The Black Canary

By multifandomworld16

638 3 0

In which Skylar Stark falls in love with Steve rogers, an over 90-year old man or in which Tony Stark's lit... More

Character file
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter eight

Chapter Seven

32 0 0
By multifandomworld16

"Alright, we're here."bethany whispered as she and Skylar walked up next to nat.

"took you guys long enough!"Natasha whisper-yelled.

"I'm sorry. But you didn't tell us where you were at first."Skylar whispered back. "Alright, where's clint?"

Natasha pointed in front of her and the trio started following clint. Clint eventually noticed and turned around, pulling his bow and arrow. Skylar holds onto the bow and makes clint miss his shot. "Alright, I guess we're fighting now."

"I don't have my shield."Bethany whined as Skylar and Nat fight clint who hits them with his bow but Skylar kicks him.

"Not the most important thing at the moment, Bee."The brunette commented.

"Right, right."bethany nodded as she joined in on the fight. Arrows being dodged, and jumping to different sides or levels.

Eventually Bethany gets a hold of Clint's bow and elbows him in the face. Knocking him down but Clint pulls out a pocket knife. 

Somehow Clint managed to get his bow back from bethany but the Four started resorting to a no weapons fight.

Skylar gets a hold of clint's arm and twists it making him groan in pain. Before throwing his pocket knife into his free knife and trying to land a hit at Skylar which she dodged.

"You should know not to make me mad."The brunette warned still having a hold on clints arm before twisting it once more and continuing to fight him with Natasha and Bethany by her side.

Clint had his pocket knife pointed right at Skylar and she was to busy having a hold on his arm so The only logical thing in her mind was biting his arm, making him groan out in pain before skylar flipped over him and made him hit the railing. "Sorry!"

Natasha, Bethany and Skylar all walk closer to clint with caution as he looked up at them. "Natasha? Skylar? Bethany?"

The three girls all noticed that their was still blue in his eyes and  decided to punch him in the face making him fall back.


"Cap, hit the lever."Tony ordered.

"I need a minute here!"Steve shouted back. 

Emily looked at the man out of time and reached her hand out. "Trust me."

Steve hesitated.

"Lever, now!"Tony demanded.

"Steve, i don't see you having a different choice than trusting..."Destiny paused as she didn't remember the auburn haired girls name.

"Emily."Emily finished for her still reaching her hand out for the captain. "You can trust me just as much as you trust Aunt bee and Aunt skye."

"Well, i don't really know your aunt that well-"

Emily crossed her arms. "You think now is a good time to get into it?"

"Right, okay."Steve nodded.

Emily exhaled deeply before reaching her hand out once more and using the air  to pull Cap back onto the engine. But just when cap was back on a hostile started shooting again. 

"You've gotta be kidding me."Destiny muttered.

"I got this."Emily assured. "You two just worry about the lever." 

Steve pulled the lever while Emily pushed her hands forward making the gun fly out of the Hostiles hand and before the hostile could reach for the gun again tony flew over and knocked the hostile down.


"Agent Coulson is down."Fury called through the comms.

"A medical team is on their way to your location. 

"they're here. They called it."


Steve, Destiny, Tony and Emily were sitting on the desk in the bridge. Fury standing in front of the desk as he had something in his hands. "These were in Phil coulson's jacket. I guess he never did get you to sign them."Fury threw the Stargirl and Captain america trading cards on the table and all were covered in blood. Destiny and steve both grabbed one. 

"We're dead in the air up here. Our communications, the location of the Cube, Banner, thor. I got nothing for you. I lost my one good eye."Fury began and shook his head. "Maybe I had that coming." Steve and destiny lay down the cards they dropped as fury walked around the table. "Yes, we were going to build an arsenal with the Tesseract. I never put all of my chips on that number, though because i was playing something even riskier. There was an Idea, The Starks and Bethany know this, called the avengers Initiative.  The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could. Phil coulson died still believing in that idea. In heroes."Fury explained making Tony stand up from his seat and making his way out of the room. 

"Dad, wait!"Emily shouted as she turned around to give the rogers' apologetic smiles before following after her father.

"Well, It's an old-fashioned notion."Fury watched as the father-daughter pair left.


Skylar, Nat and Beth were all keeping an eye on clint who was now in the med-bay, squeezing his eyes shut  as he tried to get out of the restraints. 

"Clint, you're going to be alright."Bethany assured her friend. Clint opened his eyes but still tried to get out of the restraints.

"You know that?"He chuckled, dryly. "Is that what you know?"

"No. But it's the right thing to say in moments like this."The blonde shrugged. "Usually."

"I've got no window. I have to flush him out."Clint threw his head back and skylar walked over to pour him a glass of water.

