did though I know that's no surprise to you. You really do have quite the unfair advantage over us females with your gifts you know."

Damiex smirked at that and couldn't disagree. "Oh I know it certainly feels like I'm cheating at times but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it some too. I will just have to try not to abuse that too badly. I just want to treat the ones I love and care for right and make sure I'm giving them what they want and need."

Lunara had crawled up the other side and mimicked Ariel by stealing his lips for her own before she answered him.

"We know that handsome and trust me, you give us exactly what we want and need and take care of us better than any others before you. There's nothing wrong with enjoying the power you have over us, you love us and treat us well and give us everything we want. Besides you're the Lord of Lust it's expected for you to enjoy the power you have over lust and women in general. Besides we may not have know you long but we do already know you very well and you've revealed a lot to us, everyone you've come into contact with so far as well honestly. You're not the kind of person to use that power to hurt or injure anyone. You're a good man handsome and everyone can see that. Yes you have the ability for great evil and death, in all the Circles there's never been a Ruler of Sin quite like you and your potential and power is staggering. When you have fully embraced your potential you will become something new to these worlds. When you choose to unleash that it will be for the right reasons and we all will support and back you. But you don't need to worry so much, your on the right path and already doing the right things."

Damiex was considering what she said and hoped she was right. Ariel cut in to stop him from thinking too much about it. "Speaking of using your powers for good, when are you going to give Alissa and Amaranda a taste love?" Giggling after she said it.

Damiex chuckled at her change of topics. "That's up to you two ladies when you want to bring others in I'm sure you will and you two can decide that. The only thing I will say for now is that like I told Ariel at first, no sharing any details or information with either of them. Let I be a surprise when it happens whenever that is."

They both nodded at him and then they untangled themselves and got out of bed. The two ladies began to get ready and Alizay came in and got Damiex ready for the day before they all headed towards the dining hall. Alizay once again personally took care of Damiex's breakfast and needs as he continued to adjust to having constant attention and any whim or desire met so he focused on staying ground and not taking it for advantage. He noticed that all of the ladies were having whispered conversations so he talked to Cassius and Zaxen enjoying getting to know them better and looking for and to training with them more today as well. When he was finished eating the seven of them once again made their way to the training grounds where swordplay and combat trains began again. Durandal was teaching him to open his will to her and let her own will infuse him to teach and guide his body to learn as he fought. She was accelerating his rate of retention massively and he was progressing very quickly. Ariel was relentless on him however constantly pushing him further and further. Lunara and Zaxen were right there beside her the whole time taking turns as well and pushing just as hard. They also added aerial combat as well. There were no meetings today and until the wedding there was nothing but his training. That meant he would be training longer each day than he did yesterday. After 8 hours straight Devotion finally called a stop.

Damiex was tired and breathing hard and plastered in sweat, and he was very very hungry. Once again Alizay seemed to somehow magically materialize and guided him into a nearby bath and quickly and efficiently cleaned him up and rubbed him down. She was all business and he was still recovering from his exercise and far too hungry to even think about initiating anything anyways. She got him into a clean new outfit that she had brought and then led him back out to a table that had been setup piled high with steaming delicious food. He relaxed into his throne as the others joined him and then he proceeded to demolish a large mountain of food himself in short order and soon felt much better. It really was obvious to them all that he really did have very important dietary needs, mainly vast quantities of fuel for his body and magic. Once fed he recovered very quickly, minutes in fact which was just another interesting thing about him. He was thankful for Alizay always taking care of things like this for him and those around him, she sure was one hell of a handmaiden.

After lunch training resumed but now it was back to his magic. Once again Amaranda led things, but today she wanted him to start to ramp of his power and that's where they discovered another oddity of his. He had no trouble upping his power but they found his magic and spells had a bit of a raw and chaotic nature to them. It made them more dangerous and harder to defend against but it also made it the same to nearby allies as well. He would have to be very careful and cognizant of that always.

Amaranda was just as demanding of a task Mistress as Ariel was and she as well as Cassius and Alissa drilled and worked with him for another 8 hours straight again. When they were done they all headed to the large connected bathhouse to clean up. Devotion and Seduction were hard at work paying special attention to Damiex and he was feeling better and ready to fuel up.

They made their way to dinner and he once again scarfed down his food and then the two succubi led him back to his rooms where he proceeded to reduce them over several hours to two quivering and twitching puddles of bless as he once again whistling to himself went to the bath and cleaned up to wait for them to stumble in later. This turned into his routine for the next several days and soon the wedding was upon him.


