Atypical (Fruk)

By jelsa_fnaf_lover

9.2K 371 252

A typical pair of enemies to lovers. Francis and Arthur always hated one another, however that all changes wh... More



679 29 19
By jelsa_fnaf_lover

Almost a week after meeting Francis suddenly at the spot I usually stand, I ran into him there again. "Honestly, this is getting weird...." I spoke annoyed. He turned to me and began to glare once seeing me. "Of course, you think everyone is obsessed with you. I have other things to do, you know," he spoke.  I rolled my eyes and began to walk past him.

From that moment on, he was always at the spot almost every day. I never knew why he was there but he was always there at the same time. At work, we would argue as usual and after work when we would run into each other at the bridge it was the same encounter.  It had been four days straight, and he was still at that spot. Maybe he is a drugie waiting for his dealer? It was sketchy, and it had gotten to a point where I just glared at him as I passed by.

Until one day I saw something shocking. I paused in my spot, seeing Alfred meet up with him. They hugged each other, and I began to put the pieces together. No way! Are they seeing each other? They just had to be! That explains all of everything I've been seeing at work. They seemed oddly close even though they hardly talked to each other at work.

For example! The other day, I was working closely with the two of them and for some reason, I felt like a weird outcast as if I was third wheeling. This definitely explained a lot of things. Although I was curious about it, I knew I couldn't ask.

The next day at work I began to notice them talking closely, and soon enough Alfred had come up to me. He smiled at me and took a seat in front of me. It made me straighten up quickly and pretend as if I wasn't looking at him. "Arthur, are you busy this weekend?" he asked. I looked at him confused and shook my head. "No, why?" I asked. Alfred smiled so relieved and placed his hand on me suddenly. "We should hang out" he smiled.

I lifted an eyebrow confused and found myself looking at Francis who turned away quickly. They are definitely up to something, and I wasn't going to be a part of it. "I'm sorry, I don't think so... I think I want to stay in and relax a bit," I explained. He seemed a little upset but nodded in acceptance.

My phone began to buzz suddenly and I saw that it was one of my brothers. I quickly stood up and looked at it "I'm sorry, I need to take this," I told Alfred. He nodded, and I quickly walked off to answer it. I answered the phone and held it up to my ear. "Hello?" I asked. "Arthur, it's Seamas; he was in a car accident and passed away...." my brother spoke, shaking.

My eyes widened, and I nearly dropped my phone. It was like my heart had stopped, and I had no words for him. "Arthur, please answer..... I know we haven't really seen eye to eye, but how soon can you come back to the UK?" He asked. I still couldn't say anything at all. I looked behind me and noticed Francis making eye contact with me. His face softened, and I was sure he could tell something was really wrong.

"I'll book a flight as soon as I can," I spoke, shaking. My brother had died..... and I hadn't talked to him in a long time. I felt like a shitty brother, and all sorts of regret began to hit me. "Thank you, let me know when you book a flight. You will stay with me, and we can figure out what to do.... funeral wise," he spoke, shaking. I felt very terrified as we ended the conversation.

I didn't say anything to anyone as I sat back down and I began to find the next flight back to the UK. I was living in America now, and I knew it will be at least a week till I'm there.

It was like everything was collapsing around me. What do I do? I feel so anxious right now. I feel anxious and helpless and just in plain shock. Why did he have to go so suddenly..... I should have talked to him more. Maybe if I did, I wouldn't have so much regret that I'm feeling right now. I looked at everyone around me, and I think I was so close to having a breakdown.

Thankfully work was going to end soon, and I could go home. It was late at night already, and even if I were to go home, I knew I would still feel extremely lonely. I couldn't talk to anyone about this, and I was scared.

As I looked for plane tickets, I found one to leave for England this weekend. I will have to tell Ludwig that there was a sudden death in the family and I have to go back home to Europe. I began to place my hands in my head, and I felt so lost. As if everything around me was spinning around. I looked at the time and saw I had an hour left before eleven would hit.

I had no idea what to do. I looked at the picture of my brothers and me on my desk and felt my heart sink.  It was the last time I was with all of them. I wanted to go back in time to that moment and say sorry to them for how I was acting. It's too late to tell him I'm sorry, but now I have to suck up my pride and get along with my brothers. I know we all need each other right now, and there was no room to be selfish at this moment..... there was no way.

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