First Heir of the Demon (Male...


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Y/N was trained and raised to be the Heir of the Demon, trained by Ra's Al Ghul himself, Talia Al Ghul, Sandr... More

(Saga 1) Chapter 1: Damian?
Chapter 2: 2nd Robin
Chapter 3: The Stronghold
(Saga 1 Finale) Chapter 4: Deathstroke vs Knightcrawler
(Saga 2) Chapter 5: Feather
Chapter 6: Who's the Orphan
Chapter 7: Training
Chapter 8: The Courts of Owl
Brother of Robin
Chapter 9: Batman vs Robin
Chapter 10: Finding Batman
(Saga 2 Finale) Chapter 11: Fight in Wayne's Mansion
Saga 3 Y/N and Cassandra's Bio
Saga 3 Trailer
(Saga 3) Chapter 12: Who's the girl?
Chapter 13: Shopping
Chapter 14: Hong Kong
Chapter 15: Attack on Hong Kong
Chapter 16: Targeted
Tournament Announcement
(Saga 3 Finale) Chapter 17: Family
(Saga 4) Chapter 18: Where's Batman?
Chapter 19: Batwoman
Chapter 20: Attack on Wayne Enterprises
Chapter 21: Return
Chapter 22: Not over yet
(Saga 4 Finale) Chapter 23: Knightcrawler vs Orphan
(Filler) Chapter 25: New member
5th Saga bio
(Saga 5) Chapter 26: Normal Day
Chapter 27: League of Shadows
New Story (Related)
Chapter 28: Bad to Worse
Chapter 29: Girl of the Shadows
(Saga 5 Finale) Chapter 30: More
(Filler) Chapter 31: Tim Drake
(Saga 6) Chapter 32: Titans

(Filler) Chapter 24: Spoiler

1.7K 50 10

3 weeks later

Y/N was in the Manor watching Breaking Bad. He leans back in the sofa until he hears a yawn and sees Cassandra rubbing her eyes.

Cassandra: What... are you watching?

Y/N: Breaking Bad, never seen it but Dick recommended to me. Little shocked your awake right now.

Cassandra rolls her eyes and sits by Y/N putting her head in his shoulder. He hears a growl and looks at Cass who had a hand in her gut.

Y/N: Wanna go for breakfast?

Cassandra looks up and later nods as the two walk away to get changed.


Y/N is shown driving the pickup with Cassandra in the front seat looking outside. They were hearing about attacks of a figure at night wearing purple, a figure named Spoiler. Spoiler has caught the attention of Bruce and Y/N.

Cassandra: Spoiler?

Y/N: New vigilante fucking around in the night. People these days are crazy, almost Joker level.

Cassandra: Should we... check around Gotham to find... her?

Y/N: Well as long as your with me, Bruce won't have a problem.

Cassandra smiles and nods but her gut growls again.

Y/N: Let's... get breakfast first, later with the big boys and later patrol.


Orphan and Knightcrawler were a rooftop eating ice cream while looking around the city.

Knightcrawler: So you like this building... why?

Orphan points to a building as he saw a building but a Ballet one.

Knightcrawler: Ballet?

Orphan nods.

Orphan: I like... how they move... fighting... but without intention... with more... grace... happiness.

Knightcrawler: That's dancing for you, Cass. Is like an art performed by movement, some dances hold a story, some of them are for fame, happiness, I've even communicated by fighting and dancing is not that different to fighting, only less violent and graceful.

Orphan: You know... how to dance?

Knightcrawler: I do but not ballet, not my style.

Orphan smiles a bit under the mask looks again at the building. Until they heard shooting but way too random, as they look at each other. Knightcrawler and Orphan jumped to another building, as they reached their destination and they see Spoiler kicking a bit of ass. She gets grabbed from behind as a thug with a sword comes but she kicks him back and later she throws the thug holding her from the back over her shoulders and hits him with a baton. She looks back and sees more of them.

Spoiler: Well this is a big no no.

The thugs saw a piece of rubble land by their side and they look up seeing Knightcrawler land between them, creating smoke in the landing. Spoiler walked slowly towards the smoke as he heard the thugs screaming or grunting. A thug was throws from the smoke to a wall breaking it completely and she sees later Orphan drop and help Knightcrawler. The smoke disperse showing Orphan dropping a body and Knightcrawler throwing one to a dumpster.

