Part 2

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The next Morning

Kholi Mansion

" Arey Ranbir , at least eat and go " Pallavi said as she saw her son rushing to go to work.
" No Mom , it is an important meeting I should go fast " Ranbir answered impatiently.

" Abhi still haven't arrived there , the meeting will start only after he comes , so why are rushing " Vikram asked .

" Because I need to be there before Chief , so Bye everyone " Ranbir said and rushed out of the house , taking his car keys .

dadi sighed and said " This boy is becoming too responsible" .

Pallavi and Vikram laughed when they heard what Dadi said .

M.K office :

Note: the Mehras and Kholis are best friends and have a company together . But they do not live together . Rhea does not have feelings for Ranbir and only sees him as her best friend . Mishti is currently not in the story as she is in Mumbai for her studies

Ranbir had reached the office only to find that Rhea was already there .

Rhea was standing before him with a teasing smile . " I came first , I came first " she said shouting and dancing around him .

Ranbir looked at her with a frown on his face .

" you lost in the bet , which means we are going shopping " Rhea said laughing at Ranbir's sad face .

If there is something he didn't like then it's shopping .

"Did I hear the word shopping " Kiara said suddenly entering the Office .

" Yes di , Ranbir is taking me to the mall as he has lost the bet " Rhea replied , hugging Kiara "Well that's convenient , I am joining too" .

"What !!! " Ranbir said in dismay . taking two girls shopping . He felt like his nightmare had come true . he slowly went to the cabin , as the two were giggling behind him . It was so fun to tease Ranbir .

Delhi Airport :

Prachi and Shahana had reached Delhi .

A small smile crept into Prachi's face , as she thought about living here , in a new place .
She was not sure how much long she was going to be here , but she knew that she had some freedom in Delhi, unlike Mumbai .

The girls took a taxi and went to Shahana's Nani's house.

Note: In this story Shahana's Nani is Saritaji .

When they reached the house, Saritaji was very happy to see both the kids and hugged them .

" You both must have be really tired after the long . You both sit down and eat , and go have some rest " Saritaji said caringly .

" Yes Nani I am really hungry , set the food I will go change " Shahana said happily giving her another hug and running to the room .

" Why are you still standing here beta , go change , I will set the food ready for you to eat " Saritaji said seeing Prachi still standing outside .

" No Nani , I will help you set the table and then go " Prachi said .

" No need beta , I will take care " Saritaji insisted.

Prachi nodded with a smile and went behind Shahana.
She was surprised to see a lady who has seen her just a few minutes ago giving her so much care.
Tears came in her eyes when she thought about all those beating and harsh words from Tanu .
She wiped them away and prayed to God that someday she will find her real parents and be happy for once in her life.

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