That 000000 & ffffff || Matty...

secularsaviour द्वारा

307K 6.9K 2.7K

Fan fiction // Matty Healy The 1975 // Book 1 // "We're not a love story, darling, we're a cautionary tale." ... अधिक

And This is how it Starts
Get in the Shower if it all Goes Wrong
She's got a Boyfriend Anyway
Broken Phone, Retching on the Floor
There's Something Different about your Mouth
She Can't Be What You Need If She's Seventeen
It Takes A Bit More
Girl, I'm Not Your Savior
I Don't Want To Be Your Friend, I Want To Kiss Your Neck
Don't You Mind?
Babe, You Look So Cool
So Fixated on the Girl with the Soft Sound
I Like The Way That Your Face Looks When You're Yapping On About Him
Telephone you
Nice to Have Your Friends 'Round
You Know He Likes To Get Blown
I'd be an Anchor but I'm Scared You'll Drown
I Could Hear You Giving Her Head
Never Gonna Lie to You
The Bleeding's Incidental
And You're A Liar At Least All Of Your Friends Are
It's Alright, It's Alright, Baby
Settle Down
I Like it When you Stroke me
Yeah, I Want You
That's Why I'm Not Asleep Right Now
Breaking Hearts
Blood Is On Your Tongue As Well As Your Hands
Avoiding Me And Walking Around You
You're Cold And I Burn
Told You From The Start
If My Heart Stops Beating
I Was Late But I Arrived
You're Alive, At Least As Far As I Can Tell You Are
For You Babe It's An Anobrain
Worrying About My Brother Finding Out
Your Kitchen Full Of Popstars
For Crying Out Loud
You Opiate This Hazy Head Of Mine
Is It The Same For You?
Eighteen, B*tch
On The Verge Of Passing Out
She Had A Face Straight Out A Magazine
The Way He Talks
Don't Smoke All My Weed
Where's The Fun In Doing What You're Told?
Pushing Out Babies Now

It's My Party And I'll Cry To The End

4.7K 117 63
secularsaviour द्वारा

/ / I T ' S M Y P A R T Y A N D I ' L L C R Y T O T H E E N D / /

I slide the black gloves on to my hands as Anna pins the tiara to the front of my top knot and I swing my legs back and forth while I wait for her to finish. I'm currently sitting atop my bathroom sink letting Anna do me up like Audrey Hepburn. The music is loud and I faintly hear the noise of more people arriving. I'll admit, walking out the bathroom, I was slightly impressed at the turn out; I had only been gone for about half an hour and already the amount of people in my flat has doubled and the doorbell rings, inviting more.

I spot Louise in my kitchen, chatting with Matty, it surprises me a bit because the last I heard, she proper slapped him. Twice.

She's dressed as Poison Ivy, green vines and red hair galore, complete with her very own Joker. I walk up to them, grinning and Matty spots me first. He's heeded Anna's advice, switching his black shirt for a white one with a leather jacket of Jamie's hanging off his shoulders. He eyes the tight maxi Anna has given me and inhales a drag of the cigarette he's got dangling between his fingers. Louise turns around to see whom Matty is eye-fucking and squeals when she sees it's me. "Marcy!"

"Louise!" I call back, opening my arms and walking over to engulf her in a hug. "Who's Mr. Joker?"

She pulls away, grinning at me, "Marcy, this is my boyfriend, Lane," she drags me to him and he grins beneath the thick layer of make-up. Despite being absolutely caked in white foundation and smeared lipstick, I can see the sharp angles of his face and the long lashes he bats coyly. He holds his hands out for a shake but I give him a hug.

He chuckles, "I've heard a lot about you," he admits as he pulls away then makes a startled face, reaching to my cheek, whipping at the makeup he's smeared, "Sorry I'm not use to wearing make-up," he chuckles.

He's more quiet and reserved, not as loud and colorful as Louise, but he looks at her like she's his queen and they fit together so seamlessly. I'm almost sad that I've only now met him.

"Great party," he tells me as he reaches for Louise's hand, interlocking their fingers. "I've never had drinks with popstars," he glances at Matty with a smile.

"Where's Anna?" Louise asks. I turn, glancing around until I see her kneeled on top of the dining room table, rubbing eyeliner all over Adam's eyes. He stands begrudgingly but he stays rather still, letting her work it in with her fingers. Jamie is sat next to her on a chair, legs outstretched as he's chatting a girl dressed as a nurse – a friend from one of my classes, I think. He has a cupcake in his hand and every so often he dips his finger into the frosting before sucking it off, eyeing her tastefully. I blush at the sight, honestly. I note a flash of fangs in his mouth and I suppose he's supposed to be a vampire, but he's still wearing the same clothes as before.

