Zodiac Highschool

By lynncisco

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In a universe called Zodea, these twelve individually different teenagers had been accepted into a "normal" h... More

°• Character Descriptions•°
Chapter 1- New School
Background characters
Chapter 2- Adult drama
Chapter 3- Sleepover time
Chapter 4- Caught
Chapter 5- Library Of Secrets
Chapter 6- Sports day out
Chapter 7- Familliar face
Chapter 8- Bittersweet
Chapter 9- News
Chapter 10- Practice
Chapter 11- Costumes
Chapter 12- We Meet Again
Chapter 13- Hacking Help
Chapter 14- The life of a teacher
Chapter 15- Day Out
Chapter 16- Suspicion & Reveals
Chapter 17- Newfound grudges
~☆The Halloween Special☆~
Chapter 18- Mystery
Chapter 19- The Play
Chapter 20- The 4th Galaxy
~☆The Christmas Special☆~
~☆New Years Special☆~
Chapter 21- Attempts
~♡Valentine's Special♡~
Chapter 22- Who?
Chapter 24- Only For You
Chapter 25- Near demise
Chapter 26- The Unknown
Chapter 27- Insignificance
Chapter 28- Ambivalence
Chapter 29- Evanescence

Chapter 23- Amusement Adventures

4.2K 59 244
By lynncisco

I swear I'm trying to make time for writing, have mercy on me I'm a human aswell who has school, responsibilities and a life too 😩 People my age usually relax and watch series while I'm always busy trying to make videos and produce Zodiac content, again please bare with me I'm ✨trying✨ my best to make time for my beloved book (The 1 year anniversary is coming soon too aaaa 15th May!) Anyways this is a multi pov chapter because I honestly love those :D

Chapter's song:


Taurus' POV

I was extremely excited for today knowing exactly what was going to happen! It was the school's annual trip day, I was quite glad to hearing this even though we'd barely got back from the 4th Galaxy. I never liked learning anyways, another trip sounded fun to me! The only unflattering part in this was that it was only ever going to last for atleast a day, and because of the 4th Galaxy trip we had a few weeks ago it'd meant that we'd have to catch up on school work as all of us had missed it, we'd get atleast 1 more stack of homework thanks to this trip aswell! It disappointed me how I'd never be able to properly enjoy my time whilst having to worry about assignments the next day, tho the fun never lasts and I should've expected it.

Being bored, I eavesdropped earlier on the conversation my older sister had with Mars, it was pretty informative as I knew quite clearly where this trip was was going to take place. Thankfully it wasn't in another foreign Galaxy, I wouldn't want to be stuck inside of a plane with atleast over 200 passengers, I literally had people give me strange looks which where half sympathetic and half out of pure curiousity. It was all thanks to the conversation I had with my classmates ofcourse, the one where I had talked about my low points in life where I mentioned my dear beloved father.

After his death, I was more than devastated, not only had I lost my mother, but my father too. He was my hero and a role model to me, we only ever had each other left so naturally it did hurt when I woke up that one day to be hearing such life changing news. Tho I'm not ungrateful, Opal, also known as Libra's mother had raised tried to raise me as best as she could and I was glad I'd be able to call her my mother even if she wasn't my biological one, she was in my heart.

I sighed to myself, the door opening to reveal my good old brother Libra walking into the room as he looked quite irritated by the looks on his face, he was never one to have a temper either knowing he was 'Mr peace & calm'. Sometimes I wondered how he could even be patient with the people he was surrounded with, if that were to be me in his position I'd be atleast complaining every millisecond about his fanbase.