"You got to level out. It's going to take time."

"You don't understand. Have you ever had someone take your brain and play? Pull you out and stuff something else in? Do you know what it's like to be unmade?"He asked the trio.

"Beth and I don't. But you know that nat does."Skylar replied as she met clint's eyes.

"Why am i back? How did you get him out?"Clint asked as he seemed to be out of loki's trance.

"Cognitive recalibration. We hit you really hard in the head."Natasha replied as she took a seat on the bed, Bethany and skylar doing the same.

"And I might've... twisted your arm and bit it."Skylar added.

"Thanks."Clint's gaze moved over to skylar. "And that explains why my arm hurts so bad."

"You tried to slice me open with a pocket knife i had to do something."Skylar defended as she gave him a small smile and undid his restraints.

"Skylar, Natasha, Bethany, How many agents did I-"

Bethany cut him off. "Don't. Don't do that to yourself, Clint."

"Yeah."Skylar nodded. "This is loki. This is monsters and magic, which surprisingly Emily has."

"Oh, no way. Emily has magic?"Clint asked in surprise.

"Not really magic, more like powers. That little girl can read minds and control the elements of, Water, earth, air, Fire and light."

Bethany cleared her throat bringing skylar back on the subject. "Besides this is nothing we were ever trained for."

"loki, did he get away?"Clint asked.

"Yeah."Natasha replied. "We don't suppose you know where."

Clint shook his head. "I didn't need to know. I didn't ask."

The three girls walk over to the door and look out of the window that was attached to it. Clint reached for the glass of water. 

"He's going to make his play soon, tough. Today."

"We gotta stop him."Skylar said as the trio turned back to clint.

"Yeah, who's 'We'?"Clint asked. 

Bethany shrugged. "I don't know. Whoever's left. Kinda hoping that includes Thor. I know Grandpa, Aunt dee, Emily and Tony are left."

"Are they though?"Skylar asked with an raised eyebrow. "Last we saw them steve was threatening to fall out onto the ground and tony was stuck in the rotors."

"Well, If i put an arrow through loki's eye socket, I would sleep better, I suppose."

"Ah, there's the old clint."Skylar said with a smile as the girls sit down on the bed again, bethany next to clint.

"Yeah. Now you sound like you."Natasha nodded in agreement with Skylar's earlier statement.

"But you don't."Clint looked over at Natasha. "You're a spy, not a soldier. Now you want to wade into war. Why? What did loki do to you?"

"Well, In my case, He's the reason i didn't see thor for a whole freaking year."Bethany replied with a shrug.

"Beth."Skylar shook her head at the blonde signalizing that this wasn't about her.

"He didn't. I just..."Natasha started to reply but  she looked down at the floor.

"Natasha."Clint said.

"Nat."Bethany and skylar said in unison and at the same time as clint.

"I've been compromised. I got red in my ledger."Natasha and clint looked at each other. "I''d like to wipe it out."

"He really got under your skin, huh?"Skylar asked making eye contact with natasha before releasing a sigh and resting her head on her friends shoulders.


Emily stark stood next to her father in the room where Loki's cell once stood. "He told me mom has the same powers as me, Bio mom, I mean."

"I wouldn't know. It was really only a drunk one-night stand that gave me an beautiful little angel."Emily smiled up at her father.

"I'm scared that one day i'll hurt someone i care about."

"You won't."Tony assured. 

Emily and Tony stared ahead in silence until Steve and Destiny entered the room.

 "Was he married?"Destiny asked as she Crossed her arms and leaned against the railing her brother doing the same on the opposite one.

"No."Tony simply replied.

"There was a cellist, I think."Emily added.

"We're sorry. He seemed like a good man. Bethany actually told us that he was a good man."Steve said.

"He was an idiot."Tony looked over at the siblings.

"Why?"Destiny asked. 

"For believing?"Steve asked.

"For taking on loki alone."Tony replied as he started to walk over to the siblings, Emily following in case she had to stop them from tearing each other's throats out.

"He was doing his job."Steve reminded.

Tony scoffs. "He was out of his league. He should have waited. He should've..."

Steve and destiny start walking. The four of them take steps towards each other.

"Sometimes there isn't a way out, Tony."Destiny spoke.

"Right, Emily and I have heard that before."Tony said as he and emily walked past the siblings

Emily doesn't say anything and instead just looks down at the floor.

"Is this the first time you lost a soldier?"

"We are not soldiers!"Emily snaps at the blonde guy.

"I'm not marching to fury's fife. And neither is emily."Tony said.

