She's Mine

By scarletwidow06

80.2K 1.8K 187

Maggie Connors was Bucky's main target for his bullying in their younger days! Now she's become the object of... More

(1) Elementary Days
(2) Puberty,Middle School and Divorce
(3) The Big Move, 8th grade Begins and MIA
(4) Picking For You
(5) Welcome to Harvard
(6) What Are You Doing Here?
(7) Flirty Maggie,Greek Row & Puck Bunnies
(8) Maggie's Secret Is Out
(9) Can't Get Her Out of My head
(10) Maggie's Prelim
(11) Stay Away From Them
(12) Don't Flirt With Her
(13) Olympic Gold
(14) You're My Girl,I'm Nobody's Girl
(16) Green Eyed Monster
(17) Stay Away From Her
(18) Overhead Oral
(19) Breakups Are Hard
(20) Super Possessive
(21) The Smack Heard Around Campus
(22) Meet Langston Fitz
(23) Summer of Love
(24) Formal Dances & Breakdowns
(25) Another Break up & Broken Heart
(26) Buck's Bad Night
(27) I Love You
(28) First Date
(29) No Added Pressure
(30) Valentine's Day Weekend In NY
(31) Barnes Is In Love
(32) Dance Moves
(33) Jealousy Rears It's Ugly Head
(34) US Olympics & Critcism
(35) Bucky's Birthday
(36) A Proposal Fit For A Ice Princess
(37) NHL Draft
(38) Winter Wonderland Wedding
(39) Baby Girl Barnes

(15) Sophomore Year Begins & New Roomies

1.9K 48 6
By scarletwidow06

Two and half months later 

Bucky let his team mates know that he and Pietro were looking for two new room mates. Steve Sam and Clint got a place with some of their football buddies since they are on the football team. Deacon and Logan both said that they would move in. 

Bucky didn't mind he was reminded of the quote "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." This way he knew if one of them was messing around with Maggie. Maggie and her girls decided to stay room mates as they moved back in together for their sophomore year. 

Two weeks after move in day Bucky hadn't seen Maggie at the house. But Logan had been spending a lot of time out and coming in late. It was the first day of classes Bucky went to his Spanish class that was a 9AM class. Maggie came in looking so beautiful with her blonde hair down. 

She seen him and looked away as she took her seat. And it wasn't the only class she had with like freshmen year. On Tuesdays and Thursdays they have Civics together and Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays they have Spanish and Algebra 2 together. 

When Algebra was over he caught up to her. "So how was your summer?" He said 

"Don't act like you are nice or that you actually care it doesn't suit you James." She said 

"Margaret.." he said 

She stopped. "My name is Maggie." She said 

"And I prefer Bucky and you know that." He said 

"Go find you a puck bunny and leave me alone. Oh look there's Jackie go find a room." She said and walked off.

"See you around Margaret." He said 

Maggie flipped him off. 

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