Spoiler: OMG that was so awesome! And more that you are Knightcrawler and Orphan! Huge fan by the way.

Knightcrawler: Huh. We got ourselves a fan, Orphan.

Orphan looked at him and later at her.

Orphan: What's... your name?

Spoiler: I'm Spoiler.

Orphan: *comically whispering to Knightcrawler* Thought she would say... her real... name.

Knightcrawler: *whispering* People are imbeciles these days Cass but not that much... I think. Do we take her?

Orphan: *whispering* What about... Bruce?

Knightcrawler: *whispering* Do you prefer to do the job for him or him to meet her and probably make regret her existence. I admit one thing, she is skilled.

Orphan: *whispering* More than Damian?

Knightcrawler: *whispering* Oh no no no no, that's an overkill.

Spoiler: Uuuuum... I'm still here.

???: I am too.

They all look back seeing Batman with his hands crossed.

Spoiler: OMG You're Batman! THE Batman!

Knightcrawler: Oh hehehehehehe oh hey Bats, didn't thought you were coming. *looks back at Orphan* You knew he was gonna come, right?

Orphan nods as Batman steps in front of Spoiler.

Batman: Who are you?

Spoiler: I'm The Spoiler.

Batman: When I meant who are you, I meant who really are you. Real name!

Spoiler: I-I can't do that, you know, secret identity thingy? *Batman glares at her making her shiver just to sigh* Is Steph... Stephanie Brown.

Knightcrawler: Wait a minute. You're that girl I save a year ago, who was the lucky guy? Uuuuuuuuuuuh oh! Cluemaster.

Spoiler: You got me, you saved me from my own dad.

Knightcrawler: *mentally* Another vigilante with parents issues, seriously?

Orphan: How long... have you been doing this?

Spoiler: For 4 weeks and a half, right when Batman disappeared. I knew there's heroes but not everyone couldn't protect themselves, so I joined the fight in secret, but also to make sure dad stayed in prison.

Knightcrawler: That's... I got nothing.

Orphan pats his shoulder as Batman scolded Spoiler.

Orphan: Should we... go back?

Knightcrawler: Mjm.

Spoiler looked at Knightcrawler and Orphan and quickly appeared in front of them.

Spoiler:One question...

Spoiler: Are you two a thing?

Knightcrawler looked at Spoiler giving her a glare as she chuckled a bit.

Knightcrawler: No... we're not a thing.

Orphan: A thing?

Knightcrawler: She's asking if we're together, like a couple.

Orphan looks at Spoiler and later at Knightcrawler.

Orphan: Really?

Batman: Enough. I want you to give up the Spoiler mantle.

Spoiler: What? No way, you are the reason I am doing this, dad's the reason I do this.

Batman: Why put the mantle?

Spoiler: To kill him, to not be weak anymore.

Batman: We don't kill.

Spoiler: I know, and I don't either, but he has put enough shit up my ass for 6 years! No way in hell I'm gonna let that filthy rodent run freely around Gotham, that includes Arkham Asylum.

Batman: Killing won't change anything.

Spoiler: I know.

Batman: *grappling away* Give up your suit, and if you don't I'll do it myself.

Knightcrawler and Orphan disappeared as well, as Spoiler looks around.

Spoiler: Screw them I guess.

She grapples away, as both Knightcrawler and Orphan looked at each other.

Knightcrawler: That was something.

Orphan: Agreed. Though I... feel bad... Spoiler.

Knightcrawler: I mean she just wants revenge on her father, anyone would want to do that.

Orphan: Have you... felt vengeful?

Knightcrawler: Many times. I felt vengeful when Dick damaged my bike.

Orphan: *giggling* Vengeful... for a... bike?

Knightcrawler: This is not funny, I love that bike a lot. The same way Kevin from Ben 10 loves his car. Are you up for Japanese? I know a good Teppanyaki place you might like.

Orphan rolls her eyes and nods with a smile under her mask, until they see a car chase as Knightcrawler sighs.

Knightcrawler: After the car chase, I'll pay.

Orphan nods and the two grapple to the car chase.

I know is very short but is a filler, so not exciting or anything, just random though it is canon, next chapter is the last filler and we'll go straight to the 5th Saga: The Wu San's:

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