"What's up brother, why do you look so annoyed today? It isn't like you at all" I raised a brow

"I don't know, let's think about it. I've had to finish off and turn in my maths homework, during the process I kept being interrupted atleast five times being bothered by a few girls. When I finally managed to finish, I sadly happened to bump into Lorelei so you could already imagine what'd happened" He sighed

"You two were flirting with each other, weren't you?" I assumed

"Well.. she was the one encouraging the behaviour. Besides, you already know my unwanted habit of being unable to say 'no' to my fangirls" Libra reasoned

"She's extremely clingy tho, I'd literally need about 10 vomiting bags per day just to erase the image from my head!" I exclaimed

"Hey Taurus! Hey Libra" Pisces cheerfully walked in, immediately lifting up my mood from grossed out to excited as I ran up to him to give him a good old big hug. He was my oldest friend, my bestfriend which I'd totally commit a murder for! He had such an easy-going spirit to him, I could talk to him for days and I still wouldn't get bored from his interesting conversations with me. Not to mention, he was my most loyalest friend to exist ever so yet, he always had my back no matter what situation which I appreciated very much knowing that I had someone to rely on.

"You're way too close to my sister, Pisces" Libra cleared his throat

"Oh sorry, I hadn't realised it myself" Pisces apologised

"Brother I get that you're protective and all but come on, Pi is harmless!" I exclaimed

"It's always the quiet ones that end up having a shocking secret so you wouldn't know what to expect" Libra rolled his eyes

"I'm not suspicious though?" Pisces raised a brow

"Change of topic, we should get going now! We still have a trip to go to" I said in a hurry as I grabbed Pisces' wrist, rushing to get to the registration with Libra calmly walking behind us at a normal pace


"We're here!" I shouted as I burst through the door in speed, excited for this last trip whereas Pisces simply smiled knowing neither of us were late or marked in absent

"Lower down your voice, this isn't a carnival." Miss Nebula coldly glared

"I'm honestly glad we get to atleast have one more trip" Cancer said

"You're glad for extra homework? Pathetic" Gemina commented

"I heard it's an amusement park, am I right?" Gemini asked in curiosity

"Are you psychic or something? Come on don't actually tell me he's right!" Sagittarius complained

"What can I say? I probably am" Gemini smugly replied

"Let me remind you all that he simply could've asked our brother Mercury, therefore he isn't psychic" Virgo pointed out

"Nobody asked." Capricorn stated

"Neither did they ask you!" Virgo glared

"Good for you, I don't give a shit you imperfect, critical, idiotic little witch." Capricorn rolled his eyes

"Ah come on, shut up before you both start another argument! I'm trying to enjoy my day but that clearly can't happen with the pair of two arch-nemesis around" Leo interfered

"They're causing noise pollution!" Sagittarius blurted out

"A- what?" Scorpio asked being confused at the remark

"Oh wait I get it now, they argue so much that it's considered pollution to the soundwaves!" Aquarius exclaimed

"Exactly! I'm a genius aren't I?" Sagittarius over exaggarated

"Yeah definitely, a 'genius' right? I don't think I've ever met one before" Aries sarcastically said

"Isn't Capricorn ranked the smartest of our school?" Scorpio pointed out

"Not for long, Virgo is bound to beat him!" Leo cheered

"Guys let's just leave the topic we don't want this to get any worse, do we?" Libra suggested

"I mean, it's basically Capricorn and Virgo's daily routine now arguing with each other" I shrugged

"We're right here." Capricorn said

"You don't need to turn everything into a negative situation" Virgo scoffed

"Guys I just want to enjoy this last trip before we say hello to schoolwork, is that too much to ask for?!" Gemini complained

"Apparently it is, I've been waiting for atleast 15 minutes and you're all still bickering." Miss Nebula facepalmed

"Wait, why do we even get another trip? We already missed a week worth of education the 4th Galaxy" Cancer questioned

"Because the Light O'strologers apparently had a second prize in store for us, I don't know. If it were up to me I wouldn't have planned this trip at all considering you guys don't deserve it" Miss Nebula muttered

"You forced me to play the pathetic role of the prince." Scorpio grit his teeth

"And I was forced to be a peasant. a slave. the maid! Not even Leo would make me wear such a dull outfit considering all the pranks I've played on her!" Sagittarius argued

