š‚š€šš“šˆš•š€š“šˆšš†| šƒ.šŒ...

By spxrez

279K 5.6K 9K

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6.6K 125 198
By spxrez

"What if I was asking you to play with me?"

Mariah Miller Pov

"Have we gotten any notices yet, you know from Malfoy and Tom?" I asked Odette, whilst putting my wavy hair back into a loose ponytail.

"No, not yet." She replied, dressing in the last few pieces of her uniform.

Last night was yet again another dream free experience, I could only assume it was due to the fact I was now acting out my fantasies frequently onto both of them.

Roaming my hands all over their bodies as they kissed my flushed skin, making it redder with their lips...

"You alright Mariah? You look um, out of it." Said Oddie, staring at me in bewilderment through the tiny mirror we both shared to get ready.

Lucky there was a spare one after we gifted Dobby one of the mirrors.

Fabricating what was playing through in my mind I excused, "Oh- yeah, all good. Just Going through what I'm doing today."

"Your plans to go looking for room 78?" She giggled, fixing the last bobby pin in her hair in place.

"Do you think I could ask Dobby where it is?" I queried.

"Hm you can try, he's been here for too long not to know something." She shrugged.


And if on cue, like always, there were three little knocks on the door. Precisely the way the elf knocks.

"Come in." I and Oddie both permitted.

The door opened slowly and both of us had to angle our gazes down to look at him.

"So sorry girls but Dobby can't stay for long, just coming to let you know that Odette is needed in t-the kitchens." Spoke the elf, holding loosely on the door frame.

"Thanks, Dobby, I'll go now." Said Odette, coming towards me with her arms open for a quick hug goodbye for the day, "I'll see you later. And remember, don't. Get. Caught." She smiled, exiting the room.

I did a small laugh at her, "I'll try my best."

Dobby turned on his heel to leave along with Odette, "goodbye, Mariah-"

"Dobby wait! Do you know where room 78 is?" I quickly asked just before he walked away.

He turned back around with an expression full of confusion, "Has Mariah gone crazy? There is no such thing as a 'room 78'." Laughed the elf.

How did Dobby not know?

"Are you completely sure?"

"Yes. Dobby is certain."

"Okay..." I started, trying to think faster than I spoke, "Say there was, where would it be?"

"Did Mariah not get a goods night rest?" And he gently shook his head, still smiling from amusement. I caught Oddie giggling behind him. "Well if there was a room 78, Dobby thinks it would most probably be at the top of the manor."

Knowing it could be at the top of the manor was not enough, I needed more details.

"That's great. Anything else?" I encouraged.

He paused for a moment. In thought about it. "Uhh, I suspect it to be on the right side, at the top of the manor as that's the way the door numbers go. Now Dobby should really be going."

Room 78, possibly at the top right-wing of the manor.

"Thank you so much, Dobby!"

I could feel the flesh on my heels dig into the Materials of my shoes as climbed my way to what it felt like the fifth set of stairs.

It was cold and the thin fabric of my maid uniform only did so much justice to the temperature.

There was not much light in the mansion, it had the common theme of dark tones running through the walls, ceilings and decor.

My hope as well as my patients were thinning, there were no signs of this room so far. Was Dobby right, was there no such thing? 

But then I distinctly recalled the tiny piece of yellowy parchment led on the shelf with multiple items attached to it which included the peculiar ropes and Handcuffs.

Just those two things lit the flame to my Curiosity, and when I wanted to know or do something, I was going to do it.

Continuing to wander around the creaky halls, I grew tired of walking for so long. Taking the initiative, I decided to lean on a cracked bit of wall just for a moment.

A cracked bit of wall.

The structure of the corridor/ area that I was in was not immaculately Presented, meaning that wherever I was, which was definitely at the top of the manor, had to be a secret since no one came to attend to it.

I certainly had not been told to clean this part of the manor and Dobby, the person that had been here the longest amount of time, did not know of its existence.

I began connecting the invisible dots,

The brothers both looked somewhat anxious I knew it was a place. The reason why Dobby couldn't have known because they kept it a secret.

So the only people that could know was Malfoy, Riddle and me. If I was keeping a secret like this I would want it tucked away where not a person nor creature could find it or capture a glimpse.

I began to drag the tip of my finger across the ashy surface of the wall to seek out anything abnormal that could give away where the room may be situated.

It was a constant feeling of dust particles and fractures in the bricks, till a bit of metal nipped at my skin. The coldness of it overtaking the chill of the room.

I stopped tracing and Steadied my wrist in that position just in case I was to lose it, I trailed along the object to try and deduce what it could be.

It felt like a handle.

I enveloped my hand around the metal of the handle, and unlike everything else, it felt clean.

It had recently been in use.

Although my hand was trembling from moderate nervousness, I didn't delay in opening it.

The unknowing of what could be in there brought a sense of uneasiness however, my persistent urge to discover what was in there battled out the nerves into something mischievous.

And slowly I began to apply pressure on to the handle, turning it so that it would open and reveal itself.

Now it was unlocked.

The door was now loosed on its hinges, allowing me to creek it open.

A slit of red reflected light peered through the crack of the door, leaving the room that I was in no longer fully submerged in darkness.

