By louissfallenangel

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"No, no. No talking little bug, this is the part where you listen" he cuts me off before I can finish. I'm di... More



201 4 0
By louissfallenangel

"Tomlinson! I understand you're the star player lad, but do you wanna learn how to pass the ball every now and again?!"

I hear his raspy voice screaming from the other side of the field. He really needs to relax a little, it's only training after all and I scored the damn goal, I don't understand what his issue is at the moment.

Well, I guess I do understand the issue, but he shouldn't let it affect his game, we promised each other we would keep our private lives seperate to our game play.

In his defence, we only broke up an hour before practice, so I am guessing he is still learning the rules, he had a hard enough time of following them during our relationship, so I can't say I'm surprised that he's struggling.

"Relax Styles" I shout back to him, side stepping back into position for continued play.

I feel his presence getting closer out the corner of my eye, I had a funny feeling this wasn't over with yet. Always got to have the last word this boy does. At least that is one thing that never changes.

"What'd you say to me!" He bellows as his chest is thrusted against my shoulder knocking me slightly sideways, but not enough to knock me down. "What happened to leaving private life off the field" he continues, pushing hard against me again.

I abruptly turn to face him with my hands aggressively connecting with his chest, forcing his increased distance from me. "Say's you!" I shout back at him. "You're the one crying over not having the ball, I scored dickhead, what's your problem?"

He moves his body over me, towering completely, looking down at me with those emerald green eyes, "You're my problem Louis" his voice deepens to attempt to intimidate me. But oh how he doesn't realise that he use to use this towering over behaviour and slow sensual voice to dominate me in the bedroom, or at least attempt to, so as he tries to use it as a form of intimidation now, is just funny to me, and I can't help but crack a smile.

"You so want to fuck me again!" I whisper up against his face, brushing my nose just past his, catching him slightly off guard. Unsure where this side confidence is coming from. I was never like this with Harry, but the new sense of freedom I had pulsating around my body was obviously clouding my better judgement.

"I-uh-wh-fuck off Louis!" he stutters, reconnecting his hands with my chest and recreating the distance between us.

I give him a cheeky wink before running back over to my side of the field, keeping a sneaky eye on him watching him attempt to gather himself, not being able to contain the sly smirk that has presented itself on my face knowing I successfully made Harry flustered.

I can't though, however, ignore the slight ache in the very pit of my stomach, as I said before, Harry and I only broke up an hour before training, and although it was my doing, it doesn't make the process any easier, especially not when my reasons for leaving him had nothing to do with my love dissolving for him, it was the fact that he couldn't even bother to be honest with me, about anything.

The remainder of the training session flooded by like a blur to me, although I technically won the fight with Harry that time, I was successful in keeping him flustered the remainder of the session, I had also managed to distract myself from training. That saying that Harry wanted to sleep with me again sparked a nerve in me, because I still longed for him. Even though everything in me knew I shouldn't.

I made a conscious effort in not holding onto the ball for lengthy periods of time for the remainder of the session, passing to anyone but Harry, but at least he wouldn't be able to call me out again on that. To be fair, he wasn't even paying any attention to what was happening in the field of play to care after our interaction.

"Tomlinson, a word before you go!" Coach Baker summons me as the remainder of the team hit the showers.

I give him an acknowledging nod, throwing my pads into my duffle and taking a large gulp of water, tossing the remainder of the bottle over my head and shaking out the dreads, causing a cooling sensation to flow down my back, very satisfying after being all sweaty.

"What's up coach?" I ask as I sling the bag over my shoulder.

"Do I need to worry about you and Styles?" He asks in a serious tone leaving a puzzled look on my face. "Do I need to remind you how close finals are?"

I shake my head at him, swallowing the lump gathered in my throat. As it was so recent, we hadn't actually had time to tell anyone. So, with coach now asking, this was going to have to be the first time I would be admitting that something had happened. I wasn't ready for that conversation.

"Nothing to worry about coach!" I reply in my most convincing tone.

Wasn't exactly a lie; I planned on there being nothing to worry about, but I didn't know what the next few days of Harry and I were going to look like and finals were next weekend.

