The Golden Girl Trio, Harry P...

By Ginny_lovegood_8

755 53 57

Join these 3 girls thought their adventures and at Hogwarts. These three young girls grow older and have to d... More

The Characters
Chapter 1: Aboard the train
Chapter 2: The Sorting
Chapter 3: Feast and the Speech
Chapter 4: Quidditch tryouts
Chapter 5: Lovebirds in the library♡
Update ♡
Chapter 7: The Quidditch match
Chapter 8: Lily and Scorpius
Chapter 9: Arch Enemys
Chapter 10: The Name
Chapter 11: The Fall Dance Party Part One
Chapter 12: The Fall Dance Party Part two
Chapter 13: The School Is Expanding!
Chapter 15: The Halloween Party
Chapter 16: Lily's House ~The talk
Chapter 17: The all nighter
Chapter 18: back at Hogwarts
Chapter 19: Decorating for the holidays
Chapter 20: Winter ball
Chapter 21: It's Christmas
Chapter 22: New years
Chapter 23: A New Teacher
Chapter 24: The fight

Chapter 14: Decorating for Halloween

22 2 2
By Ginny_lovegood_8

It was the 27th of October, at 10 in the morning time to decorate for Halloween. "Since its close to Halloween I thought we should play a game before we decorate" Rose said "Okay, what game" Melody and Lily asked "I was thinking 2 truths and a lie but you have to answer 3 questions we give you and one of them has to be a lie" Rose said "Ooooh! good idea!" Lily said "I'll go first, Melody who do you like?" Lily asked "Umm... I like Albus" Melody said blushing crazy "Next question" Lily said  "Wait! Lily, Melody likes your brother and your not even surprised" Rose exclaimed "Oh, yeah I'm fine with it, Melody your next question is how many pairs of earrings did you bring to Hogwarts this year?" Lily asked "I brought 64 pairs" Melody said "Okay, and last and final question, when is your birthday?" Lily asked not knowing because they met in the summer "February 26th" Melody said.

"What ones the lie?" Rose asked Lily "I think it's the Birthday" Lily said "Me too" "Okay Melody, is your Birthday really February 26th?" Lily asked "I win!" Melody said jumping up and down "The earring was the lie! I brought 79 pairs" "Oh, makes sense knowing you" Rose said giggling.

The girls continued playing this game till 10:45 then Melody finally said "I think we should start the decorating now" Rose and Lily agreed, they walked up to there dorm where Maya and Kayla had already full out decorated.

There were 5 of those bed's in there dorm, very cute but spooky!

The girls grabbed this big bin of decorations to decorate the Gryffindor common room with, after a hour of working (11:45) they were finished, it looked like this.

The girls were very happy with there work and went to find Albus, Michael, James, Maya, Kayla, Hugo and Scorpius to show them what they had done. Scorpius and Hugo really liked t and since the girls had extra decorations they decided to use them in the Hufflepuff common room. It only took them half a hour since they had more than double the help, so at 12:30 they decided to go down to eat.

As they walked down the stairs, outside the great hall was a HUUUGE rack of Halloween costumes as well as a sign that read 'Take one costume for each person, Happy Halloween -Headmistress McGonagall' "I'm soo exited! lets pick one out after we eat" Rose said.

After they finished eating it was 1:00, so they went to pick out there costumes. "hmmm... " Melody mumbled to herself as she looked at the verity of costumes "I've got it! we should all dress alike, maybe devil, angel and and... and something else" Melody said excitedly "Good idea! lets look for something" Lily said. By 1:10 Rose found something she yelled "I found something! those M&M muggle candies we can dress up as them" she held up the 3 outfits to show Melody and Lily.

"Those are perfect, I can be green, you can be red and Melody can be blue" Lily said handing them there costumes. They were done decorating and chtoosing there costumes, they were ready for Halloween.

A/N: This is a slightly shorter chapter, a Halloween chapter coming soon. If it sounds a little weird it is because I am writing a Halloween chapter in May! All copyright goes to J.K Rowling except for the plot and my own characters- Ginny_Luna

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