STAGE LIGHTS: Victorious

By iridescentlore

122K 1.8K 246

When Jade's cousin starts at Hollywood Arts things are bound to get interesting. Or Bowie has always known sh... More

Ep 1: The Big Showcase
Ep 1 pt 2: Coffee Stains
Ep 1 pt 3: Kissing Aliens
Ep 2: The Bird Scene
Ep 3 pt 1: Breakfast Da-
Ep 3 pt 2: Stage Fighting
Ep 4: AV is the Enemy
Ep 5 pt 2: Uptown Downtown
Ep 6: Survival of the Hottest
Ep 6 pt 2: Four B's
Ep 7 pt 1: Beck and Bowie's Big Breaks
Ep 7 pt 2: Big Decisions
Ep 8: Goodbyes

Ep 5 pt 1: Bowie the Zombie

5.8K 95 33
By iridescentlore

single? who's that? not me

"Ready?" Marty says. "Action." The school is putting on a play called Uptown Downtown and Beck convinced me to audition for it. I got the lead, but I'm not really looking forward to playing Robbie's love interest, if I'm being honest.

"Uh, I don't know," I say as the lights come up.
"Oh, come on!" Robbie says. "Why can't you admit that you're in love with me?" He's talking in this really odd voice that nearly throws me off.

"Why are you in love with me?" I ask.
"Because you're beautiful," Robbie admits. "Look at your face in the moonlight."
"I can't."
"You can."
"No, a person can't look at their own face. It's impossible." I have to try hard to stay serious, what kind of person says that?

"Then marry me, and I'll buy you a thousand mirrors," Robbie suggests.
"But that's so many."
"My father's a billionaire. I can give you everything you've ever wanted, and I'm very good looking."
"Mm," I pause. "Yeah."

"And lights go," Marty says as I turn to Beck and Robbie walks off. That's the one upside to this play, I get to do it with Beck.

"I don't know," I cry.
"It's okay that you don't know," Beck says as we walk closer to each other.
"But you deserve an answer."
"I can wait. For you, I would wait a thousand years."
"But that's so many," I say, fighting back a smile. This script is awful.

"I know I'm poor," Beck says. "I know I don't have much to offer, but... I do love you." I'm glad the script calls for me to turn away, because the way Beck is staring into my eyes is intense.
"Because I'm beautiful?" I say.

"I don't love you because you're beautiful," Beck says to my back. He grabs my shoulder and turns me to face him. "You're beautiful because I love you."
"Whoa," I breathe out. Suddenly disco music begins to play and lights start flashing causing us all to look up at Sinjin. He's rushing to turn the music and lights off.

"What up with the disco?" Jade stands and yells up at him. I take the momentary distraction as a chance to let the laugh I've been holding in out. Beck looks down at me in amusement.

"I'm sorry," Sinjin yells. "I hit the wrong thing."
"No," Jade yells. "Fifteen years ago, your mother gave birth to the wrong thing!"

"All right," Marty says as he stands and checks his watch. "Why don't we take a break? Bowie, Beck, you guys were great. Really nice stuff."
"Thanks," I say.
"How was I?" Robbie says, standing from his seat.

"I've seen worse," Marty admits as he bends down to talk to someone.
"Uh, guys, guys," Jade calls out. She stands from her seat. "Everyone shut up a second.
"Whatcha got?" Beck asks as everyone gathers around Jade.
"An email from Principal Eichner," Jade informs.
"That says?" Tori asks. Jade looks over at her in annoyance.

"To all students involved in our school's production of Uptown Downtown," Jade starts to read. "Sofia Michelle will be in Los Angeles the weekend of the 17th and will be personally attending your opening-night performance." The room erupts into excited chatter at the news. Marty runs out holding his stomach.

"Who's Sofia Michelle?" Tori asks. We all turn to stare at her.
Oh, no, no, no," Jade says. She grabs my arm and pulls me away causing me to grab onto Beck as well.
"What?" Tori asks as I plop down beside Jade and Beck stands behind me.
"She's friends with the lead and gets to be the understudy, but she doesn't even know who Sofia Michelle is," Jade complains.

"Wait," Tori starts. "Is she the lady who does those infomercials with the vibrating hairbrush?"
"I love that hairbrush," Sinjin says. I groan and slide down in my chair. Beck places his hands on my shoulders as everyone looks up at Sinjin.

"Look at the cover of your script," Robbie tells Tori.
"Oh," Tori says as she realizes. "Sofia Michelle wrote the play we're doing."

"Ohhh," Jade mocks while playing on her phone. I reach over and elbow her causing her to look up and lightly shove me back. Beck shifts my hair a few inches away from Jade with a laugh.

"She's like the biggest playwright on Broadway," Robbie says. A few people voice they're agreement as Marty walks back in chugging a bottle of water.

"All right you guys," Marty says. "We knew we had to be great. Now we have to be perfect. We are not gonna disappoint Sofia Michelle."

"And you're sure you want Robbie in this play?" Rex calls out. Robbie really does know how to roast himself.
"I'm good," Robbie yells.
"At what?" The puppet asks, causing me to fall into a fit of quiet giggles. Beck's hands squeeze my shoulder and I look up at him. He's looking away from me and at Marty, but he has a small smile across his face.

"I have to go take another nerve pill," Marty says holding a hand to his stomach. He turns away and darts back out the room. The lights start flashing colors and disco music begins to play again. We look up at Sinjin and Jade jumps up.

"Will you kill the disco?" She yells.
"No one can kill disco!" Sinjin says. He grabs a hairbrush out of nowhere and starts to brush his hair as he dances.

SFX with Cat and Tori? Sign me up!

Cat bugged Tori until she agreed to let her do her special effects makeup assignment on her face. When I heard what she was doing I volunteered immediately. I want to scare Beck with zombie makeup, is that so bad? We meet at Tori's after school and Cat does mine first.

"That looks terrifying, cat," Tori tells the small girl.
"Really? Thanks!"
"I can't wait until we're done here and I can go scare Beck," I tell them. We all laugh as she applies the last few finishing touches.

"All done," Cat says as she steps back to take a look. She holds up a mirror for me to see.

"Oh wow," I say. "If I didn't already know what you were doing I'd have scared myself. Okay, well, let's take those pictures." I let Cat take pictures at every angle.

"Cool," I say grabbing my bag from the ground. "I'll be back in a bit to have you take this all off. But first, Beck." I pull out my phone and send a quick I'm ready to Beck.

Cat's half way done with Tori's face when Beck texts me he's here. It doesn't look like he's paying attention when I walk out so I bang on the window.

"Boo!" I shout. He doesn't even flinch

"Hey babe," Beck says nonchalantly. My shoulders sag as a pout forms on my face.
"Not even a little bit?" I whine.
"Sorry," Beck laughs. "Cat just posted a picture of you on TheSlap."

"That doesn't explain why you didn't even flinch when I banged on the window," I say, plopping into the passenger seat.

"I saw you walk out," Beck explains. We barely make it to his house before my phone chimes with a text from Tori.

SOS COME QUICK I just scared a bunch of Girl Scouts

!Lore speaks!
Oh wow, two episodes in one day?
This episode was a doozy to write.
But I think it came out pretty well,
Part two is super cute and up now!
Hope you guys enjoy it!

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