The Ursusian Sniper \/Arkni...

By morisago

17K 368 252

"Lay a finger on them...and you're dead." a rifle clocked against the back of the soldier's head, who was abo... More

Prologue: The Gun...But The Trigger?
1: Penguin Trust
[Future] Svetlana
[Future] Svetlana Profile
[Future] Svetlana Base Attributes
[Future] Svetlana Abilities
2: Family?
3: Meeting

4: Disparity + AN

1.3K 37 14
By morisago

***Read to End to see AN!***

Location: Golden Flour

Time: 1:00 AM

"What's the sudden commotion?" Amiya asked after she heard a loud, ear-piercing scream. She wasn't the only one who heard it, as the Operators who sat close to the door also turned their heads towards the brash sound.


"Son of a bitch..." The Doctor murmured as she eavesdropped on the noisy racket that occurred downstairs.

"Fucking bastard-" surprisingly, this time it was the usually collected Texas who cursed when she saw what happened through the cameras. "There is a tall Ursus, estimate about 30-31 years old, who is yelling at a group of student Infected Lungs."

"Are the Lungs sitting inside the Infected section?" Emperor asked. "Yes... but he is still yelling at them." Exusiai replied as she peered over Texas' shoulder.

"Emperor, do you want us to intervene?" Mostima asked as she pulled out her White Key, a little bit irritated with the commotion. The Emperor glanced at Kal'tsit, who was still looking at the projected screen. Indeed, Amiya could tell that the Feline was also annoyed with that Ursus.

"It's up to the Doctor." Kal'tsit finally spoke, rubbing her head and taking a sip of her hot chocolate. The looks all turned to the Doctor, who was still leaning behind the door and listening in on the fracas.

"Let's wait a little bit longer. I think the employees are dealing with the Ursus right now."


"YOU INFECTED LOWLIFES DON'T DESERVE TO BE IN HERE!" The Ursus continued to scream his head off as he pointed at the Lung students like they were a pile of trash. "I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY YOU'RE ALLOWED TO BE ALIVE! YOU'RE ALL JUST A WASTE OF OXYGEN!"

Svetlana took a quick glimpse at the fiasco, and he could immediately tell that the students were trying their best to ignore the madman. However, the Ursus wouldn't stop and continued to yell at them, finally making one of the students to stand up and say something back.

"Sir, we are sitting in the quarantine Infected zone... We are fully abiding by the regulations of this bakery. What more do you want us to do?" the brave student questioned, and Svetlana wished that he could warn that said student, as this was what happened next.

"ARE YOU QUESTIONING ME BOY? DO YOU THINK THAT I WON'T RIP OFF YOUR FUCKING HEAD?" the Ursus screamed as he stormed towards the student. Once he got right in front of his face, he harshly picked him up by gripping his collar roughly, nearly choking the poor Lung to death.

"I WILL SNAP YOUR NECK IN HALF, YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!" the Ursus continued to bark at the student, as the Lung struggled to breathe. At this point, everyone who was in the bakery began to tell the madman to cut it out.

"Hey! Knock it off! He was doing no wrong!"

"The students are sitting in the Infected Area! Stop being unreasonable!"

In the corner of his eyes, Svetlana suddenly saw someone rushing out from the back of the bakery. Noticing that this person wore different clothes than all the workers, the boy figured that he was presumably someone who had more power than the workers.

"Alright sir, I think that is enoug-"


However, before the person could even finish his sentence, he was met with a fist that connected right on his face.

"KORNELIOUS!" one of the workers screamed and kneeled next to him to check up on him. "OH MY FUCKING GOD, YOU'RE BLEEDING!" the remaining 3 workers then began to have this weird "brawl" against the Ursus that really looked like those high school fights with the student skipping back and forth while telling his friends to "Hold me back- Hold me back-

-Technical Difficulties! We'll be right back!-

Kal'tsit: Hey Author! Stop getting off-tracked!