"I have no complaints on my role" Libra said

"Because you enjoyed it, you stole my role! I ended up being a ridiculous jester!" Ophiuchus yelled

"First of all, the role was assigned to no one and it practically had my name on it 'Librarian', second of all, you fit the role of the jester perfectly fine, you didn't need to use any skill or anything considering your character already had your personality, Ophiu-shit" Libra laughed

"Pftt remember that toy flute he had to play aswell?!" Aquarius wheezed

"Everyone, just get inside the bus already before I leave you all behind." Miss Nebula glared, shutting everyone up


The seating pairs were: Taurus & Gemini, Sagittarius & Capricorn, Cancer & Libra, Leo & Pisces, Aries & Scorpio, Gemina & Ophiuchus and finally Aquarius & Virgo. It was randomized by miss Nebula to make sure everyone remained silent during the ride

We all were in the bus with our assigned seatmates as miss Nebula didn't trust us into choosing our own, she made sure we went in girl-boy ones aswell which really bummed me out, it wasn't even my brother or Pisces who I sat next to! Tho atleast it got to be a window seat, but that still didn't mean that I'd agree to this at all.

"Sooo I guess you're stuck with me now" Gemini said in an attempt to start a conversation less awkwardly

"Yeah sadly, it honestly sucks! No offence" I pouted

"It's not like I'd want to sit next to you either, I'd rather be plotting my next prank towards Sagi!" Gemini exclaimed. Sagittarius, being behind us, then kicked his chair as if it were a way to say 'Back-off-I-Am-Winning"

"Stop the kicking woman, my back doesn't deserve the abuse!" I complained

"Sorry not sorry! It's just that I'm sat next to the iceberg from titanic and I'm extremely bored" Sagittarius referred to Capricorn

"Could you just shut up for once?" Capricorn said, his hands to his ears as Sagittarius continued chatting with Gemini, practically annoying the entire bus. I decided to take a peak in order to see which pair were infront of us and as I did, I saw a streak of navy blue hair meaning that it must've been Cancer and Libra!

"Pstt! Cancer!" I whispered, having caught her attention as she turned around

"Oh hey Taurus! Sorry I didn't notice you there" Cancer greeted

"I mean, you don't have extra eyes glued to the back of the seat, do you?" I joked

"I'm pretty sure eyes don't work that way" Cancer laughed

"Could you keep it quiet Cancer?! Nobody needs to hear you" Gemina rolled her eyes

"Neither do they need to hear you either" Scorpio blurted out

"Guys, I found a cent in my seat!" Aquarius proudly said

"What? Are you rich now? Let me try myself, I want cents too!" Gemini shouted

"Would you seriously touch that? Think of the bacteria on it!" Leo pointed out

"Exactly! Who knows how long the cent has been inside of that seat" Virgo scowled in disgust

"Money is money, he could simply disinfect the cent and it would be fine" Aries shrugged

"I should totally become a coin collector!" Aquarius grinned in excitement

"Ooo that sounds interesting! Great thinking Aqua" Leo complimented

"She complimented me" Aquarius whispered to himself in awe

"What if he got duplicates of old coins? I don't think it'd have much value because it may be rusty" Pisces asked

"Old coins actually tend to have more value as they wouldn't be very common anymore in society due to it being old and not being produced in our current timeline" Libra reasoned

"Libra I swear are you sure you shouldn't be joining in on the battle between Virgo and Capricorn? You sound so smart, you're practically already a science genius!" Sagittarius exclaimed

"I'm simply using logic and common sense? I mean, yeah science is my favourite subject but I wouldn't want to interfere with Romeo and Juliet over there. Besides I'd probably be the 3rd place, and I'm really not bothered to argue with them, infact I don't even tolerate fights and injustice" Libra stated

"That's why you're considered 'mr peace' apparently. But you made the wise decision to not put yourself into arguing with a dull book all day" Capricorn