"Neither are we."Steve shook his head. "He's got  the same blood on his hands that loki does. But right now, we got to put that behind us and get this done. Loki needs a power source. If we put together a list-"

Emily and her father stared at the blood stain that was on the wall. "He made it personal."tony said, cutting steve off.

"That's not the point."Destiny said.

"No, no."Emily shook her head at Destiny as she realized what her father mean. "that is the point. That's loki's point. He hit us all right where we live. Why?"

"To tear us apart."Destiny replied.

"Yeah, divide and conquer is great. But he knows he has to take us out to win, right? That's what he wants."Tony realizes. "He wants to beat us, he wants to be seen doing it. He wants an audience."

"Right. We caught his act in Stuttgart."Destiny nodded.

"Yeah, that was just previews. This is opening night. And loki, he's a full-tilt diva, right? He wants flowers, he wants parades. He wants a monument built to the skies with his name plastered..."Emily cut her father off as she realized something. "Son of a bitch."

Tony looked at his daughter a stern look on his face. "You're my dad, It was bound to happen sometime. Also aunt Skye and Aunt bee aren't exactly very clean with their language either."


Steve entered the med-bay along with his sister, both suited up.

"Time to go."

Skylar nods at him giving him a small smile. "Alright."

"Go where?"Bethany asked.

"I'll tell you guys on the way." Destiny replied.

"Can you fly one of those jet?"Steve asked the trio.

"I can."Clint replied as he came out of the bathroom, drying his hands.

Steve's gaze moved from Skylar to clint and then back at skylar.

"trust him."Skylar nodded. "He's on our side again."

Steve nodded and looked back at clint. "You got a suit?"


"Then suit up."Steve ordered before leaving the room with his sister.

"So, Someone's got a crush on captain cute guy."Clint pointed out with a smirk.

"Captain cute guy?"Skylar asked.

"It was the best i could come up with on the spot."

"Trust me. It wasn't the best."Skylar shook her head. "Anyways, i don't."

"She totally does."Bethany said. "She Hiya Sailor-ed him."

"Oh, yeah then she does. She hasn't said that to someone since-"

"Don't."Skylar warned sternly. "I've heard his name enough."

"You've heard it once from me."Bethany replied.

"No, I've heard it twice. Emily said his name too. Ha!"

"I could tell by the way you looked at him. You haven't looked at someone like that since-"

Skylar cut clint off. "Don't say his name either."

"Luke."Clint finished.

"Come on, dude!"Skylar groaned. "Besides it's not like anything could ever happen with us. He isn't even able to get along with tony for too long."


After meeting back up with Steve and destiny. They all headed to the jets.

"Hey, you guys aren't authorized to be in here."An agent said.

"Son, just don't."

"Son?"Skylar said before pretending her phone was ringing. "Oh, i think that's the 40s calling to say they want their sayings back."

"Well, considering that i'm from the 40s-"

"Steve, I was kidding."Skylar cut him off.



Emily and her father flew to stark tower in their suits and came to a stop when they reached the rooftop. 

"Sir, M'am, I've turned off the Arc reactor but the device is already self-sustaining."Jarvis informed.

"Shut it down, Dr. Selvig."Tony demanded.

Selvig turned around to face the father-daughter duo. "It's too late. It can't stop now. She wants to show us something! A new universe."

"Okay, I don't have time for this bullshit."Emily muttered.

"Remind me to watch my language when your around and to have a talk with your aunt and bethany."Tony said before both directed their repulsers at the tesseract but flew back once they shot because the energy hit back at them.

"The barrier is pure energy. It's unreachable."

"Little late on the info now, Vis!"Emily yelled.

"Yeah, we got that."Tony said. Before he and his daughter flew down to the balcony where loki  stood. "Plan B."

"Sir, the mark 7 is not ready for deployment."Jarvis said.

"Then skip the spinning rims. We're on the clock." The father-daughter pair walked inside the tower as a machine took their suits off while they did so.

Loki also walked inside the tower.

"Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity."

"Didn't know you had that."Emily shot with a fake smile. "But no. Actually, we're planning to threaten you."

"You should have left your armors on for that."Loki chuckled.

"Yeah, i don't really need that armor, I should really consider getting a new suit, not made of metal. I don't need any build in weapons with..."Emily paused as she let a fireball form in her hand. "this."She blew it out.

"Yeah. It's seen a bit of mileage and you've got the glow stick of destiny."Tony and emily walked down the stairs. "Would you like a drink?"

"I would!"


"Stalling me won't change anything."Loki announced.

"Threatening."Emily corrected. "Big difference."

Tony nodded in agreement to his daughter's statement as he walked over to the bar. "No drink? you sure?"

"I'd like one."Emily replied with a smile.

"Strongest drink you'll get."Tony tossed her a caprisun.


