Don't do that little one

By 2JuStAsImPLeGal8

41.8K 1K 413

Louis is the triplets adopted Omega brother. Louis goes to live with them when Anne sadly passes away. They w... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14

Part 5

2.8K 80 3
By 2JuStAsImPLeGal8

"Hmm yeah well I'm gonna go break up with Ashton."

Louis' POV:

"What? Why?" Niall exclaimed.

"He's just not for me. I mean I know he took my virginity and I know he could be my mate when I turn sixteen but it's just not working out." I replied.

"He took your virginity?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah. My brothers know they smelt it on me as soon as I walked into the house the day after." I said quickly.

"Okay, so we don't have to tell them anything?" Zayn double checked.

"No Zayn you don't." I said.

"Okay well have fun." Liam chuckled.

"Haha will do." I said and left.

I trudged my way upstairs then once in the room I took my phone out of my bag to call Ashton.

"Hey Lou I'm busy right now can this wait?" He said right before I heard moaning in the background.

"What was that?" I said abruptly.

"What was what?" He said trying to keep cool.

"That noise someone moaned who moaned?" I asked loudly.

"Way to go Micheal you just had to moan didn't you right after I told you not to." I heard Ashton say.

"Micheal? Are you cheating on me?" I shouted.

"Look Louis I'm sorry I pro-" He started.

"You know what it doesn't matter I was gonna break up with you anyway. Have a nice life." I finished.

I hung up and then threw my phone across the room where it hit the wall opposite me. Then burst into tears. How could he do this to me? Why didn't I see it sooner? All that stuff about making me go on a diet. Was that so he could make me the boyfriend he wanted? Did he only have me so he could boss someone around instead of Michael? Am I actually that worthless?

"Some mistakes get made, that's alright, that's okay." - Ashe & Niall Horan

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