Never Free ~ Merlin x Reader

Od Junie_Bee_Jones

18.3K 701 618

Y/n was Merlin's childhood friend. She was his favourite person in the world. But she was kidnapped when they... Více

1 - The Beginning
3 - The Bunny
4 - The Date
5 - The Fight
6 - The Questions
7 - The Truth
8 - The End

2 - The Shoes

2K 74 45
Od Junie_Bee_Jones

It's been a year.

A year of living with seven idiots.

We have been travelling all of Fairytale Island in search of the most beautiful woman and coming up with zilch because none of the women we met wanted to kiss the boys. And why would they want to? The guys are acting incredibly shallow.

It's surprising how much Merlin changed. I mean, he's still Merlin. He's still the boy I cloud gazed with and played tag with. He's still my Merlin. Only he can be a dick sometimes. More so than when we were kids. But it's strange. After almost a month of joining them and helping them, Merlin and I basically re-established our best friendship. We joke the same way we used to. We have friendly banter whenever we're in the same room. And now we also train together. I have to train the boys since their new bodies make them a little clumsy. The biggest difference is his personality. It's like he's still my childhood Merlin underneath a whole bunch of new layers of idiocy and dickishness. What the hell happened while I was kidnapped?

Our travels also caused me great pain, however. Although I gained my best friend back, I lost my life.

When we went back to my kingdom on our search, I planned to catch a glimpse of my parents, to make sure they're okay. What I found instead was a three-year-old sister named Genevieve and a memorial shrine. For me. My face was a wall in the village surrounded by candles and flowers and little notes from my subjects stating how much they miss me. The tokens were framing a picture of my twelve-year-old self. I look so different now. My hair darkened and my skin paled due to the lack of sunlight in the tower I was kept in. I have the scar on my jaw that the magic mask hides. Only my eyes are the same. But even those are duller than they used to be. Faded by the shit I've seen, shit I've been through. I don't know how the artist managed to capture the innocent sparkle in my eyes from back then but that's long gone.

They thought I was dead. They painted me on a wall to remember me. The whole thing got me thinking. My parents have another daughter now and they looked quite happy. I would probably ruin that with returning. I don't want to shock them. Plus, the kingdom was still thriving without me. My disappearance may have caused them sadness and a shrine, but they are happy now. Things actually seem better without me. Security has increased, I watched little girls and boys practicing self-defence techniques. They moved on. I don't want to ruin that. I look so different they probably won't even recognize me either.

At least I have Merlin. I may be a different person to him, but I have him. I have my best friend. And I spend every moment I can with him to keep some of my happy memories alive. I need to hang on to as many of those as I can. It's hard not to let my bad ones invade my mind.

Now, we're are almost back home to our cave house with a castle facade wall on Risky Rock after a trip to the far east corner of the island in search of the most beautiful woman. The birds are chirping in the mid-morning sun, the breeze is light and warm. It's a lovely day.

"Short, chubby and green," I hear Merlin complain for the millionth time in the past year or so. "Ugh, green is like an ogre. Blue or yellow could have made us look cute! And cuddly." He squishes his chubby, green cheeks and I thank fuck my smiles are hidden behind my mask.

Arthur groans. "Quit your complaining, Merlin!" He scolds. "I'm trying to figure out how to take this curse and kick it where the sun don't shine!" He kicks the air to prove his point.

"Look," Jack chimes while looking in his mirror. "We need to find the most beautifullest princess to kiss us. And we've just about run out of options!"

"How would a beautiful woman even see you?" Hans mocks. "Mr. Invisible."

I roll my eyes at them. Those two are always bickering. At least Merlin and I have fun banter.

"aaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh!" We look up to see something fly over our heads and head straight for our house.

"What was that?" Hans asks. "Some kind of bird?"

I start jogging towards the house. "Keep up, shorties!" I call back to the cute little dwarves following me. I love teasing them about how short they are. It's hilarious how pissed they get.

I make it to the house before them. There's a trench dug in our front pathway that leads to a tree with a witch's broom lodged in it. In the leaves above is the silhouette of a woman. Either a witch learning to fly or someone who shouldn't have tried to ride a broom. Inside the house, something clatters. Well, whoever it is, they're in our house.

"What is it, Onyx?" I hear Merlin pant behind me.

"Looks like someone crashlanded and is now raiding our house," I say.

"Maybe it's the witch that cursed us!" Arthur suggests making me glare at him.

