The Hero With Many Faces. (My...

By Project_Red

2.3K 46 16

Salazo Nautali graduated from Kunugigaoka junior high by killing his teacher; Koro Sensei. After being recomm... More

Prologue: Graduation Time
Salazo Nautali: Introduction
The First Day of School
The Three Musketeers.
Combat Training!
The Incident at the USJ.
Salazo Maekawa: Origin
Should I really be a Hero?
The Sports Festival is off to a running start.
The Cavalry Battle
It Just Keeps Getting Worse!
What I Could Have Been.
Its A Date!
What I Could Have Been; Part 2
To Kill And To Die
The Yaoyorozu Household
Nautali: Awakening
Red, Purple, Yellow, And Green
Save The Day With Love
I-Island: Day 1
What I Could Have Been; Part 3
I-Island; Final Day
The Journey To The Training Camp
Girl Talk + Salazo
Escape Time
Revelry In The Dark
Change Time
Quirk Time
Happy Birthday Time

Pandemonium Time/2nd Period

27 0 0
By Project_Red

The final bell rang for the day. Everyone got up and left the classroom. I have always wondered what people do after school. My afternoons are usually taken by Claude and Bo. Everyone was talking to each other as the left the building. I am sitting alone in the back of the room. I don’t feel like going home just yet.

“I probably should go home. It’s not like I’m doing anything else.” I thought as I continued to sit in my seat.

“Not going home yet.” inquired Koro Sensei, who had appeared behind me. I shook my head. “Is there any reason?”

“I don’t know. Home doesn’t always feel like home…” I replied.

“Well, what does it feel like then?”

“Just another place I go. Annette tells me constantly that she loves me and that this is my home. It’s just… really hard for me to trust people.”

“Annette, she is your mother I presume.”

“Something like that. Adoptive mother. I don’t remember my original parents. I know she loves and cares for me, but I fear that one day she’ll leave me as well.” Koro Sensei had to ponder for a bit.

“Salazo, you are a good kid. I see no reason why she wouldn’t love you. Your quirk is certainly strange, but if she didn’t care for you, you would no longer be living with her. Stop living your life in the realm of possibilities and start looking at what is right in front of you.” He put his hand on my head. “Tomorrow, why don’t you try talking to someone new. Life is much more enjoyable if you are surrounded by people, you care about.”

“I can try. I’ve never had a friend. I don’t know what to do.”

“All you have to do is talk to them and let the conversation flow. Just try not to talk about anything weird.” There was a sudden spike of pressure in my head. I tried to push it away for as long as I can. Without doing anything myself, my body reaches into my bag and pulls out the rubber knife. My body lunged towards Koro Sensei, but he quickly dodges the blade. “That’s strange, your eyes seem to be purple now.”

“Good, cause that’s the last color you’re gonna see!” My body continued to attack Koro Sensei. No attack was even close to making contact.

“I see, you must be that murderous personality Salazo has. I don’t recall hearing a name.” He said casually as if he wasn’t being attacked.

“I don’t need a name. I just need to kill!”

*Sigh* This is why I can’t make friends” I thought as I waited to regain control.

I woke up around five in the morning. At five thirty, everyone was gathered outside again and did the same thing as yesterday. I was once again training with Tiger. After training was dinner; we made curry again. The last thing for today is the test of courage. It was dark outside, which added a layer of unease into the air.

“Now, we’ve filled our bellies and washed the dishes!”  Pixie-Bob began. “Next is…”

“The test of courage!” Interrupted Mina. Everyone in the remedial classes celebrated. Their joy only lasted a few seconds before Mr. Aizawa pulled them away. It was a sad sight to behold.

“Ok, so Class B will be the first to be the scarers. Class A will leave in pairs every three minutes. There are tags with your names written on the in the middle of the route. So bring those back with you.”

“Revelry in the dark…” Tokoyami spoke.

“He’s been saying that all day.” I thought.

“The class that makes the most people piss their pants with creativity and imagination wins!” Shouted Tiger. Pixie-Bob pulled out a small box for us to draw our partners. I stuck my hand in the box and pulled out a piece of paper with the number ”7”

“Seven!” I shouted and held up my paper.

“Ah, that would be me.” Iida walked over to me and showed me his paper.

“Wait, if we have fifteen people, there will be one extra person.” Claude pointed out. We looked around the area and spotted Midoriya standing alone. Claude walked over to him and offered to be his partner. Midoriya’s face lit up and he kept thanking Claude.

12 minutes have passed. Tsu and Uraraka just left. Everything was fine until I smelled something burning.

“You guys smell that too, right.” Asked Bo. “It smells like somethings burning… like burning wood.”

“That’s… black smoke.” Midoriya was looking into the distance.

“Black smoke!? Is something burning? Could there be a fire on the mountain?!” Iida said.

“Wh-What is this!?” Shouted Pixie-Bob. We turned to face her. She was unconscious, on the ground. An unknown man had a strange rock placed on her head.

“How are you this evening, U.A. High School? We are the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains!” the lizard spoke.

“Everyone go! Listen carefully. Do not fight. Class rep, you’re in charge!” Mandalay instructed. Everyone began running back to the lodge. Everyone aside for Midoriya who began running to a nearby cliff to get Kota. In my own attempt to do good, I took began giving orders to my personalities.

“Claude, you head that way towards that cliff too. Bo, you follow the path and make sure everyone’s ok. Delaney, you follow the path’s exit.” I ordered. I pointed to where each of them is going. They nodded and began running in their giving directions. I started running through the center of the forest.

The forest is burning, so that means someone with a fire quirk is here. There is also the lizard and the other guy who attacked Pixie-Bob. I am sure those are not the only three here.