"I'm not a book, neither am I dull you worthless piece of money!" Virgo glared

"That makes no sense, money has a lot of worth so therefore you're incorre-"

"Change of topic, are we there yet miss Nebula?" I interrupted Capricorn in order for the peace to restore

"Yeah, I'm getting pretty impatient over here having to just sit here and do nothing other than stare out of a window!" Aries fussed

"Calm yourself down, it's only ever 20 more minutes so I'm sure you'll last" Miss Nebula pointed out

"20 more minutes?!" Aries hissed

"I have to sit next to the reicarnation of the angry red cat for 20 more minutes? Wow." Scorpio nonchalantly replied

"On the bright side, we all get to spend more time together as a class" Pisces said in an attempt to lift up the mood

"I still have that amazing cent I found" Aquarius flexed

"And I still haven't found mine" Gemini mumbled, continuing to atleast try to find something valuable inside of a bus seat with all the luck he had left

"It's just a stupid cent" Ophiuchus rolled his eyes

"It looks cool tho" Cancer said

"Guys I don't think I could bare in this bus anymore, I feel a bit.. iffy" Pisces mumbled

"Here, take a paper bag incase you're iffy to the point you'd consider vomitting" Virgo offered

"Don't worry Pi, it's just a few more minutes and we'll be out soon" I reassured

"It's seriously just a gut feeling, you're all so overdramatic" Ophiuchus sneered

"Agreed" Gemina yawned

"Oo look, an airplane is flying by!" Sagittarius pointed to the window

"It's just doing what it's made to do." Capricorn stated in a matter-of-factly

"Miss, why do I have to sit next to moneymachine over here?! I could've been more sensible next to cloudman Gemini" Sagittarius said

"False. I know very very well what goes on between the two of you, it's always chaos and you both end up making a mess which I'm not willing to clean. And for the partners, I simply randomized them all as I eliminated your bestfriends and enemies which left me to pair you up to people you have no problem with. Sagittarius, you for example, I had always known you were bestfriends with Aries & Gemina, also with Cancer. But I also knew of your hatred for Ophiuchus, and ofcourse as mentioned before, your troublemaking with Gemini. I then gathered up all the information and decided it would've been best for you to not sit next to them, which left us with the classmates you have don't usually communicate with." Miss Nebula explained

"I'm not very good with Pisces though? No offence but I'd do better sitting alone" Leo stated

"How much longer? I want to get out already" Aries whined

"Once again, it's just a few minutes left" Miss Nebula reminded

"I'm being mentally tortured over here." Scorpio said in annoyance

"I think we're actually nearly there, I see the sign of-"

"Axzena's Amusement park!" Sagittarius and Gemini yelled in unision as they interrupted me which caused me to glare at them

"I would've appreciated it if I could finish my sentence" I huffed

"Sorryyyy it's just that we know this place so well, Sagi and I are bound to explore it even further!" Gemini excitedly said

"Unfortunately for you, that's not going to happen." Miss Nebula looked over

"And why may that be?" Pisces raised a brow in confusion

"Because you're all already in groups done by register order" Miss Nebula sighed

"So if I'm correct, which I am, it's Aries, Taurus, Gemini & Gemina as group one.
Cancer, Leo and I as group two. Libra, Scorpio, Ophiuchus and Sagittarius as group three and Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces as group four." Virgo estimated

"It is, tho I'm considering moving Ophiuchus into the last group as I know he'd get picked on by Sagittarius, Libra & Scorpio because they clearly all don't get along with him." Miss Nebula wisely said

"So you'd consider a few truthful insult names 'bullying' apparently? Weak." Scorpio stated

"I mean.. they are pretty insulting" Cancer whispered

"These idiots can't bully me! They're filthy rats themselves I tell you, filthy! I hope most of you rot in hell!" Ophiuchus argued

"Good, I hope you do too." Capricorn said

"Everyone, get into your groups we're here. I'll be handing you all a map for guidance, the cardinal students are the 'leaders' for your little groups I suppose so I trust them to not get you all lost or anything." Miss Nebula informed

