PRINCESS - in search of lovab...

By hiddenpearl21

79.1K 7.8K 9K

She is too stubborn too achieve anything but failed miserably to achieve love in her life. Her family and the... More

Author note
1. +2 college party
2. Possessiveness + Angry
3. Crush or Love
4. Make yourself optionless
5. Dreadful past in childhood
6. Punishment
7. File a case against you
8. They already apart once
9. Anamika
10. Nisha
11. My naughty doll
12. Glimpse of her
13. Am I unlucky girl
14. Diseased father
15. Exams
16. Grand pa
17. Her happiness
18. Interaction
let me know
19. Is girl is a toy..??
20. Angry siya
21. Tablet and injection
22. Wild cat vs Pet dog
23. Her scoldings
24. My slapping queen
25. Friends
26. Secret friends
27. Scary past
28. My snappy girl
29. Sweet chicken uncle
something to say..
30. Who is HE..??
31. A new me
32. Lie or love.
33. I wish
34. Fresher's party 1
35. Fresher's party 2
36. My cherry girl
37. Got selected
38. Periods
39. Who..??
40. Cuddler
41. Are you the one
42. Manipulate
43. Thoughts and opinion
44. Puzzled one
45. My stubborn beauty
46. He is dead
47. How long
48. Flimy Funda
49. In the vast of fear
50. Sports Fest
51. Play time
52. Mom love
53. Adorable family
54. Escaping from his eyes
55. Caging eachother
56. Fear and Insecurities
57. What now..
58. I love my hubby
59. Birthday
60. Message
61. Voice of night
62. Her uncontrolled anger
63. Consoling her
64. Her little world
65. Rumours in college
Clear view about characters
66. 199251
67. Success party
68. My favourite dessert
69. Best day
70. Messed life
71. Back to Back
72. Staying with us
73. Got slapped
need help
74. Puzzle and wish
75. Traditional day
76. Catch me
77. Home or house
78. Prank
79. Failure
80. Defeat
81. Topper
82. Fear
83. Absence of U
84. In every breath of mine
85. Her anger his sorry
86. A ghost
87. What happened
88. Haunts me to END
90. Dead soul
91. Trust
92. I'm bound to you forever
93. Sharing and bonding
94. Teaching a perfect lesson
95. How can I say
Important note
96. We are of five not four
97. Knowing her family
98. Is it start or end..
99. Her birthday
100. A bit more closure
101. Wished for a day long
102. Stuck
103. Scared to miss him
104. Dead
105. Who is culprit..??
106. Doubting
107. Guardians
108. Responsibilities
author note
109. sound cruel
110. True colors
111. Catch me
112. Only I know
113. Imaginary beauty world
114. Date
115. Pocket heart
116. SAV
117. Unknown message
118. Believed you
119. Painful memories
120. Opinion changes
121. Pencil sketch
122. Can you turn the page
123. Angry naveen
124. Court
125. Dressed in blood
Author note
126. Mail
127. Naming myself as failure
128. Is everything fine.
129. Accused
130. Diginity at stake
131. Provoking
132. Because of you
133. Manipulating
134. A thief
135. Every journey opens
136. Blessed in the storm
137. Proposal
138. Fly like an EAGLE
139. Because I don't trust you
140. To know who is behind
141. Forever together
142. Everything seems blurred
143. Just like a snake
144. Bond of blood
145. Desire of soul
146. Lost
147. Your Princess My queen
New story

89. finding solace

269 45 40
By hiddenpearl21


I don't know why I'm feeling like this but something is wrong with siya

She became silent and not replying properly through messages.

Even though we don't chat for long time still single message from her that I can say how she is.

So I tried to complete the work soon and go and make sure myself everything is fine

So today I had meeting and after this my work will be completed as we will discuss signing the contract later and I'm sure we will grab the contract but siya is not leaving my mind.

So finally after washing my face o gave my phone outside and said to the one of the employee there that if anyone called more than five times just bring the phone inside no matter what and went inside.

We almost completed the contract only more half an hour and at night flight I booked the ticket as I'm not sure when its going to comply and can fly and reach my doll.

The employee barked inside and gave phone to me when someone stood to shout at him I apologise them as it is important and answered the call which is from vikranth.

What he said shook me to the core and I ran out.

How can she do that..

How can she leave me alone..

Whoever is the reason behind it I won't leave anyone.

I reached the airport and to my luck there is a flight and I grabbed it.

I saw my mobile, that when I noticed her message and it scare me more.

Finally, felt like hours I reached to the hospital and I called Vishaka to know where they are with my shivering hands.

That when I heard the commotion scared me and phone slip from my hand and my head started to spin.

"Her pulse is so low"

My nosed started to bleed and I took my hand kerchief and hold and sat on the chair near the garden beside the entrance as I can't go in like this.

Author POV

Anitha went to hospital to warn his elder son as he came to hospital leaving his wife alone at home.

At other side, vikranth did first aid and rushed to the hospital and informed to sid and abhiram as sid didn't lift the call immediately at first.

Abhi rushed towards the hospital and aahil went towards the emergency ward when he got to know about siya.

They did first aid and now siya is out of danger and everyone relaxed.

But she is not getting conscious and it's almost two hours she got treated and suddenly her pulse is getting down.

