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ɪᴢᴜᴋᴜ ᴍɪᴅᴏʀʏɪᴀ
x black fem! reader


(a/n: don't be fooled by the picture and gif above, this is not a happy chapter )

third person pov

it was a sunday morning, 8:37 am. y/n was awake in her room, doing her hair. she decided to go with box braids. they were simple, yet cute. she sighed, her arms tired and herself bored. she decided to facetime deku, also remembering that he wanted to tell her something when she was at bakugou's house. she pressed the call button and waited as the phone rang. eventually he answered, his hair messy and his eyes half lidded.

"hmm, hi y/n," he mumbled with a small smile.

"ouuu, i swear, y'all tired and morning voices are immaculate," she sighed. "i gotta stop calling y'all while y'all sleeping. my bad."

"no, no, it's okay," he reassured. "um, is there something you need?"

"nah, not really. just bored," she yawned. "im doing my hair by myself so i ain't got no one to talk to."

"really? you didn't like what i did to your hair?" deku smirked.

"boy, shut up. you know i liked it," y/n smiled. "just doin' some box braids for the dance."

"ouu, can i see? i-if that's not disrespectful—"

"of course it ain't disrespectful, here." she fixed the phone up so deku could see her face and hair. half of her hair was already braided while the other half was still undone.

"wow, that's so cool...how did you do it?" deku asked, all amazed.

"why, dekquan? you wanna learn?" y/n asked with a smug smile. "anyways, it didn't take me that long to learn. it's really easy, just took me a while to make sure these things are tight enough." y/n then remembered something. "deku, you were saying something on friday when i was at bakugou's house...but the phone hung up. what did you want to tell me again?"

deku was suprised y/n still remembered that. "oh, i just wanted to rant about my dad because of what happened that day. i'm fine now, though."

"oh my gosh, i'm sorry, i wasn't even paying attention to you—"

"no, it's okay, i'm sure you and bakugou were, um, busy."

the two remained awkwardly quiet until y/n cleared her throat. "so, um, you going to the dance on friday?"

"y-yeah. i want to ask this girl, just don't know how," he awkwardly chuckled and scratched his neck.

y/n felt a little hurt that he wanted to go with someone else, but smiled and nodded. "cool. i don't know if i'm going with this one boy or my friends."

"cool," he replied, also hurt. he opened his mouth to speak but his father barged into his room. panicking, he quickly ended the call, leaving y/n sitting there, confused.

"who were you talking to?" hisashi asked, brows furrowed.

"n-no one," deku stuttered.

hisashi huffed. "it was that black girl again, wasn't it?"

deku glared at him. "her name is y/n. y/n l/n, not 'that black girl'."

"i don't give a damn what her name is," he crossed his arms. "i just want to know why you are still talking to her when i said not to."

"b-but, she's my friend! am i not allowed to talk to my own friends?!"

hisashi raised a brow. he was quite surprised at his own son raising his voice at him. "not the ones that are bad influences on you!"

deku stood up from his bed, shaking his head in anger and disbelief. "how is she a bad influence on me? she's kind, she's funny, she's beautiful—"

"she got into a fight at school," he interrupted. "your school is known for being one of the top schools in your prefecture, without students getting in fights. she ruined your school's reputation."

"dad, please, i've seen more school fights happening way before she got here."

hisashi scoffed. "where are you getting all of this attitude and disrespect from? oh, right, it's probably from her."

inko barged into the room, looking at the boys. "what's going on in here? what's all this racket?"

hisashi looked up at inko with a neutral face. "none of your buisness. get back in the kitchen, woman. we are just having a little chat."

"okay, you know what, hisashi?" inko placed her hands on her hips. "what has gotten into you? i invited you back into our home because i missed you! you were always gone at work, you couldn't even watch izuku grow up! now, ever since you've got here, you're always getting into fights with him! and don't get me started on that precious little girl, y/n—"

"'our home'?" he interrupted, walking towards her. "who bought this house? i did. and you're son is being a disrespectful brat, i have every right to be mad at him. maybe you should teach him some respect!"

inko jumped at his voice and slowly backed away. hisashi continued. "what's gotten into you? both you and izuku have turned into brats. maybe it is that black girl's fault—" he raised his right hand before deku ran grabbed his hand.

"don't touch her!" he shouted.

the two adults continued to bicker at each other while deku looked at the back and forth. he stood up, walked passed them, and headed outside. he didn't even care that he was still in his pajamas. he walked to the park and sat on a bench alone.

he decided to call y/n back, since he hung up on her before. a few rings later, she answered with an annoyed expression. "so, you just enjoyed hanging up on me like that?"

"wah, i'm sorry, y/n!" he apologized. "it's just, my dad—"

"i swear to gawd, did he touch you?" y/n asked, all serious.

"what? oh, n-no, he didn't."

y/n squinted and leaned towards the phone. "is that a tree? you outside? ouu, lemme come, send the address."

"uh, i thought you were doing you're hair."

"oh, right," y/n sighed. "you outside with your pj's on? nevermind 'cause i would do the same. what did yo' racist father do now?"

"how did you know it was him?" he asked.

"'cause i would leave the house that he's in too—oh wait i already did."

"well," he started. "he started yelling because i was facetiming you, and he called me disrespectful. then my mom came in, and then they started fighting, so i left."