When I point them out to Louise, she leads her boyfriend to them excitedly. Lane glances back, grinning politely and raising his bottle of beer as a salute. I wave at him before turning to Matty. He holds his hand out and I glance at it before taking it and letting him lead me in front of him. He's close to the window for ventilation; his back is leaned against the counter adjacent.

"Did you know that James Dean and Audrey Hepburn never actually met?" He asks me quietly, holding my hand between our bodies. I take the cigarette from his hand and look at him curiously.

"Can I try?"

He furrows his eyebrows at this. "Why would you want to try it?"

I shrug, "It's pink. Why did you try it?"

He grins maybe bashfully, "Because I wanted to, Marceline."

I narrow my eyes at him and bring the pink vanilla scented stick that Matty had gotten fond of close to my lips, but he snatches it away, taking a drag before I had even let my lips touch it. "Hey!" I protest.

He shakes his head, releasing my hand to clutch my face with both hands. I'm only idly aware of how close the cigarette is to my face, but he bends down, pulling me closer. His thumb grazes my lips and my jaw relaxes at his touch but before I know it, his mouth is hovered feather-close to mine and his lips part. Thick white smoke emits and when I inhale, it burns my lungs and stings my eyes.

I slip my hands up his shirt, letting my head fall back slightly and my eyes flutter shut. The smoke surrounds us and he presses his lips to mine, moving his arms over my shoulder, keeping the cig far away from me, but still keeping me secure and close as he licks into to my mouth. I let out a content sigh, clutching his shirt tighter. I stand on my tiptoes and press against him. I feel his lips stretch across mine and then he pulls away, grinning at me.

"What was that?" I breathe out, glancing at him with wide eyes. His smile is contagious and his face is bright.

He shrugs, reaching to flick the cigarette out the window, "Something I wanted to try. Besides, It's better innit? No coughing, this time," he points out, teasingly. I pout, slapping his shoulder. Matty moves off the counter, backing me against the fridge, lifting my legs around his hips and pushing against me. His demeanor changing as he eyes me thoughtfully. My dress has slid up and I try to shimmy up as if to shift it back into place. Matty watches amused but his eyes seem to darken more so than usual and I pause under his penetrating gaze. "Is it bad," he asks quietly, "That I want to fuck you right now, right here against this refrigerator?" his hips seem to rut a bit closer to my pelvis and my pulse quickens.

"Just a bit," I murmur, "There's a party going on – someone's gonna walk in."

He grins, "They can stay for the show."

I snort, letting my head fall against his shoulder, tilting slightly to peer up at him, "We can't."

"I know," he rolls his eyes. "But once you're all better, this is the first place I'm taking you."

"Jesus, Matthew," Jamie cries, "We cook in here!"

"I cook in here," Anna corrects, holding up an eyeliner, "and quite frankly, I don't actually mind, just, you know, clean up. Now, I've gotten Adam, turned him into a zombie, and I gave Ross some wolf ears, now where's the tall blonde one?"

George walks in but spots the eyeliner clutched in Anna's hand and walks away before Anna or Jamie can turn around. I chuckle, turning my face into Matty's neck. I press a kiss to his skin.

Matty shrugs at Anna's inquisition, "I'm not his keeper."

"You're no help."

"I just wanted ice," Jamie admits, "Now scoot," he waves us with his hand and Matty backs up against the counter again, keeping hold under my thighs, cupping behind my knees. Jamie grabs the ice tray in the freezer, chuckling to himself as he turns around; he grabs my ass with his cold fingers and I screech, jolting against Matty. "Nice undies, Marcy."

"Fuck off," Matty laughs, batting at Jamie's hands while trying to keep me in place.

Jamie sticks his tongue out, walking backwards as he exits.

"C'mon," I say, bouncing lightly, "Let me down."

"I'd rather you stay right here and keep bouncing."

I roll my eyes, trying to stop my sudden instinctive bouncing from excitement, "Matty, your song's playing, let's dance."

He lets me down and tugs my dress for me. He grabs my hands, pulling them behind his back before hugging me back, looking down at me with cocked eyebrows, "You wanna have dance to Chocolate?" I look up at him, nodding. He furrows his eyebrows, "Baby, why do you even like that song. It's our best song and I hate it for you," he admits.