Author: Huh? What happened?

Kal'tsit: ...

Author: ???

Kal'tsit: I'll... go get you some coffee.

Author: ??!?!?!??!!!??

"You three! Don't!" the manager managed (hehe) to call out, immediately halting the three workers. "Charlotte, did you get it on video?" the manager turned to the cashier behind the counter, who nodded as she held up her phone. "Good, we can show the police that this man attacked an employee."

The eyes of the Ursus widened as he heard the manager's words. Enraged, he began to charge towards the fallen supervisor, while arming himself with what seems to be a stool from one of the table sets.



"So not even the manager can stop him, hmm?" Mostima sighed as the screen continued to display the fight that's was currently happening.

"Jeez, this guy is going a bit too far..." Exusiai sweatdropped when she heard the Ursus threatening to murder the Infected Lung students. This statement from the madman clearly had an effect on some of the Operators, as Amiya and Doctor both winced, while Mostima's and Kal'tsit's eyes both darkened.

"This is bullshit- Texas and Mostima, please go out and silence him." Emperor shook his head, as the two girls nodded and began to walk to the door. "Hold on! I'll come with you!" Exuisai yelled as she followed behind them.

Kal'tist suddenly felt a light tap on her left shoulder. When she looked in that direction, she saw a pair of pleading eyes staring back, and she immediately knew who it was.

"You can go with them, Amiya. Stay safe." Kal'tsit reminded as the Cautus nodded in excitement. "We will, Dr. Kal'tsit! Come on Doctor, let's go!" Amiya jumped from her seat while pulling on the Doctor's arm, which resulted in her being dragged across the room.

"Heh, still a curious girl isn't she?" A titter escaped from Emperor's mouth, as the 5 exited out of the room. "Hmm, I suppose... But pretty soon, she will mature to a powerful girl and fit the role of a leader for Rhodes Island." The female Feline replied while the Liberi chortled at her response. "What I think that girl needs right now, is a goddamn vacation at Siesta. You gon kill her with all that work you're throwing at her."

Kal'tist stayed silent at the Liberi suggestion, while the latter began to down another cup of brandy.

"Hmm... maybe."

"She's under your care ain't she?" The Feline nodded as the Liberi continued. "if you really gonna want her to become someone who will have such a huge responsibility, you the person who's in charge of her physical and mental well-doings... don't you think?"




"Tell me why I'm receiving advice from a penguin again?"

"I don't fucking know. Everything that the Author writes don't make no sense-"

-Technical Difficulties!  We'll be right back!-

"Ya Emperor, stop going off the script!"

"Come take a shot with me, or don't even think about it."

"Bird if you don't-"

*Emperor throws a bottle of flavored cocktail at Author-san*

"Let's get back to our discussion." Kal'tist paused as she turned her attention back to the Emperor. "Those questions that you asked me... what were you trying to say?"

The Emperor glanced at the Feline and emitted a small chuckle. "Come on, White Cat... I'm surprised that you still haven't put the pieces together yet." Kal'tsit slowly raised her eyebrows at the Liberi's words, visibly confused by what he meant.


The Feline's eyes suddenly widened as her ears twitched uncontrollably. The Liberi shook his head in amusement as he smirked at his old friend's dumbness.

"Penguin, you better not be fucking with me right now-"

"Am not. Kid? The singer that recently blew up in popularity? His real name is Svetlana Rostova, or otherwise known as Adrik Rostova's son."




"Alright... but what does this have to do with the Ursus politician's death?" Kal'tsit asked, remembering the Penguin's question about Adrik's death.

"Oh my old friend, you're really getting dumber and dumber by the day." Emperor laughed, as a fashionable black folder suddenly appeared on top of the table.

"An aconitum sure is pretty on the outside, but on the inside, it is filled with poison that is capable of making anyone flow red."


"Tall and muscular he is, but definitely not someone who you call bright," Mostima confirmed when they saw the mad Ursus in person.

