MASOCHIST º supernatural

By adoremikaelson

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Josh Winchester has spent the bigger part of his life living with Bobby. He doesn't get along with John, he's... More

Chapter One; Devils Trap
Chapter Two; Leave Me Behind
Chapter Three; Suspension
Chapter Four; In My Time Of Dying
Chapter Five; I'm proud of you

Chapter Six; What's Left Behind

1K 134 6
By adoremikaelson

( Chapter Six )
what's left behind

John's dead. He'd been found died less then thirty minutes after Josh saw him and never once had he thought anything was off. How was he so stupid not to see that John was clearly gonna do something? He should've known better, should've known that John wouldn't have said what he said without it having a deeper meaning. But he'd hoped, he'd hoped for one minute that maybe John did love him and that he did want to fix their relationship.

What had hope gotten him? finding his father dead on the hospital floor, that's what it'd gotten him. Dean was awake though, that was the only good to come out of all of this. He seemed as well as he could be after what happened.

Sam seemed crushed, and Josh saw how much it wrecked him finding their Dad dead on the hospital floor. They'd gotten into an argument minutes before it happened. Even Dean seemed shook up, it was something John had said before he died, when Sam and Josh walked in on them and they went quiet like girls gossiping.

He'd said something that really shook Dean. And Josh wanted to find out what.


It had been a day since John died. The shattered remains of the Winchester family had spent last night at the hospital while the doctors decided whether Dean could be released or not and now that he had been they needed to do what all hunters did, salt and burn John's body.

Josh and John had never really gotten along, even when Josh was little he never had that perfect image of his Dad. He knew John was a hardass, sometimes a dick, and that he didn't know anything other then tough love. But that didn't make saying goodbye any easier.

It really sucked actually. Josh always had a shred of hope that someday they'd get along, that one day he'd understand John and all of his reasons for doing what he d̶o̶e̶s̶, did. That everything John had put him and his brothers through was all for some good cause. But clearly there wasn't any good explanation, and now Dean and Sam would want to go after that demon more then ever.

Honestly Josh never understood why they spent their lives chasing after this demon. Though it hadn't killed his mom and ruined his life so he couldn't really understand. But Josh just wanted to trap them somewhere until they changed their minds about finding this demon. He'd already lost so many people, his mom, his aunt, and now his father. He wouldn't lose his brothers too.

Josh blinked black the tears forming in his eyes snapping out of his thoughts and looking over at Sam and Dean as they watched their father's body burn. Both the older brothers had tears running down their faces, Sam looked like a kicked puppy and Dean looked murderous. Nobody knew what the hell to say.

"Before," Sam said choking on his words, "Before he-" Died, Josh wanted to finish, before Dad died. "Did he say anything to you? About anything?"

Josh looked over at Dean, knowing John had told him something. Now was his chance to find out what.

Dean pushed down whatever he wanted to say and Josh knew if Sam were paying attention he would've seen it, seen that what came out of his mouth next was a big fat lie. "No. Nothing" he answered.

That was a lie, but what could John have said to make Dean lie?

Nearly half an hour later the boys finally managed to put out the fire of their father's ashes and drive off to Bobby's, they only family they seemed to have left.


The next couple of days were rough and Josh knew it would be a while til everything went back to normal. If it even would. Dean spent his time working on the shattered impala, Sam stayed up til sunrise looking at cases he thought would make the pain go away, and Josh did what he did best.

Be invisible.

It wasn't like he was avoiding everyone, he'd talked to Bobby once or twice a day. But he didn't know what to say to Sam and Dean, what they were thinking, how they felt. He thought he knew how they felt but he knew deep down his brothers worshipped John more than he ever did. So he kept his head down, tried his best to keep up with his classes, and caught up on sleep.

               He had been doing such a good job staying out of the way, but like everything else in his life it came to a halt.

               "Because I'm telling you you have to go that's why!" Bobby shouted from the kitchen doorway.

                 Josh's suspension was finally over meaning he had to go back to school. It didn't seem fair, none of this did. Sam and Dean got to stay here looking for the demon and being productive while he sat in a room for six hours.

               "I'm not going. I'll get the homework from someone. My grades are fine and besides there's more important things to deal with anyway" Josh argued.

                "Like what?" Bobby questioned. He looked tired, sure dealing with John's death took a toll on him like the others but having all three Winchester's around sure as hell wasn't helping. "Like hunting down that demon? was that what you were gonna say?"

               Josh was silent. It wasn't fair, none of this was fair. He nodded, "Yeah like hunting down that demon" he admitted, not liking the sour look on Bobby's face. "Bobby it killed Dad, it ruined our lives so I'm sure as hell not going to sit in a room for hours when I could be here helping!" he protested.

Bobby rubbed a hand across the temple of his forehead and let out a long overdue sigh. "Josh, I know with your daddy gone and your brothers around it feels like going to school is useless. But Sam and Dean are doing all they can to look for the son of a bitch responsible for all this. You're seventeen and I won't let you be a drop out. You're going to school end of discussion" he finished.

Josh scoffed, "This is bullshit. This whole messed up family is bullshit. Dean didn't even finish high school, hell, Sam left university to look for the demon. I don't understand why I'm the only one not allowed to help. I know just as much as they do, and I'm probably better on the computer anyway-"

"Josh" Sam said entering the room, "Just go to school, please" he said with a pleading look.

And Josh knew he should've just given in, let Sam have this one. There were enough problems without his as it was, he knew he was only making everything worse. But he couldn't stand to be there, smiling at teachers and writing down the days lesson. He just couldn't sit still and do absolutely nothing.

"Fine. I'm going" he declared, walking outside and towards the general library instead.

a/n : so sorry it's been ages, as you can probably tell this is gonna be a slow updates kind of book. I've just been swamped and this years my senior year so I've been taking everything in. Hope this chapters enough for you guys for a bit, already into the next chapter though!

let me know what you think and if you're in high school what grade.

also 3k holy shit thank you guys so much. see you in the next update, thanks for waiting!

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