Snapes secret love(16+)

By r_snapee

834 16 5

everyone knows Severus Snape as the type to never date or have feelings for anyone,,until your sixth year y/n... More

First day back
The dream
Not so secret lover
Bad One You Are
Christmas break
Bad guy
Two spys
The final battle

death eaters

37 0 0
By r_snapee

Lucius Malfoy that's who you saw.Mhm you look good y/n... very good,he says as he goes and grabs your jaw."Get your fucking hands off me,you got two fucking second Lucius"Ah watch it,check that bitch of a attitude before i check it for you,he says gripping your jaw even harder.He takes his other hand and grabs your ass,you yell hard"Get the fuck off"....he cuts you off and smack u across the face

"Ow" whisper to yourself.Let's go sweet cheeks he says grabbing your ass and pushing you."You get your hands off me".He comes up behind and grab you throat  and gets good grip and says"You wanna try that again and be in place or do i need to do it for you".He let's go of your throat,and grabs your breast.Then he sticks his fingers up you,"You want more",he says smirking.He unzips his pants and rubs up on you, then you start moving uncomfortably....then you stop.You stop giving him resisting,once you do you see that he stopped.It proves he gets off off on a struggle once you stopped he lost interest.

He throws you over his shoulder as he cares you out of the basement to the front of the Order Of The Phoenix house.While he taking you up the stairs you see a figure on the ground.You get a closer look and see it's Severus."Severus can you hear me?",you say as a tear falls down your face."I'm so sorry for what i said this is all my fault",you feel Lucius put his hand over your mouth.Shut it now he says before going out the front door and flys away with you.

(Severus Pov: )Why would she say that, is that what she thinks about.Have i made her that insecure that she thinks about how lily was my first love.I need to talk to her,i need to talk to her and apologize before she does something stupid.As i go to open the door to the hallway and i turn around to see a figure walking towards me. Sirius? Remus? i say confused. "Stupefy",you hear the man say. You wake up confused on the ground,the basement door is open.You run in their to see y/n gone, you see blood on the ground and a bloody tee shirt with a razor next to it.She didn't,no please please i hope she's alive.You run up and wake Sirius and Molly.

(Still Severus pov:)
"Y/n she's gone i went to check on her and someone Stupefy me and i woke up to her gone".The walk to see the front door open look up into the sky to see the mark...the dark lords mark. Everyone starts freaking out not knowing what to do,they all agree they need to notify the Magic Of Ministry.You walk off to your room.You sit on the bed and let a tear drop,then another,then another and you start balling your eyes out like crazy.This is all my fault she would have bin safe right next to me in my arms,i've lost the one person who actually cared about me.If i lose her i will lose myself.

(Your pov:)You arrive at Malfoy Manor where Lucius carry's you upstairs and drops you on the ground.You see bellatrix,narcissa,peter,
draco....and Voldemort."Lucius i was beginning you had lost your way and lost my prize",He says to lucius.Bring her to me bella...she brings you over to him.When she drops you,you scream because you had cut your cut open. Yelling already...haven't even done any yet my dear,he says with a smirk on his face

Poor baby thinking he hurt me....not the reason i scream,you say to him while smirking."Well i'm glad you could join us you have two choices, A you can die....or B you can join me" After voldemort says that he sends Bella to get the prisoner.You we're wondering who it was until your father walks,"Hey's ok their nothing to worry about darling".Silents voldemort says,"AVADA KEDAVRA" he screams at Sirius.NO,no no no please don't leave me i'm sorry i'm suck a screw up i'm sorry daddy please don't go,you say while tears drop down your eye.

"He's gone stupid girl,now i'll say it again choice A or B"You start thinking to yourself, you have no point in living but then again it would be a little fun to be the bad guy for once.You turn your humanity off like that,and smile. Hm i'll choose B because why now, you say while laughing and wiping your tesr away."Excellent she shall get her mark as soon as possible wormtail!.Peter comes over and you get your mark."Well fuck no going back"You have two hours to go get your belongings starting now",he says.Ok sir

You go back to the house,you see Sev sitting on your bed crying."Baby?,Oh my god i thought i lost you",he says to you while he runs to you crying.He picks you up and holds you while he kisses you.Babe i gotta tell you something,you show him your scars .Y/n.....what have you start balling your eyes out.,first my thighs,then almost getting raped."He looks down...y/n darling why why my love".I....i thought i'd lost and i thought you didn't love me anymore,i'm so sorry for what i said about lily i didn't mean it i'm so sorry Severus.

"Listen to me,i will Always love you,and you will never lose me".After everything i said and did?"Always".And who tried to rape you,ill kill him you know.Don't worry love Lucius wont try that shit on me again,i showed him his place.But it's time darling i have to return back to hogwarts where i can be safe."I'll see you soon y/n I love you".I love you too.I feel terrible for lying but i have to go see Dumboldore .You fly a way to hogwarts,you walk in and tell McGongal you need to see headmaster asap.She takes you to his office and leave you two,then you explain everything to him.

Please promise me however this plays out you know i'm always on your side.But most importantly keep Severus safe."You have my word however this plays out you will be one of u,but you can't tell anyone not even Severus."This stays between us,keep it that way and Severus is safe".Thank you, i have to go now he is waiting ill be back soon for your help."I'll count on it".You fly a way back to Malfoy Manor

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