Damiex was standing looking out over a sea of faces in the largest great hall in the palace. The Empress of Pride as well as Serenity, several of Pride's Sins and many other important demons from the Plains of Pride had arrived earlier in the morning and Damiex only had a brief moment to say hi to Serenity before she was whisked off to get ready for the ceremony. Now he was just waiting for everything to start as he looked over the thousands of faces in attendance. Both Lust's and Pride's Sins were spread out throughout the room managing everything and keeping an eye on everyone watching for any issues. Andromeda was standing next to him watching the same spectacle and making small talk with him. As the Lord of Lust typically he would have conducted his own ceremony being the highest level of authority in the Land, but with a fellow Ruler of Sin here, Andromeda had volunteered to do it for him and free him up to simply participate.

Andromeda took her place at the head of the platform in front of the massive backdrop of stained glass that depicted different scenes of lust on them and Damiex took his position in front and just to the right of the Empress. Both of them were waiting elaborate robes of office for the formal occasion. Andromeda made a motion with her hand and a loud and clear chime echoed through the room before everyone quieted down and the wedding could start. Just a moment later the towering double doors for the great hall opened and Serenity slowly walked in and started to make her way down the aisle to soft music. Damiex sucked in a sharp breath upon laying eyes on her, she truly was exquisitely beautiful and it touched him that she clearly thought to honor him today. She was wearing an elaborate and salacious black dress that had red tiger stripes on it in honor of her husband to be. Her golden hair was careful styled up in an elaborate fashion that he had never seen before with tendrils of gold gracefully falling around her face and neck. Her royal blue eyes were bright in happiness and she carried a bouquet of golden flowers that only grew in the palace gardens of the Plains of Pride as she slowly made her way down to Damiex. She took her place in front of her mother opposite of Damiex and beamed at him in joy causing Damiex to smile back at her broadly. Andromeda's voice rang out clear and powerful to the masses.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate a joyous occasion and we thank you all for joining us. Today we are to bind two people in unholy matrimony and in doing so bind two of our realms closer together."

Cheers rang out loud and long in the hall and the Empress signaled for everyone to quiet down before she continued.

"For the first time in any of our memories, the Land of Lust has a new Lord. I can tell you that your new Lord is a force of nature unseen in these times before and great change is coming to the Hells in time. In looking to the future we have gathered here today to bear witness to this change and join the Land of Lust on this new journey. In doing so, Damiex Black the Lord of Lust and Serenity Morningstar the Princess of Pride are to be wed and lead your lands into a new era."

Andromeda turned to Damiex and handed him the ring he had slipped her earlier. "Do you, Damiex Black, Ruler of Sin and Lord of Lust, take Serenity Morningstar as your lawfully wedded wife? To love, cherish, protect and ravish for all of time?"

Damiex slid the ring on Serenity's finger as he looked into her eyes smiling. "I do."

Andromeda handed her daughter her own ring next. "And stop you Serenity Morningstar, Princess of Pride, take Damiex Black to be your lawfully wedded husband? To cherish, love, serve, protect and obey for all time?"

Serenity slid the ring onto Damiex's finger with love in her eyes. "I do."

Andromeda's voice rang out. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride."

Damiex leaned down and kissed Serenity deeply full of love and of course lust as she moaned deeply into his mouth and clung to him and shivered. Cheers and clapping rang out as the two were lost in their own little world.

Now to those of you more familiar with human weddings than demon weddings, let alone weddings in the Land of Lust, everything so far has been mostly similar. However in the Land of Lust things are just getting started and the Lord of Lust was expected to display his Lust to those in attendance.

Damiex broke the kiss and snapped his fingers as a large bed materialized and seemed to be the silent signal for the start of a mass orgy to develop around them but he wasn't focused on that.

"So love, this is your day your choice. What would you like my love?"

Serenity's eyes were intense and practically glowed as he stared at them, she licked her lips and sauntered up to him and pressed herself against his front.

"I've wanted you to take me since the moment I walked through the door at my mother's side a week ago. I saw you and you were the sexiest demon I had ever seen in my entire life and I wanted you then and there. I want you to take me over to that bed, fold me in half and pound me like you're trying to split the planet in half!"

Damiex smirked, he could do that. There was the powerful driven woman, she knew what she wanted and she was very demanding. He peeled off his robe and then stripped her dress from her and picked her up and walked to the bed. He laid her down on it with her butt at the edge folded her in half just like she asked her. Damn she was flexible!