"Why can't the fixed students be the leaders for once? It's as if I always get turned down" Leo huffed

"I don't mind you being the leader, you could take my position" Cancer smiled

"Dummkopf. You're so bad at following instructions" Gemina saltily said

"Let's just get going, I want to go on the water rides" Pisces suggested


Gemini's POV

I grumpily walked up to my group, being bummed out that I wasn't with my friends or Sagi-tortoise who'm I could've pranked back today! I had the perfect plan and strategy to play it all out but unfortunately miss Nebula just had to split us apart knowing that we were bound to cause trouble as we hadn't had the chance to do so in such a long time.

I also felt irritated quite by this as I couldn't tease Aquarius about Leo! Libra and I had been talking about it to Aqua for days now as we desperately wanted him to break out of his so-called 'zen bubble' so he'd be able to finally push all the lies away that he'd been spitting out for the past few days and be honest with himself. We knew that Aquarius was a quite.. what was the word for it? Shy? Yes shy. A shy, introverted goofball, he always had been. And because of that he's been hiding his affection for Leo for quite a long time, the guy wouldn't even look at her in the fear that she'd find him creepy!

"Are you done staring at the sky? You're taking too long" Aries pointed out as I immediately snapped out of my daze

"He's honestly always like that" Gemina stated

"Hey! Not all the time" I said in defence

"Hmm whatever, so which ride should we go on first?!" Taurus asked

"The haunted manor. People always claim for it to be scary, so why don't we go see it for ourselves" Aries replied

"None of us are squeamish right? Or fear horror" Gemina crossed her arms

"I don't think so, besides what's the worst that could happen anyways" I said

"Gemini don't jinx it!" Taurus scolded

"Even if something bad eventually did happen, I'd go through it either way, it's not as if it would be the end of the world. If I die, I die." Aries stated

"Loving the fearlessness in that sentence! But I'll be honest I don't wish death upon myself at any cost" Gemina commented

"I wouldn't want to die young either!" I over exaggarated

"The amusement park would get sued anyways which means money" Taurus grinned

The four of us entered the dark manor without any hesitation, bravery being present around us. I slightly flinched as the tall, aged, shallow door closed right behind me, not having had expected the motion it gave. Aries decided to move herself right to the front as she was the one who was mainly looking forward to what this manor had to offer, being the least afraid with Gemina typically being alongside her which was predictable knowing they were bestfriends. Taurus followed them along which left me to wonder around in the back all by myself.

"Look, a skull!" Taurus said being amazed whereas Gemina & Aries went near an old bookshelf

"This isn't scary at all, I expected something much bet-" Aries got interrupted as soon as Gemina pulled a book from the shelf, causing a trap door installed inside of the floor to open up. Taurus, being Taurus, screamed like a lunatic along Gemina who started to rapidly breathe in and out of panic, Aries noticed a candle which she then gently held using it as a source of light to all of us. We were currently underground in the actual manor which looked like no one had ever set foot inside the abandoned place. These people were definitely great at decorating, I thought to myself, I knew wasn't wrong, the place looked incredibly realistic.

"Good luck trying to find the exit' what kind of clue is that supposed to be?!" Gemina read aloud

"A useless one" Taurus chimed in

"This is wicked, I hadn't expected the manor to look so realistic!" I grinned

"It's still not scary, there's going to be ridiculous jumpscares and whatever shit people planned for this manor, it's super predictable" Aries sighed

"Mom look, there's other people! Let's ask them, I bet they'd agree with me!" A teenage blonde haired girl rushed over to us

"Oh shit. Abort everyone, I repeat abort!" I announced

"Hello! I have a very important question to ask, please just listen!" The girl pleaded in desperation

"Go on then" Gemina spoke

"Alright so, I'm 16 right? And I have a boyfriend" The girl started off

"What's your point?" Aries raised a brow

"Well is it okay for a girl my age to have her first kiss?! Because my mother doesn't allow it and I find it so unfair!" The girl stomped in rage

