Descendant of Revan

By arow800

25.7K 281 143

Ezra Bridger, the last descendant of the Prodigal Knight, Revan. With a Mandalorian mother and a Jedi father... More

A/N Question
Spark of Rebellion Part 1
Spark of Rebellion Part 2
Spark of Rebellion Part 3
Empire Day Part 1
Empire Day Part 2
The Reformation
The Start of Something New

A New Beginning

2.3K 27 19
By arow800

A/N: And by starting with Fire Across the Galaxy, I mean after it. Sorry. I want to get into this AU. Season 1 events I didn't cover happen the exact same way they did in the show, just obviously with an extra specter and Ezra's changes. Once this story is finished I may go back and write my own version of season 1, but I did that with Revan's Descendancy and it killed my interest in the story eventually. Let me know what you want to see, but we finally get the Ahsoka tag to play here. This is the true start to this story.


"There must be a way to use the dark side without losing yourself. Right?"

Day 42, 4 BBY

Kanan was back.

We were safe.

Fulcrum saved us.

Kanan killed the Inquisitor.

I didn't do much. I got distracted early on and he took me out.

And now. Now Kanan and I were rejoining the crew, waiting to meet this mysterious Fulcrum.

The rest of the crew walk in, and Emily immediately engulfs me in a hug.

"I'm fine. I'm fine."

She stepped back a bit and fixed me with a glare, "You're not fine. Once we meet Fulcrum I want to do a med scan on you."


"Why?! I was barely even hit!"

"I don't care we're checking on you." she said before turning towards the Ghost.

Wait, who's flying?

"Uh guys, if Chopper was in this transport, who's flying the ghost?"

Everybody looks around at each other after my question, and unanimously we decide to head to the ghost and investigate.

As we walked through the entrance we notice some blue soldiers standing at attention.

Emily puts her helmet on to hide her identity for a bit.

We continue up until chopper turns around and displays a hologram of an older man.

"Hello my friends. It is good to see you again." he starts.

Do we know him?

Kanan quickly looks confused, "I don't understand. I met you once, for a few moments. I don't even know your name."

Hera turned to him, "This is Senator Bail Organa."

Where have I heard that name?

She moves up to stand beside him as Kanan continues, "And the crews of the blockade runners?"

"Members of other rebel cells." he answers back easily.


Sabine perked up at this, "So there are other cells?"

That doesn't even matter right now!

"It doesn't matter. We need to take preemptive strikes around here now that we have them on the run. And we can do that alone." I say under my freshly painted armor. After I talked with Kanan, Emily, and Sabine on Empire day, they suggested I repaint it to happier colors. So I let Sabine put her Artistic touch on it in navy blue and orange.

He's probably just here to use us. We don't need him or his rebellion.

Hera glares at me, "We weren't supposed to meet. That way in case of capture we couldn't give up the other rebel cells. That was the protocol."

Hera is interrupted by a Togruta climbing down the ladder from the cockpit.

"The protocol has changed."

Hera seems to recognize her, "Fulcrum."

This is the person that's been so secretive?

"Ahsoka. My name is Ahsoka Tano."

"Why did you come here?" Kanan asks.

Great question!

Chopper wheels up to her as she responds, "Because of you, and your apprentice. Many in this system and beyond have heard your message. You gave them hope in their darkest times. We didn't want that hope to die."

"Well, it was my sister who sent the message. I'm not the one that does that kind of stuff."

I'm just here to rain justice upon the Empire.

Ahsoka smiled, "Be that as it may, one chapter has closed for you Ezra Bridger. This is a new day. A new beginning."

I can't help but frown underneath my helmet, "We were getting along just fine before, and we'll get along just fine after. Without this rebellion."

Emily instantly grabs my arm and drags me into the Ghost away from the others.

What the hell?!

"Hey! What are you doing!"

She doesn't say anything until we make it to my room.

She opens the door and pushes me inside, coming in and locking the door as well.

Ripping off her helmet, boy does she look furious.

"What the kriff was that back there?! They just saved us and that's how you act?"

"We don't need them Em! They're just here to use us and dump us. Why wouldn't they make themselves known earlier if they weren't!"

Taking a breath Emily sets about with a med scanner, "Ez, I thought after almost seven months with the crew you would've grown to trust people more."


"Em, I do trust people more. This crew has become a family for me!"

"I was hoping you would be a little more trusting of people other than the crew. Especially ones that just saved your life." she says as the med scanner finishes.

"All right, you don't have injuries I need to patch. Go meet up with everybody in the common room." she walked out after that leaving me alone.

Was I really that out of line?

I don't trust them, so I'm not going to be nice to them.