Serenity pulled her legs behind her head leaving herself incredibly exposed. Damiex grabbed his cock and slid the head up and down her dripping slit as he looked over her. Her eyes were wild with lust and his teasing of her as she whined out. He placed his head at her opening and slowly pushed in stretching her out wide. Serenity's eyes fluttered and she groaned low in her chest in pleasure at the sensation as he pushed deeper and deeper without stopping. She felt him at the entrance to her womb and then he pushed through as he buried himself into her completely. Her eyes rolled back and her pussy clenched hard as she came while he held himself inside of her buried to the hilt. Serenity screamed and shook her head wildly back and forth as Damiex held her pinned in place letting her ride out her climax. A while later she began to calm down and was panting as she stared at him in lust. He was smiling wickedly at her looking slightly smug.

"That was the last slow thrust you will get for now. I hope you're ready for what you asked for because you will most certainly be getting it gorgeous. If you need to hold onto something then dig into my arms, but otherwise your at my mercy now."

With that he pulled back and then slammed himself forward driving her into the bed as she howled and clawed at his arms as he set a driving pace in and out of her. Serenity was screaming her head off in ecstasy, the pleasure so intense and so extreme that it bordered on pain but she liked that even more as her sin for lust overtook her and dragged her under. She lost herself to the ride and time lost its meaning as she simply kept climaxing over and over.

Damiex had been holding back building Serenity to the absolute peak and she was ready to be sent over the edge. His balls boiled and it became too much and he buried himself in her womb and unloaded into her as he roared out his release. He watched Serenity simply come apart as she sprayed a huge fountain of ejaculate into the air as she thrashed and flailed and bucked about and wailed like a banshee cumming her head off. Every time Damiex spurt into her her wail would climb in octave and once again Damiex could hear glass breaking somewhere in the distance before she finally passed out and collapsed.

He chuckled to himself satisfied that he gave her what she needed as he slowly pulled himself from her and unfolded her legs and dragged them up onto the bed. Even unconscious she was still trembling so he simply held her protectively to his side and relaxed.

The Empress along with Devotion and Seduction had paired off at the start and summoned a section of pillows and furs for their play zone so they could watch the show as they pleasured one another. Damiex had released his aura as he did when he had sex and it had effected everyone in range including them. They watched and fucked and came for the next hour until they were finally tired and had cuddled up and relaxed as the show that Damiex and Serenity were putting on started coming to an end. When Andromeda watched Serenity cum and Damiex erupt inside of her and her reaction she jumped at the wail and was alarmed.

"What the Hells was that?!"

Ariel and Lunara laughed at her reaction before Ariel answered. "He does that to all of us females. Though this is only the second time that he made someone break glass. I heard it somewhere down in the hall. But that is what he does to us every time, he's a handful. That was an orgasm."

Andromeda shook her head, "I know what an orgasm is, I've had countless over the ages and some of the finest lovers in legend. That was something else however, I've never seen any woman ever react like that to sex in my life. Just what is he and where did he come from anyways?"

Seduction shook her head and laughed. "No, that was fucking. Pure animal unadulterated fucking. He can be an incredibly gentle and intimate lover and give the sweetest lovemaking, but he was made to fuck and he does it like no other. He absolutely can fuck us stupid which is really hard to do to a demon of lust."

Ariel jumped in. "And we don't have any answers to where he came from. We've been learning more oddities of his as well this past week. He's a very gifted fighter and is progressing at an astonishing rate especially with the help of Durandal. But his magic is overwhelming, he inherited that from the previous Lord but its even more than that now. He commands 15 Dominions but his magic is raw and chaotic, it's dangerous. We have all had to be very careful so he doesn't unleash, it would be devastating."

Lunara nudged Andromeda and pointed. "Look she's coming around. Looks like she is still feeling the aftershocks since she's shivering slightly. Ooooh that's nasty look at that she's digging his seed out and licking her fingers clean, fuck that's hot! She's going to find out it tastes better than what she expected. Look she's feeling it now!"

Andromeda blinked at her, "What do you mean?"

Ariel smiled at her. "His cum not only makes you climax but it's like all of your favorite flavors all together at the same time, plus it's also intoxicating and highly addictive. It makes you feel drunk lost in pleasure. Luckily it only lasts for a short time, but it's just another thing unique to him. Your daughter got quite the husband."

Andromeda laughed at that, he certainly was interesting. "Yes, yes she did the lucky bitch. I'm happy for her though. You two are very lucky as well it seems."

