The Grand Army of the Republi...

By AnonymousFab893

10.7K 318 48

The Republic thought that they were the first to use an army of genetically modified troops to fight in their... More

Damsels in Distress
Damn Jedi
So Far Away
A Brother's Secret
Home Again
Unstable Battle Plan
Famous Last Words
The Aftermath
Long Way Off
Road So Far
The Decision
The Rescue

An Alliance to End All Wars

709 25 3
By AnonymousFab893

Entering the main part of the Capital, the Republic were in awe at the intricate detailing within the building. From inside the main building, all that surrounded the group was silence. You couldn't hear the war going on outside from inside here. It was almost as if there was no war going on at all. The only thing that gave it away was the massive war room that the group passed as they walked towards the council chamber.

Soldiers scurried around the war room which seemed to be filled with multiple holo-projections, each showing a different battle that was currently commencing. "Are we not to meet in the war room Lieutenant?" Padme asked as she eyed the busy war room as they walked past it.

"No." Hyker stated not even glancing to the side to see the war room already knowing how hectic it was in there. "You step one foot inside there and you'll get lost Senator. The war room is no place for a person of your stature." Hyker mentioned as he glanced back at Padme.

"What do you mean by that Lieutenant?" Padme pushed not liking the tone that Hyker had given her.

"The casualty numbers will give you nightmares." Hyker mentioned as he continued forward.

"I can handle death Lieutenant." Padme stated defiantly as she glared at Hyker.

"I'm sure you can Senator." Hyker muttered getting slightly annoyed by the Republic Senator. "But I can promise you that the video footage of those men's deaths is guaranteed to give you nightmares."

"You record your soldiers dying?" Obi-Wan spoke up completely confused why the council would do such a thing.

"The Growth find new ways of infiltrating our defences every second. We set up cameras to record in case they do break through, we can see where they manage to get through. Unfortunately, the footage also catches the deaths." Hyker explained solemnly.

"This is as far as I go." Hyker stated as he stopped outside two large wooden doors, each engraved intricately in a multitude of patterns.

"You're not joining the meeting?" Obi-Wan asked as he brought a hand up to stroke his beard.

"No." Hyker stated bluntly. "I have to get back to the war room. The council will be inside waiting for you." Hyker explained before bowing his head and turned to leave.

"Bróðir!" Wolffe shouted stopping Hyker from walking away from the group. Hyker turned back around to face Wolffe with a small smirk gracing his slightly scared face.

"Já?" Hyker asked as he walked back towards Wolffe wondering what he wanted.

"Hafa mér á in lykkja." Wolffe muttered as he grasped a hold of Hyker's forearm in a brotherly handshake with Hyker doing the same.

"Ávalt bróðir." Hyker muttered back before letting go of Wolffe and walking back towards the war room.

Turning back around Wolffe was met with curious gazes from almost everyone apart from Rex, Cody and Master Plo. "Where did you learn to speak their language Commander?" Obi-Wan asked curiously after watching Wolffe interact with Hyker.

"Commander Thorn and Lieutenant Hyker taught the Wolfpack when they first met. They believed that it would be best if they all knew both languages in case anyone got captured." Plo spoke up taking the attention off of Wolffe. "It does come in handy. " Plo announced.

"Indeed, perhaps Cody and Rex should be taught it as well." Obi-Wan thought out loud as he stroked his beard again.

"You can't be serious." Anakin scoffed as he folded his arms over his chest. His altercation with Hyker previously still not forgiven. "If we needed a translator, we could've just brought C-3P0."

"Their uh ... their language isn't picked up by droids General." Wolffe mentioned as he held his hands behind his back staying professional. In truth, it excited him to introduce both Rex and Cody to the new language and to introduce them to his other family.

"Perhaps this is a discussion for another time." Plo announced once again. "We do not want to keep the Council waiting." He mentioned before turning around and pushing open the large wooden doors with the group following closely behind.

"I'm glad to see you found you way Master Jedi." Councillor Malikis welcomed softly from her throne like chair. Surrounding her were the other Councillors of Kithom, all of which seemed uninterested in the Republic group. "Although, we were not expecting a Senator to join you."

"Thank you for accepting our invitation Councillors." Obi-Wan greeted before turning to Padme. "Might I introduce Senator Padme Amidala of Naboo." Obi-Wan introduced Padme who bowed her head in greeting.

"Naboo? I hear it's a wonderful planet Senator." Councillor Malikis smiled as she spoke to the Senator wanting to keep the meeting light and peaceful. However, it seemed that the other Councillors did not feel the same way.

