Chances (studentxteacher) ✔️

By See_you_feel_you

562K 20.8K 7.5K

Alex seems like a normal high school senior but she is not. Anxiety and her OCD rules her life. She had been... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Author's Note
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 29

10K 404 124
By See_you_feel_you

Alex's POV

The clock strikes three am. I watch as Stephanie comes out of my bathroom, looking more relaxed than when she stepped in.

I open the covers and she slowly gets in. "Alex I don't have too-"

"Stop" I cut her off. "I want you right here with me"

It's going to be the first night she'll be sleeping in my bed and I don't have an ounce of anxiety in my body.

Tonight was probably the worst night of my life. When she called me I knew something was wrong. I knew she wouldn't just call to say goodnight.

My heart stopped the second I heard her cry. I didn't know what to think. Not only was I still a bit groggy because it was half past twelve at night but I knew she was at her parents house for the night. So I really didn't know what was wrong. I just knew I had to get to her.

She cuddles into my side and I wrap my arm around her as we sit halfway up the headboard. I run my hand through her hair and my eyes can't help but focus on her bruised eyebrow. She claims it wasn't that hard of a hit but it's definitely going to be blue tomorrow.

And I am not fucking happy about that.

"Thank you for coming to help me." she breaks the silence and I find her eyes searching for my attention.

"I will do anything for you Stephanie. You know that." I whisper back and give her a soft kiss on the lips.

"I know" she sighs and puts her hand on my chest and guides it up towards the back of my neck. "I still feel bad. This was all my fault and it was.... No, still is really late."

"Don't even think about the time that doesn't matter to me. I am so glad you called me. I would've been really really upset if you didn't." I point my out in all seriousness.

"I know baby." she softly smiles.

"Can you please tell me what happened? And why the fuck were you on the road?" I breathe out in disbelief.

I keep thinking about what could've happened. She could've gotten really hurt. She could have knocked herself unconscious and stayed there the whole night without nobody knowing.

She could've...

"Hey" she touches my cheek, drawing me back to reality. She probably saw me zone out for a second. "I am sorry I was on the road. It was a really stupid thing to do. I just couldn't stay in that house anymore."

"What happened?" I ask again, tightening my grip around her waist, pulling her closer to me for comfort.

"My dad knows about us" she sighs and my whole body goes cold.

"But he won't tell anyone." she quickly adds. "He cares to much what people would say about his not-so perfect little family."

"Baby-" I breathe out.

"No, no Alex" she sits up in front of me. "It's really fine."

"You could lose your job and probably never teach again." I whisper with a frown. I don't think she knows how serious this is.

"Alex" she wraps her arms around my neck and rests her head against mine. My arms automatically go around her lower waist and keep her close. "He won't say anything, please just trust me. And I don't care if they fire me. You know this is not my passion." she pulls back and plays with the hem of my shirt.

"I know but if this gets out it'll all come down on you and I don't want that. That is not fair." I frown and run my hands up and down her back.

"It's not going to come out. We literally have four more months and then it's your final exams. Please don't stress about this." she sighs in a desperate voice.

I take a deep breath and rest my head back against the headboard and whisper a soft "ok"

This definitely doesn't mean I will not stress about this. I don't want her to lose her job. It doesn't matter if she likes it or not. News like this will spread like a wildfire and every school in this state, probably won't hire her at all.

She can't be without a job. I won't let that happen.

"What else did he say?" I push on.

"Baby can we please go to sleep and talk about this tomorrow?" she pleads and that makes me worry. She isn't telling the whole story for a reason.

"Steph?" I frown. "What else did he say?"

She sighs and shakes her head. "He started talking about you..."

"What did he say?"

"Alex" she says in a breathless voice. I can see the tears in her eyes but I want the truth.

"Just tell me please" I ask again but keep my hands on her.

"He couldn't understand why I am with someone like you..." she pauses and looks down at her hands in her lap. "He doesn't understand why I went through so much trouble to make sure everything was aligned on the walls. That all the clocks be put away upstairs and whatever." she breathes out.

"He called you a-"

"Freak" I slightly laugh.