Ariel and Lunara smiled and nodded. "Yes we are at that."


They met shortly in the grand dining hall for a feast to celebrate and Damiex found himself on his throne with Serenity in his lap, The Empress on his right, and Devotion on his left. Everyone was eating and enjoying the festivities Damiex was talking with Andromeda.

"So Damiex I do have some news for you. The location and date of the conclave has been set and it is in two weeks at the Gardens of Greed. Now you know how long you have to prepare for, do what you can."

Damiex nodded, "Thank you for letting me know. I will be prepared and let the chips fall where they may, but I'll give them one hell of a fight if they want it. I do appreciate that I'll have you and the Plains of Pride as an ally going into this."

Serenity took advantage of the lull in the conversation to slide down his body and drop to her knees under the table. She fished out his cock and took it deep down her throating moaning and sending vibrations through his cock as Damiex sighed in pleasure.

Andromeda raised an eyebrow and smirked at him. "She certainly is enthusiastic isn't she? Quite the demanding mate you have now, she never was this way before she met you. I'd say you've had a corrupting influence on her." She chuckled at that.

Damiex smiled broadly as Serenity bobbed in his lap urgently coaxing his seed from him. "Yes she is demanding, I'll have to keep a firm hand on her at times." He wrapped a hand in her hair and made a fist and started pumping himself into her mouth driving into her throat as she drooled and moaned. Damiex caught a blush creeping up Andromeda's neck and onto her cheeks as she watched him violate her daughter. Seems both mother and daughter have quite the king side he thought. Serenity was working him hard and he could feel it coming on until he exploded down her throat as he held her tight to the base of his cock before letting her pull off as it filled her mouth and she swallowed it down moaning and trembling in climax, drunkenly sucking on the head never spilling a drop.

Serenity came out of her haze and tucked him back in his pants and then climbed back up into his lap and snuggled into him before kissing him deeply and smiling.

"Thank you love that's just what I needed. I had a craving for dessert and decided to take it here. It was delicious by the way." As she licked her lips slowly.

Damiex just grinned at her. "I'm glad you enjoyed your treat, maybe that will tide you over for a little while now."

Serenity smiled innocently. "Mayyyyyyybe."

Andromeda burst into laughter. "Good luck taming that one, there's her Pride coming out too."

Serenity smiled wickedly at her. "I don't know what you're talking about mother. I am entirely at my husband's beck and call. His every desire and pleasure my duty to provide. There's just nothing that says I can't take my own advantages when presented with them either."

Ariel who had been listening quietly while they talked broke in giggling. "My Lady you do and I'm sure always will. No one is going to be surprised by this. I'm sure we will all have quite some fun together."

Serenity winked at her. "I'm sure we will."

The party lasted several more hours before Andromeda and the Sins of Pride and their entourage left to head back to their own Circle. There were still several hours in the day so after a short trip to the bath where it was now Ariel who sucked him down and got her own desert as Serenity washed him, they headed to the training grounds once more. Serenity had been adamant that she train right alongside her husband and had been brought up by the greatest teachers and masters in the Plains of Pride as its Princess.

When they reached the grounds Damiex motioned to Alizay and she quickly left and came back shortly carrying a bow and quiver set. Damiex turned to Serenity and smiled as Alizay approached.

"I had been told that you favored the bow and had trained as an arcane archer channeling your magic through your bow. I'm sure you have your own masterwork one, but I pulled this one from the vault earlier specifically for you. Think of it as a wedding present and I hope it keeps you safe. Thank you for choosing me Serenity, I love you and I'm glad your by my side."

Serenity took the bow and quiver and her eyes widened in disbelief. "Is this what I think it is????"

Damiex nodded, "Yes, it's Conquest's Bow, from the Rider of the First of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse, the original War. May it see our enemies fall before you my Lady of Lust."

Serenity shivered hearing her husband call her that, it was so new to her and she loved it. But she was amazed at his gift to her and couldn't believe she was holding such a relic.

"Thank you so much I love it and can't believe you gave me something like this, it's incredible! I have something for you too, a wedding gift as you said. I had it crafter just for you from one out our master-smiths. They named it Blood Command."

Serenity opened up a pocket and pulled out a heavy necklace. The thick black chain was shined to perfection and a set of three blood diamonds cut to look like drops of blood hung from the chain and glowed softly. She fastened it around his neck and stepped back.

"It allows you to give psionic commands a handful of times a day. I wanted something to protect you and to give you an edge and came up with this."

