Sisters of the Glade

By ABSangster04

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When the first girls-sisters- arrive at the Glade together, they're able to settle in quickly, though with a... More

Willow ~ 1
Ashlynn ~ 1
Willow~ 2
Authors note(please read!!)
Ashlynn ~ 2
Willow~ 3
AUTHORS NOTE (important!!)
Ashlynn~ 4
Willow~ 5
Another A/N (important!!)
One more authors note
Yes.... another authors note
Ashlynn~ 5
Ashlynn~ 6
Authors Note
7~ Welcome to the Maze
8~ Nightfall

Willow~ 6

65 2 0
By ABSangster04

As I stomp further into the deadheads after a long day of work in the barn. I come upon the meadow hidden behind the pond.

After my small fight with Minho the other night I had wandered around to distract myself and found the beautiful clearing hidden within the small woods of the Glade.

Bright wildflowers litter every inch of it and yellow bumble bees buzz to each. Pushing through the tangle of weeds I try to avoid the threatening insects hoping they'd leave me be if I did the same.

I lay a blanket down in the middle of the clearing, the fabric billowing in the soft breeze the creators offered us today. It was a great break from the usual blistering heat.

It was around dinner time so the air had chilled quite a bit. Before coming out here I had stolen one of Newts hoodies from homestead knowing the lowering sun would take its heat with it.

The only reason I wasn't joining everyone in the dining room was mostly because I wasn't in the mood to sit in a room with Minho glaring daggers in my back, something he'd been doing sense my so called 'attack', or at least that what he told everyone. That he was viciously attacked by the new girl, utterly ridiculous, I was hardly new anymore. In a week we'd have a new greenie and I would have been here two months. Even if it didn't seem like a lot of time it sure felt like it. Everyone here already felt like family to me, well besides Minho.

At first I felt bad about the incident with him but Newt had reminded me that he deserved a reprimand after the accident to make sure it didn't happen again. Newt had also mentioned that past few mornings Minho has been double checking his watch with his. Even if it was deserved I still felt a little bad for my outburst but more than anything I was angry. I had tried giving my apology and the only thing I got was a door slammed in my face. If he wanted it to be that way then so be it.

I didn't even bother to meet the runners at the doors today, something I'm sure wouldn't go unnoticed. But again I knew if I went I'd only end up throwing the water at Minho and I really didn't want another scolding from Newt. Even a look at my pleading eyes and jutted out lip never worked on the Brit.

Speaking of the blonde before I pushed my way into the dense woods Newt had caught my eye running through the tall gray doors. I ignored the confused look he gave and made my way here. Being the mother he is, he'll ask me a million questions about it later. Ben will no doubt complain about not getting to see me and his partner only about getting his own water. Boys could be so whiny.

As I sit on the soft blanket laying on the damp cool grass a butterfly flutters above my head. I smile at the beautiful insect as it lands on a nearby flower. Taking a deep breath I take in the last of the golden sunlight of the day.

The clouds above me float by in big white clumps, some making out shapes as they go. The wind rustles the leaves sending a breeze adrift making the tall weeds look like an ocean of green waves.

"I've lived here two bloody years, how have I never found this place..." I hear a familiar british accent mumble as weeds snap under his boots.

I sit up, spotting Newt making his way to me with a huge smile plastered on his tan face.

"I suppose being a runner hasn't given me much time to explore."

I just hum in response and lay back down closing my eyes. A moment later a tall shadow blocks the sun from hitting my face.

"You're blocking my light." I mumble not opening my eyes.

"And you're taking up the whole blanket, scoot over." He flops beside me, shoving me over. Me and Newt have grown close over that last month and a half since I've arrived, so him being sassy was a normal thing for me now. Most of the other gladers didn't get to see the side of him that I did. "So are you going to tell me why you're grumpy?"

I squint my eyes glancing over at him to which he grins.

"There's those beautiful green eyes!" A small smile tugs on my lips.

"Not grumpy, just exhausted." I mumble sitting up and crossing my legs. My eyes glare at the mossy ground as my fingers pick apart a yellow dandelion.