The crew of five have just arrived on the first floor from the stairs, and their attention was immediately turned to the huge madman, who was currently putting his hands on the bakery manager.

Texas and Amiya both jumped in out of instinct but both got held back by Doctor, who told them to sit back a little bit longer.

"But Doctor! If we don't do something, the manager is going to-"

"Amiya, listen to me. I have a plan." the Doctor reassured the Cautus, who still wanted to intervene to protect the students and the manager. "Trust me, Amiya. If my instincts aren't lying to me, then exactly 5 minutes from now, someone will intervene to resolve this.




"I... I'll always trust Doctor. But-" the Cautus was suddenly interrupted by soft headpats which were given by the Doctor.




"Good girl~! That old hag (Kal'tsit) is correct. You are growing up, aren't you?" Even though her face was behind the mask, all 4 Operators could tell that the Doctor was smiling cheerfully, as a bright aura radiated behind her body.

'Hmph- It's not like I also wanted h-headpats.' Texas glanced at Amiya with a little hint of jealously.

'Ya, Doctor-chi... I'll definitely get back to you once we're alone.' Mostima smirked as her long tail gently wrapped itself around Doctor's other arm.

'Woah... Too cute-' Exusiai attempted to cover her face to give them some sense of"privacy", but she still tried to peek by looking through the small gaps between her fingers.

"(/0///0/) D-Doctor... please don't call Dr. Kal'tsit that... S-She might get mad at you..." The young Cautus blushed, as she slowly raised both of her hands and placed them over the Doctor's wrist, clearly enjoying the soft caressing from the older. The Doctor giggled as she gave the Cautus one last stroke, before raising her hand and saying,

"Hai Hai~ But Theresa will be there to save me if Kal'tsit does decide to kill me :)"

Karma-sama: This... Does she really think that I don't exist or sumthin?

Author-san: Uhhh... Karma-chan, you weren't supposed to see this-

Kal'tsit: See what?

Author-san: Ah- No-Nothing!

Theresa: Oh Karma-sama! It's been a while!

Karma-sama: Kal'tsit! Theresa! I want to show you something!

Kal'tsit/Theresa: Hmm? / ???

Author-san: *quietly pulls out phone and calls Doctor* Hey Doc, you have exactly 30 seconds to get your ass as far as you can from Rhodes Island.

Doctor: Huh? What happened?

Author-san: Remember what you said during the bakery scene when we were filming The Ursusian Sniper?

Doctor: Oh... Oh shit.

Author-san: Shit indeed.




Doctor: Did she-

Author-san: She just cracked the phone that was displaying the video.

Doctor: Understood. I am currently heading towards our aerial machines.

Dobermann: Doctor. What are you doing?

Author-san: Dafuq are you doing Miss Doc?

Dobermann: Get out of that helicopter right now!

Author-san: ...

Kal'tist: *drops the unrecognizable phone* She called me an old hag huh? Just because she is some years younger than me, she thinks that- please let me be excused for a brief moment.

Theresa: Wait Kal'tist!

Karma-sama: Hey Kal'tsit, don't blame the Doctor. After all, she was just reading from the script~




Author-san: .... -gulp- ....

Kal'tsit: ...

Theresa: ...




Kal'tsit: Oh, I see how it is. Do I really look like a hag to you, Au. Thor. San?

Author-san: Oh Sweet Lord of Mercy, pls protecc thee soul from her hag's malice. Amen.

"Hey! Knock it off! You can't attack an employee!" Words of discouragement and deterrent soon surrounded the vicinity. At this point, everyone had left their seats and formed a circular shape around the fight.

"You are a disgrace! What you're doing is completely unacceptable!"

"Lungmen does have strict Infected protocols, but that doesn't justify your actions at all."

"Tch- Fucking garbage..."

"I think that you should look at yourself- Piece of worthless shit!"