All of the Sins had been listening and their eyes went wide with the implications as they thought about it. Ariel was the one to voice what the were all thinking.

"That could be a devastating weapon when used right as well as a powerful shield. Imagine being able to make your enemy drop their weapon, or freeze for a moment. That is deadly."

Everyone nodded at that including Damiex as he thanked his wife for his gift. "Thank you love, this is wonderful and I appreciate it. I'm sure it will save my life many times over and I will owe it to you."

Serenity smiled at him, "It looks wonderful on you and you look so sexy. Keep it always on, you never know when you might need it love."

Damiex nodded before they broke up and got into their training. He was training with Durandal against a number of training dummies. While Durandal could cut, pierce or slice through anything he had to will her to do so and was practicing willing only certain strikes to pierce or cut through. This was especially important during sparring as he didn't want to hurt his partners or destroy any of their gear. Besides depending on the item that could have catastrophic results, some things were so powerful that if they were destroyed the resulting explosion could level anything around it if that happened. So for now Damiex was only practicing against dummies.

While Damiex was getting in practice with combat training and swordplay, Serenity was getting used to her new bow and learning its secrets. Devotion, Maturity and Seduction were working with Damiex and Serenity was working with Aspiration, Fire and Desire since Serenity was an arcane archer and more caster based.

The hours rolled by and eventually training was brought to a halt. They all shuffled into one of the attached baths and Damiex grinned as his two shower buddies this time were Alissa and Amaranda, it seems that the rest of the ladies had decided it was time to bring the last two of the Sins to his bed. Alissa and Amaranda were very attentive and flirty as they teased and cleaned him up driving him wild. When he couldn't take it anymore he went to reach for them as they danced out of his grasp and giggled at him.

"Later lover boy, save that for tonight." Amaranda teased him as she and Alissa smiled at him wickedly.

"We finally get to have our own taste of you and we want you at your best, so let's go eat and then you can take us to bed." Alissa teased him.

When they were done Alizay once again dressed him in an outfit she had picked out and they made their way to the dining hall. Damiex noticed a new slightly smaller throne was next to his at the head table and wondered just how often his Lady of Lust would actually use it. For tonight she answered that question by curling up in his lap once again while he made himself comfortable on his own throne. She always seemed happiest when she was somehow touching Damiex and always wanted to somehow be in contact with him. He didn't mind though and it made her happy so he let her do it whenever she wanted.

Now that Serenity was the Lady of Lust, Alizay had explained to Damiex that she was personally responsible for him as Lord as well as Serenity as the Lady, and she saw to their every needs as they are and Alizay served them both and watched over them. Serenity had spent half of the time feeding Damiex himself and showering him with affection as she gave little kisses between bites as well as other small things like stroking his arms or teasing his neck or ears. He found himself just relaxing and enjoying her affectionate attentions as he yanked up with fuel. He smirked to himself thinking tonight would be a long night with the attention of five gorgeous and horny women, two of whom he wanted to leave an amazing first impression with.

After everyone had their fill Damiex and his ladies made their way back to his rooms as the doors closed behind them.

"Alissa, Amaranda, you two are up first tonight and I'm gonna rock your world. Strip down and let's get the first one out of the way since it's always the fastest. The rest of you ladies enjoy and entertain yourselves for a while until we join you later."

Damiex hear a chorus of giggles and "Yes my Lord" from the ladies. Clothes flew in all different directions as Damiex stripped himself and stood in front of the two new ladies that were kneeling in front of him looking at him like a piece of meat. They dove in without hesitation and two mouths and two tongues and four hands began to suck and lick and fondle him as he groaned out his pleasure at the intense sensations. He could hear moans and squeals of pleasure coming from the bed as the other three ladies played and started to bring each other off. He looked down at his two fellatrix to see their eyes closed in pleasure listening to their sounds of bliss as they traded his cock back and forth as they buried him in their throats as they moaned and panted in their need.

A while later Damiex groaned out in warning, "Here it comes!"

Alissa and Amaranda put their faces together and stuck their tongues out as they both teased the head until he erupted and began to coat their mouths, tongues and faces in his essence. When his cum splashed across their tongues and began to fill their mouths their eyes rolled up and they began to shake as they cried out in climax. The effects of his cum hit and he watched two lust crazed ladies slobber all over his cock between making out with each other drunkenly as their mouths and tongues searched out every drop of his delicious offering. The entails came out of their haze and stared up at him amazed.