"How many times do I have to tell you, she wasn't a witch?" I say, slightly annoyed. Arthur shrinks back a little from me but I shake it off. "Anyway, you guys go in the front door. Hans, go around the back, I'll cut off the exits. Got it?"

"Got it," Merlin repeats and leads the group to the door. I circle around the house and make sure the windows are closed. When I make it back to the front door I hear a loud bang!

What the fuck?

I go in and the boys are all standing around an unconscious woman on the floor.

"Are you kidding me?" I ask them. They all turn to me with a sheepish look. I roll my eyes and scoff. "Let's get her to my room. Hans, get a snack tray ready. Jack a bowl of cold water and a rag. Arthur so get extra pillows and Merlin, triplets, you're with me," I order them. I've kind of become the manager of the group since they shrunk. And they're used to it. I'm usually always right and they know it.

The guys all go and do the thing I told them to. I scoop up the girl bridal style and carry her to my room. Merlin opens the door for me. I notice he and the twins have yet to take their eyes off her. I look down at her and realize why once I get a good look. She is the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my life. It seems like everything about her is perfect. Although, strangely enough, I feel like I've seen her before. There's a strange tickling of familiarity in the back of my skull.

The Fairy Princess said the boys have to get a kiss from the most beautiful person in the world. This has to be her. I mean, she is literally the perfect image every woman wants to be. And how else could the princess have meant it? The instructions seem pretty straightforward.

Before I can place her on my bed, Arthur and Jack walk in with their items. Arthur places the pillows under her for maximum comfort and Jack sets the bowl and rag on the nightstand.

"Who is she?" Arthur asks.

"I dunno," I answer honestly. "Maybe if she wasn't knocked out, we coulda asked."

Arthur puts his hands up in surrender. "That was Hans's doing, not mine," he says to remove the blame off him.

Hans walks in with a tray of crackers, fruit, veggies, cheeses and a lot of tea. Oh my stars, he really went all out, huh? Well, he is trying to impress her when she wakes up.

"I didn't know anyone could be so beautiful," Merlin mutters as they all lean over her. I decide to sit back on a chair, letting them gawk at her. Yes, she is beautiful, like terrifyingly gorgeous, but she isn't a zoo animal. Men are idiots.

"How did she end up with us?" Jack adds

A soft hum makes my eyes dart to her face. Her nose slightly scrunched and her eyelids flutter open. The boys all sigh when her eyes open fully but then back away quickly when she sits up.

She looks around at the group, gasping when she finally registers where she is.

Arthur clears his throat. "Hello, dear lady," he greets formally. "Welcome to my home slash command post. I have seven roommates but my name's on the lease."

"I pay the rent," Jack adds slyly from behind Merlin. I roll my eyes at them.

"Your home?" The girl says in realization. "Oh my gosh, I am- I am so sorry. I- I was starving, and I-"

"There's no need to apologize," Merlin interjects suavely. "We didn't mean to interrupt your... stolen meal."

"If you're still hungry, I made you a snack tray," Hans adds and points to the nightstand. "But I could also whip you up something simple like cake or a roast-"

"Who's that?" The girl asks, looking in the full body mirror by my vanity.

We all follow her gaze and I raise a brow. "Uh, who?" Merlin wonders aloud, dragging out the word.

She stands from the bed and approaches the mirror carefully. Her eyes wander over to reflection looking surprised at what she sees. "Wow.." she breathes. "I look so... different." Her hands start moving to her face. "I mean, my face and my waist and my waist and my waist..." She gasps in shock, seeming to just process something. "Oh my gosh! Wha- What happened to me?" She meets my confused eyes in the mirror. She turns around sheepishly to face us and starts nervously laughing. "Oh! Haha! I- I must have gotten up so quickly that my back is... killing me," she excuses lamely. I raise a brow. She's clearly not a threat, but I am now very concerned about her situation. She's acting weird, weirder than me. And that's saying something.

"You mean your head right?" Merlin awkwardly asks, clasping his hands in front of him. "Do you need help?"

"No!" The girl answers quickly. "I'm fine." She turns back around to glance at her herself in the mirror. "Um, is that... really what I look like? In the mirror?" She asks. "Do you see the same thing?"

"You're beautiful, miss," Hans rests his chin dreamily on the bed end. Arthur leans casually-not-casually on the post and Merlin takes a step forward.

"Like an angel," Merlin compliments.

