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Dylan 🖤

Oh god not you 🙄

Dylan 🖤
Oh you love me 😩

Maybe sometimes 😒

Dylan 🖤
Anyways I'm about to ask a bold question

Mhmm continue ..

Dylan 🖤
Would you maybe wanna go on a date with me tonight?


Dylan 🖤
Yeah, unless Yk u don't wanna that's completely okay too.

No no that's not it , uhm sure what time?

Uhh 7

Great I'll see you then .. :)


"What am I supposed to do you guys are no help and he's gonna be here in two hours!" I complain to my phone that was stood up on my dresser as I was in group face time with Celine, Jonah and Thea.

"Did he tell you were you guys were going?" Jonah asks as he spins around in a chair.

"No he just asked- should I ask him what to wear like style wise..?"

"Go for it.. because if you don't we know you'll lose you're mind." Celine laughed as I rolled my eyes grabbing my phone and texting him.

Hey quick question.., uh what kind of clothes should I wear ?

Dylan 🖤
Something fancy but as long as you're comfortable I don't really mind what you wear :))

Oh okay thanks :)


"Okay he said wear something fancy but be doesn't care as long I'm comfy."

"Awe, he's so nice Jules.." Celine spoke in awe, I nodded simply before I grabbed my phone again and head towards my walk-in closet looking through my dresses.

"Okay so what should I wear guys now that we have an idea.?"

"Wear a white dress with a small fleece jacket you would look so good." Thea spoke up as Jonah nodded and 'oohed'.

"Alright I'm gonna go so I can get ready I'll tell you how it goes." I smile as we all say bye and hang up and I begin to get ready.
"Hey.." I smile softly as I stand face to face with Dylan at my front door.

"Oh hey- wow.." his eyes shot from mine to my dress.

"Oh it's too much isn't it- I can go change if it's too much really..?"

"No no, it's not too much it's perfec- you look perfect.." he laughed awkwardly as I laughed along.

I closed my door, my arm around his as he lead me down my cobblestone path towards his car.

He opens the door for me closing it as I got in as he made his way to the other side getting in.

"So where we going?.."

"It's a surprise."

"Hmm okay.., can I turn in some music?"

"Yeah sure."

As I connected to aux and played songs we both liked as we sung along, my smile was genuine for the first time in a long time it was actually genuine and I wish that I could have the feeling I feel right now forever.

I rolled down the window and put my hand outside of it as my fingers ran through the wind of the night.

We drove down a popular path with trees lining it and lights wrapped around them as they shined bright, glistening in my eyes.

I could feel his on me as I turned my head back to him and smiled back at him, we were driving for a while until we arrived at what looked to be a house but confused me when I saw other very expensive cars in the front.

"Where did you bring me..?" I mumbled more as a question to myself as he parked and got out to open my door as he softly grabbed my hand.

"Thankyou.." he simply nodded at my words before holding my hand altogether and lead me into the house- mansion, something..?

When we stepped in my eyes immediately lit up as I looked around at the long staircases and high ceilings along with high walls diamond chandeliers hanging and a wondering people as we continued walking until we made it into a more quiet and reserved room.

"Oh my god.. this is- this is amazing Dylan really." My mind wondered as I thought about how a man I met at gas station could be this expensive.

A man in a white tail suit walked over to us speaking lightly towards Dylan as I looked around and listened to the soft classical music playing throughout the place.

Dylan caught my attention by tapping my shoulder as we followed the main in the tail suit towards a white door with the nod of his head he slowly opened the door for me to see a dining table and a piano placed in the middle of tall wide widows.

We walk over to the table and sit down, I make eye contact with white suit guy and smile small at him, "I'll be right back with you're menus." He nodded his head once as he walked away I turned my head back to Dylan and smiled as my bit my lip.

"Now how in the hell did you pull this off.." I scoff a little my smile still plastered as he shook his head jokingly.

"Uhh my dad kinda owns a big company haha." He rubbed the back of his head with his hand as he spoke.

"Oh.." soon the man comes back with our menus leaving us to think about what we want.

"So what are you having?" I ask Dylan as he looks up from his menu, "oh I think I might have the steak." I nod as I look back at the menu.

"I'm craving breakfast.." I mumble out loud as I looked at the waffles with beautiful strawberries and whipped cream.

"They can make you some."

"Oh- I didn't think you'd hear me.." I laughed a little.

After we'd ordered — Dylan with his steak me with my waffles, weird food option for a fancy restaurant may I add, we'd had eaten the very delicious food before we sat in comfortable silence gazing at one another.

"You're really pretty you know.."

"Thankyou.." I tired to hide my smile by scrunching my lips together.

I looked around the room when my eyes landed back on the white piano sitting in the open corner.

"Do you play?"

"I used to but I don't know that I'm any good anymore."

"Oh I'm sure you are Ly, go ahead.." he waved he hand towards it as I chuckled a bit before standing a striding over to it making myself comfortable on the padded bench.

I searched through my mind for a song to play until I remember one me and the boys worked on but never released.

As I played the notes I remembered how fun it was to record and have a good time with the boys. I felt Dylan's presence behind me as he sat next to me without disturbing me.I played for another minute or so before I put my hands in my lap.

"What song was that?"

"Oh a song I worked on with why don't we."

His face changed a little and he furrowed his eyebrows, "you hang out with them quite a lot yeah?"

"I guess you could say that- we just both really like to work on music and our tastes are similar so it's a really fun experience.."

"Yeah.., they seem like cool guys especially that Jonah guy." He did a sort of weird facial expression one that would make you think he was jealous.

"He's gay- I mean he doesn't like me like that.. if that's what you were wondering.." my eyes go wide at what I just let leave my mouth as he let out a hole hearted laugh.

I put my hand up to my forehead and close my eyes "oh my god.." I said in a whisper I knew only I would hear.

"It's alright I kind of already had an inkling."

"Hey it's uh getting kinda late wanna head out?"

"Yeah sure I have a shoot tomorrow.." I smiled as we walked out the many rooms to the front door and towards his car, we drove home in silence with the radio softly playing before he pulled up to my house.

"Thankyou for tonight I really enjoyed it."

"Me too." I only nodded as I out my hand on the door nob, "wait!" I turned my head as Dylan grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a kiss.

My eyes wide as I was stunned before I kissed back, we slowly pulled away as we breathed a laugh.

"Night." He smiled before I smiled back getting out the car completely as I walked up the path to my door I looked back one more time to see him give a little wave before I entered the house.

Ok but Fr what y'all think I'm skeptical abt finishing this..

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