"Somethings bugging you, I can tell."


"Ah ah, nope, I'm right. Ever since the other night after the whole kiss you've been acting weird. Did I do something wrong? I didn't mean to offend you, I-"

I shut him up by tossing the rest of the flower at him.

"It's not the kiss Newt and it's nothing to do with you." I snap flopping back onto the blanket.

"Well alright then that's good to know. So what is it then?"

"I went to apologize to Minho..."

A soft chuckle comes from him and I shoot him another glare.

"I suppose that didn't go well?"

"Not at all, slammed the door right in my face. I know I haven't been the nicest to him since being here but he hasn't given me a chance. And at least I've tried to apologize!" I throw my hands up frustrated.

"You did knee him in the groin love, and smack him."

"Okay he brought that on himself! I was simply protecting Ashlynn."

Newt huffs a laugh. "And Minho was protecting me from a girl with a machete."

I sit up looking at him with an exasperated expression. "Are you seriously defending him right now?"

Newt holds up his hands in defense trying not to smile but ultimately failing. "Fine, all I'm saying is Minho is not one to admit he's wrong. Plus I think he feels threatened by you a bit for being the first to stand up to him."

I sigh, ripping a few more flowers from the ground and picking them to shreds.

"He's a jerk is what he is."

"Give it some time, I'm sure things will work out." He nudges his shoulder to mine.


My eye catches on the same butterfly I was admiring earlier as it floats to us. A smile spreads across my face as it lands on his nose. A moment later it flutters away he beams over at me flicking my own nose. My face scrunches under his soft touch.

I stand up and he eyes me curiously as I walk through the field of flowers picking a few into a bunch in my hand, careful to avoid the ones with pesky bees lurking near.

When I have more than enough I make my way back to him dropping them onto the blanket as I sit.

I begin intertwining the flowers together thickly slowly creating a small crown. Each stem twisting together in a colorful braid.

Newt watches me in silence only handing me different ones as I work. I take notice that the ones he chooses are mostly the pale yellows and orange, happy colors that reminded me of him.

As I knot the ends together I hand it to him which receives a very confused look, the same look he gave me often. Laughing I take setting it on top of his blond hair. A few strands poke up in random directions as I situate the crown.

"It's a flower crown silly goose." He attempts to look up at, the look making me think of a puppy. Or what I could remember of one.

"Well how do I look?" He says giving me that lopsided smile.

"Absolutely beautiful." I watch as he picks up the remaining flowers.

"Will you show me how to make one for you?"

"Of course pebble." Again he smiles but this time from the nickname.

We sit for a while until the sun drifts closer to the towering walls as I instruct him how to make the colorful crown. For a moment he gets frustrated when a few of the flowers won't intertwine but calms back down once I take his hands in mine showing him how to secure them into place.

When he's finally finished he proudly places it on top of my own head softly. A few of the pedals rain down as I shift it into place. Newt reaches up moving my hands out of the way so he can see his masterpiece.

"Decent for my first I'd say. Either way you look quite lovely." Newt's gaze softens as his eyes meet mine, a comforting look.

Most days I don't see him until later in the evening so we only have these short few hours together and those long nights. Though when he has his weekly day off I drag him around the glade with me to attend my jobs, something he seems to enjoy. He says he likes to see how things run while the runners are out, it gives him a different perspective. Which reminded me that it should be coming up soon.

"When's your next day off?"

"Day after tomorrow. Ben's day is tomorrow." Newt says stretching back on the blanket, flicking a few stems away. I hum in response and a moment later his soft hand finds mine and pulls me back with him. As I lay my head down he intertwines our fingers together with a sigh. It wasn't in a lover kinda way but in a friendship way, but closer. It was normal, Newt often played with my fingers to calm his own nerves. Usually around sunset is when they would kick in, him not being a fan of the dark.