"I thought that perhaps the Republic would've sent out an olive branch a lot sooner." Councillor Talxz, one of the councillors of Kithom, stated as they all watched the three Jedi with discontent. "We needed Republic support when this war against the Growth first started and you said no. So, tell me Jedi, why should we send more soldiers to you to help in your war when we need them here." Councillor Talxz questioned as he glared at the Jedi.

At first no one said anything. It was Plo Koon who stepped forward to the council. "You sent five of your, experiment soldiers, to help with a recon mission with Republic soldiers before. Why not send some to help fight the war. What's changed?" Plo asked as he looked around the room looking at each Councillor individually.

"That was before your war disrupted peace within the galaxy Master Plo Koon. Now the Kithomen people do not trust the Republic." Councillor Malikis stated with a soft sigh whilst shaking her head at the rather blunt way of Councillor Talxz.

"Ha. Trust the Republic." Councillor Korick laughed in discontent as he eyed the three clones standing with the Jedi. "Do you not see what the Republic breed? You send these clones to the slaughter each day and stand there pretending to be righteous." Korick spat. It was clear that he didn't agree with the clones.

"Councillor Korick if you cannot keep your thoughts to yourself, I will have you removed from this meeting." Councillor Malikis snapped as she looked towards Korick in discontent.

"I am afraid Master Jedi, that I do agree with Councillor Talxz. We asked for Republic aid at the start of our war, and none came." Malikis sighed sadly as she remembered the death toll for the first day of the war which led to the creation of the Austereans. "Tell me, what has changed?" She asked as she looked around at the Republic group.

"Councillors, if I may." Ahsoka spoke up surprising everyone in the room. "Having a good relationship with the Republic could bring about an end to your war. Surely that is worth the alliance." Ahsoka tried to reason as she stood in front of the Councillors who seemed to be contemplating what the young padawan had said.

"Ahsoka." Anakin started to reprimand before Councillor Mallw held up his hand silencing the room.

"If the young one has something so say then she is free to speak Master Jedi." Councillor Mallw stated firmly not once moving his eyes away from Ahsoka. Councillor Mallw along with Councillor Malikis were the longest serving Council members on the board and therefore held more power than the others. "Do you believe that this alliance you are offering can bring such peace young one?" Mallw asked as he stared directly at Ahsoka.

At first, Ahsoka said nothing as she thought about what she was asked. "I believe that without trying, there will be no end to any war." Ahsoka answered softly.

All of the Councillors looked around at each other in thought. "You are wise for such a young one." Councillor Malikis said softly as she looked down at Ahsoka. "Perhaps others should listen to your wisdom young Ahsoka." She praised before turning to look back at the other Jedi.

"And you Master Plo? You believe in such things?" She asked Plo expectantly. It was no secret that Plo had had dealt with the Kithomen Council before.

"I believe in young Ahsoka." He stated proudly as he looked around the room before his eyes landed on a rather beaten and tired Commander Rose Thorn who had just entered the room and was stood off to the side awaiting orders.

"We must discuss this further." Councillor Malikis stated before she turned her attention to the awaiting soldier. "One moment please Master Jedi. B-S102, step forward."

"Ma'am." Rose stated as she stepped beside Anakin who nodded at her in a way of saying hello. It was clear to the three jedi currently standing in the council room that Rose had been through hell recently. There were new scorch marks on her armour and her face consisted of bruises and healing cuts. Blood was matted in her hair and it was clear that not all of it was hers. Her appearance alone had frightened Wolffe. But to see her standing before him after so long brought him nothing but joy and relief that his wife was still alive. "Our forces have managed to push the Growth back to the south side outside of the capital. I regret to inform you that we have sustained heavy losses, among those are both Captain Karin and Lieutenant Gorzz." Rose explained not once standing at ease.

"Yes well, soldiers B-S2001K and B-S4438A were defective B-S102. You must not allow their failure to affect your battalion's success." Councillor Korick spat in complete disregard the two fallen soldiers as he looked down his nose at Rose, completely ignoring how tired the soldier looked as she stood there in front of the council.

"As much of a sadness this news brings, I agree with Councillor Korick." Councillor Malikis said softly. "You cannot allow the deaths soldiers to hinder your battalion's success. You know we rely on you B-S102. However, they will be remembered." Councillor Malikis bowed her head in respect to the fallen soldiers.

