Impending Parenthood

By eternityunicorn

2.9K 123 76

AU: A night of passion with a centuries old enemy ends up changing Elijah Mikaelson's life forever. In invest... More

Part Two: Confirming the Truth
Part Three: The Scheming Hybrid
Part Four: Hunting Her Down
Part Five: Between Animosity and Hope
Part Six: A New Morning +18
Part Seven: Entering Enemy Territory
Part Eight: After the Battle
Part Nine: Her Strange Behavior
Part Ten: Her Slip Up
Part Eleven: Taking Care of Her +18
Part Twelve: The Interrupting Witch
Part Thirteen: Into Battle and Betrayal
Part Fourteen: The Battle After
Part Fifteen: Tensions Spilled Over (+18)

Part One: Welcome Back to New Orleans

597 13 4
By eternityunicorn

Author's Note: Welcome to my newest story! I know I have a lot of WIPs in circulation right now, but I will get to each of them. I already have new chapters for 'Plot Rivera' (which is two chapters away from being finished) and 'Mirror Image' that I'll post soon. I'll also work on getting new chapters completed for the other stories I have too. I just keep having plot bunnies, which are getting in the way of accomplishing that. But it will be done eventually! For now, I hope you enjoy this new creation!

And remember: Because plagiarism is a thing, especially with fanfiction, please do NOT reproduce or use any of the original material featured in my stories, including the OCs, story ideas, etc. You do NOT have my permission to use anything that is my own! Happy reading!


It had been a century since last he had stepped foot in the French Quarter of New Orleans, but Elijah Mikaelson had been drawn back there by rumors of a plot against him and his family. They had been whispers that had traveled all the way from the Big Easy to Mystic Falls, Virginia, where he and his siblings had been residing.

Though, time had clearly passed, the landscape of the Quarter hadn't changed much at all. The place was the same as he remembered and it felt like home to him, as he traveled the streets until he reached an old bar called Rousseau's.

Elijah entered and was momentarily transported back to a time when he and his younger brother Niklaus would come here to drink and celebrate their conquest of New Orleans. The establishment remained nearly untouched by time. It was the same darkly lit place with beautiful cheery wood furnishings. The only modern parts were the liquor display behind the bar, which was light up brightly and the hanging light fixtures that lit up the room.

Moving through the crowds, Elijah weaved gracefully between the tables until he reached the bar, where a lovely, young blonde bartender was busy serving people. He sat down on one of the barstools and waited for her to come over.

He needed to find a Jane-Anne Deveraux, a witch who was supposedly leading whatever plot against the Mikaelsons — against him, according to his sources on the rumors. He figured he could ask a local the witch's location. It was the best place to start.

"Hey," the pretty blonde finally greeted him, already pulling out a martini glass to make him a drink.

"Hello," smiled Elijah politely as he watched her work.

"So, what brings you to the Big Easy?" The bartender asked, as she set the completed martini in front of him.

Watching the green olives she had put into his drink bob, he told her, "I used to live here."

"Really? When?"

"Oh, it feels like a hundred years ago."

The lovely woman smiled, "I just moved here myself. What brought you back?"

Seeing the opportunity presented, Elijah finally glanced the lady's name tag for a more personal effect and answered, "Well, Camille, I'm actually here in search of someone. A woman that goes by the name of Jane-Anne Deveraux? Do you know where I might find her?"

A grave expression replaced her friendly one, "Jane-Anne works here, but she unfortunately died. Just last night, in fact. It's so tragic. I feel bad for her sister, Sophie. I know what it's like to lose a sibling. She must be in so much pain right now."

Elijah was at once alarmed by that piece of information. Jane-Anne was dead? Was her death connected to whatever plot she was involved with? Was one of his siblings aware of the plot too and here dealing with it already?

"Do you know where I might find her sister then?" He asked, trying to keep the urgency from his voice. "I would like to pay my respects."

Camille nodded, "Yeah, she works here too. She's actually back in the kitchen. I'm not supposed to let anyone back there, but since you must be a friend, you can go ahead."

As he immediately set down money for the drink he hadn't even touched, Elijah smiled, "Thank you, Camille. I appreciate it."

With that, he swept off the stool and headed toward the double doors that lead into the kitchen. He could smell the delicious gumbo she was cooking back there, before he even crossed the threshold. It reminded him of by gone days in the Quarter that were just shadows now.

Once Elijah had entered, he saw her there at the large chef's table — Sophie Deveraux.

She was small woman with black hair pushed back beneath a bandana. She furiously cut up various vegetables, throwing them into a large pot next to her.

Elijah watched her attentively, knowing well that since her sister had been a witch, so was she. He remained on guard, in case she decided to be less than civil.

"Sophie Deveraux?" He called cautiously.

Sophie stopped what she was doing, straightening with her body tense. Her hand that held the knife she had been using tightened around the handle, as if she meant to attack him. That would be a foolish move, indeed.

"I wouldn't do that," warned Elijah. "I could kill you before you ever made a move."

Knowing he was right, Sophie immediately relaxed her hand, letting the knife rest on the table. She slowly turned to face him. Fear gripped her dark eyes, mingling with the sadness that was already there, but she otherwise maintained a brave front. She even jutted her chin out at him and folded her arms across her chest defiantly.

"Do you know who I am?" Elijah asked, impressed by her courage.

Sophie curtly nodded, "Yeah, you're Elijah Mikaelson, one of the Originals. What the hell do you want? I'm busy."