"that man gets on my nerves, i swear," she shook her head. the two continued to talk and eventually, deku went home, finding only his mother there and his father gone.


monday and tuesday already passed, and y/n's friends could tell something was different about her. even deku could tell. in class, y/n would be busy texting bakugou, but they didn't know what they were talking about. on both days, they would watch y/n and bakugou eat outside together during lunch time. and both days after school, y/n would walk home with him to his house.

it was after school on tuesday, and y/n had just walked past her friends. "y/n," mina called out and y/n turned her head.

"you going to bakugou's again?" uraraka asked.

"mhm," y/n hummed and held up two fingers. "deuces." she walked off with bakugou and jirou shook her head in disbelief.

"unbelievable," she mumbled. "it's only been two days, but, you guys can tell, right?"

"right," momo spoke. "she's always with bakugou. you don't think—"

"no way," uraraka interrupted and clenched her fists. "she wouldn't. because she knows that he's..."

mina frowned and put a hand on her shoulder. "it's okay, 'chaco. i'm sure she isn't dating him. she would tell us, right? unless they're secretly dating—no. let's not think that. um, maybe they've got something happening?"

the girls nodded glumly until they saw deku jogging up to them. "oh, hey, deku," uraraka said.

"hi, uraraka," he panted, trying to catch his breath and looked back up at all the girls. "um, h-have you guys seen y/n? i've been trying to talk to her all day."

"so have we," jirou sighed. "she just went home with bakugou."

"oh," he said, head down. "well, see you guys tommorow, i guess." he turned on his heel and bit his lip. how am i going to ask her to the dance? the girls watched sympathetically as deku walked off back to his home.

hagakure, on the other hand, was intensely watching the girl's interaction with deku behind a tree. "y/n going home with bakugou?" she mumbled to herself. she then gasped and stomped. "is this why he wanted to break up with me?!"

she fumed and turned on her heel. "i have to tell everyone. but, no one would believe me..." she thought for a moment. "i'm going to have to get myself proof!" she giggled to herself and started to head home, until a teacher held her back.

"hagakure, you have detention, remember?" the teacher asked.

"but, how come y/n gets to go home?" she whined.

"that's because we let her," the teacher crossed her arms. "we found out due to a video that a student recorded that you started by throwing soup on her. you still have detention all of this week."

"darn you, katsuki," she mumbled. "b-but, the school dance is on friday! how am i going to have time to get ready?!"

"detention ends at three. the dance starts at seven. i think you'll have more than enough time."


wednesday rolled by, and y/n was now in her first class of the day: math class. she scrolled through her phone for a while before bakugou arrived and sat down next to her.

"hey, stinky stink," she said with a smile.

"hey, idiot," he replied. "you're gonna sit with me at lunch again today."

"ugh, but i was gonna sit with my baes," she whined. "i know they miss me."

"i don't care. besides, i have something to show you," he said, leaning back in his chair.

mina, jirou, momo, and uraraka all looked at each other, giving each other a 'did you see that?' look. uraraka turned her head to deku, seeing if he paid attention or not. he was staring straight at y/n and bakugou.

oh no, he thought. is he going to ask her to the dance? izuku, hear yourself. this is kacchan we're talking about. he doesn't like y/n like that, right? plus, even if he did, she wouldn't say yes because she doesn't like him. i hope...

lunch time rolled by and once again, y/n followed bakugou outside to eat. the girls watched and uraraka sighed.

"it's okay, uraraka," jirou rubbed her back. "everything will be fine."

y/n and bakugou sat down at the same bench they always sat at outside. "so," y/n started. "what is it?"

"hold up," he said, getting up and going around the corner, bringing the huge, white poster with him.

"okay, let's rehearse," she said, making bakugou roll his eyes. "ay, don't give me no attitude or i'll walk right back in that cafeteria."

"okay, whatever," he grunted and held up the sign and said in annoyance, "go to the dance with me."

"okay, okay, now i'll act like uraraka, gettin' all excited and stuff," y/n said, fluffing her hair and squealing. "yes, i'll go to the dance with you!"

"oh my gosh, her voice ain't that high and annoying," bakugou said, flipping her off and she laughed.

what they didn't notice was that hagakure was around the corner, holding up her phone recording them. "i can't believe it," she whispered to herself. "i knew it! he left me for her! wow, katsuki, didn't know you had terrible taste in girls." she ended the recording and giggled. "now, i'll send this to all of my contacts. this will spread, and everyone will know."


it was the end of the day and y/n catched up to her friends. "hey, y'all. man, i ain't even get to talk to y'all today, my bad."

the girls looked at each other and back at y/n. "hey, y/n."

"man, y'all dryer than the sahara desert," y/n shook her head and looked around. "where's uraraka?"

mina pointed behind her and y/n saw uraraka. she had her head down and was slowly walking towards them.

"hey, uraraka," y/n said. "you 'ight?"

"i'm fine," she mumbled and walked right past them.

y/n cocked her head to the side, confused. "what's wrong with her?" she turned her head around and saw deku. "hey, dekquan!"

deku saw her, put his head down, and quickly walked past her, leaving y/n stunned. "what—"

she stopped once she saw mina, jirou, and momo walking away from her. "so, y'all not gonna wait for me?"

jirou turned her head and glared at her. "why don't you walk with bakugou again?"

y/n gaped her mouth open in shock and turned her head, seeing bakugou walk up to her. "oi, where did ura go?"

"she left," y/n mumbled. "and so did them."

"so when am i supposed to ask her?" he asked, running a hand through his hair, distressed.

y/n shrugged and stared off at her friends getting further and further away. "maybe tommorow."


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