Sighing, I take my helmet off and look into its visor.

Is this the right way?

I leave my helmet in my room, but I stop at the crate that has my fathers possessions. 

Recently, one of the lightsabers had been calling out to me, but I haven't looked to see which.

Well, I got time now.

Popping the lid off, I check around and find the lightsaber that calls to me.

Pulling it out I realize it's Revan's lightsaber. Only it isn't the purple one.

What does this mean?

Surely I can't use a red lightsaber.


I'll have to talk to Kanan about this.

I clip the lightsaber to my belt and head out to the common room.

Once I arrive everybody looks at me kind of weird, knowing I don't normally wear my lightsaber openly.

Also the fact this isn't the one they're used to.

"New lightsaber?" Kanan asked.

I shrug, "I don't know, it's calling to me like I should keep it with me. Only problem is, it's Revan's bled lightsaber."

His eyes furrow at that, "Normally a bled crystal wouldn't call out to somebody. Not even a dark side user. They're looked at as tools and nothing more."

I move over to sit at the small table, but not before grabbing a nutrient bar.

"I don't know. I can definitely feel the force flowing through it, but I wasn't expecting to use it."

I rip open the nutrient bar and get some much needed food in me.

"Ahsoka wants us to meet her on the command ship soon. I docked us to it while you were in your room Ezra." Hera says while reading a datapad.

We can't join them.

"So, are we actually joining this rebellion?"

Kanan looks up at me from where he was thinking, "I would rather not. I already fought in one war, I don't need to fight another."

Zeb huffs, "I don't know. I don't really care as long as I get to bash some buckets."

Emily and Sabine both nod in agreement, and I can't help but let out an annoyed groan.

Emily looks over to me, "What's wrong?"

"Not much. I just started opening up to you guys and thinking of you as a chance at a new family, and this rebellion is going to rip that apart."

Kanan nods as if he had been thinking just that, "If we do join this Ezra, I'm going to put together a training schedule for you. We definitely won't see each other as much, so individual training will be important. I'll give you things for it though."

Hera sighs slightly guiltily, "We're on our way to a rebel base where we'll be staying either short term or permanently, dependent on whether we join or not. I think it would be good for us."

With Hera, Zeb, Sabine, and Emily saying ok me and Kanan are outvoted on that front.


Frustrated I walk out of the common room to my room. I grab the helmet I deposited and went back.

"Well, let's go say hi to our new overlords."

Emily shoots me a look that I don't bother responding to.

Instead I plop my helmet on my head and walk to where we're attached to the command ship.

The crew is waiting and once the door opens we try to walk through.

Only to be met by more of those blue soldiers.

"We'll escort you to the Senator and General. Also, no helmets while inside the command ship."

I turn my helmet towards him and practically growl at him.

Sabine and Emily share the sentiment to either side of me.

Behind the soldiers the door to the command ship opens and somebody walks in wearing white armor.


One of my blue blades is in my hand and activated down to the side in a second, with Kanan joining me right after.

"WHO ARE YOU?" I yell.

The stormtrooper immediately pulled off his helmet, "Woah, woah, woah! I'm not who you think I am!"

Kanan cuts him off, "No, you're a clone!"

He looks like he's about to swing at the apparent clone.

Which getting a better look at him, the armor isn't stormtrooper.

I deactivate my blade, "Just take us to Ahsoka."

He nods, "Follow me, you can keep the helmet on for now."

As he guides us through the ship I look around, trying to get a sense of what's going on.

It looks like a standard command ship, just instead of imps running everywhere, it's rebels.

Really weird, I feel a force signature on board.

As he guides us the clone speaks up, "Name's Rex. There are a few others like me at the base we're headed to, but none on the ship right now."

"Clones had advanced aging, how do you look like you did in the war?" Kanan asked.

Rex turned his head slightly, "After the war, I met up with another group of clones and Ahsoka. We had the advanced aging reversed and slowed down our actual aging so we would look our actual age around this time. Seeing as I was technically only thirteen at the end of the war, I'm actually only twenty eight and now I look the part too. The same with the brothers I served with that are at base."

Kanan accepts this, but also seems to stay weary.

Story checks out to me.

We finally arrive to the command center where Ahsoka, and a few others are talking around a hologram.

Ahsoka turns and sees us, "Ah, Ghost crew, good to see you."

A woman dressed in white turns as well and immediately scowls at Sabine, Emily, and I.

"I thought you were told no helmets on the ship?"

I scowl at her, "You gonna make me take it off?"

She looks affronted while Emily takes her helmet off and shoves me, "What my brother meant to say was, Rex said we could keep them on for the time being."

I scoff and move off to the side.