"Well, first let me say, I'm sorry for your loss," he replied sincerely. "I know what it feels like to lose a sibling. My condolences."

She simply glared at him, unmoved by his attempted pleasantries.

"I was hoping you could assist me," Elijah continued, his tone immediately growing darker, more dangerous. "I was made aware of a supposed plot against me and my family. I was given the name of your late sister, but since she is gone, I thought perhaps you can help shed some light onto this rumor. Is it true? Are your people threatening harm against my family?"

As he spoke, Sophie's brave face dissolved into one of trepidation. She shifted her feet a bit and he could hear her heart rate increase with her climbing fear.

It did seem the rumor was true, that there was a plot against the Mikaelsons being brewed.

"Look, Jane-Anne was the one who made the deal," Sophie told him as evenly as she could muster, cracking under his intimidating presence. "I had nothing to do with the plot against you, but the witches are desperate. I'm certain you can appreciate what desperation can drive one to do."

He could. He understood that more than she knew.

"Time is running out for the witches of the French Quarter," explained Sophie. "We're being slaughtered by the vampires to the point of extinction and something needed to be done. So, Jane-Anne called upon someone to help and they formed this pact. I don't know much about it. I haven't been around much in the witch community lately. If you want to know the full story, you should talk to the person Jane-Anne summoned to aid our cause."

"Who? Who is the person your sister summoned?" Elijah asked.

Sophie frowned, trying to recall the person's name, "Eternity, I believe?"

No. That was impossible.

At once, Elijah was shaken to his very core.

He knew the person to whom that name belonged and if she was helping the witches plot against him and his, then his family was in real danger. It could mean the end of the Mikaelsons and of vampires as a whole. That was how serious the situation had just become, now that he knew Eternity was part of the fold.

Yet, as quickly as alarm had washed over him, the sharp sting of betrayal pierced his heart, finding out she was preparing to kill him. Though, he didn't understand this feeling. It wasn't the first time Eternity had tried to kill him or his siblings, particularly Niklaus and Kol. In fact, she and the Mikaelsons had been long time enemies.

Although, he wasn't so sure on that, these days. Not since....

No, he wouldn't think about that night, just a few short weeks ago, which haunted him and made him question everything. At least, where Eternity was concerned.

Instead, Elijah focused upon the present. He needed to find Eternity. Now. Before it was too late.

"Where is Eternity?" He growled darkly.

"Look, I'm not interested in getting involved with your baby mama drama," scoffed Sophie, her bravery returning. "If you want to find her, you can go look for her yourself."

Her words gave him pause. Did she just say...?

"Excuse me? What do you mean by baby mama?" Elijah inquired, his eyes narrowing in his confusion, before he came to one one conclusion. "Are you saying she's pregnant? Pregnant with my, my child?"

"Yep," replied Sophie with a nonchalant shrug.

Elijah's mind began to spin with this impossible news. And it was impossible. He was a vampire and vampires couldn't procreate. He couldn't be the father. There was no way for that to be true.


That night that haunted him came flash before him against his will.

Lusty sapphire eyes that reflected galaxies instead of himself came rushing forward. Moans of passion echoed in his ears, his fingers twitched as they remembered the soft flesh they had caressed, his back burned in memory of the nails that had raked down it.


With that echo of a melodious voice calling his name, Elijah gasped, blinking rapidly as reality set it and he began to feel slightly faint, "That's not possible. It can't be."

"Nothing is impossible," said Sophie, smiling slightly. "Especially not where someone like that is concerned. I might not know much about Eternity or whatever the witches are concocting, but I have heard that she's not of this world, a creature from elsewhere. Therefore, it stands to reason that the rules don't apply to her, meaning it's very possible that she's carrying your baby."

Elijah barely heard what the witch said. He was too focused upon this bombshell. He was stuck somewhere between denial, shock, and joy, feeling all three all at the same time in a jumble of emotions.

"Though, I am curious to know just what the hell you did to piss her off so bad that she'd want you dead, even though she's having your baby?" Sophie pondered, amusedly. "The lady must really hate you to want you dead anyway, not that I can blame her."

Finally, Elijah overcame his shock and heard Sophie's mocking words acutely. Though her audacity angered him, she had a point. Eternity must truly despise him, if she still sought his death, despite the child they had apparently conceived.

The sting of that truth was worse than the odd betrayal he also felt.

That was an absurd feeling.

They weren't lovers. They weren't even friends.

Are you sure?

It had been one night of meaningless sex.

You keep telling yourself that!

For years, there had been a powerful sexual attraction between he and Eternity, despite the animosity between them. That haunting night had simply been the breaking point, but it had meant nothing. It was nothing more than an impulsive decision and a terrible lapse in judgement.

Then why are you feeling hurt and betrayed by Eternity's actions?

Elijah didn't answer that small voice inside, because he didn't want to give an answer to the truth that nagged at him and had since that night, the truth that he denied. He told himself that he didn't know why he felt the way he did, despite the opposite being true. It didn't make sense, he claimed, no more than Eternity's pregnancy did.

"Tell me where Eternity is," Elijah demanded of Sophie. "Tell me where to find her and I suggest you be quick about it or else I'll kill everyone in this place and burn it to the ground."

Sophie rolled her eyes and huffed, "Fine. She's in the cemetery, but you'll need me to invite you inside since it's sacred ground and vampires can't enter without invitation."

With that, she turned and headed for the back door, expecting Elijah to follow.

He didn't hesitate.

He followed her out, to the Lafayette Cemetery, where Eternity awaited.

To Be Continued....

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