"Alex it's not funny." she sighs.

"Baby" I sit up and cup her face. "I love that you care what other people call me but 'freak' is not the worst thing I've been called."

"I don't fucking care. He doesn't have the right" she whispers and I can see the anger in her eyes.

It pains me to think that she left their house and drove in a snowstorm because of that but it also warms my heart. She really cares about me and what people say about me.

This was her way of standing up for me and I love her for it but she could've gotten really hurt.

I softly smile and pull her closer for a gentle kiss. "Thank you for caring"

"I love you Alex" she whispers against my lips.

"I love me too" I smile and she chuckles. "But I love you more"

She smiles wide, grabs onto my shirt and pulls me in for another kiss. I immediately deepen the kiss by pulling her on top of me. She straddles my lap and her hands get lost in my hair. I let my hands slide down her lower back as her tongue enters my mouth without permission.

I smile at her eagerness and she softly giggles knowing exactly what she is doing.

The kiss is slow and passionate making everything inside me tingle. We've made out on my bed before and this one is no different. Every time I kiss her it sends me to another world.

I slowly slide my hands down to her ass and cup the both in my hands , pushing her closer to me. She softly moans into my mouth and it sends a shiver down my spine. That is definitely my favorite sound in the world and all it took was touching her ass.

But I can't wait to hear her sounds when our clothes are neatly folded on the chair in the corner and it's only skin on skin.

I let my hands slip under my sweatshirt and I let my fingertips fall on the soft skin on her lower back.

"Ale-" she stutters and lifts her head to take a breath but I take this opportunity to kiss her neck.

"Baby" she calls on me but it comes out as a moan and she tangles her fingers in my hair. I just keep kissing her neck and my hands unconsciously slide further up her back, massaging her muscles.

"Baby, baby, baby" she pulls away from me in a breathless state.

Suddenly I am snapped back to reality and remove my hands from her. "Sorry" I sigh and rest back against the headboard taking a deep breath.

I am definitely turned on right now and I am kinda shocked at how far I took it this time. If she didn't stop me I might have pulled her sweatshirt off and we haven't talked about that yet.

I feel her hands on my chest, rubbing towards my neck. "You don't have to say sorry" she whispers and kiss my forehead.

"I got a bit carried away and that is totally your fault." I laugh and playfully push her away.

"How is that my fault?" she laughs and sits back on my legs.

"Shhh baby, we have to sleep" I pull her down and roll her over to her side.

She laughs as I put the light out and pull the covers over both our heads. I feel her cuddle into my neck and I wrap my arm around her waist to hold her tight. It feels great to have a warm body to hold on cold nights like this.

I could've done this fucking weeks ago.

"I love you Stephanie" I whisper as a comfortable silence fall around us.

She hugs me tightly and I feel a few soft kisses on my cheek. "I love you Alex"


The snowfall last night made the backyard looked like it's covered in a big white blanket.

Stephanie is still on the phone with her insurance company. We went to her car this morning to go get it but we saw her one wheel hit a big rock and there is a big dent in the front. We had to call a tow truck to come get her car. Luckily she'll get another while they fix hers.

This morning when I woke up still feels like a dream. I literally had to slap myself a few times just to be sure. Stephanie was peacefully sleeping when I woke up and I didn't even freak out a bit. In fact, I was a little upset because somewhere during the four hours we slept, she moved from my hold.

But it didn't last very long. I immediately moved in behind her, and wrapped my arm around her waist. She didn't wake up but I felt her move back into me and then another hour went by where I also fell asleep again.

Best morning of my fucking life.


I hear Stephanie call me from the stairs and I jump up from the couch. As I get to my room I see her putting on her jacket and getting some of her things.

"Baby can I please use your car?"

"Where are you going?" I pout and sit down on the bed.

"The insurance company needs a few documents but their at my house"

"Noooo" I whine and stand up from the bed. I immediately wrap my arms around her neck.

"Baby" she laughs and hugs me around my waist. "I'll come back in a few minutes."

I don't answer her and hide my face in her neck. I feel her kiss my head and rub up and down my back.