"Xana we've talked about this before, you can't have your first kiss until 18!" Her mother raised her voice

"Uh.. family problems?" Taurus wondered

"That's a stupid reason to argue with your mother about, why would you want to exchange germs with your boyfriend" Aries said in disgust

"I know right!" Gemina scowled

"But people my age already have! Haven't you guys?!" The girl shouted

"Eh.. I have, but it was through a game of spin the bottle" I mumbled, remembering the sleepover everyone had a few months ago

"But I'm not your age! I'm 17" I pointed out

"Well what about the other three?!" The girl asked

"Never have ever kissed anyone gladly in my life before, I'm 17." Gemina proudly said

"Mine was my bestfriend, but it happened by accident. I wouldn't have done it myself if it wasn't for a certain someone pushing him towards me" Taurus sighed

"Mine was also through a pathetic game of spin the bottle. The worst thing was, that it had to be someone I despised so you can't imagine how sickening it felt, I regret every bit of it." Aries muttered

"Enough about this! Listen girl, enjoy life and please go bother someone else. And for the mother, I agree with you but scram off aswell!" Taurus shooed them away

"Who even would ask about such a nasty topic inside of a haunted manor, they're supposed to be scared here and find the exit!" I complained

"Right, she's a weirdo!" Gemina agreed

"She was probably one of those teenagers that had the need to follow society's expectations" Taurus brang up

"I swear, people should be able to do whatever they want, screw society!" I chanted

"It was both the most awkward conversation and question I've ever been asked" Taurus slightly cringed

"Right, even this dead spider agrees with you" Gemina pointed at the decor

"Aww, poor thing! They could've atleast bothered to give them a funeral" Taurus' facial expression changed into a bundle of empathy

"Guys, I found a possible way out" Aries said

"Which is?" Taurus, Gemina and I asked in interest, slowly leaning in for an answer

"You'll see.." Aries sadisticly smiled


"Aries, when you said you were great at 'lock picking' we didn't think you'd just kick the door open and vandalise it!" Taurus yelled

"Lock picking, breaking a door open, same thing" Aries shrugged

"Such an airhead idea" I joked

"Says the one that is apart the Air house, how many times is it that I've been specifically called an airhead? Is it because of my name or something" Aries glared

"Atleast we're out!" Taurus said in positivity

"Let's uh leave before we get caught, we should go to another ride" Gemina suggested as we all nodded in agreement, instantly dashing away from the exit.

Cancer's POV

Leo, Virgo and I had gone on a couple of rides but stopped to visit this adorable mini shop in the middle of the amusement park! I had always loved mini shops, it was so easy to be wanting the entire store as they had such gorgeous little souvenirs in any shape or form, and it was also great to keep as memory from when visiting this place. My eyes trailed to the shining ring with the glinstering red ruby stone on topped, I was drawn to it's beauty for some odd reason, I didn't know why but it had such an affect on me which I definitely liked

"Oo, you should totally get it Cancer! It compliments the red in your outfit" Leo encouraged

"I've read somewhere that ruby was the birth stone for July, I think it would be a great possession for you to keep in honour of your birth month" Virgo said

"Hmm.. I don't know, would it really be worth it?" I questioned

"It would, you can't argue about that with me, I know what's right and what isn't!" Leo smirked

"Alright alright, I'll get it" I agreed

"This makes me want to purchase something with my birth stone in it" Virgo looked over at the jewerelly around her

"What even is your birth stone?" Leo asked

"Sapphire for September" Virgo replied

"Cool! Mine is Peridot since I'm born in August" Leo stated

"I actually own a Peridot necklace, would you like to have it? It's your birth stone afterall" I offered

"Girl you're not kidding around right?" Leo raised a brow

"Ofcourse not! I haven't worn it much either and I feel like it would be a waste for me to keep such a mesmerising necklace in my drawer all day long, so why not give it to someone that does want it?" I smiled