"Fuck your cum is delicious, I could drink a gallon of that stuff with every meal! I've never tasted anything like that let alone how it affected us. I've never climaxed from drinking cum let alone got intoxicated off of it!" Desire expressed as Alissa nodded in agreement.

Damiex chuckled, "I'm a bit unique as we've found out though we don't know why."

Alissa leaned in and licked his throbbing cock again having never gone down. "Yes you are sexy, though we all quite like it. We ladies benefit from that quite spectacularly as you've seen. I wouldn't change a thing even if I could."

Damiex helped the ladies to their feet and led them over to the bed where he placed Amaranda on her back with her legs spread wide and Alissa face down on top of her with their pussies squeezed tight against one another as their nipples rubbed against one another.

"Now you two ladies have to keep each other occupied and entertained while I fuck your brains out. Let's see which one screams the loudest."

Alissa and Amaranda began to grope and kiss each while Damiex ran his cock up through one pussy and through the other before reversing and moving down again as he teased both of them making them wonder who would get his cock first. He grabbed Alissa's tight and pale ass and kneaded it making her moan. He spread the cheeks and watched her pussy open as it squeezed and winked trying to pull something in that wasn't there. He lined himself up and pushed into her drenched channel and began to push deep inside of the snow maiden. Alissa broke the kiss and arched her back as she began to chant.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckkkkkkkkkk. Ohhhhh you're gonna make me cum already, fuck........ YESSSSSSSSSSSSS! MORE pleassssssssssssse!"

Alissa started to tremble as her orgasm seized her twisting her insides as she rubbed herself against Amaranda torturing her clit sending her even higher as Damiex steadily fucked her rotten. After a minute he pulled out and without warning slammed his cock to the hilt inside of Amaranda's grasping cunt. Amaranda screamed as her juices gushed out of her soaking his balls and puddling under her ass on the bed as she started her own series of climaxes.

"FUCK YES! Pound your cunt my Lord, fuck me rotten!"

Damiex chuckled to himself, Amaranda certainly came by her title honestly, her desires were consuming her and he loved watching the two sexy women fuck each other as he fucked them. Every minute or so he would switch off and go back to the other as they fell into a rhythm with Damiex brutally fucking the succubus and snow maiden one after the other as their bodies writhed and bucked against each other in a constant state of orgasm. He had been building to his own orgasm for a while now and this one was going to be big. Damiex buried himself inside of Alissa as she felt him swell and stretch her further, the end of his cock pushing against her cervix as she felt him unload into her and begin to fill her with his cum. Her core detonated and she screamed an ear piercing wail before she sprayed pints of her own cum onto Amaranda below her in the biggest climax she'd ever had. Damiex pulled out and slammed into Amaranda as he kept pumping his seed into the two of them. Desire reacted just like the snow maiden as she exploded too and sprayed her own cum into Alissa with their screams dueling one another for the right to be the very loudest.

When Damiex was finally finished he pulled his cock out of the gaping blue cunt he had been buried in and watched his cum run out of one pale pussy and drop into a messy blue pussy before it all ran out and gathered in a puddle below them. It was like watching a nasty waterfall run into a river and then a lake he thought to himself with amusement, pleased at his handiwork. The two ladies were passed out for now but were still clearly coming down and experiencing the aftershocks as they twitched and jerked against each other. He rolled Alissa off of Amaranda and got them situated off to one side of the massive bed cuddled together. He crawled across the bed towards the other three ladies who were in a triangle licking each other to bliss. When they noticed he was free they swarmed him and over the next few hours he let them have their way as they all fucked him boneless. Alissa and Amaranda had eventually awoken and Damiex finished off the night of debauchery by lining up all five of the demonesses in a row with their asses up in the air and their faces buried in the bed as he went down the line fucking each one stupid and filling their pussies to overflowing with his cum until they were all passed out in a tangle of limbs. He found himself once again whistling happily as he made his way to the bath to clean up and soak. He really did a number on all of them tonight so it took longer for the five disheveled and shaky ladies to join him in the bath but eventually they did. When they made their way back into the bedroom it was once again spotless and the bed was made up and pristine. Damiex laid down and the ladies joined him and needed up basically covering him under a mountain of soft decadent flesh. Serenity was on his chest, Ariel was tucked under his right arm, Amaranda was tucked under his left, Lunara was wrapped around his left leg and hip, and Alissa was wrapped around his right leg and hip. He chuckled to himself, all of them had called him addictive at one point and he felt at this moment that was the best description he could come up with. They all wanted to be touching him and they were all clearly heavily addicted to him. That was his last thought as he fell asleep.


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