“Ah, there you are.” A mysterious voice spoke. I stopped running. I couldn’t see anyone. “I’ve been looking for you.”

“Who are you!” I shouted. I’m not expecting an answer.

“Me? I am but a simple performer.” The voice came from a different direction. “And what good is a performance, without an audience.” The voice came from behind me. I turned to see a man. His outfit resembled that of a street performer. The outfit was complete with a top hat and a mask covering his entire face. Nothing about him said villain, but I still can’t trust him.

“Nice outfit.” I spoke. I moved my hand down my leg to grab a knife, only to remember I left them at the lodge. I clenched my fist. “Although the trench coat ruins the look.”

“Why thank you. However, I myself am quite fond of the coat.” The man adjusted his coat and gloves. “Shall we get started?” he readied himself for a fight.

“Sure, why not” I moved my fists close to me.

“I don’t know his quirk, so I need to stay alert. I also don’t know if backup is coming for either of us.” I tried to clear my mind and focus on the battle.

I started the fight by dashing towards him. He jumped into the trees and launched himself back at me. I narrowly dodged him and backed away. He disappeared into the trees again. I was on my toes because he could appear from anywhere. I heard something from above me. I looked up to see his trench coat.

“If a magician grabs your attention, it means there is something else he doesn’t want you to see.” The man spoke from directly behind me. Before I could react, I was met with a flash of blue. I could feel my body fading. I’m not dying, but rather disappearing.

What felt like not even a second later, I saw another blue flash. My body began to feel normal again. The blue light subsided, and I could see the world again. I was in what appeared to be a bar. My consciousness didn’t last long because I was whacked in the back of the head, which caused me to blackout.

I slowly open my eyes. The back of my head hurts a bit and I feel as if I am tied to a chair. I try to look around my surroundings, but my vision is blurry. I can see a few figures, but I can’t make out the details.

“Oh good, your finally awake.” Said a man with a raspy voice. I focused on the floor until my vision fixed itself. Once it had, I could see I was bound to this chair by a few leather straps and a metal container around my hands. “You’ve been asleep for quite a while; it’s a brand-new day.” I looked up at the direction the voice was coming from. A man with light blue hair, all black attire, and a hand on his face. It was Tomura Shigaraki.

“Oh! This is not good!” I began to panic. I turned to my left to see Bakugo, who is also strapped to a chair.

“How long have I been asleep?” I asked.

“For about 11 hours.” Replied the purple mist, Kurogiri.

“That reminds me. I should turn on the news.” Said Shigaraki. I turned my attention back to the floor. I heard a beep, and a TV began to make noise. As I listened, I could tell it was a press conference. I could hear Principal Nezu, Mr. Aizawa, and Vlad King. They were being treated as if it was their fault villains attacked.

“I didn’t get a quick look, but that girl looks familiar.” I thought, trying to remember why she was familiar. “Oh, I remember. She accidentally discovered that I killed my parents that day. I don’t remember her name, but that’s not important.”

“Isn’t that strange. The heroes are becoming the bad guys. Seems like they’re not dealing with this very well at all. So much criticism. But everyone makes a mistake or two, right? It’s not like they’re supposed to be perfect. Modern-day heroes sure have it rough. Don’t you think?” Shigaraki gave his villain monologue that you would see on TV.

“Once a hero receive payment to protect people, they aren’t a real hero anymore. That’s what Stain’s actions taught us.” Added the lizard.

“I didn’t even know hero got paid. That was probably something we were supposed to talk about at our internship.” I thought.

“A hero in this current system only cares about money and glory. And sense society buys in to those idiotic rules, anyone deemed a loser is shoved aside. So, we want to pose some questions. What is a hero? What is justice? Is this society truly fair? Soon everyone will be asking. That’s when we’ll know we’ve won. And you like winning, right Bakugo? And you like doing things your way, right Salazo?

“They think I’m Delaney! The only knowledge hey have of me is from the Sports Festival and the time I encountered the girl. That was before my quirk let my personalities out of my body. Delaney is the one they want, not me!”

“Dabi, let them go.” Shigaraki pointed to Bakugo and me.

“You know they’ll just fight.” Dabi replied.

“It’s fine. We’re recruiting them, so we should treat them as en equal. Besides, they’re smart enough to know they can’t take us all, right? After all, U.A. students are so clever.”

“Twice, you release Bakugo.”

“Sure thing! No way.” said the man in the black and white outfit.

“Do it.” Dabi walked over to my chair and began releasing the restraints.

“I do apologize for such forceful methods. But please understand that we aren’t some kinds of unruly mob commenting crimes without a third act in mind. We didn’t kidnap you by accident.” The magician spoke. Dabi finished removing all of the restraints off me. Twice finished around the same time.

“Everyone here has a different story to tell.” Shigaraki began. “But we’ve all suffered. Thanks to people. Thanks to rules. Thanks to heroes. We’ve felt suffocated. You two more than anyone should-“ Before he could finish, Bakugo jumped form his seat and attacked Shigaraki with an explosion.

“What are you doing!” I shouted. We are surrounded by villains that we have no chance of defeating.

“Shut it Salazo! I thought I was going to croak of old age while you idiots yap, yap, yapped away! Can’t stand morons like you who can’t get to the damned point! Basically, you’re saying, 'We wanna cause trouble! Be our pal!' What a joke! I’ve always admired All Might’s triumphs. No matter what you say, nothing’s ever gonna change that!” Bakugo wasn’t going to be so easily swayed to the opposing side. I couldn’t believe he was trying to fight a loosing battle.

I looked around the room for something I could use to defend myself. I paused for a moment when I heard a loud frequency. I wasn’t sure where it was coming from. There were a million-thoughts running though my head, every escape route, every weapon, every outcome. And for a fraction of a second, I thought to join the League of Villains.

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