Owning You ◇Namjin AU◇

By _Dominous_

1.1K 50 3

Their world is sectioned in good and bad, two wolves had a forbidden love and things break down into pieces... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Alternate Ending

Chapter Six

44 2 0
By _Dominous_

Errors Coming Through

Namjoon's POV

I put on my coat and look ay my reflection at the mirror. I brush my hair using my hand. I stared at my reflection and smirked.

"Soon father.. soon, I'll be able to take revenge for you. I will destroy their little pack.. and I will destroy whoever is related to your once loved omega." I said before facing my back to the mirror. There i saw Yoongi hyung standing.

"Prepare the wolves, we're going now." I said and he nod once before leaving my room. I pick up my sword and other accessories before heading out my room as well.

I didn't shift into my wolf, so me and my servants walk towards their small little pack.

"Hyung.. why should I go with you?"

"Shut up Jungkook, you have to."

"But hyung I was studying, I already gather information about them. Why do I have to be involved here?"

"Jungkook, stop being stubb-

"There's lots of omega there Jungkook. If we get to be friends with their pack. You can mate with an omega from them." I cut Yoongi off. The two look at me but Jungkook's looks shocked.

"I'm sorry leadernim." He said and I shake my head.

"You don't have to, what i want you to know is that.. you can have your mate from them. Cause seems like you don't want anyone in our pack." I said and the younger look at me confusedly.

"But it can't be, I'm a Red Moon, and if I mate with a Blue Moon, the goods will be gone mad." He said and I slightly chuckled.

"Who cares about the rules, Jungkook? We are in a new generation. They can't do anything about us." I said and continue to walk.

Few more minutes later and I can already see their little pack.

"Lets go, this is gonna be fun." I said and signaled my men to continue walking.

As we enter the pack, and walk through the road. People started entering their houses, parents call their kids who are playing outside.

I can't help but to smirk.

They still fear us, which is great.

We arrived at outside the hall, and I can feel my eagerness growing and growing. We entered and that's when I saw him on his throne while other wolves on the side.

"Good morning alpha Kim." He greeted and I gave him a smile.

"Good morning omega Kim. I'm glad you have made up your mind." I said giving him another smile. He didn't react immediately but soon give me a smile.

"About that alpha Kim, lets have another meeting, just shorter this time." He said and I nod. He go down his throne and I followed him to the same room we had a meeting before. And I sit down on the same chair.

"I'm glad to be here again Omege Kim." I said and he smiled.

"Have you made up your mind omega Kim? Cause you see, i really felt hurt and offended the day you called my pack careless and idiots." I said and his eyes widened.

"I didn't say-

"You did omega Kim, you did. Thats why I'm pretty much hurt and i changed the way I look at you. I thought you're nice and all glory. Cause thats what I'm father told me about your great pack. Full of soft hearted wolves that is very welcoming to the other wolves." I said before giving him a frown.

His eyes widened, "I'm sorry for that Alpha Kim, I have probably forget about it. But still, I'm sorry." He said and I slowly nod.

"I have made up my mind." He said and i raised my brows.

"And that is?" I asked, waiting for his answer.

"Our pack may have misunderstanding from the past. But I think we shouldn't let that control us now. We are a new generation leaders, and I think.. what you offer is food for the both of our pack." Je said and thats when I can finally smile in victory.

"I'm glad you accepted it Omega Kim." I said and he slowly nod. Our eyes met, and thats when I saw how submissive he is. That's how I can say he's a pretty submissive one and i can wreck him and his pack easily. I can destroy this whole pack in front of his eyes. And with the spell, I can just order him to stand there as I kill hsi beloved wolves.

"So omega Kim, its settles then. Blue Moon and Red Moon pack ahs become one." I said and he nod.

I stand up and walk towards him, he as well stood up because of my actions.

I offered my hand, "For peace?" I said,

He accepted my hand, "For peace." He said and as our hands touch, I can feel it. The electricity of power. The different feeling. I knew it!

We remove dour hands from each other and I gave him another smile.

"So... aren't you gonna introduce me to your wolves? My co-leader?" I ask and his eyes grew wide.

"Ah yes, lets go outside." He said and I nod, following him.

When we went out the room, I immediately look at Yoongi and smile. Then he smiled back. He know the answer already.

"Everyone.. please listen." He said,

"Starting today, Blue Moon pack and Red Moon pack are no longer different. We are one in this world. Please don't fear or don't treat them different from us. They are with us starting now." He said,

"And same goes to Red Moon, they are with us. We have them to every sorrow and fight. They will be with us if we need more power. Let's treat them like how my late father treat our pack." I said and my pack started cheering. The Blue moon clapped as well bit it looks so forced.

When our eyes met, I smiled at him.

Only if you knew, only if you knew how my father treat every single wolf in our pack.

Dying right in front of their family. Killing everyone who made a single mistake. Raping, abusing, killing, those aren't knew to us.

I hope your small little pack is prepared.

I'm gonna ruin you, I'm gonna ruin you Kim Seokjin.

-to be continued-

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