Fingers were pointed, actions were committed- light threats were also used, but...


none were enough to get the madman to cease.

Well, that was until a certain someone spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Hello! Is this the LGD?"

The room suddenly became silent, as all eyes turned to a person who was looking out at the window while talking on the phone. "Hai, the Golden Flour located at the Lungmen Centre. Ah, there is someone who is attacking the employees and customers."

The mysterious person seemed to notice the sudden shift in attention, as he changed the phone to speaker mode.

"We will be there in 5 minutes. Please stay safe and keep your distance from the attacker."

"Okay, thank you!"





"Why did everyone become so silent all of the sudden?" the boy giggled as he examined the quiet crowd. "Please, keep going on with your night." the eccentric persona then turned back to his apple pie, slowly enjoying it, acting like nothing just happened.


Of course, the mad Lung didn't take his course of actions lightly, as he immediately dropped his hold on the manager, and stormed towards the enigmatic once he finished his sentence. However, unlike his previous actions when he was yelling at the student Lungs and the bystanders, this time he did not talk. In fact, "storm" wouldn't even be considered the best term to describe how the madman moved towards the person.

Pad. Yes, pad will be the better term. He did not move angrily towards the persona, instead, he walked silently to him.


Everyone seemed to clear a path for the madman to pass. The customers of Golden Flour stood silent, as curiously filled the atmosphere.

What was the madman planning to do? Who was this mysterious persona? And most importantly, STOP WRITING AT 3 IN THE MORNING, AUTHOR-KUN!!!!

-technical errors!!! We'll be right back!-

Kal'tsit: Wow... the actors and volunteers on set seem to care deeply about you, Author.

Author: Eh? Really? Ah, I'm glad!

Kal'tsit: ...

Author: Hmm? Is something wrong?

Kal'tsit: N-Nothing...

Author: HMMM!??? Could it be that you're also worried about me?


Theresa: Ara~ Is my dear tsun-tsun finally opening up her feelings?

Kal'tsit: N-NEVER! BAKA!

[IRL: Creator-san really did cringe and chugged a questionable amount of bleach when writing and re-reading this part

Creator-san: Why tf is my mind like this... Oh wait- my plot for Hololive CN is even more cursed. Fuck it, someone please get me a pound of caffeine so I can torture these characters even more.


Author/Creator Note: Hiya everyone! PeacefulYazyu here! I... have quite some things to say to my readers into why it seemed like I suddenly disappeared during the past 4 months... so without further ado, let's get started!

First and foremost, I really want to apologize sincerely to all the readers who have been waiting for chapters of either The Urusian Sniper, Hololive CN Last Generation, and The Misfit of Terra. I have seen a lot of comments that wanted more chapters or were waiting for the next chapter to upload, and I'm very glad to see those comments! Those usually left me with a smile that made the rest of my day, and it was nice knowing that someone who I don't even know reads the shit that my dumb caffeine-operated brain can think of.

Now, this also brings me to my second statement...















No, my cat didn't die, I didn't get run over, my family didn't get murdered, and my doggos are doing just fine! HA, YOU THOUGHT THAT I WOULD GIVE THOSE EXTREME WATTPAD WRITERS EXCUSES HUH? HAHAHA! GOTCHA!

What really had happened... is pretty much life. I'm still a student and the amount of work that they assign makes me want to shoot myself in the foot. Not only that, but I also join many clubs, which gives me even more- did I just say more, I'm sorry, I meant NONE time to progress my stories and think of ideas.

For the summer, I had originally planned to just brainstorm ideas and write them down in my draft book, so that once school starts, I can just quickly edit some parts and publish them, but holy shit do I wish I had the time to even open Wattpad.

So... what I want to say is *bows at a 270-degree angle* GOMENASORRY! I'll still try to publish stories when I do have the time, but please accept this hurried chapter as compensation! Also, there will be a 4.1 or 4.2 because the bakery scene does not end here!




Yours truly who needs caffeine,

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