I shrug, catching what he's trying to say. The song that had just happened to be playing when I heard Brian and Natalie. "It's a good song."

"You're too forgiving, I feel," Matty mumbles, he bends down and presses his lips to my forehead. He gives in, "Alright, let's go." He leads me out and it seems like the people are multiplying, an array of costumes and I think I spot Louise and Anna cornering George. The furniture has been pushed to the wall and the LED lights from the dock plays as a makeshift disco. Jamie has hung fairy lights while I had changed as well as mixed a few bowls of drinks placed on the coffee table.

Matty drags me to the center of the living room, there's a crowd of people already dancing. A few faces recognize me and I greet them back happily, clinging to Matty's neck as his hands grip my hips. I let him turn me around and the first night we met flashes in my head, the way his hands drag up my thighs, hiking my dress up, his other hand guiding my body and then he leans down and asks, "Having fun then, love?"

"Lot's of fun," I tell him, tilting my neck so he can kiss there.

"You've not had a drink yet," he comments.

"Neither have you," I reply.

"I'm drunk on you, Marcy."

"So corny, Matty." I laugh, "Are you telling me you're drunk in love?"

He lets his lips slip to my ear, "Surfbort," he mumbles before tugging my skin.

I let out a laugh, "You're actually really ridiculous, don't you know?"

Anna walks by triumphantly,
a sulking George behind. Somehow, Anna had managed to put lipstick on him as well, "Isn't he lovely?"

"What exactly is he?" Matty asks, warily.

Anna shrugs, "Marilyn Manson, maybe."

"I'm a painted whore," George whispers in horror.

"You look perfect," I tell him.

"I'd still bone you," Jamie says, joining us. He's got a drink in hand and hands the cup to me. I take a sip and make a face, then hand it to Matty. He sips some before passing it to George and it comes full circle back to Jamie after Anna's taken a gulp.

"How come you're not in costume?" Jamie asks, pointedly.

Anna makes a face at him, "I am in costume," she insists. "I'm Harry Styles." Jamie guffaws, nearly choking on his drink. Now that she's mentioned it, I can kind of see the tight jeans fitted into brown boots. She's got on a heart-patterned dark blue and white button up and an old scarf meant to be a bandana holds her hair back.

"Are you sure," Matty asks, dubiously.

"Wait," Jamie says, catching his breath, "Pause, I have to change my shirt, it's a necessity right now," he claims. He hands Matty his cup and makes a dash for my room arriving not two minutes later wearing his 'lol ur not harry styles' t-shirt.

Anna tilts her head, "Wow, fuck you." She stomps off and George asks Matty for a cigarette. Matty lets go of me and leads George to an open window to light up. I turn to Jamie, grinning.

"Dance with me?"

I nod, taking his hand, and following his lead, "Where are your twins?"

"No idea," He admits. "They'll probably turn up eventually."

I bite my lip, "What were you and Matty talking about when I left with Anna?"

He smirks, "wouldn't you like to know."

"Well," I tilt my head to the side, "Yeah...I suppose that's why I asked."

He rolls his eyes and reaches up to pinch my cheek, "We exchanged some words is all."

"Jamie," I whine. He sticks his tongue out at me and I restrain myself from holding it in place to annoy him.

He turns his head to the door, glancing up excitedly, "Oh, maybe the twins are here!" we watch as the door swing open and we both stare in shock. Definitely not the twins. "This bitch," Jamie mutters.


"Hey," Ross calls, as he walks into my kitchen. Granted, there are a few people loitering around, chatting animatedly, but it isn't crowded and it's my one place of solace without hogging the bathroom or hiding in a bedroom.

I look up, surprised, having been stuck in my own mind, trying to count backwards and trying not to snap at the people spilling drinks on my floor. "Hi," I reply.

"You okay?"

"Hmm?" I grab a paper towel and wet it in the sink before dropping to my knees and cleaning the dried drops of alcohol. What the fuck, Beyoncé told these bitches not to drop that alcohol.

I might be drunk.

Ross squats down next to me, "I asked if you were alright," he chuckles grabbing the paper towel from me, "Marcy, relax, it's just a drop, you can hardly see it, we'll help you clean tomorrow."

"Sorry," I apologize, letting him guide me up. I dust off my knees and adjust my dress.

