Obsessive~ Stiles Stilinski ¹

By k-stilinski-

394K 9.5K 1.4K

"I don't care how many people you have killed, you are the love of my life, you understand me?" ━━━━━━ by k.s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
End of Season 1
Season 2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
I'm not gonna do it, I'm just thinking about it...

Chapter 16

8.2K 235 20
By k-stilinski-

Sage had to fight the smile off her face when she saw the Stlinski boy laying in the uncomfortable hospital chairs snoring away. She had told the boy many times to go home and rest but he refused to leave her side, said he wanted to be here for moral support.

Her blue eyes scanned over the boy, she had watched him sleep many times- in a non-creepy way. She had done the same to Lydia before she was admitted into hospital. It was the bond, she always wanted to make sure that they were okay, she may admit she watched Stiles a little longer than Lydia but she would never tell him that.

Her smile soon turned into a frown once she felt Lydia's frustration through the bond, she stole one more quick glance at Stiles before making her way into Lydia's hospital room.

She watched her strawberry blonde continuously ruffle her covers trying to get comfortable.

"Lyd, just get out of bed already." Sage teased, Lydia gave the girl a faux glare but her glare soon turned into a real one when she noticed her dad walk into the room.

Sage didn't know all the ins and outs of Lydia and her dad's relationship but she knew that her best friend did not like her father. He always treated her like a kid and tried to parent her when he was never around, and for that Sage didn't like the guy.

Sage ignored the man, walking over to the empty seat next to the bed, "You want help getting in the shower?" The man asked his daughter who was getting out of the hospital bed she had been lying in all weekend long.

"Maybe if I was four. And still taking bubble baths." Lydia gave him a sarcastic smile.

He pursed his lips, glancing over at Sage who was sitting in the chair with an amused look on her face. "Right, I'll just wait outside then. Where it's slightly less sarcastic." He muttered, leaving the room.

Sage watched the man with an amused smile on her face, she looked over at Lydia who made her way to the bathroom but not before throwing her guardian a shy smile.

"Don't worry Lyd's I'm not leaving, I'll get you something from the vending machine yeah?" The strawberry blonde nodded at her with a thankful smile before heading into the shower.

Sage stepped out of the room only to see Melissa and Mr Martin watching Stiles who had a get well soon balloon wrapped around his wrists.

"Is he here for her, Lydia?"

"He's here for her, and she's here for Lydia," Melissa said gesturing to the blonde vampire who was watching the boy with a soft smile.

"Thank you for being there for her." Sage looked over at the Martin man with a straight face, she knew this would probably be the last time she saw the man so she had no need to be remotely nice to him.

"She's my best friend, I'm always going to be there for her. Just like you should  be." Sage ignored but didn't miss the slightly guilty look on Mr Martin's face, instead, she focused on Stiles who was making air kissy faces while muttering a few words under his breath.

"You dirty girl," Stiles muttered in a lusty, breathy tone as he chuckled in his sleep. The blonde slowly walked over to him as she watched him continue to chuckle in his sleep. Ever since the night of the formal, the night that she had drunk from him, she hadn't stopped thinking about it.

The way his blood tasted, how rich it was and how it fueled her. She had drunk from people before but they never tasted the way Stiles tasted, she didn't know if it was because of their bond or because she knew she was developing feelings for the Stilinski boy, but ever since then she could sense his blood, smell it like a fucking hound.

His eyes opened suddenly as he awoke and sat up trying to act alert. His eyes fell on her and filled with relief. "Hey." He grinned at her, she grinned back.

"You enjoy your nap?"

He blinked, not really sure of what he did and reached up to wipe away any possible drool. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, a good nap is always welcomed with good dreams and it sounded like you had a really good nap." The blonde vampire teased causing the Stilisnki boy's eyes to widen and his cheeks to flush.

"Shut up." He muttered with a pout on his lips.

"It's completely normal Stilinski, I mean I get them." Sage watched as the boy's eyebrows furrowed before his eyes widened but Sage had already walked away from him.

"Wait what?!"

Stiles had managed to catch up to the blonde who was patiently waiting for him by the vending machine, she was currently snacking on a snickers bar while she stuffed some things in her bag for Lydia.

"Can I ask you something?"

The vampire merely nodded, "Are you not the least bit worried why Lydia didn't turn? I mean the bite didn't heal." She couldn't lie, she had been racking her brain at the thought of it but she didn't care, she was just glad Lydia was alive.

"Not really, she's alive and that's all that matters," Sage said biting into her candy bar as she watched Stiles put his money in and selected a Resee's bar. She didn't miss the shocked look that passed through his eyes though.

"Bu---but what if she turns into something that eventually slaughters the entire town?!" He asked waving his hands around to emphasise his words, Sage gave him a blank look but could not hide the amusement that shone through her eyes.

"Then she kills the entire town." Stiles stared at the girl in shock, hoping she was joking but the girl meant every word. If Lydia did happen to turn into something that ended up killing a bunch of people she wouldn't care, she would simply try and find a way to anchor her and stop anyone that tried to kill her. She would do the same for Stiles too.

The Stlinski boy was about to retort but he realised that he still hadn't got his candy bar. Sage's eyes switched over to the vending machine and she couldn't help but chuckle at what she saw.

"That sucks, big time."

"Seriously?" He muttered with a scoff as he patted the glass to see if it would fall and nothing happened.

"Don't break it." The vampire giggled as she watched the boy rock the vending machine side to side.

"I'm not gonna--", His hand slipped and the vending machine fell to the ground.

She snorted and tried to cover her mouth, stifling her laugh. "Told you not to break it."