Loki walked over to the window to look out of it. "The Chitauri are coming. Nothing will change that. What have i to fear?"

"The avengers."Emily replied as she poked the straw into her caprisun and took a sip.

Loki looked at the girl with a confused look on his face. 

"That's what we call ourselves. We're sort of like a team. 'Earth's mightiest heroes'-type thing."Emily elaborated. Tony poured himself some scotch

"Yes, I've met them."Loki replied.

"Yeah. It takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one."Tony commented. "But let's do a head count, here. You're brother: The demigod, Two super soldiers: Two living legends who kind of live up to the legend, A man with breathtaking anger-management issues, a couple of master assassins, and My Surprisingly elemental daughter, And you, big fella, you've managed to piss of every single one of them."Emily watched as her father put on a silver bracelet.

"You forgot yourself, dad."Emily said after taking another sip of her drink.

"And me."Tony nodded.

"That was the plan."Loki said.

Emily took another sip of her caprisun. "Not a great plan." Her father walked out from the bar as she continued.

"When they come, and they will, they'll come for you."

"I have an army."

"We have a Hulk."tony countered.

"I thought the beast had wandered off."

"You're missing the point."Emily pointed out before taking another sip of her caprisun, this time very loudly to purposely annoy the god. "There is no throne. There is no version of this where you come out on top."

Tony continued to walk over to the god. "Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it."Tony took a sip of his scotch.

"How will your friends have time for me when they are so busy fighting you?"Loki's scepter powered up and he pointed it at Tony's chest but nothing happened. He tried again but once more nothing happened.

"This usually works."

"Mmm. Maybe you should repair that scepter of yours. Also they're more colleagues then dad's friends."Emily said before taking another loud sip of her caprisun.

"Well, performance issues, it's not uncommon. One out of five."Loki grabbed tony by his throat and  threw him across the room.

Unbothered emily sipped on her caprisun and waved her hand to bring her father back to loki.

"Oh, thanks for telling me about these powers. Life's been easier with them."

Emily decided to go see what loki's thoughts about her were so she read his mind.

'Pesky little human girl. I should try it on her'

"Don't bother. It won't work on me  either."

Loki gave her a confused look.

"Mind reading. Remember? Did it three times on you now."

"Jarvis, Anytime now."She heard her father say before Loki grabbed him again. "You will all fall before me."

"Deploy!"Tony shouted as the elevator started opening. "Deploy."

Loki threw him out of the window. 

"And now to you."He turned to emily but she was still unbothered. "You know i would tell you to turn around but that would take the fun out of it."

At the girls words loki turned around only to be hit by something flying out of the elevator and through a window.

Loki looked down before he heard tony's voice which made him look up to see tony flying back up. "And there's one other person you pissed off. His name was phil."

Loki directed his scepter at tony but emily rolled her eyes as she made him fly back. She then flew out the already destroyed window and looked up to see a portal opening.

"Right."Tony muttered. "Army."

"Let's hope the others get here soon."Emily said. She watched as her father flew up and with a groan and roll of her eyes she did the same. Both of them started shooting at the chitauri, Emily with her powers and tony with his repulsers and the weapons in his suit.


"You see what I'm seeing, right?"Skylar asked as she watched the chitauri come out from a portal in the sky.

"Loki's plan seemed to work."Clint pointed out.

"You don't say."Bethany, Skylar and Natasha snarked in unison.

"Geez, calm down guys. I was just making an observation."

Skylar walked over to steve. "Hi."She smiled.

"Hi."He smiled back at her.

"Any encouraging pep talks? I could really use one right about now?"

"What? Is this not something you're used to?"

"Well, remember when i said weirder things happened?"

"I do. Very well."Steve nodded.

"Well, first. They didn't all happen with me involved and second, nothing was as weird as an army of aliens coming out of the sky.  Well, maybe a god falling out of the sky. But again hasn't happened to me."

"I don't usually do pep-talks so i suck at them."

"That's true."Destiny piped up. "One time he said: 'We only got about a 10-second widow. You miss that window, we're bugs on a windshield'."Destiny quoted in her best manly voice.

"Well, we'll have to work on your pep-talks then. Anyways, I'm glad to see you and tony working together."

"Well, I had to if i ever wanted to go out with you."Steve said.

"What, you're saying you want to?"Skylar questioned with raised eyebrows.

"Maybe."Steve shrugged.

"Well, if you do ever plan on asking me out just know i plan on saying 'yes'."Skylar winked at steve before going back to bethany. 

"'I don't'."bethany imitated Skylar in an annoying voice. "She lied. She did have a crush on her friend's grandfather."

"Shut up!"Skylar laughed as she hit the blonde's arm.

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