Even if he never voiced the small fear I could tell it bothered him. I noticed the way he never strayed from the trail of light the torches made at night. Or how when doing nightly rounds he would always carry a lantern with him. Even asleep in the hammock tent he made sure the flap was open to allow the moonlight slip in. Most wouldn't even notice these things about him but I was very good at reading people and everyday I learned something new about him just by watching.

We sit until the sun drifts behind the tall wall and darkness spreads across the field, Newts body stiffening. The only light being the dim golden glow as the sun disappears but still up enough to light up the small meadow. A cool breeze wraps around me causing me to sit up and unwrap the jacket from my waist. As I slip it on I hear Newt chuckle again as I struggle to find the exit, once found I pop my head through scowling at him.

"Hey wait isn't that mine?'

"Maybe." The warmth of a blush from being caught creeps up my cheeks. It was just a hoodie, among the many others I had been sneaking.

"I need those you know."

"We can share clothes."

The image of him wearing my clothes passes through my head and I can't hold in the laugh the bubbles up within me. From the way he joins I can tell he has the same thoughts.

"Alright love let me go slip on that pair of shorts you've got and show off around the Glade." That image has me howling in laughter. Newt in shorts, now that was something I would love to see.

"Be my guest pebble, I wouldn't complain. All that running you might as well show off those legs." Now it's Newt's turn to double over.

"Noted." He manages to gasp out trying to regain steady breathing while clutching his stomach. A moment later a loud rumble comes from him and we both stop our giggling.

"Newt please tell me you ate dinner before coming out here." As best he can he looks up at me from under his lashes, his lip jutting out just a bit mocking my own pout.

"But love, I was too worried for your safety to eat."

"My saf-Newt where am I gonna go? We're in a giant Maze with slugs that want to kill us." As I say this his face scrunches up in disgust.

"Killer slugs? Is that what you call the Grievers?"

"Uh yeah it doesn't sound as scary." While he sits contemplating my words I stand brushing myself off.

"And killer slugs was the better option?"

"Yes, now move." Bending down I tug the blanket out from beneath him. Newt rolls over into the grass, his face still a mask of confusion.

"I want my jacket back, I'm cold." He states propping his head on his hand laying on his side.

"Too bad i'm wearing it." As I fold the blanket over my arm a grin sneaks its way onto his face. I eye him warily as he pushes himself up on his knees.

"Not if I take it." The grin only grows when I begin to back away slowly.

"You wouldn't." In an instant he's on his feet dashing after me. I turn trying to make an escape but it's no use because a moment later I'm tackled to the ground. As we tumble to the ground I tuck my hands beneath me and bury my face into the ground, mumbling.

"I'm not giving it back." From the way my face is buried in grass I don't think he hears me.

"Love I will tickle you." My body stiffens and I know not even looking at him that he's smiling. Slowly I turn my head to speak clearer.

"Pebble I will hurt you. Do not underestima-" Im cut off by slender fingers snaking under my arms and wiggling. The movement had me once again howling with laughter. I thrash out kicking and screaming as giggles erupt from me. "New-I will ki-Newt stop!" My words jumbled together in incoherent shouts.

"What was that love? Did you say something?" He asks, continuing his attack, moving to my ribs and stomach, the spots more sensitive. My laughing grows louder with each pass of his fingertips on my skin. His legs pin my arms down, one on each side of me preventing any movement beside my squirming.

"Please! N-Newt!" For a moment his assault halts and I breath in a deep breath.

"So my sweatshirt?"

"I can't take it off with you on top of me!" One of his eyebrows raises at my tone, his fingers settling on my waist. I flinch at the contact and apologize quickly. "I'm sorry! J-just move and i'll give it back." Slowly his fingers lift into a defensive position in front of him, a sign of draw for the time being.

As he slides off of me into the grass he reaches up adjusting his crown. Where mine had gone I had no idea. Newt watches me as I sit up looking around for it.

"Ahem." I turn back to him and notice his gaze on the shirt.

"Let me stand up first." He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. Those brown eyes stay on me as I push myself up and find my crown placing it on top of my head.

"Love?" With my back to him he had no idea of the wicked smile on my face.