"Really?" She asks. Then she gasps and looks at her shoes. "Could it be?... I also take a look and that tickling feeling of familiarity comes back. Those shoes look and feel familiar. I swear I've seen them before...

Merli clears his throat. "Excuse me, but who are you?" He asks gently.

"Oh I'm Sno-" the girl cuts her answer off.

"Snot?" Merlin asks in disbelief. I also raise a brow. Why did she cut herself off?

"No, no, n-n-no no," the girl quickly corrects herself. "My name is..." She glances down at her feet. "R-Red Shoes," she settles on. She starts laughing nervously. "Yup! That's me. Red Shoes."

It's obvious she's lying. I know because I do it all the time. Not because I want to but because I start coughing everytime I try to say the truth about my past. The Fairy Princess's magic mask allows me to talk through the curse Regina placed on me. But, as she said, the magic cannot let me speak the things Regina's curse was aiming to keep quiet. Anytime the boys ask me where I learned a certain move or a specific factoid that I learned from Regina's assassin training, I can't tell them the truth. I start coughing uncontrollably if I try. So I have to lie to prevent suspicion and wrecking my throat. Although I try not to lie. I usually can find a way to weasel my way around answers so they can assume the truth without me actually telling them.

Anyway, the point is, I know what lying looks like since I do it all the time. And Red Shoes, which clearly isn't her name, is lying.

"Cool name," Merlin comments. "By any chance, would that be Princess Red Shoes?"

Arthur's eyes widen as Merlin asks and steps forward, throwing his arm over the British dwarf's shoulder. "Of course, she's a princess!" Arthur says like it's obvious. "How could she be so beautiful if she weren't?" Not true. Regina was a witch and she was gorgeous. Up until my eighth year of imprisonment, then she started getting old and grey really quickly. "Obviously. Right, miss?" Arthur turns to look at Red Shoes.

"Obviously," she says a little uncomfortable. "I am a princess..." Huh... She is one. That wasn't a lie, just an uncomfortable truth for her. I wonder why she was weary of that. "Um, who are you guys?" She asks.

"I'm Merlin, part-time hero full-time romantic," he says suavely. I roll my eyes a combination of amusement and a strange uneasy feeling stirring in my stomach. "And that's Jack, Hans, Arthur, Pino, Noki and Kio, and-"

"No way!" Red Shoes interrupts him. "Your names are the same as the F7. The Fearless Seven! I'm actually looking for them."

"Let me guess," Merlin puffs out his chest a bit. "Merlin's your favourite?"

Red Shoes shrugs. "Eh, no. Not really," she answers making me snort. Merlin sends me a glare while I hide my sniggering behind my hand.

Arthur smiles at her answer. "Yeah, that Merlin's not your type," he says confidently. "You look more like a Prince Arthur fan to me." He flexes his bicep like he's done with every woman he's ever met before.

"Actually, none of them are really my type," Red Shoes answers. All their faces drop and I burst out laughing. I double over holding my stomach as I howl out laughter.

"AHHHHHH!!!! She- She- You-! AHAHAA!!!!" I can't even get two words out I'm laughing so hard. I force my howls down to small bursts of giggles and look at Red Shoes. "You and I are gonna get along swimmingly," I say, grinning from ear to ear. They can't see it but I'm sure my eyes are smiling just as wide.

"Shut up, Onyx," Merlin hisses at me making me laugh more.

"Your name is Onyx?" Red Shoes asks.

I nod. "I'm basically the babysitter of these seven idiots," I introduce myself. "Anyway, now that introductions are out of the way, how can we help you, Red Shoes?"

She turns to face me fully making some of the guys glare at me since I stole her attention from them. "I'm looking for my father," she tells me. "I know the F7 can help me."

I glance over at the boys and they are signalling for me to not tell her they are the F7. Makes sense. Their real selves are not her type so she won't want to kiss them if she knew. Okay then.

"Well, the F7 disappeared a year ago," I tell her making her frown. "However, we can help you find him just as well as they can, if not better. You'd be surprised at how intelligent these dimwits can be sometimes," I say, motioning to the dwarves. Red Shoes giggles lightly as the dwarves all glare at me. Arthur nearly growls and I smile, thankful the mask hides it.

When her giggles die down, she smiles gratefully at me. "Thank you, for offering to help me," she says with a sad smile. "No one's offered me help in such a long time." She turns to look at the boys. "You guys are awesome."