"The sooner I leave, the sooner I can come back"

"Can I go with you?" I ask a bit hesitant. We both know I can't but it's worth a shot.

"You know I would love that but we can't. I am actually worried that my dad is waiting at my door right now." she sighs and I look at her. "He has been calling me all morning"

"Now I really don't want you to go" I frown and hold onto her tighter.

"I'll be fine" she smiles and gives me a few quick kisses.

I just take a deep breath and stare into her eyes. Her eyebrow is noticeably swollen and like I predicted, blue.

"It looks like someone hit you in the face."

"Well I can always go with it and say I got into fight with someone who flirted with my girlfriend." she laughs.

"Like you would ever fight someone." I roll my eyes.

"I will for you" she whispers and runs her hand through my hair before she kisses my smiling lips. I can't help but blush a bit. It's the first time she said that to me and hopefully when something comes up, I will have the courage to do the same. I absolutely hate violence, but it's Stephanie.

"Promise you'll be quick?"

"I promise." she smiles and gives me a slow and passionate kiss.


It's not even five minutes and I already miss her. I am alone on the couch while Jack and Lisa can cuddle a few feet away from me. I once dreamed about having that and I actually have that but now she is not here and that sucks.

"Lex can we talk for a minute?"

I frown at the serious tone in my brother's voice. Lisa has switched the tv off and they are both looking at me in a funny way.

"Oh gosh is this the part where you say Stephanie comes over too much? Because I can go to her it's just her parents -"

"Alex stop, no" Lisa cuts me off.

"We love having her here you know that" Jack says in a reassuring matter.

"But...?" I question. There is an obvious 'but' in his sentence.

"Don't you think it's time to tell her?" Lisa says in a low voice.

I take a deep breath and look down at my hands. I know exactly what they are talking about and honestly I've thought about it for a while now.

"Things have been so great and I know you are scared that it might ruin things but she loves you Alex."

I look up at Lisa and she gives me a sympathetic smile. She is right though, I am scared out of my fucking mind. Things have been fantastic. I am finally happy.

"You know this is your choice Lex." Jack says in a gentle tone. "We don't want to pressure you into anything but you are doing so well and I honestly think when you get this out of the way it will only get better."

"I have thought about it." I breathe out. "I really want to tell her I just don't know if she'll be ok. Not with me." I quickly add. "I know it wouldn't change how she feels about me. I just mean it's a lot to process. I told her about Melissa and she was upset for a week. How am I supposed to tell her about... " I pause and shake my head. I know this is going to hard for her to hear.

"It's going to fucking break her heart." I croak out in a barely audible voice.

"Lex" Lisa comes over to me and pulls me into her side. "I can see how much you love her and we all know that this is what you always dreamed about." she smiles.

"In four months you will be ready to be in a normal relationship with her. You can go on dates or away for the weekend or whatever. We are so happy for you Alex but right now you are in a comfort zone. I understand that you want it to be like this, I would too but your relationship has to grow. And I think you are ready for that. And I know Stephanie will take care of you every step of the way. "

"And you know we are always here for you." Jack adds onto her words.

"I know" I smile and feel a few tears rolling down my cheeks. "I want to move forward too. I really do. I love her so much and she deserves to know. She has given me everything that I asked for, I need to give her this."

"You don't have to rush into anything Lex." Jack smiles. "We're just saying this because we love you and we think you should get laid. It's a great stress reliever."

We all laugh and Lisa nodds her head in agreement.

"I am not telling her this just to have sex" I state.

"I know, I know. There's a process and we're still not on the skin on skin contact so it's fine. Go as slow as you need you just have to try going forward and not stand still."

"I know" I nod in agreement with him. He is absolutely right. I really need to make sure we are moving forward. I don't want to be the reason we get stuck and one day it will be to comfortable for me to ever get past.

"We love you so much" Lisa gives me a kiss on the cheek and I lay my head on her shoulder.

"I love you too"

Now it's time to prepare myself for this.


It's almost time to talk about what happened with Alex.

I am really stretching it out huh?


Thanks for reading.

Much Love 💜

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