"You may be good at running the Maze but let's see how good you are at navigating through a tangle of weeds and branches." Before he can react throw the blanket at him and sprint forward into the woods aiming for the Glade. Seeing how he wasn't familiar with the path I knew I had an advantage.


"Try and catch me pebble!" As I slam into the greenery I hear his pounding footsteps behind me. I easily jump over the falling trees and twist out of the way of the few thorns reaching outward for me. Though I can't say the same for Newt as I hear him crash into several things and curse after hitting those very bushes.

"Branch!" I shout out as I push a low hanging one out of my way and release it. A moment later a loud smack sounds through the trees, a jumble of colorful language following. "Warned you!"

A few seconds pass in silence, the only sound is our heavy footsteps and breathing as we continue our stampede through the forest. Ahead I spot the clearing of the Glade and a spark of excitement flings through me. Newt-0, Willow-1.

As I slam into the last few branches my eye catches on someone a yard or two ahead, recognizing Alby I push my legs faster. My hair flows behind me in a wave of curls from my fallen braid.

"Alby!" The leader turns in confusion as I sprint up to him and shove him in front of me.

"Willow what the-" A second later Newt burst into the clearing, annoyance covering his every feature. I take notice of a red welt on the side of his cheek, most likely the branch. Looking closer I can see his pants covered in every thorn and thistle the woods contained. His hair stands up in every direction, the flower crown tangled with his hair. "Whoa, what did you do to him?" Alby whispers, not turning back to me.

"Oh sure blame it on me! I warned him not to tickle me. It's also not my fault he doesn't know how to navigate through the woods. Though the branch may have been my fault.."

Newt stomps forward breathing deeply, looking like a mad man.

"Alby this is between me and Willow, please step out of the way."

"It's a jacket!" Alby turns his head, eyeing me.

"This isn't about the bloody jacket anymore! You smacked me with a branch!"

"No the branch was still connected to the tree so technically the tree did. Plus I warned you about that too!" Newt steps forward throwing his hands up in aggravation

"Two seconds after you let it go!" I only shrug, shrinking into Albys back.

Alby clears his throat stepping aside leaving me open for another tackle. And with the look Newt was giving me I had no doubt he would. But as I try to hide behind him again he shakes his head.

"Sorry Willow but this is between you and Newt, not me."

"Oh come on you're the boss! So boss him to stop!" Alby gently takes my arm and walks me forward, right in front of Newt.

"Sort it out, civilly." At this Alby walks off, laughing under his breath. My eyes drift back to Newt who slowly circles me.

"Newt think about this."

"Oh I am." A moment later as he steps around me his foot kicks the back of my legs but he catches me before I hit the ground. It all happened so fast that I didn't have time to struggle until he was already pinning me down.

"Alby said be civil!"

"I did it nicely didn't I?" We sit for a moment before he creeps his fingers to my side again. Once they meet my side I instantly buck my hips upward in defense throwing him off balance. As he's pushed forward I twist myself around jumping on top of him. I straddle his stomach pinning his chest with my arm, my face a few inches from his. His warm breath collides with mine and I smirk down at him.

"You know on second thought I dont even like that jacket!" He squeals, eyes wide as I pin his arms down with my knees.

"Alby!" I look up to find him a few feet away next to Ben who's laughing so hard his face is red. "You think Newtie here is ticklish?"

Newt's head whips to the leader practically begging without words.

"I don't know Willow, why don't you find out."

I smirk down at the runner and pop my fingers dramatically.

"Willow? What the hell are you doing?" Looking up I find Ashlynn stomping toward us. Newt squirms beneath me and I shoot him a glare.

"This is payback pebble."

"Love-" I don't let him finish as I strike under his arms. Newt yells out, laughter filling the air. The sound was its own kind of beautiful, such joy laced into it. It becomes harder to hold him down as he squirms every which way as my finger connects with his bare stomach. The place that is the most sensitive so far. As he gasps out for air I finally stop the assault and push off of him.

"Alby I think Newt's ticklish!" Alby just shakes his head smiling at me.