"Really?" Merlin asks in disbelief. "You think we're... awesome?"

"Yeah," she says with a shy smile. "You all are caring and sweet and..."

"And not completely hideous to look at?" Merlin finishes.

"What?" She tilts her head. "No. You guys are totally adorable."

I snort. "Hans, I think you hit her too hard," I tease. They once again glare at me, but I only roll my eyes. "Okay, that's enough bugging her. Out of my room so I can get her set up. Come on, out. Out." I shoo them from my room despite their protest and close the door in Arthur's face.

I turn back to Red Shoes. "So, how'd you end up here?" I ask as I start gathering extra blankets from the closet.

"I was, uh... Running from a witch," she answers.

I hum. "I know how that feels," I say. "I'm glad you made it out unharmed. Not everyone is that lucky."

She tilts her head, sitting on the vanity stool as I put the blanket and pillow on the couch. "What do you mean? Were you harmed running from a witch?"

I pause my movements. I want to say the truth but I can feel the pressure in my throat. I clear it roughly. "Something like that," I answer as best I can. "You can take the bed. I'll take the couch."

"Oh no, I couldn't-"

"Please, I insist. The only other bed is in Arthur's room and there is no way I'm letting either of us bunk with him." She laughs a little at my joke.

"You guys are close, huh?" She wonders, starting to slowly snack from the tray on the nightstand.

I smile. "Yeah. I joined them about a year ago," I explain. "They're all I really have."

"You must really care about them."

I smile and take a seat on the bed so I'm facing her. "Don't tell them I said this because I will never hear the end of it, but even though I tease them a lot, I would do anything for them. They mean the world to me. I consider them my family."

Her eyes are wide and a bit teary. "That's really sweet, Onyx," she says and takes my hand. "You're really sweet. And thank you, for offering to help me."

I smile. "It's my pleasure, Princess." I stand to change the sheets on my bed to fresh ones for her while we sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"Why do you wear a mask?" She asks out of the blue.

I freeze. Oh fuck... The guys know I wear it because the Fairy Princess gave it to me and I said it was magic that helps me but they don't really know what for. I also started coughing when I tried to say I was cursed. I don't want to lie to her either. She's such a sweet thing.

"Um... It's magical," I say. "It helps me speak. Also, it covers a really nasty scar on my jaw," I add with a nervous chuckle, hoping some humour will take her mind off it.

"Magic? Are you mute without it?" She asks. Oh fuck, she isn't going to let this go... I only nod, afraid of a coughing fit if I try to speak. "Why? Were you cursed or something?" My eyes go wide and I start nodding frantically. She leans back a bit, surprised by my reaction. "Why were you cursed to be mute?"

I furrow my brows, trying desperately to think of a way to tell her. Someone is finally asking me the important questions I've never been able to answer.

"Okay, I'm gonna try to tell you what I can but if I start coughing, you know it's because of the... uh... thing you said," I say quietly.

"Curse?" She asks and I nod.

"Yeah that. That is one of the many words the thing won't let me say about myself. That along with my... uh... not present or future, the other one."


"Yes! With me so far?" She nods. "Okay, promise me you won't tell anyone what I'm about to attempt to say to you, okay? Especially not the boys." She nods. I take a deep breath. "Without the mask, I can't talk at all. I just start coughing. With it, I can speak but I start coughing when I try to say... certain things about you know what. But I wasn't lying when I said it hides a nasty scar on my jaw also."

"Can I see it?" She asks.

I tilt my head. "See what?"

"You scar."

My eyes widen. Fuck... Should I show her my face? She might recognize me if I do. But I also really want to show her. I just met her but I can tell she's trustworthy. And I've desperately wanted to tell Merlin for so long but his life is so nice without the old me in it. I don't want to ruin that. But her life wasn't affected by my disappearance. So I think it'll be okay. She's also my age so I doubt she even knew about me when we were younger. I was not that popular.

"Um, sure," I say a little hesitantly. I reach up and pull the mask down, revealing my face. As I reveal myself, I study her expression intently, trying to see if any recognition flashes across her face. Her eyes flit to the scar on my jaw and her eyes widen in surprise at how large it is. I expect her to make a comment on it, but instead, her eyes start roaming my face.

I can see the moment something clicks in her head. Her jaw drops and I quickly rush over to cover her mouth with one hand, preventing her from screaming. I pull the mask back up with my other hand so I can talk again.