The last thing we wanted was to let our arguments come between the team, I needed to talk to Harry again, the fight that led to our breakup was full of emotions and we didn't get the chance to discuss it fully.

We'd been together for over 2 years, it was going to take longer than a 5 minute blowout to sort out how to be civil enough around each other for the teams sake.

Coach gives me an unconvinced smirk and gestures his head toward the locker room. I let go of a breath I wasn't aware I was holding until I felt the tight pinch in my chest.

I ran up to the locker rooms to shower up before heading home, today had been such a long day and I just couldn't believe it was only Monday! I could already feel that this week was going to go by slowly, really drag out it's mocking in how shitty the Monday had been.

I throw my bag down onto the bench seat and waste no time in stripping down to my jocks turning on the water to just below boiling. It's the way I liked it. Just that right amount of burn to apply a small tingle to my skin.

The rest of the boys had already vacated the locker room by the time I had gotten there, which I was quietly glad about. I needed the alone time right now.

After discarding the remainder of my clothes I step under the water and let it run across my face and down my body. I let the water cascade down me for a bit before covering my face with the palms of my hands to rub the dirt and sweat off from the day.

As I run my fingers back through my hair, the sudden tight grip on my length from behind me startled me.

"Not so full of words now are you?" His raspy voice echoes through my body as he whispers in my ear. My entire body tenses, frozen in the moment.

As his hand begins to work over the length of my cock, his body pushes hard against mine causing me to stumble forward, quickly using my own hands as a barrier between me and the wall. "What's wrong Louis, got nothing to say?"

I pinch my eyes shut and use my tongue to wet the surfaces of my lips, "Harry what are you-"

"No, no. No talking little bug, this is the part where you listen" he cuts me off before I can finish. I'm disappointed in myself for complying to his orders. I told myself when I left him that I wouldn't let him control me like this anymore. But here I am, pinned to the bathroom wall, with his hand securely fastened around my now throbbing erection, feeling my body surrender to Harry's commands.

"Am I making myself clear?" He pushes again, I feel his large body up against my fragile one, trying to hide the trembles. I nod my head frantically. "No, no. Little bug. You know the rules." He urges. Following rules. That's rich coming from him.

"Yes Harry" I breath out like the pathetic little obedient soul I am.

The impressed breathed laugh falls from his nostrils, enjoying the fact that he has me back to being submissive to him.

"Good bug, now, I didn't like what you implied earlier. Saying that I would still fuck you, but look at what happens when the tables are turned." He coos, tightening the grip around my cock and pressing a lazed kiss to my shoulder line. "Got you trembling beneath me like always. I knew you didn't mean what you said today. All that nonsense about leaving me. You'll never leave me Louis. I know you. And you want to know why that is little bug"

I suck in a tight breathe as I feel his teeth sink into my neck. "Why Harry?" I give in to his little game, trying my best to ignore the burn that's building up in the pit of my stomach from his continued stroking on my penis.

"Because I'll never let you leave me" his words shudder through me the moment they leave his lips. I pinch my eyes closed and pray that the water droplets from the shower head are enough to disguise themselves in my tears.

"You're mine Louis, it was cute thinking you could leave me, but you know that's not going to happen. Over my dead body" the irony behind that statement. As much as I hated to admit it, I knew for a Long time that my only way out was for Harry's heart to stop beating. But my freedom was never worth taking his life from him. For the heart that I loved more than anything, I couldn't even comprehend it ever stop beating.

I nod my head against better judgment knowing that he always preferred words. But surprisingly this time, my silence was enough for him. He pumped his hand unforgivably a few more times, knowingly sending me absolutely over the edge as he did so, planting a lasting kiss to my neck before ghosting away.

I was left standing in the shower feeling confused, betrayed, frightened and fucking horny, all from this man.

His words echoing in my mind as the sound of turn locker room door slamming shut signally my loneliness.

I'll never let you leave me.

Oh how I knew that Harry. I knew you'd never let me leave, it's the constant fight I've had with my heart and mind these last 2 years. I knew you'd never let me leave you, and the stupidity in me never wanted to leave.

You're a dangerous drug Harry, and I think it's safe to say...

I'm an addict.

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