"Seems you're right sunshine." I grin at the nickname and glance back at Newt who is still laying on his back gasping for air.

"Draw?" His brown eyes find mine and he nods once.



"Ouch!" Newt yelps as I pull another thorn from his leg. The small pile only grows as I lift it up to do the other side.

"Sorry." I mumble looking up at him from my crouched position. He only gives me an annoyed look then goes back to talking to Ashlynn about the incident. After our brawl I had helped him here and found Ashlynn working late saying she wanted to get a head start on tomorrow. Now Newt sat trying to explain his huge welt and layers of thorns.

"Then she smacked me with that branch! Thats what this stupid welt is from."

Ashlynn chuckles glancing at the runner from her place at the medical counter. Her eyes looked heavy as she finished up her task. Lately she seemed more exhausted every time I saw her. It worried me to see her that way but I knew if she wanted to talk about it she would. I knew better than to push her, she liked her space and I was giving it to her. Alby had told me that some people dealt with arriving differently, some take longer than others. I figured that may have something to do due with the way she had been acting. Later when we were alone I would check on her and see if there was anything a sister talk could help with.

"I already told you that wasn't my fault. The branch was connected to the tree so it was the tree! Besides I warned you." As he goes to answer I yank out another thorn causing him to yelp again.

"You did that on purpose!"

"Which one? The branch or the thorn?" Newt scowls as I hear Ashlynn laugh behind us again. For once she seemed in a good mood even with exhaustion clearly pressing down on her. Probably something to do with Alby keeping Dylan busy all day.

"Well it's late and I'm tired so I'll see you two in the morning. Be nice Willow." She comments moving toward the doors as Newt flinches again. After she leaves Newt lays back staring at the ceiling.

"What's going on in here?" A deep voice asks from the doorway. We both look up to see Alby trudge in, sleep heavy in his dark eyes. One thing to know about Alby is he never goes to bed until he knows everyone else is safe there. So seeing how me and Newt were up he would probably be too for a while.

"Newt ran through a thorn bush." I comment going back to the task.

"I thought you were a farmer not a medjack." Alby says sitting down across from us on an empty cot.

"Obviously she isn't." Newt snaps as I pick at another thorn.

"Hmm you almost done?" I look over Newt's pants lifting his leg up to see only a few more.

"Yeah just a couple more and we should be done." Alby nods laying back on the cot.

"Alby you're exhausted go to bed. Me and Willow will be fine." Newt comments also laying back down.

"I know but I'm comfortable." The leader mumbles his head falling to the side.

"Let him be, we'll wake him up once this is done." I grin over at him as soft snoring drifts from his nose.


As I finish up Newt's legs I look up to find he has fallen asleep. Instead of waking them I walk over to the small closet pulling out two pillows and blankets. As gently as I can I put the pillows under their heads and lay the blankets on top of them. Newt stirs but doesn't wake as he pulls the blanket up to his ears, curling into a ball bringing his long legs onto the cot. Before I leave I walk over the counter blowing out the candles there but leaving the lantern in for Newt.

Once done I quietly make my way out of the hut and into the dark Glade. I rub my eyes trying to rid them of the tiredness that tries to slip in. My eyes catch on the tall wooden tower, a small smile tugging on my lips. Making my way over I climb the tall ladder to the top shoving the trap door open. It opens with a loud thud making me cringe, but thankfully no one seems to waken. As I slide onto the wooden platform I let out a sigh of relief crawling to the railing. Once seated I swing my legs out into the air, dangling them from the ledge. My arms rest on the rough wooden railing, my chin resting on them.

The cool night air blows my hair to the side tickling my neck lightly. The stars shine brightly above me, a sight I would never get tired of.

As I watch the sky grow darker my eyes grow heavy with sleep. As I begin to drift off something moving in the distance catches my eye. A large figure stumbles out of the woods across the clearing making me sit up straighter. I try and squint my eyes to see who the person is but it's too dark. As they walk toward the homestead the moonlight catches on their features illuminating their face. I recognize them instantly as Minho.

