Avengers x Reader This univer...

By atlasscrumpit

31.7K 1.2K 285

You are a being trapped between every universe the avengers are in, you travel without meaning and leave ever... More

Author Note
Chapter 1 - Loved not love
Chapter 2 - Familiar
Chapter 3 - Virus
Chapter 4 - Comfort
Chapter 5 - Tony!
Chapter 6 - Each Other
Chapter 7 - Night out
Chapter 8 - No
Chapter 9 - Back and back again
Chapter 10 - Wounded
Chapter 11 - Healing than breaking
Chapter 12 - Another, Another, Another
Chapter 13 - Broken
Chapter 14 - Cracked
Chapter 16 - Castle
Chapter 17 - Horror
Finale Chapter

Chapter 15 - Escape

725 44 16
By atlasscrumpit

You gasped as you opened your eyes seeing yourself in a white room.

"W-Where am I?" You muttered as you heard a chuckle and looked up to see the white haired man.

"What did you do to me!?" You screamed making him laugh even more.

"I gave you a little punishment, now poor old Bucky is left alone again." He said with a fake pout.

"Stop doing this to me!" You shouted as you felt tears stream down your face. You wrapped your arms around your legs and hugged yourself as you sobbed.

"It won't stop. Bucky, please." You whispered covering your face.

It hurt so much, everything hurt, you just wanted to die in this moment. To finally rest, to finally have some peace.

"I can't do this anymore." You whispered through your sobs.

"Just kill me!" You screamed at him as he just smiled at you.

"It took a while, but I think I finally did it. I finally broke you." He said while smirking.

"Stop doing this to me!" You screamed again as you stood on your shaky feet.

"Never." He said before snapping his fingers.

You gasped and shot up from your sleep as you looked around.

"Y/N, you're alive." Bruce muttered in disbelief. Your head was in so much pain.

"H-Hurts." You muttered holding the back of your head feeling blood.

"Lay down, Steve hand me that needle. I need to put her straight to sleep to stitch up her head. I'll have to perform surgery." Bruce said as you whined and gently laid back down.

"B-Bucky." You whined out as you felt Bruce press a needle into your neck.

"Shh my dear, the pain will be over soon."

You were in so much pain, you couldn't move. You cried out in pain, searching for something, something to hold onto, something to comfort you. You felt a hand wrap around yours as you sighed in relief.

"I'm here." You heard Bucky's voice say as tears streamed down your face.

"B-Bucky." You cried out feeling his hand squeeze yours.

"I'm right here, they let me come up to see you so you wouldn't hurt yourself." He whispered as you managed to glance to the side seeing Bucky.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered leaning forward and kissing your hand.

"Bruce said you fractured your skull, a-and you might not being able to walk again. He said it paralysed your legs. I-I don't know what Tony will do to you b-because of this." He muttered looking away from you.

"I don't want to stay Bucky, I-I want him to kill me." You whispered with tears still in your eyes.

"D-Don't say that doll, we have to fight. We have to stay together." He said looking into your eyes.

"Even if I die here it will all just start up again, I can't escape. I just want to die." You stuttered out as Bucky looked at you sadly.

"I don't want you to leave me." Bucky replied.

"I don't want to leave you either, I want to stay with you. Be safe with you, but that will never happen for me. I don't want this anymore, there's no escape." You cried out as you kept trying to move but your body wouldn't allow it.

"Let me go!" You screamed as you reached up to your head trying to rip your bandages off.

"Doll stop! Bruce!" Bucky shouted holding your arms down. Bruce ran in and quickly sedated you.

"M-Make it stop." You cried before your body fell unconscious.

"Bucky, I need to talk to you." Bruce said gesturing for him to follow, they made it out onto the balcony where Bruce shut the doors.

"What's going on?" Bucky asked with worry in his voice.

"Take this." Bruce muttered handing an envelope to Bucky.

"W-What is this?" Bucky asked as Bruce looked around nervously.

"Inside is money, enough to keep you both fed for a while. There's also an address in there. Get to this guy and he will be able to keep Y/N steady while she heals, he's a doctor and has plenty of money to help you both. He can get you set up with someone that will make new identities for you both and you can fly out of the country. If Y/N stays here Tony will kill her or Y/N will kill herself, you need to get her out of here. I'm going to use some substance I created to knock the team unconscious while you two take a car and get out of here." Bruce explained as Bucky's eyes widened.

