Brave New World: Stargirl

By Lauriver1fanboy

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My name is Courtney Whitmore. When my mom got remarried, I knew my life would change, but I had no idea how m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Up for adoption

Chapter 7

110 4 0
By Lauriver1fanboy

After a brief training session, Courtney made it home in time to shower off from her workout since she was hot, sweaty and smelly and that was no way she wanted to look or smell like that since she was going to be spending the rest of the day hanging out with Beth and hopefully Yolanda.

She'd just finished up in the shower, but she was very shocked when she entered her room wearing only a towel to find Yolanda waiting for her.

"Sorry, your mom told me I could wait for you here. I guess she didn't realize how long you take in the shower." Yolanda said, both embarrassed and a little flustered at the sight of Courtney wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around her chest.

"Yeah, sorry, I was working out earlier and I took a bit longer in the shower than I'd anticipated." Courtney said, more than a bit embarrassed at Yolanda seeing her like this, though she had to admit, she didn't exactly mind the looks the Latina was giving her.

"I'll leave you alone to get dressed." Yolanda said and Courtney smiled at her gratefully, though honestly, for some reason, there was a part of her that was tempted to ask Yolanda to stay and actually help her get dressed, which made no sense while they were both girls, Courtney had no desire to let anyone else see her naked.

Yolanda seemed to take an extra minute or so to not so subtly stare at Courtney before finally leaving the room to let Courtney get dressed and while Courtney was relieved about that, she also found she was a bit disappointed by her leaving. However, she quickly shook those feelings off so she could get ready so she could go out with her friends.

"It's about time." Yolanda said to Courtney when she finally came downstairs, now dressed in a blue top with star patterns on it and jeans.

"Sorry, but I wanted to look my best. A sentiment it looks like you shared." Courtney said, referring to Yolanda's black top and black skinny jeans.

"So, are we heading out?" Yolanda asked.

"We're still waiting on Beth. That's weird, I got the impression that she was the early bird who was always on time." Courtney said, right as there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Courtney said to her mom as she moved to the door to open it.

"Sorry I'm late, bad traffic." Beth said.

"Beth, this is Blue Valley, you need a better excuse than that." Yolanda said, though it was clear that she was simply teasing Beth in a friendly manner.

"Whatever, shall we get started?" Beth asked and they both nodded.

"I want you home by dinner Courtney." Barbara said.

"No promises." Courtney responded as she and the girls left the house, closing the door behind them and Barbara rolled her eyes and smiled at Courtney's response, since that was what Courtney should be doing right. Not what Pat was teaching her to do. But she knew that the only reason Pat was teaching Courtney any of it was because that they both knew that Courtney would be using the staff regardless, so it was better that she knew what she was doing so she had a smaller chance of getting herself killed, but there was still a chance that she could get herself killed. And there were other reasons that Barb didn't want to think about.

Courtney actually found that she was having a great time with Beth and Yolanda as they walked around Blue Valley.

"You know Yolanda, I'm kind of surprised you were able to come. I thought your parents were still trying to keep you isolated." Beth said.

"Yeah, so was I, but honestly, I think that they're more relieved that they don't have to look at me and the shame and disgrace I bring on our family according to them." Yolanda said.

"Why?" Courtney asked and Yolanda sighed.

"One of the downsides of living in such a small town is that a lot of people here are incredibly small minded and my parents are not only that, they're also insanely Catholic." Yolanda said.

"Okay then, I think I'm putting the pieces together." Courtney said.

"Yeah. Let's just say that I don't exactly fill the role of the good little catholic girl my parents wanted me to be. It turns out that I like girls a lot more than boys." Yolanda said.

"Okay, now I'm caught up." Courtney said.

"Yeah. My parents didn't exactly throw me a party when they found out." Yolanda said.

"I'm sorry." Courtney said.

"Yeah well, it's not your fault that my parents are small minded and don't seem to get that I didn't choose to be this way. It's just the way God made me." Yolanda said.

"I'm guessing that they weren't happy to hear you say that?" Courtney said.

"Never said it to their faces. Honestly, the only member of my family who still acknowledges my existence is my cousin Alex. He's the only one who seems to understand that I am who I am and I can't change it." Yolanda said.

"I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you didn't come out on your own terms?" Courtney said cautiously with Beth shaking her head in a clear abort signature.

"It's fine Beth, she'll find out soon enough anyways. No, I did not come out on my own terms, that bitch Cindy Burman outed me just because her boyfriend Henry liked me more than he liked her, so she decided that she should expose him to the real me. And she ruined my life in the process." Yolanda said.

"I'm sorry, but hey, at least you don't have to hide anymore." Courtney said.

"Maybe, but honestly, I would've preferred to wait until after I was out of this town to do it." Yolanda said.

"Okay, anyways, how are you liking our tour of Blue Valley Courtney?" Beth asked, trying to change the topic.

"It's nice. I have to admit that I wasn't exactly thrilled about moving here from LA, but maybe it's not so bad." Courtney said as her stomach growled.

"Hungry?" Yolanda asked teasingly.

"It is almost lunchtime." Courtney defended herself.

"Come on, let's head into that diner." Beth said and Courtney and Yolanda both nodded.

"I hope one of you won't mind paying for me since my parents refused to give me any spending money, even after I do chores." Yolanda said.

"Sounds like slavery to me." Courtney said.

"Feels like it too." Yolanda said.

"Anyways, yes, I have enough money saved up that I can cover for you." Courtney assured her.

"Thanks." Yolanda said.

After having a nice lunch at the diner, the girls continued their walk around the town, stopping by the movie theatre, the drive-in and a few other places before Courtney got a text from her mom saying that she needed to come home for dinner, but she also mentioned that she could invite her friends over.

"Sorry, but I promised my parents I'd be home for dinner tonight." Beth said regretfully.

"That's fine, maybe another time this week. What about you Yolanda?" Courtney asked.

"I'll take any excuse not to go home." Yolanda said and Courtney nodded.

"Okay, I'll tell my mom that she should set the table for one extra." Courtney said.

"I'll see you guys on Monday." Beth said and Courtney and Yolanda both nodded before saying goodbye and going their separate ways.

Yolanda was honestly surprised by how welcoming Courtney's family was to her. Unlike her own home, the Whitmore-Dugans were very welcoming to her, Barbara let her in with open arms and insisted that she get first pickings of all the food on the table and Courtney insisted that she sat down next to her. This kind of affection had become foreign to her and it was nice. She'd honestly forgotten what it felt like to have a family that cared about her.

"Yolanda, if you want, you can stay here tonight if you want?" Barbara offered as Yolanda moved to get her jacket before heading out to head home.

"I appreciate the offer, but my parents are likely going to be pissed enough that I'm not home yet." Yolanda said.

"You sure you want to go home?" Courtney asked Yolanda, since for some reason, the idea of Yolanda being around people like her parents didn't sit well with her. And it wasn't just because Yolanda was her friend, it was more than that.

"Not like I have much choice." Yolanda said.

"Well remember, our door is always open to you Yolanda. You're always welcome here." Barbara said with a knowing smile on her face at the look on her daughter's and the concern in her voice.

"Thanks Mrs. Whitmore, that means more than you know." Yolanda said.

"Good luck at home. See you at school." Courtney said and Yolanda nodded as they hugged before she headed out.

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