My best guess was that he stayed up late mapping like he did some nights. I only knew this because I had happened to pass him a few nights ago when going to my hut. He hadn't said anything, he didn't even look at me as he walked past. It was as if I didn't exist to him.

I watch him make his way toward homestead but instead he turns toward the showers. Once there he quietly slips inside not noticing me. After about 20 minutes he walks out steam following him, the white tendrils wrapping around his legs then disappearing into the ground.

Flicking off the light he walks back toward homestead ruffling his short hair with a towel looking exhausted. It had to be absolutely draining to run so much everyday. Sure his body was most likely used to it by now but still I don't know how he does it.

Before he slips inside he glances around eyes passing by me. After a second his head whips back to the tower staring straight up at me. I don't break eye contact and only stare as he does the same. Even in the darkness they held such hate, or what I thought to be hate. I could never tell with him what he truly felt. Minho was rather good at hiding his true feelings behind the mask of toughness and sarcasm. Something I would be determined to break through if I didn't return such dislike for him. I would have to gain his trust to even get close enough to peek through the mask. That task seemed utterly impossible.

A moment later he turns shoving into the door with a little more force than necessary walking inside. Dick

Huffing I look away toward the huge stone doors trying to distract myself. It was easy to let my emotions get the best of when it came to him.

As my eyes roam the stone structure cold air wraps around my skin. It seemed every time I did this a shiver scurried up my spine. The doors of course are closed but it was terrifying how we had absolutely no control over whether they opened or not. Any second someone could press a button allowing the horrifying Grievers to slip inside. In minutes this place could be turned to ashes. That thought alone was one to keep me up every night.

As it gets later I can't keep my eyes open and soon find myself drifting off. Thankfully no dreams come to haunt me and I sleep through the rest of the night peacefully. When I wake up the next morning I find myself laying in my own bed with blankets wrapped securely around me.

How did I get here? I think to myself as I shove them off and sit up. The golden light of the rising sun streams through my small window flooding the room. The light reflects off my small mirror blinding me momentarily. As I shift out of the light's way I rub my eyes looking over the room for clues to who could have brought me here or how I managed to get here myself. Newt was the only one that knew of my special place in the tower but he couldn't have with his sore legs. Besides that boy could barely climb up there himself let alone carrying me as well.

I decide to let it go and silently thank whoever was kind enough to do it. With how I was sitting and falling asleep last night I'm surprised I didn't fall out of the tower. Though I'm sure I would remember falling 20 feet. I'm also sure I would have a few broken bones, stretching I conclude that isn't what happened.

Groaning, I stand up checking my watch but find my wrist bare. I look around but don't spot the small gadget. Loud beeping erupts from across the room making me jump, my feet tangling in the blankets making me slam into the wood floor below. For a moment I just lay there groaning and rubbing my backside. What a great start to the new day.

The beeping continues as I lay staring up at my ceiling blankly. Stupid watch. Standing up I walk over and slam my hand down on it, turning off the alarm. At least I knew how to set mine unlike a certain somebody.

I stretch out again rubbing the sleep from my eyes, glancing around the room. Whoever brought me back last must've really cared to have taken off my watch and boots. Looking over at the door I find my brown worn boots placed against the wall, the laces even untied. Thankfully my clothes had not been changed by whoever had done it. Again my brain filters through who it could have been. It couldn't have been Ashlynn, she hates heights. Something she didn't know I knew but if you watched closely it's easy to see.

Again I huff in aggravation but decide to get ready for the day, trying to forget about it. I slip on a plain outfit then my boots making my way into the waking woods. As I step outside the cool morning air wraps around me and the fresh air fills my lungs. Mornings were one of my favorite time of day for this very reason. The sun sends golden waves swirling through the green leaves, a sight almost as beautiful as the night stars.

As I trudge the rest of the way to the Glade I see no one is really awake quite yet. Alby walks out of the medjack hut not noticing me as he makes his way to homestead, Newt follows a second later rubbing his eyes.