"Ah thank you so much! Hold on I'll pay for your ring with my trustworthy debit card!" Leo exclaimed as she held it out high in the air

"You don't have to, it's honestly fine" I said

"Nah-uh! I'm paying for it, infact Virgo I might aswell pay for your items too while we're at it! I haven't used this baby in a long time now" Leo smirked

"Leo are you sure you'd want to go bankrupt?" Virgo raised a brow

"My debit card never leaves me hanging" Leo flexed

"How many times have you used that thing?" I questioned

"Hmm.. let's think about it.." Leo paused for a minute

"So last Saturday I went with Sun to Galathea's boutique.. then after that we- oh neutron I do use my card a lot!" The realisation hit Leo

"I estimate you go shopping about atleast once a week?" Virgo assumed

"Hmm yeah just about that much, but what can I say? The shops love me! I've practically made friends with all the employees over there" Leo cheerfully said

"That actually sounds pretty fun" I commented

"It is, I get 'special' discounts because of it aswell" Leo grinned

"You've really made yourself comfortable with the shops huh?" Virgo said

"I surely have, it's a great quality to have and it gives me more time to be social! Libra and I usually enjoy our shopping trips because of the people we come across, they've all got such wicked stories!" Leo stated

"Like what?" Virgo raised a brow

"One woman once told us about her encounters with the Nutrea palace's guards, she really gave them a piece of her mind" Leo laughed

"Now that does sound eventful, I personally wouldn't want to have any bad blood with anything related to the queen" I admitted

"Hey Cancer! How has your day been so far?" Pisces greeted as the rest of his group entered

"Quite decent, what about you?" I replied

"Great! Me and the boys have went on so many rides, you should've been there! Tho a bird pooped on Ophiuchus' shoulder" Pisces snickered

"No it didn't!" Ophiuchus stubbornly lied

"It does look like it" Virgo pointed out

"Great, she is here too." Capricorn bitterly said

"Dudes, we should totally go on Splash Canyon again after leaving the shop, or maybe the dodgy cars!" Aquarius suggested

"Yess! That was such an awesome ride, we definitely need to revisit it" Pisces exclaimed

"Oo Aqua, mind if my group joins you guys?" Leo asked

"O-oh uh- Yes! Wait- only if it's ever fine with the others" Aquarius stuttered

(Aqua you poor thing D: Leo istg stop turning his feelings into the first four letters of his name he isn't thirsty or anything, he's completely hydrated 😤)

"We don't mind" Pisces & Ophiuchus said in unison

"As long as that creature doesn't come near me" Capricorn huffed

"I am not a creature and it's not as if I'd want to be near you either" Virgo rolled her eyes

"So uh, did you guys run into anyone else or..?" I questioned

"Oh we definitely did. On our way to this place, Sagittarius, Libra, and Scorpio bumped into us with an insane idea!" Aquarius said

"It couldn't be that bad" Leo shrugged

"It is pretty ridiculous though." Capricorn pointed out

"It kind of.. is?" Pisces hesitated

"It totally is! Those three lunatics are thinking of going on Zodea's highest rollercoaster, Astral apocolypse!" Aquarius screamed

"Lower it down!" Virgo scolded

"I hope all of them fall out and die" Ophiuchus mumbled whereas I glared at him, having heard his words

"Now that's a little rude isn't it, Ophiuchus?" I said, my words clearly towards him

"You're paranoid, I didn't say anything!" He argued

"I kind of want to see how Sagi's group would handle going on the rollercoaster" Virgo muttered

"Well, we could go and see for ourselves?" Leo paused

"But obviously after I pay for you all, chop chop hand those items to me, auntie Leona will deal with it" Leo proudly said

"I forgot that you were called Leona for a second" Pisces mumbled

"I mean I never really use the name much, do I? I'm more comfortable with Leo" She pointed out

"Leona is still a beautiful name though" I smiled

"It surely is, I mean you do you honestly, I don't mind" Virgo said


Sagittarius' POV

Libra, Scorpio and I were all waiting in line to go onto the rollercoaster everyone feared, the rollercoaster everyone always gossiped about: Astral Apocolypse. I had managed to convince both Libra & Scorpio to agree on going inside such a fearful ride, I felt proud of myself that I atleast got two people to try it out alongside me. I already knew Libra would've said 'yes' to it, but I had no idea how I got Scorpio to join in on the adventure.

