Start a new life

By frozenwolf899

16.5K 496 59

Lukas the heir to one of the strongest mafia families is betrayed by his childhood friend and as he is at dea... More

The start
First world 1.1


1K 32 5
By frozenwolf899

(Edited 28/5/21)

As the peaceful day ended Luke was looking forward to tomorrow. Why? Well of course that's because the female lead starts work tomorrow. Laying in bed Luke starts to drift off to sleep while his mind was full of plans that he could use on the female lead.

Waking up to his alarm Luke starts his daily routine of having a shower and brushing his teeth before walking into the kitchen to have breakfast. Seeing Leila already sat down at the table eating Luke greeted her "morning Leila how did you sleep?" Swallow the food in her mouth Leila grinned at him before answering "I slept well big brother how about you?" While grabbing the syrup to put on his pancakes he replied "The same as usual. Do you want me to drop you off at school today?" Having just filled her mouth she gave a thumbs up sign as a reply to his question. Which Luke couldn't help but smile at.

Finishing breakfast in a peaceful silence they walked out of the house and towards the car. Starting the car the radio turned on and started playing Rude by Magic. Listening to the tune Leila started singing along to it while having a smile on her face. Feeling relieved that she seemed fine after yesterdays advents he focused his attention back onto the road. Arrived at the college in under 15 minutes Luke parked close to the entrance and slightly glanced over towards the guards that he had arranged to protect Leila. Finishing the last line of the song she was singing she let out a little breath while saying "I will see you later big brother love you." Smiling he replied "I'll see you later and I love you too."

After seeing her entering the building safely with the guards following her secretly he put his mind to ease and started driving towards the company. Arriving soon after he parked up and locked the car before walking into the lobby. Getting greeted by his staff as he walked past he gave some simple greeting and walk to the V.I.P elevator going to the top floor.

With a ding the elevator arrived at the top floor without any interruptions. Letting out a sigh as he walked out he was greeted by Grayson and Eli. Signalling for both of them to follow him they went into his office.

Sitting on the sofa Luke gestures for them to sit down opposite him. Letting out a sigh Luke started the little 'meeting' "Okay so before the interview meeting a few days ago I was informed by a trusted friend of mine that Zoe Stark is working for someone as a spy. To find out who is trying to work against me I hired her. Now I know that you two can be trusted so I would like for Eli to try to befriend her to find out who she works for and Grayson to check all of her work and to assign someone who you find trustful to watch her. Now of course I wouldn't ask you to do this for free so if you agree to this you will both get a pay rise and potentially get promoted if the job is done correctly ." Finished with his speech Luke leans back on the sofa and waits for them to come to a decision.

Hey guys I hope that you enjoyed the chapter. 😊

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