The Hero With Many Faces. (My...

By Project_Red

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Salazo Nautali graduated from Kunugigaoka junior high by killing his teacher; Koro Sensei. After being recomm... More

Prologue: Graduation Time
Salazo Nautali: Introduction
The First Day of School
The Three Musketeers.
Combat Training!
The Incident at the USJ.
Salazo Maekawa: Origin
Should I really be a Hero?
The Sports Festival is off to a running start.
The Cavalry Battle
It Just Keeps Getting Worse!
What I Could Have Been.
Its A Date!
What I Could Have Been; Part 2
To Kill And To Die
The Yaoyorozu Household
Nautali: Awakening
Red, Purple, Yellow, And Green
Save The Day With Love
I-Island: Day 1
What I Could Have Been; Part 3
I-Island; Final Day
The Journey To The Training Camp
Girl Talk + Salazo
Pandemonium Time/2nd Period
Revelry In The Dark
Change Time
Quirk Time
Happy Birthday Time

Escape Time

28 0 0
By Project_Red

"Bakugo! What are you doing!?" I shouted.

"Shut it!" he replies. He bends down slightly and prepares himself for battle. The high frequently I heard earlier got louder and higher. I searched the room for it's locations. It is coming from Bakugo. I stand up from my seat and clap my hands in front of his face. Bakugo completely froze and fell to the ground.

"Oh, how interesting." Shigaraki said. "It seems Toga was right about you. I was hoping we could come to an understanding, Bakugo. You however, seem to understanding where I'm coming from." Shigaraki gestured to me.

"I... no... What you said before. I can relate to what you said, about suffering. I've done quite a bit of suffering because of rules and people. You asked a few questions earlier. A hero is someone who is willing to do go for their society, not for money and glory. Justice is fairness, it ensures we're all equal. And no, our society isn't fair. I know that all to well." I gave my own speech. I'm trying to buy time at this point.

"The police are continuing their investigation, so we don't have time to stand here and talk. Master. Lend me your power." Shigaraki turns to face the computer screen behind him.

"That is a wise decision, Tomura Shigaraki." Spoke the ominous voice.

"Shigaraki isn't the master!? I don't want to know who's on the other side of the call." I thought.

Kurogiri. Compress. It's time to put them back to sleep." Ordered Shigaraki. The magician started walking in my direction. In a moment of panic, I grab Bakugo's stunned body and try to un-freeze him. From out of nowhere, there is a knock on the back door.

"Hello? I gotta pizza delivery here."

"Who is dumb enough to order pizza!" I smile slightly. Everyone is staring at the door. It's an awkward moment of silence.

"Smash!" With the sound of a loud crash is All Might. I turn my attention from the door to the Number 1 Hero. A bunch of bricks are flying though the air. I grab a small piece of the wall and cut Bakugo's arm. It's not a deep wound, but just enough to start bleeding. If Nagisa told be correctly, his nervous system should be paralyzed. By cutting his arm, I am trying to reactivate it. It didn't take him long to realize he could move again.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Bakugo spoke.

"What were YOU thinking!? Did you really think you could fight an entire room of villains." I shot back.

"Ah, you two must have been scared." All Might spoke to us. "But you stayed strong. I'm sorry. You're safe now."

"What!? I wasn't scared! Not even close!" shouted Bakugo. All Might gives a thumbs up for no particular reason. I didn't say anything to All Might. I'm getting lost in my own head. I attend U.A. so I can be a hero, yet I align with the villains more. The more I thought about it, the more confused I become.

I try to forget about that for now and focus on the current situation. All the villains are captured my Kamui Woods. There are also a few other pros such as, Edgeshot, Endeavor, and some old guy. I lean against a wall to and let out a sigh of relief.

"I wonder how my personalities are doing. We've never been separated for so long." I wondered. I felt kinda bad about sending the villains to jail. Mostly because I can understand them. I've been in their shoes.

From out of nowhere, a grey slime appeared. It's not attached to anything; it's just coming out of thin air. Not long after they appeared, Nomu emerged from the slime.

"Nomu! How'd they get here?" Questioned Kamui Woods. More slime spots appeared. "What is this!?"

"Dammit, Edgeshot! Stop Kurogiri!" shouted the old man.

"He's still out. This isn't his doing." Edgeshot replied.

"Kurogiri creates warp gates that don't look like this; someone else must have a warp quirk." I thought, trying to get my own answers.

"Don't release them under any circumstances, got it?" All Might ordered Kamui Woods. The next thing I know, the slime in in my mouth. It began covering my entire body. I can't do anything to stop it. It didn't take long before my entire body became engulfed in it.

The smile began disappearing. It was only a few seconds, but I was suffocating the entire time.

"Koff. What the..." I look at the ground to see dirt and rock. The air was different. I look up to see a man in a black suit and a full-face mask.

"My apologies." Said the man. I heard more splashing noises from behind me. I turn to see the rest of the League of Villains appearing.

"Master." Shigaraki spoke.

"So, you've failed once more, Tomura. But you must not be discouraged. You'll try again. That's why I brought your associates back with you. Even these children, because you judged that they were an important piece on your game board. Start over as many times as it takes. I am here to provide you with help. All of this is for you." An eerie feeling comes of the man in the suit. I can tell he is serious. "Ah. There you are." The Master looks up. All Might is flying towards us. All Might attempts a punch but is stopped. The Master stops him with his bare hands.

