Love is Pure - Pranbir

By wisiwisdom

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Hi guys 👋
Part 1
Part 2
New Cover
Part - 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

Part 3

1.1K 57 8
By wisiwisdom

( LazyAuthor, so I am fast forwarding the mall scenes. Prachi and Shahana finished the shopping and went home.
Pranbir didn't see each other again in the mall. Rhea and Kiara too finished shopping. )

Shahana's house , Night.

Prachi was eating her food , while still thinking about Ranbir .
She shook her thoughts when she realized Saritaji and Shahana staring at her .

" What !!" she said looking at them surprised.
" Nothing " they both said , shaking their head with a sneaky smile.

" uhh , I am going to sleep " Prachi said getting up , she knew that something naughty was going in their minds .

" Why" Saritaji asked surprised, but knowing a little that she was trying to avoid them .

" I....I am ... tired . We did a lot of shopping , so I am tired . Good night " she replied , and went off hurriedly .

Both of them chuckled .

Shahana had seen Prachi and Ranbir together .
She had told that too Saritaji too .
So when they saw Prachi lost in her thoughts they guessed that it was that boy.

Kholi Mansion , Night

" Bro , what are you thinking" Aryan asked.

" About Aisha , she hasnt called me since yesterday "

" Stop being so worried about your sister ."

New character :

Aisha Patel

Ranbir and Mishti's cousin . Lost her parents when she was little . Ranbir's favorite sister and he totally adores her . She is too fond of him . She can do anything to a person if she hates them . Studying in Shimla

" No , yaar , she calls me daily , but now it is night and sti..." but he wasn't able to finish his sentence , as his phone rang.

It was Aisha calling. He happily took the phone .
He started lecturing her even before she could say hello

" Do you know that it is night now , why didn't you call me . Do you know how worried I got "

" Bhai , calm down . I goy caught up in my exams , my exams got over today . So I am coming home tomorrow!!! " .

" That's great news , when is your flight ? " he asked his anger calmed down.

" Its tonight , and I am heading towards the airport , so Bye Bhai . I will meet you tomorrow " .

" Bye , have a safe journey "

Aryan smiled hearing the whole conversation.
Ranbir hugged him in joy. His sister is coming tomorrow!!!

Mehra Mansion :

Pragya was standing near the window looking at the moon.
Her mind wondered about her other child . Tears came in her eyes .
She let them flow , sobbing quietly still looking at the moon.
She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder she turned around , it was Abhi.
She hugged him crying , while Abhi stroked her hair trying to give her comfort .
He too felt tears in his eyes .
" One day we will find our daughter and bring her home " he said still hugging Pragya.
Pragya nodded her head still crying .

" Di , did you see Ranbir's face , he was so angry on himself for losing the bet " Rhea said chuckling .
" Ya , I think you should keep another bet with him , doing some free shopping was really good " Kiara said keeping her new clothes in the closet .

" I will call him right away " Rhea said taking her phone
He dialed his number ,
" Hello "
" Hi Ranbir "
" Hi "
" So can we have another bet " Rhea asked in a convincing tone

" No , no more bets " Ranbir said instantly and hang up.
No , one day of shopping was enough for him , he is not gonna risk in any more bets .
Rhea and Kiara chuckled when Ranbir hanged up .
" Ok di , good night , I feel sleepy after all this shopping " Rhea said yawning.
" Good night " Kiara replied . They both hugged and Rhea went to her room , on the way she stopped before a door .
She opened it and her eyes became moist . This was the room kept for her twin sister , who was kidnapped . There were gifts in that room which her mom and dad had kept for over her over the years . She slowly closed thinking how her other sister would have been .

Next morning :

" Beta , eat slow na " Saritaji said seeing Prachi gobbling food really fast .
" I have and interview today Nani , I should be there in time " Prachi said finishing up her food. She drank the water in one gulp .

" Bye Nani , Bye Shahana " she said and left taking her bag .

M.K Office :

Vikram had himself volunteered to take the interview himself and he was tired of changing secretaries for Ranbir again .
He wanted to choose a perfect secretary .

Prachi went into the office , she sat down . She looked around being nervous . She took a deep breath to calm herself .

Her name was called at last and she went in

( Guys, I don't know about interviews, so please adjust with what I have wrote.)

Vikram was impressed by her resume .
Hey eyes were innocent and her voice was humble .
He thought she was the one who could be a good secretary for him.

The interview finished and and Prachi went home hoping that she would get the job.

Kholi Mansion :

" Ding - Dong " the bell rang.

Pallavi opened the door.

" Maasi !! " Aisha shouted and hugged .

Pallavi hugged her to , she was happy that Aisha was home.

Aisha went and hugged Dadi .
" Arey beta , you came home at last " Dadi said .
" How can I be without you Dadi " Aisha said smiling

" Where is Bhai and Chachu?" Aisha asked looking around the house .

" They both are in the office " Pallavi answered .

" Oh , I will go and see them " Aisha said , exited to see her bhai.

" Ok beta , eat lunch and go "
Dadi said.

" My friends decided to meet at a restaurant , we will have. a lunch there " Aisha said .

" Ok , drive carefully Aisha " Pallavi said

Aisha nodded , she said goodbye and left to see Ranbir .

M.K office

Ranbir's cabin door opened and Aisha came inside
" Bhai " she said .

Ranbir looked up and became very happy.

He went and hugged her .

The brother and sister had a happy reunion talk .

She went and saw Vikram , Abhi , Rhea and Kiara.

Kiara , Rhea and Aisha were best friends from childhood .

Aisha said bye to all and went to the restaurant . All her friends welcomed her .

They all started talking .

Aisha suddenly saw someone who caught her attention.
It was Aisha's ex-boyfriend Shahil .

New character

Shahil Mehta

Best friend of Prachi and Aisha's ex-boyfriend. Think of Prachi as his sister . Prachi also thinks of him as her bhai . Doesn't like Aisha now . Later become Rhea's love interest .

Aisha made a exuse to her friend and went to him .

But before she could approach him , she saw something which made her blood boil .

Prachi had entered the same restaurant as she had decided to have lunch there .
She had saw Shahil there and immediately hugged .
Shahil was first surprised but then seeing that it was Prachi he became happy.

" Prachi , what are doing in Delhi ? " he asked surprised.

" I had come here with Shahana , but first you answer me , I thought you were in Shimla , but why are you in Delhi ? " Prachi asked impatiently .

" Dad , called me here to help with the new branch which we opened recently "

( Shahil is a businessman like his father and joined his father's company - Mehta industries ) .

" Wait how did your mom allow you to come here " Shahil asked.

He knew about Prachi's life , there were many times when Prachi used to come to him and pour out her worries and cry . He always felt very angry that Tanu was treating her like that and console her. They had known each other for many years .

Prachi shrugged her shoulders for the question .
" I don't know " she said.

They both talked and had lunch together.

Aisha saw all this and became angry, she still wanted Shahil and decided to take revenge on Prachi for being so close to him .


So guys this is a bit short and bit boring update .

But don't worry the next one will be a little more intresting.

And thank you all for reading this story and voting for it.
I am really happy 😀

Avoid spelling mistakes

Bye Guys

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