"This line is sooooo long!" I complained

"Your fault, you were the one that convinced us to even go on this ride" Scorpio pointed out

"It'll all be worth it in the end tho" Libra stated

"Alright true, but I didn't sign up to wait in a line!" I said

"It's simply the price you have to pay." Scorpio mumbled

"Hey hold up, aren't those people over there our classmates or am I just seeing things..?" I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't hallucinating

"No you're right, I see them aswell" Libra pointed

"So do I. Besides, it's quite obvious that it is them, they're at this exact amusement park with us." Scorpio said in a-matter-of-factly

"Are you guys really about to go on Astral Apocolypse?!" Aquarius intervered

"Duh! You didn't need to bring up a whole parade for this, this isn't a festival, neither is it a special moment that should be documented for the aliens on Martia!" I exclaimed

"The aliens on Martia would love to see you screaming your heart out for when you get onto that 5 looped rollercoaster" Gemini smirked

"Could we just already get this done and over with?" Scorpio said in a moody manner

"They're just going to blow our cover, you know we're not even the eligible age to be able to go on Astral Apocolypse, you'd have to atleast be 18 whereas we're only ever 17" Libra pointed out

"We're all going to die one day, why not break the rules anyways" Scorpio muttered

"Yeah that's the spirit! Besides we're only ever 1 year apart from the eligible age and rules were meant to be broken!" I cheered

"You do know Miss Nebula could find out about it any moment" Cancer worriedly said

"We'll just sacrifice Libra!" Gemini exclaimed

"Not again- Gemini I thought you and Aquarius got over it" Libra facepalmed

"Over what?" Leo raised a brow

"Okay guys you could all stop stalling us now, it's nearly our turn on Astral Apocolypse!" I announced

"I don't think so." Miss Nebula intervered

"Should've expected it" Scorpio whispered

"Alright no excuses, yeah yeah we were about to illegally get onto a ride, what's our punishment" I owned up

"Actually it wasn't about that, I really couldn't care less whether you went or not" Miss Nebula stated

"Ouch. That must hurt" Gemini laughed

"Atleast she didn't sike me on my birthday" I playfully glared

"His birthday was on sports day aswell, that really sucks you know." Aries pointed out

"Agreed. But thankfully I wasn't there when it happened so I was spared from the agony" Gemina said

"You should've been there, it was hysterical" Virgo informed

"Alright enough of that, I just wanted to let you all know the bus has came meaning that the trip is over. I expect you all to be hard working tomorrow as you'll be catching up on a lot of work." Miss Nebula announced

"I'm always hardworking so this isn't much of a change to me." Capricorn muttered

"Ah is this what we really get?!" Aquarius complained

"You had the privilige to miss school just for these unnecessary trips, meaning that you have lost quite a lot of learning time academically. We need to keep your education up with the expectations set for your grade & year, therefore you must catch up." Miss Nebula explained

"Back in the bus we go" Taurus turned around

"I'm assuming it's the same seatmates?" Pisces said

"It probably is" Cancer stated

"Well then, in you go." Miss Nebula sighed

And yeah, I'll end it there ✨ it's about 3 AM in the morning where I live but I had to get this finished because I need to urgently carry on working on a video I stopped working on just for this chapter😎

3 more chapters until Leaqua yessss I'm already piecing the scenarios of the confession together in my head lol it's pretty nice in my opinion. Dang this was nearly 6k words, but goodnight I need to go to sleep and happy mother's day!

-Your Sagittarius Friend ♐

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