"You didn't see anything." The buzz-cut haired boy replied as he pointed between himself and the broken machine, Sage was about to make a teasing comment but she suddenly felt a rush of anxiety and fear coursing through her. Just like the night of the formal.

"Sage?" He asked moving around the vending machine to lightly grab her arms, "What's wrong?" He asked noticing the scared look on her face, but before she could reply, a loud high pitched scream echoed throughout the halls of the hospital causing them both to freeze.

Sage's expression dropped as her heart filled with dread, she immediately rushed off towards the girl's hospital room as Stiles ran after her. The two barged into Lydia's hospital room where they found Melissa and Mr Martin also looking worried as they searched for the girl in the restroom. But it was empty.

Lydia was gone.


"All right, let's get an APB out on a 16 - year - old redhead. Any other descriptors?" The Sheriff asked, looking between Melissa and Mr Martin. He had arrived the moment he got a call saying that Lydia had gone missing from the hospital.

Sage walked between them all with a slight frown on her face, "To be fair her hair is actually strawberry blonde- she hates being called 'redhead'. And she's 5'3 with green eyes." She finished as she consciously tried to search through the bond to find any connection with Lydia but the vampire came up empty which led her to exhale a frustrated breath.

Noah silently nodded at the girl until his gaze wandered over to his son, "You young man, what are you still doing here?"

Stiles shifted in his spot, an awkward grin on his face. "Um, providing moral support?" Sage gave the boy a small smile as she watched the Sherrif scold his son. Her face soon filled with determination as she turned around and left the hospital in search of her bestfriend.


Stiles, Scott and Allison all walked towards the Hale house after Scott managed to track Lydia's scent to there. "She came here?" Stiles asked, his brows furrowed as he saw where they ended up. "You sure?"

The teen wolf nodded, "Yeah, this is where the scent leads."

"All right, but has Lydia ever been here?" Stiles asked looking between the couple.

Allison frowned as her brows furrowed, she, Lydia and Sage had been in the woods that time she accused the strawberry blonde of kissing Scott, but they never came this far.

"Not with me." She said. "But we were in the woods one day, maybe Sage brought her up here." She said, now a little unsure about the blonde. Her father had told her that the girl was a vampire and she didn't know how to feel about it.

"No, Sage wouldn't bring her up here. She has tried to keep everything supernatural away from Lydia, there is no way she would bring her to the hot spot of supernatural events." Stiles spoke up slightly defending the blonde, he hadn't heard anything from her for over half an hour since she had texted him saying she was out looking for Lydia.

"He's right."

Sage's voice startled all three of them as she appeared behind them. Even Scott- the werewolf with superhearing, jumped in surprise. She stood there with her arms crossed over her chest as she watched the three teenagers.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked the girl as she scouted the area for Lydia, but once again she came up short-handed.

"I don't know if you're aware of this McCall, but I care about Lydia- and as her guardian, I have and will do anything to protect her. So I'm out here looking for her." She stated bluntly, she didn't miss the look that passed through the Argent girl's eyes, but she chose to ignore it for the time being.

"You not getting anything from the bond?" Stiles asked the girl.

"I can't feel her through the bond," Sage replied slightly worried as her eyes met Stiles'. The Stlinski boy furrowed his brows, "Not at all?"

She just shook her head, it was worrying for her not to be able to feel her, she had to rely on the girl's scent which had led her to the charred up Hale house.

"Why would she even come here?" Allison spoke up for the first time in a while looking at the two supernaturals, Scott had no idea though. If Lydia hadn't been here before, why would her scent end up here?

"The only reason she could have shown up here is that she's looking for an alpha and theres only one in Beacon Hills and it's Derek." She was so confused since she had seen the bite and it hadn't healed. It wasn't possible for Lydia to have become a werewolf.

"Wolves need a pack, right?"

"Not all of them," Scott replied to the Argent girl, obviously talking about himself.

"But would she have been drawn to an Alpha? Is it an instinct to be part of a pack?" Allison asked and Scott reluctantly nodded, "Yeah, we're-we're stronger in packs."

The brunette girl's gaze wandered over to the vampire who seemed to be scouting the woods, "What about you?"

Sage frowned, "What about me?"

"Are you- erm are you stronger with more-- uh--?"

"Vampires?" Allison gulped as she slowly nodded at the blonde, Sage smirked at the girl once she sensed her unease.

"Vampires are loners, except guardians. Why'd you ask Alli, you scared of me?" Stiles' eyes widened as he watched the smirk grow on his guardians face, he didn't know why but he liked seeing her so confident and powerful. He knew she wouldn't hurt Allison so there was nothing to worry about, but Scott wasn't so sure.

The McCall boy shifted beside his girlfriend, as Allison bit the inside of her cheek a little unsure of the girl, "Should I be?"

Sage's stared at the couple with a blank look on her face, she could sense the slight fear coming off Allison as well as the unease coming off Scott. She knew the teen wolf didn't stand a chance against her if it came down to it, but she didn't come here to fight.

"I have protected you as well as Lydia and Stiles so far, I'm not your guardian but I am your friend. So no Allison you have no need to be afraid of me." The brunette blew out a breath of relief.

"But, if you decided to end up like your psycho aunt and Stiles and Lydia get hurt. I'll rip your heart out."

The vampire had sped off into the night, but not before smiling sweetly at the teens, leaving two out of the three them shocked and fearful.


Soooo, season 2 is here and it's jammed packed with a lot of stuff. I was gonna publish this next week but I literally couldn't wait.

I have so much in store for this season and I can't wait for you guys to read it.

Don't hesitate to comment, vote or message me- I'd love to hear your thoughts x.

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