"W-Why would you do this for us?" Bucky asked in shock looking down at the envelope.

"I care about Y/N and this was the last straw. Now she has you, you need to protect her when you're free from this hell. In 20 minutes I'll signal over the coms for you to get Y/N to the garage and get into a car, the team will be unconscious and I'll disable the cameras. Go to the address and you'll both be safe." Bruce said as Bucky nodded and headed back inside. Bruce went off as Bucky headed back into the room with you, he sat beside you and held onto your hand.

"I'm going to protect you." He whispered running his thumb over the back of your hand.

Bucky just sat and watched you sleep until he heard Bruce's voice over the coms.

"It's time Bucky. Protect her." Bruce said as Bucky quickly hooked the IV in your arm and gently picked up your body. He rushed into the elevator and pressed the button for the garage.

"Hang in there doll." He whispered looking down at your pale face.

He finally made it to the garage.

"Take the red one, I removed the tracking chip." Bruce said over the coms as Bucky quickly rushed to the car, he gently placed you in the back and jumped in the front finding the keys already in the ignition. The garage doors opened for him and he sped off into the streets looking behind quickly to make sure you were ok.

He pulled out the address and started making his way there, it was at least two hours away.

You groaned feeling yourself being picked up.

"Bring her inside, we'll get her straight onto an IV." You heard a voice you didn't recognise say.

"B-Bucky." You muttered as Bucky looked down at you rushing you into the new mans giant house. Bucky followed him into a room that looked like an infirmary and gently placed you on one of the beds.

"She's going to see a lot of fluids and rest. You're both safe now, this is the last place Tony would look. I'm Stephen Strange." The man said holding his hand out to Bucky. Bucky smiled and shook his hand.

"I'm Bucky and this is Y/N." He said as the man nodded before hooking you up to an IV.

"S-Stop." You muttered out in pain.

"Shh doll, you're safe. I'm right here." Bucky said quickly holding onto your hand and sitting beside you.

"W-What's happening?" You whispered opening your eyes slowly.

"We're safe doll, Bruce got us out. Stephen is a doctor, he's going to help us both." Bucky explained as you looked at him.

"W-We're free?" You whispered as Bucky smiled and ran his thumb over your hand.

"Yes doll, we're safe. Now rest, your body needs it."

"Y/N, doll wake up." You heard Bucky say feeling him shake your arm softly. You opened your eyes slowly and groaned.

"You need to eat doll, Stephen made some chicken soup for you to have. I'll help you sit up." He said as you looked beside you seeing a hot bowl of soup and nodded. Bucky looked around and found a remote for your bed making it ascend so you could sit up. You groaned in pain a little but relaxed.

"I-It's so quiet, m-my ears are ringing." You muttered as Bucky looked over to one of the tables to see a small radio.

"Here doll." He replied walking over and turning it on letting soft music play.

"T-Thank you, the quiet just b-brings me back to the prisons." You whispered sighing, Bucky sat beside you again and picked up the bowl of soup gently lifting the spoon to your mouth. You smiled and opened your mouth letting the hot soup settle in your mouth. It tasted amazing, it had been so long since you were able to taste something as simple as chicken soup.

"I can't remember the last time I have food with actual flavour." You whispered closing your eyes for a few seconds.

"Don't tempt me doll I might finish it all." Bucky replied making you chuckle.

Bucky helped you finish the soup as you sighed, you could hear rain against the roof.

"Bucky, can you take me to a window? I want to see the rain." You whispered as Bucky looked at you sadly.

"I can help with that." You heard a voice say as you looked beside you to see Stephen. His hands glowed and suddenly an image appeared above your face like a window. It was the city, with rain falling on it as you looked at it in amazement. You could even hear the rain.

"Wow, that's amazing." You whispered making the two men smile.

"Perks of having magic. It's good for your brain to have some sort of stimulation too and a way for you to relax." Strange said, you could barely hear him. You were so lost in the sound of the rain and the soft music. Bucky gently held onto your hand as your whole body relaxed. Stephen made the bed go back down to a laying position as you fought to keep your eyes open.

"Don't leave Bucky." You whispered finally letting your tired eyes close.

"I'm not going anywhere."  

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