The Shadow

By Axid9T7

20 1 0

One Mighty Superhero... More

The Battle of the Plane

14 1 0
By Axid9T7

  Hey Guys! This is my first story on Wattpad!!

I hope you guys find the interesting, let me know in the comments,Share(/let you friends know) this to your friends and please follow me for more :) 

Also, this will be a ongoing story so stay tuned!

(BTW, the music is for those who listen to music as you read, and if you don't, give it a try!)



Clinging on for his dear life, Shadow was holding onto the wing of a large Cargo plane drifting calmly through the mid-summer night sky. Although the wing was threatening to rip him off any moment, he was put at ease up here, and yet, with every second, Shadow could hear his heart thumping louder and louder in his ears. Slowly clambering on to the wing, Shadow stood and looked down. Weirdly, he had no fear of heights, even at this altitude. There was a sense of apprehension around him, as if the plane, the wind, the air, everything was anticipating something to happen. Something Big. All of a sudden, the plane groaned and lurched to the left. Shadow was thrown off balance and if it weren't for his gripper shoes, he would have fallen off. Shadow's suit was another generation of technology that had baffled most scientists. He had retractable Titamon Katanas that could produce a sound wave, laser guns and a smoke bomb. The metal, Titaneus, of his suit was impenetrable to most substances, even acid. Shadow only had a dim idea what the target looked like, but he was ready for anything. As he crept across the huge plane, he was thinking of how he had even managed to get himself into this mess. The clues left at his base by a mysterious person lead him to an slightly abandoned airport with at least half a dozen inoperative planes, their skin browning and flaking away in the sun. Suddenly, back on the plane, he descried a figure. At once Shadow knew it was him. The target. Jason snapped back to attention. All that he could see that the target was towering and...had grey skin? Big bulging muscles rippled across his body and he, or it rather, was only wearing ripped maroon trousers.

Jason was not the least intimidated, but he slowly inched away, recollecting tactics that he used in other battles.

"Ha Ha Ha!!" A rough, voice growled. Jason instantly knew that this was Kryipton, reaper of men, destroyer of worlds. This was worse than he thought. He imagined Kryipton ripping him in two, laughing maniacally.

"Why hello there, Shadow" he spat.

"Hello indeed," Shadow leapt up, pulled out his Laser guns and fired rapidly. Kryipton blasted back, before stomping aggressively towards Shadow. He fired again, but Kryipton was too fast and dodged. He punched Shadow and he felt pain shooting up his stomach as if someone had electrocuted him. Electric, Shadow thought. Quickly, Shadow pulled out his swords and flicked a switch. Blue light erupted violently out of the swords. Shadow jabbed and slashed with his now electrified swords. The blades made contact. Kryipton grunted. Green liquid came oozing out of the open wound. Unfortunately, as Jason was unguarded, Kryipton suddenly wrapped his hand around Shadow's neck, his grip tightening. Shadow struggled, trying to wrench himself out. He gasped for air. He could feel his strength fading. It was as if the air refused to help him. Slowly, Kryipton trudged across to the edge of the plane. Fear washed over him as he realised what Kryipton was going to do. The grey monster grinned violently at him, his malicious-looking teeth glaring back at him and Jason watched in horror as Kryipton hurled him off the edge of the plane. Shadow couldn't believe it.

In slow motion, Shadow arced through the air, falling, the once miniscule buildings looming up to him. The distant cackling of Kryipton could be heard. The wind whipped furiously around him, as if mad at his defeat. Jason thought furiously about whether any of his gadgets could help him in this desperate moment. Shadow was about to close his eyes when he saw...A hot air balloon!?

What on earth is a hot air balloon in the night? Whatever the reason, Shadow had an idea. He commanded his A.I. - P.Corn - to engage his emergency boosters. As soon as blinding light thrusted him forward, Jason managed to change course towards the balloon. Alarms were warning him that his power supply was low. Jason could feel heat against his skin. He didn't know whether it was his suit overheating, or the hot air balloon. The colours of the balloon lit up his eyes as he crashed on the balloon.

Facing up, Shadow sighed. His head was spinning. The stars in the sky seemed to be jeering about his defeat. He didn't care. As long as Kryipton was still out there, he didn't care. Calculating his next move, Jason leapt off and gripped onto the nylon material as he slid down. His shoulder and arms were screaming at him as he hung suspended 7300m above the ground. One false move and it would be all over. His heart thumped in his ears. The neatly woven basket dangled a few inches away from his feet. Lowering himself, Jason landed on the edge of the  wicker basket and let himself fall into the basket. Jason rested for a while and brought his breath down. After brushing himself down, Jason stared up at the balloon's burners and had an idea. He stretched out and yanked on the cord.


Sorry I had to leave you on a cliff hanger there, but if you enjoyed it, comment "danger" for more!! 


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