Shazam: A Fallen Hero [Billy...

Por AxR_Fanfictions

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Y/N recently moved from her home in New York City to Philadelphia because her dad was on the run for almost k... Mais



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Por AxR_Fanfictions


I stayed at Billy's and Freddy's one more night. It's now Sunday, and I had to go home before my father would be there

"Are you sure you can't just come to school with us tomorrow?" Darla asked me as she hugged me.

"Maybe I can meet up with you guys on the corner in the morning. But no, I can't stay another night." I told her apologetically.

Her smile grew, "Okay! See you tomorrow!" She squealed.

"Bye." I smiled back as I walked out the door.

I began my walk back to my house. The closer I got, the more I was dreading to go.

After a few minutes, I turned the corner to my street. I looked in the driveway and was horrified.

Why is he home early?

I got to the door as fast as possible. I slowly opened the door and quietly made my way inside. I quietly stepped up the stairs. I was halfway up, "Where do you think you're going?"

I stopped and turned around, "Just upstairs." I answered.

"Mhm. Where the hell were you? I thought I told you to be here when I got home." He growled.

"I had to go to the store." I lied.

"I find that hard to believe." He crossed his arms, "You know how I feel when you lie to me."

I looked down at my feet, knowing that there was no point in lying. He would see right through them, even if it was the truth. It would only make things worse, "I'm sorry, sir." That would be my final lie of the day. I wasn't sorry. I had the time of my life while he was gone. I was finally happy, and now that was gone, too.

"Get upstairs." He growled at me while pointing finger.

⚠️ WARNING: Abuse ⚠️

I sighed and continued up the steps. I stopped and waited for him to come up as well. He quickly grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to, what he called, the beating room. We had it in our old apartment in New York. He must have set it up again while I wasn't here.

I looked around and noticed that something was missing, "Where's the punching bag?" I asked. Usually I would hold the punching bag. It hurt beachside he would punch it so hard that it would hit me.

He fastened some straps along the wrists of some boxing gloves, "Don't be silly now. You're the punching bag."

I gasped. My father was a boxer in high school. He said he gave it up to be with my mother, but when she died, he picked it up again. Said it always got his anger out.

Within two seconds, I felt a hard hit land on my right cheek. I stumbled back, but stayed on my feet. Another came on the other side of my face. And then an uppercut caused me to fly back against the wall.

"Get up." Father barked. I stayed where I was on the floor. He kicked me in the stomach, "You Damn thing, I said get up!" He kept kicking me.

I slowly was able to get up. I used the wall behind me for support. He punched me by my already swollen eye, "Now, do yo want to tell me where the hell you were?" He punched me again when I stayed silent.

"At a friend's house. We had a class project—" I was unable to finish, as he landed another punch, this time near my jaw.

"I thought I told you, you couldn't go to someone's house!" He snapped. He took off one of his boxing gloves and put his free hand around my throat, blacking my airway.

"I'm...sorry." I barely managed to Croke out.

He kept yelling at me. Telling me that I'm not good enough. That I was a disgrace and even bigger disappointment. He told me that I was ugly and no one would ever love me. He said that I'm better off dead. That I deserved everything he was doing to me. And every word he said, I believed.

By this time, he let go of me. I cough for a few seconds. He kept throwing insults at me. I looked up him, "Hit me." I told him.

He looked at me with bewilderment at first. But then he did as I asked, "Hit me." I told him again. He kicked me and then picked me up off the floor and held me against the wall, "Hit me." I said softly. And again he did as I asked.

I hated it when he told me those things. So much so that I would rather him hit me than hear those things.

"Hit me!" I screamed. I wanted feeling for a moment, and I knew that the only way for that to happen, was to unwillingly drift off to sleep.

With one hard swing, he punched me in the left side of my head. That did it. I watched as my surrounding slowly faded into nothing but darkness.

Billy's POV

The next day...

I sighed as I heard the sound of Freddy's Superman alarm. I sat up the best I could on the bottom bunk. I watched as Freddy swung his legs around and carefully got himself down.

I got up and picked out my clothes for the day. It was cold again today. So put on some pants, a T-shirt, a jacket, beanie, and some gloves.

At first, I didn't want to go to school, and thought about skipping with Freddy to do some training together. But then I remembered Y/N. She would be in school. I had to go.

My siblings and I were all eating our breakfast when Viktor spoke up, "Who wants to hear some good news?"

"Me!" Everyone said enthusiastically, especially Darla.

"We just heard from Mary. She said that she'll be coming home next week for Thanksgiving. And then she'll be back again for winter break about three to four weeks after that." Rosa explained.

Everyone cheered in excitement. Our moment was cut short when we realized what the time was, "Shoot! We gotta go!" Freddy quickly crutches over to the door.

We all began our walk to the school. We walked up the street in hopes to see Y/N there, but she wasn't. She said she would be. She didn't seem like the time to blow someone off.

"Maybe she's late?" Darla suggested.

"Maybe. But I doubt it." Freddy shook his head.

"Yeah, she's probably on her way already. She probably thought that we were already walking there since we're running late." I suggested.

"That makes sense. Okay, let's go!" Darla smiled and began to skip in the direction of the school.

We got there about five minutes later. I looked around, I couldn't see her anywhere. We went through the security lines, and still no sign of her.

We all went out separate ways. Class went by, and soon I was in the class we shared together. I waited for her to walk in through the door, but she never did. She wasn't there. I couldn't help but worry that something happened to her.