"I'll have you return my students, All For One!" said All Might.

"Have you come to kill me a second time, All Might?" Their combined power creates a huge gust of wind. It pushes everything away, including us. All that was left is a cloud made of rubble. The cloud began to disappear, reveling The Master. All Might is on his knees while All For One is still standing.

"He's still standing!? If that's the case then... All Might doesn't stand a chance!" I wave of fear comes over me at the realization. All For One is stronger than All Might.

"I won't repeat the same mistake I made five years ago! You hear me?" All Might spoke.

"They know each other? Why? How?"
All Might charges towards All For One again. This time, All Might is stopped by a burst of wind, produced by the villain. Not only is he stopped, but he is also sent flying back; destroying a few buildings.

"All Might!" Bakugo and I shouted.

"Don't you worry. It'll take more than that to kill him. Get off the battlefield, Tomura. And take those children with you." All For One extends his hand. Black and red branch-like things appear out of his fingers and insert themselves into Kurogiri. "Kurogiri. Warp them away."

"What about you." Asked Shigaraki.

"You're not thinking, Tomura. There remains much room for you to grow."

"Let's go Shigaraki." Said Compress. "While our masked lead is keeping All Might entertained. Claim your prize." All the villains turn to face me and Bakugo. We are completely surrounded. I don't have a weapon to fight with, so it's going to be a challenge.

"Huh. This is going to be fun." Said Bakugo, who is already ready for battle.

"I guess we're doing this." I spoke. Without warring, the villains began to charge at us. From beside be is Toga. She attacks me with a knife, but I managed to dodge. Twice extends something from his wrist at me, barely dodging.

From close to the center of our fight, a small purple light appears. All For One is busy with All Might, so he doesn't notice right away. Out from the flash is Annette; one of the last people I expected. The look in her eyes is different than normal. She is dead serious. Not even a shed of happiness can be seen. It is extremely rare to see her even the slightest bit upset, so to see her this angry terrifies me.

"Step away from them." Annette is full of anger. Her hands began to glow yellow. She clenched her fists to prevent herself from attacking yet.

"Don't you know it's rude to interrupt a performance." Said Compress. He was ready to attack her at any moment.

"Get out of here while you still have a chance." Added Spinner. He began to reach for the sword on his back, but remembered it was destroyed earlier. He instead grabs the knifes around his waist. Everything is motionless. You can feel the wind pressure coming form All Might and the villain. They are still clashing, meaning Annette is in no danger.

"Who the hell is that?" asked Bakugo. The villains turned their attention to Annette, giving him a chance to catch his breath.

"That's our ticket away from here." I know full well what Annette is capable of. I move myself one step closer to her. The villains still don't move because they don't know what Annette can do.

"Hurry up and do something! Take your time." shouted Twice. He pulled that ribbon-like thing from his wrist again and swung it towards Annette. She jumps backwards before the ribbon makes contact and quickly counterattacks.

"I won't back down!" Annette is determined to rescue us. A bright blue magical sigil appear appears in front of her. It is about a meter in diameter, with the center of the sigil being located at head level. Annette moved her hand back. The sigil disappeared just as her hand flung forward. From her hand came a sky-blue shape that resembled a boomerang. It's ten times the size and twice as fast. It hit the villain directly in the stomach, pushing him back.

All the villains know what their dealing with now and charged right at her. A devilish smile came to her face as another blue sigil appears. This time, the sigil is under her feet. A blue aura emanated from it as she casted a much bigger spell.

"Let's go!" I said to Bakugo. Around us all is a sky-blue tornado. It isn't' strong enough to pull us away, but it's what's inside the tornado that counts. These winds are constantly doing high amounts of damage to it's targets. Bakugo and I aren't affected because Annette doesn't want to attack us. We ran to Annette who is read to take us.

"Grab on to me." ordered Annette. I grab her left arm and Bakugo grabs her right. Just as we are warping away, a knife is thrown at us. It narrowly hit Bakugo, causing him to let go.

"Bakugo!!" I shout, extending my hand. A flash of purple, and we are home.

I'm standing in the living room of our house. Bakugo isn't with us. I feel more comfortable being home again. Annette got closer to me and wraps her arms around me and starts crying.

"I-I missed you so much. I thought... I was never going to you again." She is squeezing me as hard possible.

"Don't worry. I'm home now, and I don't plan on leaving." I said in a very calm tone. Part of me wants to start crying, but I don't know why. Maybe it is a bit of everything.

Later that night, All Might had come on the news. He was still fighting the villain. I had also received a message from Midoriya, asking if I was ok. I said I was fine and asked about Bakugo. Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki, and Kirishima managed to save him.

I'm watching the heroes take All For One away. All Might is on camera. He is a skeleton now. He won the battle, but at a heavy cost. I highly doubt he will be doing hero work from now on. All Might began lifting his arm, with is finger pointing at the camera.

"You're next." He spoke. Annette, my personalities, and I are watching. We are all confused. He didn't say that because he is talking to other villains, there is something else, or someone else.

I do feel my writing has gotten much better over course of this story. Next time is a bonus chapter. It will be a story about the personalities without Salazo.


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