"Something up?" He asks, curiously. I don't know how to tell him, so it must take me longer than usual to actually come up with a response. Ross leads me back to where people are dancing. He grabs a cupcake and hands it to me, "Maybe you should eat something, it'll calm you." I bite into it after telling him thank you.

"I like your ears." He touches his earlobes self-consciously and I shake my head, "No, the ones above your head, the wolf ones."

He chuckles and if I could see clearly, then I can probably make out a blush. "I like wolves," he admits. He walks me past the crowd to where Jamie has stacked water bottles along the coffee table, "How bout some water," he asks.

I shake my head and point to the mug of pink liquid, "I want that."

"Right," he says cautiously, grabbing a cup and pouring some for me, "You sure, Marcy?" he rubs at his neck, "You seem a bit buzzed already, love."

"It's my party," I mumble before taking a large gulp, holding my breath so it goes down quicker. Ross decides that I'm in a safe enough environment and lets me slide. He keeps me company for a while and then I think he passes me to Adam. He's quieter, but when he does speak it makes me laugh. He looks like a punk rocker with his eyes lined in kohl. He hands me another drink when I ask and suddenly I'm pressed against Louise, and the crown in my hair gets loose so I have to take it off. It gets too hot for me and somehow Lane is helping me get my gloves off under Louise's instructions, "Its silk, so don't stain it, love."

"Why couldn't you do this?" He asks, tugging one off.

"My hands are full," she says. He rolls his eyes but tugs the other one too. "Look, Matty's over there." He's not facing me, but his hair is easy to make out and I stumble towards him, thankful to be close enough to grip his arm when I nearly fall over.

He jumps, startled, turning to catch me by my shoulders, "Shit, baby, are you alright?"

He sets me straight but I have to lean on him. He doesn't mind thought, he holds my waist to anchor me and I nod my head at his question, although it seems slurred when I try to say I'm fine. He chuckles, keeping me up with his strength before turning me. I finally see whom he had been chatting with and my stomach drops.

It must have been all the drinks I've had but my eyes get blury and my stomach churns, even as Matty introduces us, "This is my girlfriend, Marcy and Marcy this is – actually, I never got your name," he says thoughtfully.

"Natalie," I supply before she can answer. When she came in earlier, Jamie had been quick to go find Anna, "Fucking fight her, please. Harry Styles versus the Wicked Witch of the West or whatever the fuck she is," he had begged. And Anna had almost been willing to pounce, but I begged both of them to avoid her – if she didn't find anyone, she'd be sure to leave, right?

But now, Natalie's stood in front of my boyfriend, and I try not to seethe at the thought of her attempting the promiscuous fangirl act. She's dressed as a witch or something and I think it's quite fitting if I'm not lying. She also looks gorgeous and that makes me feel shitty. But she's shocked and had I not been drunk, I would have taken more pride in the fact.

"Marcy," Natalie starts, but I cut her off.

"Where's bitch boy Brian?" Matty's grip gets tighter on me and when I look up at him, he's staring wide eyed at Natalie like she's a new person from the one he had been conversing with before.

"Marcy, we should talk," She says, reaching her hand out to touch me.

"Don't touch me." And Matty seems to maneuver his body slightly so that I'm almost behind him.

She frowns, "Marc -"

I shake my head, grasping on to Matty's shirt because I think the room is spinning. Matty's retaliation had cut her off, "I think it'd be best if you leave."

I let Matty lead me away, but I turn to her, pointing at my boyfriend, "He's mine, bitch."

"I'm yours?" Matty teases, trying to distract my mood.

I nod my head, "Always."

"Darling, you're crying," he says softly, pausing to take a good look at me. I don't know how to respond; I don't want to cry over Natalie or even Brian, but I'm close to sobs so I keep my mouth closed. I burry my face into his chest, instead, uncaring if the makeup I had on stained the white shirt. I let my hands travel under his leather jacket and clutch at the cotton of his shirt. Matty doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me, holding me in comfort, slightly rocking me from side to side, in tune to the slow song playing.

"I love you," I weep into his shirt. I can feel his heart beat against my ears when I turn my head.

It quickens, "I love you, Marceline. I swear I had no idea she was-" I shake my head, begging him not to talk about it and he shuts his mouth, just bending slightly to press his lips to my head.


this is me trying to avoid responsibilities lol I'm so tired, forgive me if it makes no sense. Thank you, as always, for your kind comments and votes and stuff!


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