"You... You're-!" She stutters, her words muffled by my hand.

"I take it you recognize me," I say carefully, listening carefully for any sounds outside the door. I don't want the boys listening in.

She removes my hand from her mouth with my own and she whispers, "You're Princess Y/n... You're the girl who was snatched by a witch nine years ago... How are you alive? How long have you been free? Why haven't you gone back home?"

I sigh, hanging my head. "Yeah... I'm her," I say quietly. "I'm alive. I only... uh... got back a year ago. Like, right before I joined the boys."

"Why have you kept yourself secret? Do the guys know?" She asks, gently taking my hands to comfort me.

"I haven't revealed anything because life is great without me," I explain. "Everyone moved on and I would only ruin the peace. And no, the guys don't know. If they did they'd freak out and ask questions that I physically cannot answer, as you know."

"Why don't I just tell them?" She asks and I quickly shake my head.

"I don't want anyone to know," I say. "I only told you because... Well... I just have a feeling you should know for some reason. Maybe it's because I relate to you or something, I dunno. But promise me, you'll keep this a secret. Please." I look into her eyes with desperation.

Sympathy swims in her warm hazel irises and she nods. "I promise," she says and I sigh out in relief. "I actually wanna show you something too," she adds.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Here..." She sits down and starts taking off her shoes. She struggles for a moment before one shoe slides off. I stare wide-eyed at her barefoot. It's at least twice the size of her dressed foot. What the hell? She removes the other one too and she transforms into a bigger version of herself. She's quite chubby and shorter than before. Her clothes and eyes are the same, she just gained a lot of weight.

Wait... I know her face... Where do I know her face? Suddenly a memory flashes in my mind. My eyes whip to the shoes she removed and more realization strikes me.


I cry out as yet another torture spell crawls in my veins, making every cell in my body feel the pain I've experienced before but I'll never be used to. When the pain suddenly disappears without a trace, I fall to my hands and knees.

"What have I said about your performance?!" The gorgeous woman in front of me asks. "Answer me, child!"

"It needs to be perfect, Mistress Regina," I whimper, panting face-first on the floor.

"And what did I just see?" She snarls.

"Imperfection, Mistress Regina," I answer quietly.

"I will not stand for imperfection, child," she snaps. "It's been five years since you started training! You should be perfect! If I see one more imperfection, you will receive no food or water for three days." She swooshes her cloak around, her heels clicking on the floor as she walks back to her chair. Her heels are bright red, like her hair and nails. Regina is incredibly gorgeous, not at all how a typical evil witch looks. She hasn't got a single kind cell in her body. All she cares about is appearance. I mean, her mirror is massive and can talk. Although Magichard (the mirror told me his name once while he was rambling about nothing when I was cleaning the tower) is quite funny and sarcastic. So at least that is mildly enjoyable in my miserable life.

"Yes, Mistress Regina." I push myself back to my feet, forcing every fibre of my being to be perfect. I'm already being starved for my minor mistake two days ago. I won't make it three more days without any food or water.

The training I'm currently doing involves Magichard. He shoots his roots at me while I dodge the attacks and slink my way to the apple that is sitting on the chair right beside him. If I stab the apple with my dagger, I succeed. Unfortunately, Magichard is difficult to get around because his roots and branches are literally everywhere. He has an attack angle on all my angles. But I have to do this if I want to eat. It doesn't matter that I have no idea what time of day it is, nor that I haven't slept in what feels like days, but I have to do this. If I want to survive to see my family again.

So I do. I dodge all the attacks perfectly as I was trained. I focus on my steps, not one out of place and every single one is perfect. I slide under a root aimed at my head and it flies over me, colliding with the one that was shooting from behind me. With carefully placed steps and perfect balance, I Ieap from stone to stone and the occasional root until I almost reach the chair. More roots are fired my way from three different angles. I wait until they are close enough then jump through the small gap they create when twisting around each other. I land with a somersault and punch the dagger through the apple.

Magichard retracts all his roots back to a reasonable size and Regina approaches my panting and dangerously thin figure.

"You succeeded," she says coldly. "You may receive breakfast tomorrow." She removes the danger from the apple and hands the fruit to me. "You may also have this for now. Same thing tomorrow. Do not fail."

She starts to turn gracefully but she suddenly stumbles. Magichard catches her with a root around her waist. I stare in shock and worry. Did I do something wrong? Am I going to be punished again for something I didn't do?

