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Skyler has been home schooled her whole life but now its time for college. Her family moves to LA and her par... More

Main characters
Uhg Where am i?
The Party and the fight
Dancing with the Devil
Broken hearts
The bone crushing hug
First Day
First Real love And The Heartbreak
Most precious thing
Love me?
Make love

Oh hi there

521 13 3

An*gives you 1 toffee*

With a swift move i opened the door and admired the dorm wow it was beautiful

Walked in saw the kitchen then the small dining table and some living area then the room on the left had my name on it so guessing it was mine i walked in only to see two people eating the hell out of each other.

*ahem*"Hello there" The boy looked at me with a surprised look and the girl looked annoyed "You hoe get out from my boyfriend's room" spoke the girl

"Well its not his room its mine you can look on the door it has my name on it"i told "Oh you must be that roommate" The mystery boy exclaimed. "what do you mean by "that" roommate" I was shocked.

"My  *I loved how he called me his but the i shook my head* roommate is what i mean" He said. "so maybe you can get your butts of my bed and eat your faces somewhere else, thank you" With that i moved across my room kept my bag down and jumped on my bed "Lets go babe" The girl said.

"Feisty aren't we" The boy whispered in my ear and left. Okey let me be honest here his face was to die for I mean come one i have a hot roommy.

After an hour i heard the main door shut guessing that girl already left i left my room bouncing to the kitchen to make me some food and then i saw him. "Hi I am Skyler nice to meet you and you are?" i said. He looked from his phone and said "Eh nice name I am Austin but people call me AJ" He replied.

"Then i am calling you Austin" I laughed "No one has called me that in ages" He replied 

I grabbed some veges and a loaf of bread and a knife to cut the veges "What are you making?" he asked "Toast" i replied."Maybe can i get some?" He asked. I nodded and handed him two toasts 

"need help unpacking?"He asked. "yaah if you don't mind" I replied. We moved to my room and started undoing my boxes and bags.

After what took like forever we did the unpacking a everything was at place and my childhood photo his hand with a smile on his face. "you had a cute face back then" He exclaimed. "Then? what about now" I asked. "Now you are even more beautiful" Wow now i blushed shit contain yourself Skyler Brown.

We were sitting on my bed asking eachother random questions. "So you are telling me you were home schooled your whole life?" he was shocked." Yes austin for the 10th time YAAAH" I screamed. 

Then his eyes lingered to my neck "So you had a full on make out session with your boyfriend before coming here i see" He laughed. "What!?" I was confused. "Gurl the hickeys on your neck say it all" He laughed again pointing . Shit those indeed had marks. All the memories from mornin' flooding in my head and my face tensed up. He saw the fear in my eyes.

"Wait did i say somethin' wrong?" His eyes full of concern. And this was the end of me tears rolling my eyes i started sobbing "Hey Hey (rushing toward me and holding me in his arms) What happened, don't cry look at me you can tell me anything i am here for you" He said wiping away my tears.

"When this mornin' i was looking f-f-or m-m-m-y-y room a boy touched me h-h-ere and here and here a-and tried to r-r-a-pe me" I said in between sobs. "he tried to what?" He said in anguish. "rape me" I said.

"Who was he?" He asked "I d-don-n't know" I replied "What did he look like?" He asked again.

Remembering the picture i had of him "Hazel eyes scar on his arm rose tattoo on his neck blonde wavy hair and pierced ears" I told him. His eyes lit up in anger "Andrew he is dead" Then he looked down at me "Don't worry you are safe with me" And smiled.

After a few minutes i drifted of to sleep because of so much crying.

I woke very warm and fresh i looked someone's hand wrapped mine and my back against him i smiled. Oddly it felt good and safe in his arms

I moved a bit but he immediately pulled me back and gripped tighter "Please stay like this of few more mins" He whispered.  

After 5 minutes with him still sleeping in my bed. I got up fixed my hair and headed to the kitchen but then heard a knock at the door. "COMING" I yelled and flung the door open and saw Andrew standing with a smirk on his face. He rushed in threw me against the wall and trapped me. Eh not again. "I see my kisses left some marks let me darken those" He moved closer i screamed.

"SKY" Austin screamed and came running with one punch Andrew was on the floor. "hey its alright i am here you are safe" He said. Andrew had fear reflecting in his eyes and he ran awsy with the speed of light.

"let me take you somewhere" Austin said. I nodded and we walked out the dorm in the hallway we meet his girlfriend again whose name was Chole haha looked like a Hoe ayee that rhymed.

"Hye baby *mah**mah**mah*" She kissed him like he was her last meal. Then she gave me a look "Babe lets go i was going to ask you to come shopping and maybe we will have some fun afterwards" He looked at me and said "Okey yaah sure" "Excuse me i am standing right here Austin?" I was again shocked.

"I promise we will go there when i get back Sky so bye gotta go take care and stay away from isolated" He yelled and started walking hand in hand with Chloe the hoe.

I thought of going to cafeteria and then heading to library to get some novel yaah nerdy me.

With a coffee in my hand and books in other i bumped into a girl and dropped my books "Oh my bad" She apologized. "Oh no problem at all I am very clumsy hehe" I said then she helped my pick the books and shacked hands "Hi I am April Nice to meet you" She said with a huge smile on her face.

"Eh Hi i am Skyler" i said. "Wow nice name wanna hang out i am new here so no friends except Mel she is my friend who i recently meet and is my roommates" She said. "Oh cool ya i would love to hang out lets go to the park" We went to park talked about random thing including how Austin was my roommy and her freaking out because she told me he was a "bad boy" which i didn't believe cuz he was sweet to me. 

We bid good byes and i walked to my dorm and surprisingly Austin wasn't back i got to my room looked at the time it was 9:30 pm where was he?

I sat on my bed when my phone rang


"hey sky"

"Today is a party at Josh's house (Austin's bff) Would you come with me Mel is not going cuz she is not in a good mood and i am bored at home pretty please lets go"

"Ya i am down let's go come to my dorm its on 3rd floor 114 no."

"Okey on my way"

Then i hung up 

Within 10 mins i heard a knock on my front door "COMING" i screamed anf flung the door open there stood April all dressed up without make up 

"side plz u get ready and i'll do my make up" she said. I moved aside then pulled a simple but classy dress out of my closet " Perfect" i told myself

I checked my phone and found a snap from Austin

what? where even is he?Then i thought of teasing him by tellin' i don't care and i am happy and he left me on open the i quickly put on my dress then make up and we both were all good o go i grabbed the keys to mu black Audi and got in with April she told me the direction to Josh house and it took us 30 min to reach.

Austin's POV

"Just buy anything its just a fucking party" I told her she had been shopping for last 2 hours and still couldn't find what to wear. I regretted leaving Sky i saw the disappointment on her face when we left. 

I had an hour before we left for Josh's Party

I snapped Sky and told her i won't be back tonight and she snapped me Damn that smile had been melting me in a puddle  those eyes what? i just met her what am i even thinkin'.

After Chole got ready "Ahh Ah AJ Plez kiss me" and straddled  my lap "NO you have lipstick on" I said sometimes she is too much.

We reached Josh's house and i got to kitchen to grab some drinks "Ayee Man" I shouted at Josh and pulled him in a bro hug "YOOOOO" he said

Got me and Chole some drink she was sitting on my lap and kissing my neck i looked at her and kissed her lips it was a full make out session. My eyes lingering around the room when i saw a tiny figure walk in a nude dress my eyes widened "Sky?" She looked across the room at me and smiled and then looked at Chole and disappointment took over her pretty face.

||Ayee i hope you liked the chapter vote so i can continue the story||

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