More like that was their only choice.

Ahsoka clears her throat, "Anyway, Senator Mon Mothma and I were discussing some logistics of you joining the rebellion. We're currently headed to Onderon, where our primary base is. After the Empire let up their blockade last month, we figured they wouldn't be looking to close for a base."

Mothma nods, "Yes, as for you all, you will be given living spaces on the base. But, for Kanan and Ezra I believe Ahsoka has a special task for you two."

Ahsoka nods taking over, "Ever since the clone wars I have been gathering information on any surviving Jedi."

Kanan gasps as she continues.

"During that time I have identified and located surviving Jedi along with potential future Jedi."

Kanan quickly cuts her off, "You want to reform the order?"

She nods, "It won't take longer than a few weeks if we split up. I'll send the information to your personal datapads once we get to the base. To sum it up, I will be travelling to Tatooine to retrieve Master Kenobi and a potential padawan, Cato Nemoidia to retrieve Master Plo Koon, and Dantooine to retrieve an old friend. Kanan, you will travel to Cloud City to retrieve two Jedi that go by Rahm Kota and Galen Marek, then to a planet called Teth to retrieve your grand master. Ezra, you will travel to Dathomir to retrieve Master Cere Junda and Cal Kestis, then to Dagobah to retrieve Master Yoda. We will rest and plan for a few days on base then set off on our separate missions."

Kanan and I look to each other, then back to Ahsoka and nod.

Reforming the Jedi Order.

I guess I can look past this rebellion osik for a couple weeks while we attempt this.

Still I am skeptical about the whole thing.

Thousands of Jedi were killed by the clones. What are a few more going to do.

Kanan seems to share the skepticism at this.

"Ahsoka, Ezra and I have barely been master and padawan for a month. Maybe it would be better if we travelled together."

She quickly dismisses that, "Kanan, I could feel Ezra as soon as I got into the system, but the two of you combined I could feel from systems away. I specifically sent Ezra to desolate systems so he won't be found. It's actually safer this way."

A girl I didn't notice from earlier makes herself known to the meeting. She's about my age also in a white gown.

"When were you planning on sharing this information, Master Tano?"

"Leia, this is Jedi business. Not rebellion business." Ahsoka easily brushes her off.

Still, the girl won't back down. "I think it is rebellion business though. This rebellion is to young and fragile right now. By getting Jedi to join us they will only paint a bigger target on our back. We don't need them, and I think it would be best if we didn't bring the Ghost crews Jedi on either."

What?! Who does this girl think she is?!

Before either of us say anything, Ahsoka gives me a weird look and points to Revan's lightsaber, "Interesting design."

I don't say anything, instead looking at the Navi Computer to see how much time is left before were at Onderon.

12 hours.

Wow, fast ship. Must have a high power hyperdrive.

"If you don't mind, I would rather get started on this assignment sooner, rather than later."

"I figured you would say that, so I took the liberties to bring aboard you and Kanan's ships." Ahsoka responds.

What ships?

"And what ships would you be talking about?" Kanan asks.

She smirks and gestures for us to follow her.

"We managed to salvage some pretty great relics. For the Jedi that will be meeting up on the base, we managed to salvage old Eta-2 interceptors. The best the order ever produced. You two will get your own when you come back, but for now we have two light freighters you'll take to make the pickups."

The crew make it to the hangar of the command ship and see two nice looking Corellian YT-2000 light freighters. 

Oh these are nice. I'm glad Hera's ships are Corellian otherwise I would have no clue how to fly this.

"These will serve you during your time away. There are two droids with each, both an astromech and a protocol droid. It seems at least Ezra would like to get going as soon as possible so here is the information for the both of you."

She hand us both a datapad, "You can leave whenever you're ready."

With that she left the hangar leaving the crew processing everything.

Turning around to them I notice Sabine and Emily have removed their helmets and hung them on their belts.

"Well, I'll be honest I wasn't expecting this." Hera started.

Kanan laughed, "That's an understatement. I think this is mostly just a way to butter up Ezra and I to the idea of a rebellion. You know, since we're the two that don't like the idea."

I take my helmet off and look at them all, "If you guys think this is the best course of action I'll go along with it. It is pretty exciting to be reforming the order."

"Hey, I'd like to come with you. We do things together." Emily said.

Sabine interjected, "Me too. My two best friends are going somewhere I'm going with them."

Kanan nods, "It would be smart to bring backup. I'll bring Zeb with me. That way Hera can get logistics sorted out here with the help of Chopper."

Hera agrees and I turn to both Emily and Sabine, "You two ready to go?"

They both nod and I grin, "Let's go reform the order."

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