Lunch came around, and I still hadn't seen Y/N. I told Freddy and he said that he hadn't seen her either.

I took it upon myself to skip lunch. I snuck outside and went somewhere private, "Shazam!"

With a strike of lighting, I was in my adult form. I quickly flew up above the school. I flew around the city, in a desperate search for the girl. When I didn't find her, I went all the way to New York City.

I looked all over, and I still couldn't finder her. I flew back to Philadelphia. I searched the town again. It had started to rain, so there seemed to be very little, to no one in the streets. I flew over the stairs, and there she was.

She was wearing sunglasses, which seemed odd. She had her face in her hands with her elbows resting on her knees. She was just staring forward. She seemed zoned out.

I landed a few yards away from her, "Are you okay?" I asked her. She gasped at the sudden sound.

She looked up at me, "Who are you?" Her hands didn't move her hands from her cheeks.

"Red Cyclone. Haven't you heard of me?" I came closer to her. She just shook her head, "Shouldn't you be in school?"

"I'm home schooled." She lied.

"Then shouldn't you be at home?" I played along.

"It's my break." She lied again. Why was she lying?

"Are you okay?" I sat down next to her.

She quickly stood up, "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" She answered defensively.

"I don't know. You just looked upset. And you were sitting alone, in the rain." I tried to explain to her.

"Well, it's not right of you to assume." She snapped.

"I'm sorry." I told her.

She sighed, "I better go. Before my-my dad comes looking for me."

"I can give you a ride." I offered as I quickly stood up. She jumped at my sudden movement, and took a few steps back.

"No, thanks. Later, Cyclone." And with that, she began to walk away. Her back was hunched, which was unusual. And the limo in her leg was back. Something fishy was going on.

I caught up to her and put my hand on her shoulder, "Are you—"

Suddenly a vision flashed in front of my eyes. It was Y/N, she was being punched by some kind of boxer looking man.

"Sure?" I removed my hand.

"Yes. Now I have to go. Thanks, anyway." She started her walk again.

I quickly flew back to school. There was only about an hour left.

I turned back into my regular self and went back inside. I went to Freddy's class. I peeked through the window and tried to get his attention.

Once he finally saw me, he raised his hand and asked the teacher something. Probably to use the bathroom.

He got up from his seat and waddled over. He quickly shut the door behind him, "Billy, what are you doing here?"

"It's Y/N. I went around the city to look for her. When I asked why she wasn't in school, she said she was home schooled. Then I saw a vision of a boxer guy beating her up." I explained as fast as I could.

His eyes just widened in realization, "Billy, what if the things your seeing are past events? Like the things you saw, already happened?" I stayed silent, trying to figure out what this all meant. He gasped, "That could be why she's not in school. Somebody hurt her. That's probably why she lied about everything. She doesn't want anybody to see her bruises."

I snapped my fingers, "That would explain why she had sunglasses on when I found her."

"But do we even know where she lives?"

"I'll figure it out. I'm gonna go look for her again. So don't wait up for me to walk back home. I probably won't be here." I backed away and started for an exit in the school.

I transformed into my adult self once I was out of sight of the school. I took off into the sky and circled the city in hopes of finding her again.

An hour passed, and she was nowhere. After another half hour, I decided to look in her neighborhood.

I suddenly saw a girl barely being able to run. That was her. She opened the front door of the house. I landed and transformed back into my usual self again.

I knocked on the door.

No answer.

I knocked again.

Still no answer.

I suddenly heard glass break. And the scream of a girl. I knocked again, and again, there was no answer.

"Please, don't hurt me! I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" I heard the same girl cry. It was Y/N's voice.

I got angry, "Shazam!" I flew up to the window and peered inside. There was no one there. I checked the next one, still no one. I checked another, and sure enough, there she was.

She was being choked by the same man from the visions. I flew away from the house. Then I turned around and put my fist in front of me. I flew back and crashed through the window.

I stood up and looked at the man. He looked back at me with a glare, "Who the hell are you?"

"That's not important." I said before I punched him. He fell back, and laid on the floor, unconscious.

Y/N dropped to the ground. I walked closer to her. She moved away, and looked up at me with tears in her eyes, "Please, don't hurt me."

I knelt down in front of her, "I'm not gonna hurt you." I reassured her, "I'm here to help you. I promise."

Her eyes suddenly rolled to the back of her head. I quickly grabbed her, and held her bridal style.

I flew us both back out the window, and to our street. I turned back into my regular self once I got to the front door. I turned the knob and kicked open the door, "Rosa! Viktor! Help!" I called.

I heard footsteps from upstairs. I looked down at Y/N's face. It was practically covered with bruises. Her nose and bottom lip were both bleeding.

"What happened?" Viktor rushed over with Rosa just behind him.

"I went to her house to work on the project. I heard her scream from inside, so I opened the door. And found her dad beating her up. And then suddenly, that Red Cyclone guy came and busted through the window. I told him that I could bring her here." I explained, and partly lied.

"Okay, go set her on the couch." Viktor instructed, "Rosa, go get the first aid kit." We both did as we were told, "Everybody stay upstairs!" He called to everyone.

I was ushered up the steps after Rosa gave Viktor the first aid kit.

I walked into room, where Freddy was, "How is she?"

"Passed out. That man, who I assume is her dad, was beating her." I told him.

He nodded. We just sat there, not know what to do.

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