Seeing anitha, abhi asked "what are you doing"

"Came to talk with aahil but here the situation is completely opposite" anitha said worriedly

"Don't worry everything will be alright" abhi consoled her.

"Now siya is fine. Don't worry dad, just relax" aahil said

"Where is Aarav, did he know or not" abhi asked as something striked.

Abhi still didn't forget what happened to Aarav when he came to visit abhi as abhi met with accident.

Aarav becomes weak and get worry that his nose bleeds because of stress when he visits hospital for his loved ones.

"I don't know dad" aahil reply made abhi more tense.

Abhi send anitha to home with driver as he can't focus on his son and anitha knows so she silently agreed with abhi.

While returning to siya abhi noticed Aarav on the bench in garden and rushed towards him.

"Aarav" abhi called

Seeing Aarav, abhi felt like someone squeezed his heart.

"Come lets treat it's not good" abhi said with broken voice seeing the blood

"Aarav siya is fine, just relax. Relax Aarav" abhi tried to calm him.

"How can she leave me alone dad" Aarav said but again his nose started bleeding

"Relax Aarav. She is fine. You need to be strong and give her strength" abhi said and called aahil.

"I never expect that she will do like this" Aarav said

"Just relax wait I'm coming" abhi went to the canteen and brought onion meanwhile aahil came towards Aarav.

"Aarav she is fine, relax yourself" aahil said while taking the injection.

Abhi came and gave it to Aarav and said to smell with panting little hard.

"Dad" Aarav called

"Nothing will happen to him, please you calm down. He is stressed nothing happen and I gave him injection he will be fine" aahil said to abhi while giving water to his dad.

Abhi drank after he calm down and looked at Aarav, now he is okay.

"I'm sorry dad, I..

"You no need to sorry. Just remember if anything happens to you people we can't live. So don't stress. Smell that onion for a while.

If this hospital environment make you weak them remember the life inside make her more weak seeing you like this.

You should not stress like this, relax.

It's doesn't matter how strong you are physically when you are not mentally.

Be strong and make her strong.

Find teh reason and solved it. Whatever it is we are with you.

Remember you are not alone in this battle because if anything happens to anyone, no one had a heart to bare." Abhi said after confirming that Aarav is fine.

Aarav didn't say anything but nodded his head.

Aarav send aahil and abhi inside where he remained there thinking about the reason.

When he calm down and finally he is okay. He went up to see siya. He is so angry on her that he want to slap her and ask who gave you right to leave me.

When he went up, he saw vivek standing at the corner with folded hands

"How is she" Aarav asked vivek

"Fine, you just relax don't stress" vivek said while hugging him

"Go and see her" vivek said

"Did you inform her parents" Aarav asked

"No, as you said we are waiting to open her eyes and let us know the reason" vivek said

"Fine" Aarav said and went inside.

Aarav felt it's because of her parents that he said not to say them because if anything happens then siya will say definitely whatever it is but when she iss quiet sid understood that something wrong in her place.

So he kept quiet as he don't want to stress or may be he don't want to send her there again he don't know

He went inside where siya laying on bed with two pipes one is saline and another one is blood.

Not even in dreams he thought he will see her like this but today it squeezed his heart.

He was angry on her
He want to shout at her
He want to console her
He want to embrace her in love to assure she is not alone and confirm from her taht don't leave him alone.

He sat on chair far away from her, he was scared to touch her now.

For almost half an hour, siya slowly opened her eyes and looked at sid who sat infront of her but far from her.

"How are you MISS SIYA MEHRA" sid asked that his voice laced with angry in her but his showed his pain and love.

"You know what Me. Mehra, I love my doll alot and working hard to make her mine completely but do you know what she did.

She tried to kill herself.

Didn't she know how her loved one will be..

Can't she say something to him

Don't he understand her

I may feel happy if she ran away from me when she can't bare the pain in her heart and I would have searched and heal her but what she did.

May be I'm not capable to heal her right.

I love her so much that I'm not shamed to say at whatever the situation is" sid said where siya tears started to flow.

The burden inside her letting her down now after seeing him.

May be she find solace in him.

Sid hugged her tight " I won't ask you what happen.  But don't ever do like this doll.

I can't imagine my life without you" sid said making her cry more.

Siya cried and cried in his embrace

"Do you wanna say something" he asked

"I won't judge you and you know that" he said immediately

Siya shook her head where he didn't force her because he know about her.

But siya melted in his arms and let her burden out and showed her scars on heart.

"Never once my mind and heart agreed to anything but today they mocked at my Insecurities.

They mocked at my fate that I ended up like this as they haunt me to end my dream of living" siya cried saying what happen from the start.

Sid hold her tight making his fist. Right now he want to kill her family.

How can be someone like that.

When he feel her soft breath he cupped her faec and kissed her forehead.

"I'm here with you, just remember this. Whatever it is. Don't think about anyone" sid said where siya nodded her head

She slept placing her head on his lap where sid caressing her hair.

It been one hour now, both slept in eachother embrace finding the solace from eachother.

Abhi entered through keys as he didn't open the door when he knocked that he got worried but seeing them sleeping he felt happy and left from there leaving them alone.

Third person POV

"What happen to her.

Why she did like this.

Apart from all this How can a person love someone like this. Am I doing anything wrong" Praneet thought

Hello my lovely readers ❤️☺️

Welcome back..

How was the chap..




Stay safe stay healthy

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