The dark tonal colours of the abandoned room I was standing in compared to the subtle red glow of the forbidden 'room 78' gave off a sensual feeling.

I was close, I was so close to finally revealing what was inside...

Then the sensual feeling was quickly replaced by the slight pain of a large hand cloaking around my throat from behind me, and roughy slamming me onto the wall.

The breathing of the person was rugged, but I recognised the touch when their long fingers enclosed around my neck.

It was non-other than Tom Riddle himself.

Once again catching me in the dark and up to no good.

I was trapped on the wall by Riddle, my back stuck to the bricks and my head only having little mobility.

He made sure he was close to me again. In fact, so near to my body that when he scanned my figure, with brown eyes fused with desire, a few strands of his hair would misplace themselves and tickle the top of my forehead. 

The silence, other than breathing,  worked as an excuse to neutralise the anger I perceived Tom had. Slowly calming himself.

Very slowly.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Questioned Riddle, Turning his head to the side slightly and increasing the grip he had on my skin.

A faint laugh naturally fled from my lips as a filler whilst I thought of a justification on why I was sneaking around, "Looking to clean, of course, you didn't set me anything to do." I defended.

The clasp he had around my throat tightened, making my backslide further up the wall.

However, how he was controlling me was calculated, dealt with Precision. How he felt and touched me was just enough to make me crack under the pressure. To give him fragmentations of information, yet not enough for me to fully break into something painful.

Although I could not see them, I didn't need light to know that his eyes were prying all over me. Watching me wither under his oppression of strength by the single use of his five slender fingers lacing around my throat.

Carefully moving his head, Tom slightly moved to the side of my shoulder to enable himself to lightly press his torso onto me. I could feel the beating in his chest.

He moved his face forwards becoming closer to the shell of my ear, letting me listen to the steadying of his breath. I could hear the sound of his lips delicately parting to whisper something to me.

"Do you not notice how bad of a liar you are Mariah?" He mumbled, slowly easing his grip off of my neck, "How that pretty little face of yours goes blush."

I shook my head in response.

Even the way he spoke drove me wild.

"N-no I was not lying. You r-really didn't set me anything to do."

He let out a deep chuckle that shot tingles throughout my body, "Don't you get it?" Riddle began, sliding his palm to the back of my neck and using his thumb to caress the sides of my throat which he had caused mild pain too.

"No. Teach me," I said, arching my back so that the inches dividing our bodies were sealed.

"Every part of you belongs to me. That means for you, my sweet Mariah, that I know when your lying. I've looked at you enough to know." His voice was low yet so clear to hear.

"If you knew I was lying, then why ask?" I said, tilting my head to the side to allow more of the tenderly swipes of his thumb on my neck.

"I was testing to see if you wanted to be a good girl for me. turns out your still just a weak little whore."

Toms other hand slid around the small of my waist, pushing me up further against him. "Well I-I." I started, but I could not form any sentence to reply to that.

Riddle gently lifted my chin to his face with the thumb he was grazing along my throat with. He pulled his head back from the outer lobe of my ear to whisper, "Use your words, love." He tilted my head back so it was stuck against the wall.

"Tell me you were looking for room 78." He encouraged, directing his stare down onto me.

I took a breath. Lifted my eye line up. And confessed, "I was looking for room 78."

The slender finger he had used to keep my chin up for him he dropped, walking away from me. His body tense.

For a moment I stayed on the wall just watching him as he took his few steps, both of his hands curling into fists by his sides. His back facing me.

Lifting my self off of the wall, I took a few steps over to Tom so that I was just behind him.

"Please it can't be that bad I went looking for this room-"

"Shut up." Toms tone was sharp, "How many times..." he began to slowly turn back around.

Folding my arms, I simply replied with, "What?"

Riddle turned back around extending his arm and reaching for a strand of hair that had fallen out of place from my ponytail.

He used his two fingers and intently fiddled with the piece of hair in between his digits before tucking it back behind my ear.

"How many times do I have to spank that ass of yours red, for you to finally listen to me." Spoke Riddle through almost gritted teeth, laying his palm gently in the centre of my breasts.

My mouth hung slightly open by his words, my eyes dropping to where his hand was positioned on my body, "Well I'm not sure, your discipline methods seem to be failing on me." I subtly grinned, bitting lightly on my lower lip in slight arousal.

He began to slowly push me backwards using his palm in the middle of my chest to do so, "I don't like to play games, Mariah. You do as I tell you to." He asserted me, the last of his sentence firm.

I played a sly grin on my lips, "But what if I was asking you to play with me?" I said, raising the pitch of my voice and draping my arms over his shoulders.

I felt Toms's arms swoop underneath my legs, separating them and allowing me to wrap them around his torso.

He pinned my powerless body against an old cabinet, removing my arms from his shoulders to force above my head. Locking my wrists together with the use of his hand.

"I'm going to take you right here right now," Tom told me ruggedly, already nipping his lips aggressively at my neck.

Letting my head fall into the crook of his neck, I breathed, "Take all of me."

Riddle chuckled again digging the backs of my hands into the bricks, "That's my good little whore."

Don't worry no one was robbed, the smut is next chapter.Anywaysss tell my your thoughts! Did you like the length of this chapter or do you prefer them longer?
Make sure to share the story round so that we can grow! Thank you!

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