"Of course, Councillors, this won't affect my team." Rose said with gritted teeth and clenched fists, hating how easily the deaths of two very high-ranking soldiers was thrown under the rug. "With your permission, myself and my men will continue on the front lines with the support of Captain Ordarla and his men." Rose informed as she stood to attention with her hands still clasped tightly behind her back awaiting the council's decision.

Truthfully, Rose knew that they needed the support of the Republic. Her numbers were depleting fast and there wasn't enough men to fill in that were trained in the art of war. It was clear to the Jedi in the council room that the soldier standing next to them was exhausted and that this support was needed. But she had kept a strong stance and continued to push forward in the war.

"Permission granted B-S102." Councillor Malikis stated after a few moments of contemplation. "However, we must insist that you leave B-S334M here in the Capital." Councillor Malikis stated in a soft voice knowing that Rose didn't like it when her men were referred to by their experiment numbers. Especially not Mik.

"Of course, Councillors." Rose gritted out as she saluted before leaving the council room with anger coursing through her veins. The Republic group watched as Rose left the Council Chamber before turning back to the Councillors. However, before anything else commenced, Plo leaned over to Wolffe. "Go son. I will inform you of the progress later." Plo whispered whilst Obi-Wan was conversing with the Councillors. Wolffe wordlessly nodded his head showing appreciation before following Rose outside.

As soon as Rose left the building, she soon found a bench just outside of the council assembly room to sit on with her head in her hands.

"Rough day?" A rough sounding voice said as they sat beside her. Looking up, Rose was met with Commander Wolffe sitting beside her on the bench with his helmet in his hands as he was looking out at the land that surrounded the Capital with a small smile gracing his features.

"Rough few months." Rose commented as she looked out into the land. "What brings you here then Wolffe?" She asked as she side glanced at him before looking out at the lands untouched by war within the walls of the Capital.

Sighing, Wolffe leaned back against the back of the bench and looked at his wife. "The Republic are offering an alliance mesh'la." Wolffe stated softly as he searched her tired eyes for a reaction, only to be met with a blank stare.

"It's too late ner kar'taylir darasuum, you're already stretched thinly with the war against the Separatists. You have no spare soldiers to fight this one." Rose sighed softy as she tiredly stared back at her war-stricken husband. "The Council won't agree to an alliance." Rose shook her head already feeling defeat.

"You need the support Rose. You can't keep this up." Wolffe said softly as he placed a hand over her gloved one knowing how hard this fight was for her. Hell, he knew how hard a war was to fight when you had no support. And it was this that made him fight harder every day. He knew that he had to make it back to Rose no matter what. "I won't lose you." Wolffe stated firmly as he pulled her closer to him so that she could rest her head against his armoured chest.

"You won't." Rose whispered as she played with his gloved fingers remembering the first time that they had held each other like this. "How are the boys?" Rose asked softly as she peered up at Wolffe's strong features.

At this Wolffe let out a heart filled laughed before looking down at his wife. Brushing a few strands of blonde hair out of her face he smiled softly. "They miss you." He whispered back.

"I miss them too." Rose muttered still not moving her gaze from her husband. "Wolffe?" Rose asked after a few moments of silence.

"Hmm." Wolffe hummed out in reply as he held onto Rose slightly tighter afraid that if he let go, she would disappear.

"Where do you want to go? After the war?" She asked as she looked out at the sun slowly setting over the Kithom landscape.

"I will go where ever you go mesh'la." Wolffe said softly as he placed a gently kiss into Rose's hair. "I will never leave you." He whispered as he held onto Rose tightly feeling as though their time together was slowly coming to an end.

"I know Wolffe." Rose sighed as she pulled away from his embrace reluctantly. Gently, Rose placed a soft kiss to Wolffe's lips with him quickly returning the gesture before pulling away with a sad smile. Rose then held onto his hand as if it was her only lifeline. "I've got to go ner kar'taylir darasuum, I'll see you soon. I promise." And with that Rose got up from her spot next to the clone she called her husband and walked towards the gunship waiting to take her back to the front.


So here is another chapter, I know ... I've actually finished 3 chapters in two days! 

Again let me know what you think! The next chapter is going to jump ahead slightly to show the war in its worse state. 

I hope you are enjoying the story as much as I am writing! ☺️☺️


Bróðir - Brother
Já - Yes
Hafa mér á in lykkja - Keep me in the loop
Ávalt bróðir - Always brother
Mesh'la - Beautiful
Ner kar'taylir darasuum - My Love

Also let me know if you would like more dialogue in Rose's native tongue ☺️

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