"Well good morning pebble."

Newt turns to me, his blonde hair sticking up in every direction. Reaching up I pat it down trying my best to get it to how he usually styles. As I do this he grumbles stepping back.

"Mhm morning." Before I can say anything else he trudges off toward the bathrooms.

My head turns toward the kitchen as an amazing smell floats past me. Instantly the aroma has me walking there as well as a few other gladers. Boys begin piling out of the hammock tent racing each other toward the smell. In no time the line is out the door into the Glade. My stomach rumbles with hunger and aggravation at the long wait. Lucky for me I knew where the back door was and happened to be close with the cook who guarded it. I sneak my way behind the small building and find the door with ease pushing it open.

Frypan whips his head toward me getting ready to shove whoever has walked in out but stops seeing me. "Oh Willow! Thank shuck you're here I could use some help." The cook shouts over the noisy boys outfront. I laugh watching as he desperately scoops heaps of eggs and bacon onto plates throwing them onto the counter. Rushing forward I help him with the task, him seeming utterly relieved.

"See this is why you're my favorite Glader." One of the boys scoffs in front of us at his comment. "What? Keep moving brother." Frypan shouts, ushering him away with his spatula.

"Well thank you Fry it means alot."

Frypan grins for a moment before getting back to work. After the rush has died down a bit we manage to get ahead of the line extra plates getting left for late wakers. At last Frypan turns to me holding up his fist and I knock mine with it.

"We're a great team darling."

"That we are."

He hands me a plate and holds the back door open for me.

"It's too crowded in there. Want to go out and sit on a log with me?" I nod to him and he leads the way out to a damp log near the fire ring. Some of the other late comers follow our lead filling up the other logs.

"So anything interesting happening with you?" Frypan asks, setting his empty plate down on the ground.

"Nope. You?"

"Oh come on I've heard the rumors about the whole rivalry between you and Minho. Give me the details!" A few of the gladers nearby eye us no doubt trying to get in with the gossip as well.

"Nothing to tell he's just being an ass as usual." I mumble and Frypan sighs dramatically.

"That's not new! Come on give us something." Looking up I see a few of the others have scooted closer to hear whatever it was I had to say. Which was nothing because nothing had really happened besides the door in my face.

"Guys I promise there's nothing to gossip about."

"Tell us about the attack." One of the Gladers suggested across from me.

"What attack?"

"Uh the one Minho has been bragging about all week!" Frypan says in a duh tone.

"What do you mean bragging? He has nothing to brag about!" I exclaim my voice rising.

"That's not what he said." The Glader I recognize as Dex mumbles popping a grape in his mouth. A hazy memory of throwing sand at him passes my mind and I internally cringe with embarrassment. I had been getting a few glimpses of my drunken night back and they were rather interesting.

"Okay and what did he say?"

The boy gulps down his food grinning at me.

"Fine fine I'll tell you. Minho said that you jumped him as soon as he stepped in the Glade and almost threw him out when the doors closed. He said he was lucky to still have his life and that you were absolutely insane. Possibly stung from the way you acted." By the time he's done explaining I'm fuming. What a great way to start the day.

"Is that all he said?"

"Uh yeah I think." Dex pops another grape in his mouth glancing behind me. I follow his gaze to find Minho a few logs away. His brown eyes meet mine and I hold his stare with a deadly look on both of our faces. Frypan chuckles beside me taking my plate from my lap.

"Looks like you got a war on your hands."

Without looking away from the runner I mumble back to him.

"If it's war he wants it's war he'll get." 

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The Girl By gabbs


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A Maze Runner Fanfiction When a girl shows up without any warning, how will the Glade handle it? Will they figure out her role? Or will her role be i...
328K 5.5K 24
Carly wakes up to be the only girl in the glade. What happens when she starts to fall for a blond boy and trouble starts to be unleashed in the maze...
460 8 16
ALL CHARACTERS BELONG TO JAMES DASHNER Iris was the first girl in the maze. The fifth one in the glade. A year after she got send there she starts d...