When she looks up, I almost flinch. She's no longer beautiful, but wrinkly and grey and frail. I look down and notice her shoes turned black. The vibrant red nowhere to be seen. What on earth is happening?

Suddenly she rushes up the stairs and I follow silently behind her, just catching the trap door before it closes and locks me in. I watch her approach a tree with white leaves and two vibrant red apples dangling off the branches. There's a large circular window in the ceiling and sun rays shine through, hitting the sliver of my face peering through the trap door. The warmth of the sun filling me with an energy I haven't felt in five years. The only reason I know it's been five years is because Regina said so while torturing me earlier. The light hits the tree and the two apples morph into shoes. Regina picks the shoes from the tree and puts them on. Red magic glows around her and she transforms back into a beautiful woman.

So that's why she's gorgeous. Magic. I should've guessed honestly.

Knowing she'd catch me if I stayed there, I silently close the door and head back down the stairs. I've tried to escape twice before. Neither ended well.

I take a deep breath and bite into the apple I stabbed while looking around the small room I've been living in for five years. Five years... That means I'm seventeen now. The ground is uneven and has sharp rocks that could cut my bare feet if I'm not careful. There's the chair I use for training, the tree from which Magichard appears and disappears, the mini throne Regina sits in while I train, and a small desk in the far corner with a few books all on combat and stealth techniques, some posters and a list of names.

The list is my target list for when Regina thinks I'm obedient enough to be her assassin. The list grows every couple of days since she makes enemies often. Some of the more important names have posters with their faces so I can have them memorized. There were a few princes I haven't met but heard of on the list, a couple of powerful witches she considered rivals, and a few princesses she'd like to get rid of the dirty way rather than the magic way.

One of the princesses has a poster. Snow White. I never met the girl but from what I'd heard, she was really sweet and kind. Her poster showed her to be a big girl with lots of chub that I found quite cute for a girl around my age. I also envied her. She was big, meaning she had food and a lot of it. I am stick-thin, nothing but skin and bone and muscle. My shoulder blades and spine are visible through my small and tattered dress. My knees and elbows are knobbly, you can see my hip bones protruding outwards through the thin fabric and my cheeks are sunken in. I look like death. She looks like life. I don't know why Regina wants her dead since she's not prettier than Regina and the witch really only cares about looks. Maybe she's jealous of how kind she is or something. Whatever the reason is, Snow White doesn't deserve it. None of the people on the list do. No matter what she does to me, I will never kill for her. Not when she wants innocent people dead.



I blink, snapping out of my thoughts. I appear to be sitting on the desk stool and Merlin is standing in front of me with a worried expression. Snow White, wearing the shoes again, is standing off the side, also looking worried.

I must have frozen in place while I had that flashback. God, I hate when those happen. Usually, they aren't too bad and I can shake it off. But this one was bad. I remember the shoes that are making Snow White beautiful. I remember Snow White on Regina's hit list. Was that the witch she was running from? No, I killed her. It can't be.

"Onyx, are you okay? What happened?" Merlin asks. His hands are on my shoulders and he's staring straight into my eyes.

"Uh..." I try to gather my thoughts. "I, uh... I don't know," I say, trying to make it sound convincing. "I just froze up?" I ask.

"Yeah," Snow White says. "You just stopped moving for a few minutes. Like you were frozen in time. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I say quickly. "I'm fine. I just need some air." I get up and head outside. The sky is getting dark but I don't care. I need to think this through. I ignore the others as I walk through the living room and out the front door into the woods.

Red Shoes is Snow White wearing the magic shoes that make you beautiful. I don't know how she got them, but I killed Regina so it's not possible she stole them from her. Maybe she took them from the tree not knowing what they were or something.

Snow White knows who I am. She doesn't know what happened to me though and I don't think I'll ever be able to tell anyone. I still haven't found true love's kiss yet and I don't think I'll find it any time soon. So I just need to keep things on the down-low with Snow White, make sure she doesn't blab about me because that will cause chaos. Or at least I think it will and I don't want to take any chances.

Why did I tell Snow White? I should have kept it secret. I was just so excited that I might be able to tell someone because they were asking the right questions. But I can't tell her anymore about my past. I don't know if I'll even be able to with my curse anyway.

I settle down against a tree, the sunset casting an orange glow through the trees. It's a peaceful evening despite the storm inside my head. I should stay here for a bit. Calm down. Think things through.

Because I just made things considerably more complicated.

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